Mitch McConnell Realizes IRS Scandal Is Over

You don't know SHIT. You are the one posting about a subject you so clearly know DICK about. Keep posting you are only demonstrationing your hopeless ignorance.

Flail on, faila'.


I'm not going to spoon feed you information. You are woefully uninformed on a subject that you keep posting about.

All you have accomplished is demonstrating for everyone that you are a fucking moron.

I've posted a lot about the non-issue and several axioms thereof.

You've posted nothing but insults.


My guess is that you realize how dumb you look, and you're getting very frustrated.

It's Ok. The sun will set tonight and rise again tomorrow. Barack will be your POTUS until 2017. This non-issue will march into the dustbin of history but life will go on.
"Mitch McConnell delivered a speech today at the American Enterprise Institute to officially signal that the IRS scandal has entered its post-fact phase.

Facts always get in the way of a conservative witch hunt!

When the IRS first revealed that its Cincinnati office had attempted to enforce its nonprofit laws using a search function that disproportionately impacted conservatives, Republicans were certain it must have come from the White House.
Witch hunting is all the GOP have, in hopes of winning the White House Again this century.

Until it does not lead to Obama, then they make up their own.

OMG! the cons will have to come up with some new lies.

That was the conclusion of the agency’s inspector-general report, as well as the House Oversight Committee’s own interviews, which the Republican majority tried to suppress and which (when the Democrats released them)

So according to the GOP in the House and Senate, EVERYONE is lying except THEM.

showed the operation was an independent, well-intentioned effort to enforce the law led by an IRS official who happens to be a conservative Republican.

The Obama IRS scandal retreats to the fever swamps

The CONS will no doubt keep beating the dead horse and become even more marginalized.

maybe they will waste another day voting to repeal Obamacare.
That is always an effective way to show they care.

omg, you really are a government tool...they love people like you to make excuses for them to do anything they want to the people in this country..You posts are so whiny..
There is literally no limit to what people like yourself will rationalize and justify. Every bullshit conspiracy theory and vicious attack on the previous administration was just that, bullshit.

The ATF providing thousands of assault weapons to murderous drug cartels in Mexico--no one held responsible and you made every excuse you could.

The IRS harassing religious and political organizations opposed to the president--justify and rationalize.

The NSA program of warrantless wiretaps, that the left said was so important to them--now it is okay.

Obama is a liar through and through. From his autobiography, tainted with racist fabrications, to Benghazi, in which the facts of the case were purposely withheld and altered--this man is simply incapable of telling the truth.

And mindless parrots like yourself are simply incapable of objective criticism of a politician, which says a lot about you.

That is the kind of made up shit that proves my point.

Also, what is made up?

I'll gladly provide links for every single sentence. I know you probably are unaware of many of it, relying on MSNBC and leftist blogs will have that effect.

Okay, give me that big list of of 'every excuse' I made about Fast and Furious.
You don't know SHIT. You are the one posting about a subject you so clearly know DICK about. Keep posting you are only demonstrationing your hopeless ignorance.

Flail on, faila'.


I'm not going to spoon feed you information. You are woefully uninformed on a subject that you keep posting about.

All you have accomplished is demonstrating for everyone that you are a fucking moron.

You are assuming that they care about being "uninformed". They don't...and they don't want you to be informed either. They just want to shut down all discussions on the subject.
Listen to yourself. The reality of the misdeed sits right in front of your face, but you cannot accept the fact that it happened. You seem to think that your party is above and beyond reproach! If it were a Republican administration who perpetrated the targeting of Liberal 501 (c)(4) groups, you would raise hell and high water to make sure someone was punished!

What seems to escape your limited intellect is the fact that it's wrong when the government does it to anyone! People like you are so fucking thickheaded, so blind to the bigger picture. Go ahead and continue swallowing that demagoguery that your party feeds you, if it shields you from the facts of the matter. But as for myself, I will choose intellectual freedom over political slavery.

They've traced it to a Republican Conservative. I have no problem starting with holding him accountable, up to and including criminally if appropriate.


