MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

Complete nonsensical post, but typical denier BS.
You have the same reply for every ligit source. But of course, trickle down economics is the only strategy the gop has used for years to preach denialism for their fossil fuel donors.
You idiots are so obvious.
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore...." Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore...." Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC

‘We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.’

In the run-up to the COP23 (as in, the 23rd Conference of the Parties) climate talks taking place in Bonn, the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (EELI) used a quote from German climate policy expert Professor Ottmar Edenhofer of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research to suggest a sinister motive for the United Nations Paris climate deal.

EELI, which backs President Trump’s attempts to withdraw from the deal, wrote that Edenhofer had “affirmed” the Paris agreement, saying in a press release:

Ottmar Edenhofer, a recent co-chair of the U.N.s IPCC Working Group III, affirmed the scheme: “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy…We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”
If you search for the phrase “we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy,” you’ll find it repeated over and over on climate science denial blogs and sympathetic conservative media outlets. The link given by EELI goes to a page that also claims Edenhofer had “spilled the movement’s dirty secret.”

So where did the quote come from, did Edenhofer say it, and was he really admitting a sinister plan to redistribute the world’s wealth?

The quote originates from this 2010 interview, written in German. Have you spotted the first problem?

How could Edenhofer have “affirmed the scheme” from the Paris accord, when the Paris deal didn’t even exist in 2010 (it was only signed in 2015)? It’s OK. You don’t need to answer. By the way, EELI‘s Christopher Horner wasn’t so keen to answer questions about his coal funding in Paris.

All the outlets using the Edenhofer quote have relied on Google Translate to tell them what Edenhofer might have said, as the original interview was in German.

A spokesperson for Edenhofer told me the quote was used “to imply that Prof. Edenhofer ‘admits’ that there is some kind of ‘hidden agenda’ behind climate policy.“

The spokesperson added: “Of course, this is not what he was saying. These quotes are taken out of context to be misused. The devaluation of fossil fuel reserves of course leads in a way to wealth redistribution — but this is rather a consequence of the necessity to stop using fossil fuels, and not the actual goal of climate policy.”

‘We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.’

In the run-up to the COP23 (as in, the 23rd Conference of the Parties) climate talks taking place in Bonn, the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (EELI) used a quote from German climate policy expert Professor Ottmar Edenhofer of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research to suggest a sinister motive for the United Nations Paris climate deal.

EELI, which backs President Trump’s attempts to withdraw from the deal, wrote that Edenhofer had “affirmed” the Paris agreement, saying in a press release:

If you search for the phrase “we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy,” you’ll find it repeated over and over on climate science denial blogs and sympathetic conservative media outlets. The link given by EELI goes to a page that also claims Edenhofer had “spilled the movement’s dirty secret.”

So where did the quote come from, did Edenhofer say it, and was he really admitting a sinister plan to redistribute the world’s wealth?

The quote originates from this 2010 interview, written in German. Have you spotted the first problem?

How could Edenhofer have “affirmed the scheme” from the Paris accord, when the Paris deal didn’t even exist in 2010 (it was only signed in 2015)? It’s OK. You don’t need to answer. By the way, EELI‘s Christopher Horner wasn’t so keen to answer questions about his coal funding in Paris.

All the outlets using the Edenhofer quote have relied on Google Translate to tell them what Edenhofer might have said, as the original interview was in German.

A spokesperson for Edenhofer told me the quote was used “to imply that Prof. Edenhofer ‘admits’ that there is some kind of ‘hidden agenda’ behind climate policy.“

The spokesperson added: “Of course, this is not what he was saying. These quotes are taken out of context to be misused. The devaluation of fossil fuel reserves of course leads in a way to wealth redistribution — but this is rather a consequence of the necessity to stop using fossil fuels, and not the actual goal of climate policy.”
What a pile of crap!

He said it!

That he said it in German is irrelevant (did you spot why that was irrelevant?)

The Cult claims he said it, er, expressing his support of an interplanetary space treaty that didn’t even exist yet so it must be mistranslated from German

The context is missing. If you hold the quote up to the light of a full Moon when the thrush knocks, only then will the missing context be revealed

Nevertheless, he said it.

It’s another “no warming since 1995/ hide the decline/Mann’s Nature trick” reveal

You can ALWAYS ANYTIME shut me the fuck up by posting a controlled experiment that shows how large a temperature increase is caused by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400ppm . You have my word on that
Maybe next time, read the paper you link too hmmmkay?

"Students will compare the temperature increase in two containers – one simulating greenhouse
gases, one without. (NOTE: The plastic wrap is representing carbon dioxide in the model used for the
experiment. Greenhouse gases don’t hold in heat exactly the same way as the plastic wrap, but using
various methods of adding actual carbon dioxide doesn’t produce consistent results in the small scale.
I guess you refuse to post the entire text don’t you ? What a fraud. It clearly states using various methods ( and not the same method) produces varying results….Read the rest. It does produce a relationship between rising temps and CO2.
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AGW has not been going on for thousands of years.

Irrelevant. AGW doesn't say cold weather will disappear in the immediate future.

Generalized to the point of meaninglessness. Global warming is increasing the frequency and severity of severe weather events.

He includes himself here and expects to be trusted. He has not explained why we shouldn't trust anyone else.

It would be more accurate to describe Mr Lindzen as an employee of the ExxonMobil corporation and more generally by the fossil fuel industry.



