MIT Scientist Debunks Global Warming Hysteria

Asking aeronautical engineers about meteorology? ... even uneducated construction laborers know better than that ... that's called "appealing to authority" and it's considered a logical flaw ...
Asking aeronautical engineers about meteorology? ... even uneducated construction laborers know better than that ... that's called "appealing to authority" and it's considered a logical flaw ...
If an aeronautical engineer is the authority one uses for a question about meteorology, it is a logical flaw. If one uses an meterological expert as an authority, it is not.
Post a Harvard climate scientist name!

Ha ha .
A Harvard scientist name ? . Wtf does that mean ? You have no idea do you ?
Studies commissioned by Harvard in any field may include researchers from other ‘institutes” that associate with Harvard in that particular study. Hence the term “associate”.

That’s the first sign that you’re totally science illiterate.
Harvard is the consensus backing, not some other singular dead illiterate with a degree from Harvard in philosophy. A legitimate article may have a bibliography with dozens of researchers contributing to the article’s findings.......and you want a Harvard scientist’s name ? You’re out of your league. Seriously, did you ever attend an institute of higher learning except to use the rest room ?
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Cool, post their data!!
“Data” the deniers favorite expression. Really, you deniers are notoriously ignorant of data interpretation. That’s why a consensus study is necessary for science illiterates like you can’t make up irrelevant shit about any so called “data.”
You don't have an accredited web site that proves your claim?

I'm shocked!!!
Sure....AAAS website, NASA, Harvard and 3400 other institutes. They all have websites. You can ask any serious question you want right from the website. Of course you’ll have to use English and spell the science related terms correctly.
Post a Harvard climate scientist name!
Do you better... go to the IPCC website.
“The most comprehensive and in-depth global reports are produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which released its Sixth Assessment Report (opens in new tab) on the science of climate change in 2021.”
Sure....AAAS website, NASA, Harvard and 3400 other institutes. They all have websites. You can ask any serious question you want right from the website. Of course you’ll have to use English and spell the science related terms correctly.


Let me know when they back your claim.....

the rate of change which is greater during the industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.
Use calculus ... and integrate over time ... gives work performed ... currently, this is positive ... if you want to start at 0.01ºC ... then I can say truthful that the next jump will be less, and each jump thereafter, until we reach a "limit" of ≈ 3ºC ... we're actually measuring a 1ºC rise due to all causes ... you way just takes longer ...
How about use a fucking thermometer and control for CO2 in a laboratory?
Do you better... go to the IPCC website.
“The most comprehensive and in-depth global reports are produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which released its Sixth Assessment Report (opens in new tab) on the science of climate change in 2021.”
IPCC? You mean the we redistribute wealth by climate change IPCC?
IPCC? You mean the we redistribute wealth by climate change IPCC?
Complete nonsensical post, but typical denier BS.
You have the same reply for every ligit source. But of course, trickle down economics is the only strategy the gop has used for years to preach denialism for their fossil fuel donors.
You idiots are so obvious.

Let me know when they back your claim.....

the rate of change which is greater during the industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.
Just google that statement verbatim and watch the plethora of ligit responses......
Dumbo, just don't let your floppy ears get in the way.
This is from the World Economic Forum
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Maybe next time, read the paper you link too hmmmkay?

"Students will compare the temperature increase in two containers – one simulating greenhouse
gases, one without. (NOTE: The plastic wrap is representing carbon dioxide in the model used for the
experiment. Greenhouse gases don’t hold in heat exactly the same way as the plastic wrap, but using
various methods of adding actual carbon dioxide doesn’t produce consistent results in the small scale.
Do you better... go to the IPCC website.
“The most comprehensive and in-depth global reports are produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which released its Sixth Assessment Report (opens in new tab) on the science of climate change in 2021.”

The IPCC does not allow for opposing opinions ... which is strictly political .. not science ... all repututable science journals have room for these opinions called "letters to the editor" ... you're not educated enough to read the science literature so you may not know this ...

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