MIT researchers discover new energy source


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
CNN) -- It's so tiny, you can't see it with the naked eye.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have discovered an energy source that you can see only through a microscope.

The researchers devised a process for generating electricity using nanotechnology. They plan to refine the process in hopes of creating a new environmentally friendly battery, among other products.

It works like this: Researchers used tiny wires, known as carbon nanotubes, to create a powerful wave of energy, according to Michael Strano, and MIT associate professor of chemical engineering. He is also the senior author of a paper on this new phenomenon, published in this week's Nature Materials journal.

After coating these tiny wires with a layer of fuel, Strano said his team generated a so-called thermopower wave and stumbled across a reaction that may eventually be used to power electronics, computers and cell phones.

"This could lead to batteries that are up to 10 times smaller and still have the same power output. In the portable energy and energy conservation arena, we're trying to find power sources that have a smaller profile but hold more energy," Strano told CNN Radio.

MIT researchers discover new energy source -
Carbon nanotubes are to the 21st century, what silicon chips were to the 20th century.
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Considering the weight/power output ratio of these batteries, it can't be far off from electric sports cars that can go over 400 miles.

Time to go green!
We will have solar panels that will be 60-70% efficient, smaller batteries for cars, and best of all, a decentralization of the power supply.
Looks promising. But let's actually see practical application and costs before we jump too far ahead of the cart.
Amazing what man is able to come up with.

Didn't they close down the patent office a hundred years or so ago figuring we'd maxed out on inventions?
You know, my personal belief is that God placed gas and oil in places where we could get to it, which would lead to industry and technology.

We are then supposed to take that technology and industry and advance it to where we can utilize renewable (wind, solar, geothermal, bio-fuel), building on what we've learned from previous inventions.

Oil is a finite resource, weather and the sun aren't.
You know.......take this one step farther.........

Remember a couple of years where a company came out with computers that could hook up to the internet, cost around 250 (laptop) and could be powered by a hand crank (provided)?

Imagine what batteries like this could do, you'd almost be able to recharge your computer or cell phone like you do some of those wind up flashlights.

This could be good.........
Oil is a finite resource, weather and the sun aren't.

I've always wondered if that is entirely accurate.
Isn't there always something constantly fossilizing?
(is that what you mean?)

I mean sure some wells go dry. But last time i checked, we keep discovering new sources. What if the theories on how oil is created are incorrect? What if it self regenerates in the earth?

I mean look at the human body. There are times when we lose blood, but it regenerates after a few days. (Unless we die, of course).

And there should be constant fossilization as well.

I know I'm not an expert in the prossess. Maybe the facts do show that we have a limited supply of oil. I haven't seen all the facts. I readily admit it. I've just heard since i was very young that we have a limited supply. And I am skeptical about accepting premises that I don't know for myself. Especially when the issue is politically charged.

I don't think God gave us this technology to drill, and use oil for no reason. And maybe Biker is right and He did this so we can bridge over to more sustainable energy sources. I don't know. But I can tell you this, I am not worried about us running out of oil before we have an alternative solution, if that day ever comes.
CNN) -- It's so tiny, you can't see it with the naked eye.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have discovered an energy source that you can see only through a microscope.

The researchers devised a process for generating electricity using nanotechnology. They plan to refine the process in hopes of creating a new environmentally friendly battery, among other products.

It works like this: Researchers used tiny wires, known as carbon nanotubes, to create a powerful wave of energy, according to Michael Strano, and MIT associate professor of chemical engineering. He is also the senior author of a paper on this new phenomenon, published in this week's Nature Materials journal.

After coating these tiny wires with a layer of fuel, Strano said his team generated a so-called thermopower wave and stumbled across a reaction that may eventually be used to power electronics, computers and cell phones.

"This could lead to batteries that are up to 10 times smaller and still have the same power output. In the portable energy and energy conservation arena, we're trying to find power sources that have a smaller profile but hold more energy," Strano told CNN Radio.

MIT researchers discover new energy source -

What kind of Fuel are they coating the tubes with.
I've always wondered if that is entirely accurate.
Isn't there always something constantly fossilizing?
(is that what you mean?)

I mean sure some wells go dry. But last time i checked, we keep discovering new sources. What if the theories on how oil is created are incorrect? What if it self regenerates in the earth?

I mean look at the human body. There are times when we lose blood, but it regenerates after a few days. (Unless we die, of course).

And there should be constant fossilization as well.

I know I'm not an expert in the prossess. Maybe the facts do show that we have a limited supply of oil. I haven't seen all the facts. I readily admit it. I've just heard since i was very young that we have a limited supply. And I am skeptical about accepting premises that I don't know for myself. Especially when the issue is politically charged.

I don't think God gave us this technology to drill, and use oil for no reason. And maybe Biker is right and He did this so we can bridge over to more sustainable energy sources. I don't know. But I can tell you this, I am not worried about us running out of oil before we have an alternative solution, if that day ever comes.

Oil does self regenerate in the earth. But it takes a long time. However the hype about how close we are to running out is very over stated. When Obama and the Dems keeps saying we only have 2% of the worlds oil supply. They are refering to Proven Reserves. As in wells being pumped, and or about to be pumped where oil has for sure been discovered.

However what they do not tell you is that estimates of how much Oil we have just in US territory that has yet to be Proven run up to or even beyond how much oil is currently available in the Middle east. Between, Oil, Shale oil, and Natural Gas we have or believe we have more than enough to supply A much larger part of our over all usage ourselves for many years to come. If we just went after it.

Add to that Wind, Solar, Nuclear and developing techs like this one, and yes even Clean coal tech. (our Coal Reserve is MASSIVE) and we could supply ourselves completely easy. IMO
You know.......if we'd spent just half the scientific energy on renewable sources that we've spent advancing drilling technology, well.......

We'd probably have electric flying cars.
You know.......if we'd spent just half the scientific energy on renewable sources that we've spent advancing drilling technology, well.......

We'd probably have electric flying cars.
How much is currently being spent in each of these two sectors?
You know.......if we'd spent just half the scientific energy on renewable sources that we've spent advancing drilling technology, well.......

We'd probably have electric flying cars.

Or we would be back to steam engines.

You doing anything to invest in renewable sources?

And again, how do we know Oil isn't renewable?

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