Richard S. Lindzen is former Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a position he held from 1983 until his retirement in 2013. [3], [76], [77]

Lindzen’s academic interests lie within the topics of “climate, planetary waves, monsoon meteorology, planetary atmospheres, and hydrodynamic instability,” according to his faculty profile at MIT. [3]

Lindzen is a former distinguished senior fellow at the Cato Institute‘s Center for the Study of Science. The Center shut down in 2019, and was no longer affiliated with Lindzen at that time. “It’s unclear when he left Cato, and [Spokeswoman Khristine] Brookes declined to comment on personnel issues,” E&E News reported. [2], [101]

The Cato Institute, a conservative think tank where Lindzen has also published numerous articles and studies, has received at least $125,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998. In his 1995 article, “The Heat Is On,” Ross Gelbspan reported Lindzen charged oil and coal organizations $2,500 per day for his consulting services. [4], [5]

Lindzen has described ExxonMobil as “the only principled oil and gas company I know in the U.S.” [6]

In addition to his position at Cato, Lindzen is listed as an “Expert” with the Heartland Institute, a member of the “Academic Advisory Council” of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), and an advisor to the CO2 Coalition, a group promoting the benefits of atmospheric carbon dioxide. [58], [59], [62]

Fossil Fuel Funding​

As part of a March 2018 legal case between the cities of San Francisco and Oakland and fossil fuel companies, Lindzen was asked by the judge to disclose any connections he had to connected parties. [94]

In response, Lindzen reported that he had received $25,000 per year for his position at the Cato Institute since 2013. He also disclosed $1,500 from the Texas Public Policy Foundation for a “climate science lecture” in 2017, and approximately $30,000 from Peabody Coal in connection to testimony Lindzen gave at a proceeding of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commissions in September 2015. [98]

OK Let's assume that the AGW alarmists are right. If so, then what good does it do for the G20 nations to bankrupt themselves going green while the major polluters of the world China and India do nothing? They contribute more greenhouse gasses and solid waste pollution than all the other major countries put together.
OK Let's assume that the AGW alarmists are right.
They are….stop right there. Not doing anything will bankrupt nations. Wtf do you think is happening to nations totally dependent on purchasing fossil fuels from other nations idiot. They are being bankrupt
I guess you refuse to post the entire text don’t you ? What a fraud. It clearly states using various methods ( and not the same method) produces varying results….Read the rest. It does produce a relationship between rising temps and CO2.
Where are you on the spectrum?

I asked you a SPECIFIC quest and your reply essentially said “yeah, Frank and the Deniers are 100% right, we can’t ever show any warming at these low levels”

Yet you’re claiming victory???
OK Let's assume that the AGW alarmists are right. If so, then what good does it do for the G20 nations to bankrupt themselves going green while the major polluters of the world China and India do nothing? They contribute more greenhouse gasses and solid waste pollution than all the other major countries put together.
What good does it do for you to obey the laws against murder, rape and robbery when others are doing it? What good does it to you to work hard to support your spouse and children? Leave 'em. Lot's of other people do. What good does it do you to only use a toilet to relieve yourself? The animals just go where ever they're standing. You can too.
Where are you on the spectrum?

I asked you a SPECIFIC quest and your reply essentially said “yeah, Frank and the Deniers are 100% right, we can’t ever show any warming at these low levels”

Yet you’re claiming victory???
And you’re now conflating. That post was a rebottle AGW was not being taught in schools.

You’re making up shit. You want actual numbers, go to nasa web site.
Direct quotes from IPCC 3 co-author

Try again

Are you off your meds?
Geesus, you can’t read for understanding can you ?

He is absolutely RIGHT.
Where is the wealth now….in those countries producing and sellin* fossil fuels.

“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy…We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”

ABSOLUTELY….It’s about wealth and investments. And those who invest in renewables and get a way from fossil fuel dependents, will be wealthier for it.
geesus, we’re investing in renewables HERE, to maintain our position as the wealthiest nation of the world. Our production in petro and nat gas WILL NOT BE. a good source for long term wealth. It will be in selling access to renewable energy.
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Geesus, you can’t read for understanding can you ?

He is absolutely RIGHT.
Where is the wealth now….in those countries producing and sellin* fossil fuels.

“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy…We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”

ABSOLUTELY….It’s about wealth and investments. And those who invest in renewables and get a way from fossil fuel dependents, will be wealthier for it.
geesus, we’re investing in renewables HERE, to maintain our position as the wealthiest nation of the world. Our production in petro and nat gas WILL NOT BE. a good source for long term wealth. It will be in selling access to renewable energy.
That’s exactly why we have an issue with it! IPCC is using models and frauds to drive people away from “fossil fuels”!
That’s exactly why we have an issue with it! IPCC is using models and frauds to drive people away from “fossil fuels”!
As well it should. You are somehow convinced that pollution and increased diseases and uncontrolled migration are good and clean air, water and maintaining good health controlled immigration is bad. Amazing. You seem also convinced that supporting oil rich dictators who trample on personal freedom is good, and giving everyone in the world a cheaper access to energy is bad. You guys are knuckle heads. I bet you were just as mad when we went off whale oil.
So isn’t a university full of individuals? Name one doing any study
Exactly less informed. No “one” doing a study is reliable. And when I come down with cancer or want the best answers for ANYTHING or doing a study , I go to an institution with multiple sources of intellect and consensus on my cancer or solution to that strange noise in my car and not just one OPINION. You’re ignorant to argue for anything else. So, you’re smarter then Harvard ? Hilarious.

You deniers are all alike… lie to yourselves.
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quest and your reply essentially said
So you actually put a made up statement IN QUOTES. That’s making up shit of-the first order. Use different punctuation if you’re going to pretend for someone else…..<> Maybe these.
Just google that statement verbatim and watch the plethora of ligit responses......
Dumbo, just don't let your floppy ears get in the way.
This is from the World Economic Forum
View attachment 743531


2000 years? That doesn't prove your claim.......

the rate of change which is greater during the industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.

Try again?

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