That has been debunked.

Issa: Cincinnati IRS employees say direction came from Washington ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I find your lack of research skills to be disturbing.

We've already found out since then that the "testimony" released at the time was out-of-context bullshit.

IOW, fail.
Do you believe someone should be held accountable for what the IRS did?

They didn't "DO" _ANYTHING_, except their job.

Why is the FBI and Justice Department conducting criminal investigations?

Are you really this hopelessly filled with contempt and partisanship?

Because that’s what the FBI and Justice do: conduct criminal investigations. That doesn’t necessarily mean a ‘crime’ has been committed, and these investigations are more often than not conducted to indeed confirm no crime has been committed involving government agencies.

As for your second paragraph, that could be just as well asked of you and other partisan rightists.
Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"

Likening conservative groups* to lawbreakers isn't going to get it.

Try again.

*Conservative groups that were trying to attain a status for which they did not qualify.

I don't know if it's illegal to knowingly apply for fraudulent tax-exemptions in this capacity. I imagine it actually is. But since it's a sticking point for you, let's say it's not.

Goofy looking guys in tri-cornered hats have been hanging out outside of the convenient store, handing out flyers and yammering about how much they hate Obama, making customers uncomfortable but not breaking any laws. As the owner of the convenient store, you have a heightened awareness about goofy looking guys in tri-cornered hats and you ask them to leave. "Profiling?"

Or, OR, Black Panthers handing out black literature. Same scenario. "Profiling?"

Catering to your prejudices is not following the law. I know you are confused about this, but trust me, it's true.

Your premise is that conservative groups were somehow breaking the law by applying for tax-exempt status, or that they are somehow different from other groups applying for the same status, or they are somehow more apt to break the law.

In other words, you are guilty of the same things as the IRS.

You, too, should admit you are wrong and apologize.
I'm curious. No one has been held responsible for the actions of the IRS, which we all know you don't believe is even newsworthy, but do you really believe no one should be held accountable?

Not one person was held responsible for Fast and Furious, and when the congressional investigation got close to who actually authorized the program the WH concealed the incriminating documents under Executive Privilege--breaking another Obama promise.

What do you have against holding people responsible for illegal actions?

If the scandal is over why are there over FOUR investigations still on going, one a Justice Department criminal investigation?

Why is it so difficult for you to ever admit incompetency of your beloved politician?

Have you forgotten that you're one of the posters who openly admitted to believing that President Obama was guilty until proven innocent on this matter?

Why don't retract that statement, apologize to all of us for subjecting us to that kind of woeful stupidity,

and then, perhaps, the conversation could resume at the sane, adult level where it belongs.

Talk about making things up. Provide me the post where I said Obama is guilty until proven innocent on this matter?

That was Kormac, not you. Consider that temporarily retracted. If you would like to confirm your view and erase all doubt,
state for the record that

the President is innocent until proven guilty.
Likening conservative groups* to lawbreakers isn't going to get it.

Try again.

*Conservative groups that were trying to attain a status for which they did not qualify.

I don't know if it's illegal to knowingly apply for fraudulent tax-exemptions in this capacity. I imagine it actually is. But since it's a sticking point for you, let's say it's not.

Goofy looking guys in tri-cornered hats have been hanging out outside of the convenient store, handing out flyers and yammering about how much they hate Obama, making customers uncomfortable but not breaking any laws. As the owner of the convenient store, you have a heightened awareness about goofy looking guys in tri-cornered hats and you ask them to leave. "Profiling?"

Or, OR, Black Panthers handing out black literature. Same scenario. "Profiling?"

Catering to your prejudices is not following the law. I know you are confused about this, but trust me, it's true.

Your premise is that conservative groups were somehow breaking the law by applying for tax-exempt status, or that they are somehow different from other groups applying for the same status, or they are somehow more apt to break the law.

In other words, you are guilty of the same things as the IRS.

You, too, should admit you are wrong and apologize.

I'm not wrong.

