Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Mitch The Bitch needs to have an accident...maybe some concrete poisoning.. I hear it's going around..
Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Mitch The Bitch needs to have an accident...maybe some concrete poisoning.. I hear it's going around..

Threatening violence Diaper Boy?
Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Mitch The Bitch needs to have an accident...maybe some concrete poisoning.. I hear it's going around..

^^ the essence of an open mind

BTW, he has served my state well. He accomplished what we set out to do in 1976 when we elected Richard Lugar for the first time
And I totally agree with 100 percent!
About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't support them in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.

Daniels said that vote should send a message about the problems with public-sector unions.

"I think the message is that, first of all, voters are seeing the fundamental unfairness of government becoming its own special interest group, sitting on both sides of the table," he said.

After Walker victory, Indiana governor suggests public unions should go | Fox News
The mutual backscratching party between Government sector Unions and the Democrat Party is coming to an end. The taxpayers are onto the scam. Who will the Dems buy off next?
First responders need their unions. They need special advocacy due to the risks they face on the job and the split-second nature of the some of the decisions they are forced to make, decisions which members of the public critique from the safety of their armchairs and for which calculating politicians will throw them under the bus.

I think citizens KNOW thier importence and will advocate good pay for them. They DON'T need Union's idiots speaking for them.

I'm thinking of the individuals. Citizens quickly turn into internet mobs and mayors and police chiefs will throw individuals under the bus to save their jobs.

Then morale will suck and decision making will suffer.

Cops benefit from having union advocates when the bigwigs are looking for someone to blame. And we benefit from having cops who aren't afraid to make decisions in the heat of the moment.

I also don't have that much faith in citizens paying firefighters and police officers adequately - look at the firefighters down in Texas who had to buy their own equipment because of gov't irresponsibility - but that's a different subject from my main union-related concern.
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About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't support them in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.

Daniels said that vote should send a message about the problems with public-sector unions.

"I think the message is that, first of all, voters are seeing the fundamental unfairness of government becoming its own special interest group, sitting on both sides of the table," he said.

After Walker victory, Indiana governor suggests public unions should go | Fox News

Just curious; do you think all of the middle managers at these public facilities should be abolished too or just unionized front line workers who may deal with the public?
Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Mitch The Bitch needs to have an accident...maybe some concrete poisoning.. I hear it's going around..

^^ the essence of an open mind

BTW, he has served my state well. He accomplished what we set out to do in 1976 when we elected Richard Lugar for the first time

He has not served the country well. He is a traitor to democracy. He is one of the whiniest mealy mouthed bitches in government. He has been in a position to help lead this country away from the brink of economic disaster and he turned away from his country every time. Piss on Mitch Daniels and piss on anyone that voted for him.

I hope I'm being clear.

Would I commit violence against your little bitchy Mitchy? If he was standing before me right now I would take a baseball bat and break every bone in his worthless body. Is that also clear? Going to prison for fucking him up would be a fair and patriotic trade. That would be doing more good for the country in less than a minute what he has failed to do in all his time in government.

I sure hope I'm being clear. You people are pretty stupid. I wouldn't want you to misunderstand me.

PS.. Many of the citizens in this nation feel likewise about your smarmy little weasle.
The mutual backscratching party between Government sector Unions and the Democrat Party is coming to an end. The taxpayers are onto the scam. Who will the Dems buy off next?

When government/public service becomes the least rewarding and insecure job there is, like working at the 7/11, republicans will finally get the dysfunctional government they think we have now.
Here's the quote from Mitch Daniels in the Chris Wallace interview that grabbed my attention:

So, as you know, private sector membership is under 7 percent now and that can't be blamed on Scott Walker or frankly anyone else in public life. Again, on the government side, honest people can differ. But I think there is a fundamental problem with government becoming its own special interest groups, force dues, recycle in politics to elect compliant and friendly politicians in an unending circle.

And ultimately, there is not really bargaining in those situations, because government sits on both sides of the table.

Read more: Gov. Mitch Daniels talks public employee unions; is Big Labor losing its clout? - Interviews - Fox News Sunday - Fox News

NOTE: This picks up the interview on page two to the quote I pulled out.
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About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't support them in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.

Daniels said that vote should send a message about the problems with public-sector unions.

"I think the message is that, first of all, voters are seeing the fundamental unfairness of government becoming its own special interest group, sitting on both sides of the table," he said.

After Walker victory, Indiana governor suggests public unions should go | Fox News

Just curious; do you think all of the middle managers at these public facilities should be abolished too or just unionized front line workers who may deal with the public?

Your question doesn't make sense.
About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't support them in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

Just curious; do you think all of the middle managers at these public facilities should be abolished too or just unionized front line workers who may deal with the public?

Your question doesn't make sense.

Okay...nice talking to you.
"When government/public service becomes the least rewarding and insecure job there is, like working at the 7/11, republicans will finally get the dysfunctional government they think we have now. "

While I wouldnt go that far, the average cop/snowplowdriver/teacher needs to be laid off. New ones need to be hired at about $20,000 a year. Those people are villains. Those dang kindergarten and high school history teachers. They are the reason for the ENTIRE fiscal crisis. Take their money and GIVE it WILLINGLY to the corporate donors. I will write my check to the biggest corporation in my state as they are entitled to take my tax dollars rather than my neighbor who teaches 2nd grade. 2nd grade teachers are the scurge of society. Ask the tea party.
"When government/public service becomes the least rewarding and insecure job there is, like working at the 7/11, republicans will finally get the dysfunctional government they think we have now. "

While I wouldnt go that far, the average cop/snowplowdriver/teacher needs to be laid off. New ones need to be hired at about $20,000 a year. Those people are villains. Those dang kindergarten and high school history teachers. They are the reason for the ENTIRE fiscal crisis. Take their money and GIVE it WILLINGLY to the corporate donors. I will write my check to the biggest corporation in my state as they are entitled to take my tax dollars rather than my neighbor who teaches 2nd grade. 2nd grade teachers are the scurge of society. Ask the tea party.

Thorazine drip out?
"Thorazine drip out?"

Just out stating the truth. Sorry for that. My daughter makes $34,000 a year teaching 2nd grade. She works in a public school. She is a bastard. I shall tell her that in your name. Dang her. Kill her firstborn right? You said it.
When government/public service becomes the least rewarding and insecure job there is, like working at the 7/11, republicans will finally get the dysfunctional government they think we have now.

I worked at 7/11 while in college. It was secure and rewarding but not unionized.
You poor suckers on the right who have let the rich and powerful, the money interests, the corporate interests, convince you that your enemy is the guy who picks up your garbage because his union got him some affordable healthcare and some money when he retires.

Very sad.

Appeal to idiocy

Very sad.

You don't think the rich have their own special interests that conflict with those of the not-rich?

Are you that stupid?

Do you really think your life will be better when teachers, policemen, firefighters, municipal workers, etc., etc., etc., are all poorer?

How will your life get better? Seriously.
Conservatives want to take away the right of working people merely to form an organization and choose representatives to be delegated to negotiate a contract with their employers,

and they dare call us Liberals the ones who want to destroy 'liberty'.
Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Mitch The Bitch needs to have an accident...maybe some concrete poisoning.. I hear it's going around..

Mitch Daniels worked for Bush on BUDGET matters. I fail to see how a man that incompetent in his own supposed area of expertise would merit being listened to on any other matters.

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