Mit Romney: "Brave Independent Murican Patriot"


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays

Maybe not so much.

Now why in the world would ol' Mittens jump out in front of this whole Ukrainian mess, to cast doubt on the motivations of the Orange God Emperor?

Couldn't possibly be that one of his butt buddies may well have his tit in the wringer, over the whole Ukrainian influence peddling payola scam....Or could it?

Ladies and gents, I present to you the neocon Bushbot, CIA spook, and Romney flunky, Joseph Cofer Black....Who just coincidentally is/was also a Director for Burisma.

Turns out my bullshit detector is very well tuned...
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Maybe not so much.

Now why in the world would ol' Mittens jump out in front of this whole Ukrainian mess, to cast doubt on the motivations of the Orange God Emperor?

Couldn't possibly be that one of his butt buddies may well have his tit in the wringer over the whole Ukrainian influence peddling payola scam....Or could it?

Ladies and gents, I present to you the neocon Bushbot CIA spook and Romney flunky, Joseph Cofer Black....Who just coincidentally is/was also a Director for Barisma.

Turns out my bullshit detector is very well tuned...

"Completely surprised I'm not," said Master Yoda
He's going to primary Trump and the RINO Swamp will go all in...wanna bet?
Fearful approval dependent American traitor with no balls I find a better characterization.
He's going to primary Trump and the RINO Swamp will go all in...wanna bet?

I don't think so.

The problem Mr. Romney would have in running a presidential campaign is that virtually no one believes he can win, so they will see little point in donating money to it or , even more importantly, working on the effort.

Romney is wealthy, but he isn't Trump-wealthy or Tom Steyer-wealthy, and self-funding such a colossal effort would be cost prohibitive. Particularly as a large part of Romney's wealth is in his IRA. If he takes the money out for this,he would have massive taxes to pay too.
I don't think so.

The problem Mr. Romney would have in running a presidential campaign is that virtually no one believes he can win, so they will see little point in donating money to it or , even more importantly, working on the effort.

Romney is wealthy, but he isn't Trump-wealthy or Tom Steyer-wealthy, and self-funding such a colossal effort would be cost prohibitive. Particularly as a large part of Romney's wealth is in his IRA. If he takes the money out for this,he would have massive taxes to pay too.

Listen, there'd be plenty of money coming from Wall Street to get back in bed with China and keep the border open for cheap, easily intimidated, non-union labor. They're as terrified of Trump as the Rats are and even Mittens could beat any of the miscreant communists they're running. Do you trust the Turtle and the others like him? I don't.
Another globalist republicrat piece of shit.

I'm glad he lost.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other. . . :dunno:

Who gives a shit.

The folks that are really in charge didn't give a shit who won. Obama? Romney? meh. The policies that really matter would have been the same either way.
Trump just lit into the Mormon mutt.... :badgrin:

Trump calls Romney ‘pompous a--’ after criticism for appeals to China, Ukraine

“Somebody please wake up Mitt Romney and tell him that my conversation with the Ukrainian President was a congenial and very appropriate one, and my statement on China pertained to corruption, not politics,” he tweeted. “If Mitt worked this hard on Obama, he could have won. Sadly, he choked!”

“Mitt Romney never knew how to win. He is a pompous ‘a--’ who has been fighting me from the beginning, except when he begged me for my endorsement for his Senate run (I gave it to him), and when he begged me to be Secretary of State (I didn’t give it to him),” he said. He is so bad for R’s!”
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Face it Mitt is a loser, just like Hillary, furious that Americans had rejected their baseless rhetoric and hollow promises. The problem with those two, they are examples of cronyism, personify what the swamp represents, and haven’t come to terms with the fact that Americans have had enough of their song and dance.

Maybe not so much.

Now why in the world would ol' Mittens jump out in front of this whole Ukrainian mess, to cast doubt on the motivations of the Orange God Emperor?

Couldn't possibly be that one of his butt buddies may well have his tit in the wringer, over the whole Ukrainian influence peddling payola scam....Or could it?

Ladies and gents, I present to you the neocon Bushbot, CIA spook, and Romney flunky, Joseph Cofer Black....Who just coincidentally is/was also a Director for Burisma.

Turns out my bullshit detector is very well tuned...

I'd say it's pretty well calibrated.
"Mitt, the pursuit of the difficult makes men strong" - George Romney to his son Mittens
Gee, I wonder where the libeoidals are.

After all, this guy is a REPUBLICAN! former spook for the CIA!, then later worked for BLACKWATER!, and is now embedded in a foreign OIL CORPORATION!

That fearsome foursome would have sent them into a manic tizzy that would have brought the house down not too long ago.

But now....

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