Their job was to evaluate applications; and they were inundated with a swath of them that were ineligible. A lot of them happened to contain certain search terms. In this case it was the tri-cornered hat crowd. Had it been a different crowd, different search terms would have been used.

Same as a lot of accidents between exits 312 and 298 of the 76. The Staties are going to focus their attentions there; Meanwhile, west of 298 speeders are getting off scott free. It might be unfair to someone who is a safe driver and commutes from 312 to 298, but too bad. If you're not speeding, you've got nothing to worry about.

End of story.

edit: Do you understand what I'm saying at all? They WERE in fact ineligible. It's not that ELIGIBLE entities got sucked into an unfair shitstorm of prejudice.
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well Obama saying he is outraged over the Irs but yet he should of known there was no scandal to begin with..

how damn funny is that...Does Obama ever have a clue about what the hell is going on in his administration?
What's upsetting is that you endorse the incumbent government criminally attacking their political opponents like we're living in a third world banana republic, but I guess that's not surprising since turning us into one of those is the ultimate goal of you folks anyway.

And that's not what happened.

As was bore out in Issa's witch hunt.

Your reaction tells me a lot. You're afraid. Your repeated denials tell me you don't want this to be true, when the facts keep coming in. Obama called a session with his Public Advisory Council to address the growing public outrage over the IRS and NSA. And you sit there calling this a witch hunt?

Obamabots deny anything that casts him in a negative light. They're a cult.
Oh well who cares? they shouldn't be held accountably for anything, they are just doing their job


Report: IRS Sent $46M In Refunds To 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens At One Atlanta Address

( - The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

That was not the only Atlanta address theoretically occupied by thousands of “unauthorized” alien workers receiving millions in federal tax refunds in 2011. In fact, according to a TIGTA audit report published last year, four of the top ten addresses to which the IRS sent thousands of tax refunds to “unauthorized” aliens were in Atlanta.

The IRS sent 11,284 refunds worth a combined $2,164,976 to unauthorized alien workers at a second Atlanta address; 3,608 worth $2,691,448 to a third; and 2,386 worth $1,232,943 to a fourth.

Read more: Report: IRS Sent $46M In Refunds To 23,994 ?Unauthorized? Aliens At One Atlanta Address - Fox Nation
The IRS has nothing to do with the Obama Administration?

WHY are the cons always the most ignorant?

"The law also prohibits the president, vice president and members of their executive office staff from requesting “directly or indirectly, any officer or employee of the Internal Revenue Service to conduct or terminate an audit or other investigation of any particular taxpayer with respect to the tax liability of such taxpayer.”"
Why is the radical left so desperate to prop up the freaking IRS? Is the IRS a friend of the common man when a democrat is in office?
Oh well who cares? they shouldn't be held accountably for anything, they are just doing their job


Report: IRS Sent $46M In Refunds To 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens At One Atlanta Address

( - The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

That was not the only Atlanta address theoretically occupied by thousands of “unauthorized” alien workers receiving millions in federal tax refunds in 2011. In fact, according to a TIGTA audit report published last year, four of the top ten addresses to which the IRS sent thousands of tax refunds to “unauthorized” aliens were in Atlanta.

The IRS sent 11,284 refunds worth a combined $2,164,976 to unauthorized alien workers at a second Atlanta address; 3,608 worth $2,691,448 to a third; and 2,386 worth $1,232,943 to a fourth.

Read more: Report: IRS Sent $46M In Refunds To 23,994 ?Unauthorized? Aliens At One Atlanta Address - Fox Nation

See but your example implies a wrongdoing.

Identifying and denying fraudulent entities a status for which they don't qualify, isn't. :thup:
There is no longer a single conservative poster on USMB who is in any way susceptible to any facts he or she might consider unpleasant.

Well Crackerjack seems to have proved that point. Well done!

The president and his cronies ran a disinformation campaign on the American people.
That is a fact, sir. Obama is not fit to serve.

Crackerjack seems to have forgotten how to LINK to some proof for IT'S flapping gums!

Tell us about the disinformation campaign on the American people!

A talking point has more meaning WITH PROOF.

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