Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

There is a difference between the government enslaving workers and calling it a union

Nobody who works for the government is under enslavement as they are free to seek different employment at any time of their choosing. Any other lies you'd like to grace us with today?

But the problem is once they get there...they think they are entitled over all/everyone else...It's the ultimate conceit...and frustrating arrogance of them that the public is so fed up with.

Yup. It's tragic.
Nobody who works for the government is under enslavement as they are free to seek different employment at any time of their choosing. Any other lies you'd like to grace us with today?

But the problem is once they get there...they think they are entitled over all/everyone else...It's the ultimate conceit...and frustrating arrogance of them that the public is so fed up with.

Yup. It's tragic.

The tragedy is that your kind of ignorance is contagious.
But the problem is once they get there...they think they are entitled over all/everyone else...It's the ultimate conceit...and frustrating arrogance of them that the public is so fed up with.

Yup. It's tragic.

The tragedy is that your kind of ignorance is contagious.

You Government Entitlement hounds crack me up. Yes, you're all being dragged off and forced to work as slaves for the Government. You guys have become such kooks. You are not forced to work for the Government. :cuckoo:
Yup. It's tragic.

The tragedy is that your kind of ignorance is contagious.

You Government Entitlement hounds crack me up. Yes, you're all being dragged off and forced to work as slaves for the Government. You guys have become such kooks. You are not forced to work for the Government. :cuckoo:

Dude, learn to read. You brought up two past examples of the government becoming the sole labor union in another country by force and destroying the independent voice of the worker, I basically said that it does not apply here and you took took it to mean that it somehow does apply here in some way. Do not attack me when your lack of understanding is your own problem.
Yup. It's tragic.

The tragedy is that your kind of ignorance is contagious.

You Government Entitlement hounds crack me up. Yes, you're all being dragged off and forced to work as slaves for the Government. You guys have become such kooks. You are not forced to work for the Government. :cuckoo:

No they're not. Maybe they're afraid of the REAL WORLD that pays thier overbloated saleries? They belive they're a protected class just because they work for us...but by the same token forget that WE can revoke thier employment as well.

Ronald Reagan proved it with the ATC strike. They aren't a protected class nor should they ever be.
The tragedy is that your kind of ignorance is contagious.

You Government Entitlement hounds crack me up. Yes, you're all being dragged off and forced to work as slaves for the Government. You guys have become such kooks. You are not forced to work for the Government. :cuckoo:

Dude, learn to read. You brought up two past examples of the government becoming the sole labor union in another country by force and destroying the independent voice of the worker, I basically said that it does not apply here and you took took it to mean that it somehow does apply here in some way. Do not attack me when your lack of understanding is your own problem.

Most of the original Union organizers in this country were proud self-avowed Socialists/Communists. That's just the reality. It is what it is.
You Government Entitlement hounds crack me up. Yes, you're all being dragged off and forced to work as slaves for the Government. You guys have become such kooks. You are not forced to work for the Government. :cuckoo:

Dude, learn to read. You brought up two past examples of the government becoming the sole labor union in another country by force and destroying the independent voice of the worker, I basically said that it does not apply here and you took took it to mean that it somehow does apply here in some way. Do not attack me when your lack of understanding is your own problem.

Most of the original Union organizers in this country were proud self-avowed Socialists/Communists. That's just the reality. It is what it is.
James R. Hoffa was one of them.
You Government Entitlement hounds crack me up. Yes, you're all being dragged off and forced to work as slaves for the Government. You guys have become such kooks. You are not forced to work for the Government. :cuckoo:

Dude, learn to read. You brought up two past examples of the government becoming the sole labor union in another country by force and destroying the independent voice of the worker, I basically said that it does not apply here and you took took it to mean that it somehow does apply here in some way. Do not attack me when your lack of understanding is your own problem.

Most of the original Union organizers in this country were proud self-avowed Socialists/Communists. That's just the reality. It is what it is.

No, that would be "it was what it was" even if it was correct. The unashamed socialist labor leaders of yesteryear are long, long gone, purged from the ranks of American labor unions early on.
My question is the stated purpose of unions from liberals is to give the little guy a voice against the evil corporation, so why do we have public unions in the first place?
My question is the stated purpose of unions from liberals is to give the little guy a voice against the evil corporation, so why do we have public unions in the first place?

Especially when NO ONE forces one to take a job.

Unions have outlived thier usefulness and have instead submitted to GREED.
Joining a union is a right.

I have to ask, how much poorer will the American working class have to get for a consensus of conservatives will say,

"okay, that's enough, we're happy now...."
There is a difference between the government enslaving workers and calling it a union and a real independent labor union.

Slavery doesn't exist in the USA.

Oh good god almighty! Paulbot made a stupid comment regarding the soviets , I made a distinction, and I am the one being stupid? There are actually some big differences between a state teacher's union and the Soviet Union. In Soviet Russia your job owns you.
My question is the stated purpose of unions from liberals is to give the little guy a voice against the evil corporation, so why do we have public unions in the first place?

Yes, they've abused the little guy Taxpayer for many many years. They're no 'good guy.' They're just another villain.
My question is the stated purpose of unions from liberals is to give the little guy a voice against the evil corporation, so why do we have public unions in the first place?

The purpose of a public sector union is to be a representative body for public sector workers that negotiates a contractual agreement with the employers in all relevant work related matters.
I've never understood why somebody would want a union to negotiate their salary for them.
Suppose I produce $80 per hour of benefit for my employer. Suppose that Bob, Sally and Jim have the exact same job as me, but they can only produce $50 per hour of benefit because they are not nearly as effective and efficient as me. Why should I let the union negotiate a "fair salary" for all of us that equals $45 per hour? I'm worth more than that. The union just devalued me and my abilities. Screw that. I want to negotiate $75 an hour as my salary since I'm producing $80 worth of value. Let Bob, Sally and Jim negotiate their own salary based upon their value and contribution to the employer.

I work for a non-union Fortune 500 company. About a year ago I was promoted. As part of my negotiation for my new position, I demanded an additional week of vacation. Time off is is important to me, somebody else taking the same position might feel that a higher salary was more important to them than time off. With a union, neither of us would have the flexibility to negotiate time off vs salary. A union is a one size fits all kinda program. I don't want some other asshole determining what is "in my best interest".

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