Mitch McConnell Realizes IRS Scandal Is Over

Republicans decided this witch hunt was over when the hunters arrived at the doorstep of a Republican.

Listen to yourself. The reality of the misdeed sits right in front of your face, but you cannot accept the fact that it happened. You seem to think that your party is above and beyond reproach! If it were a Republican administration who perpetrated the targeting of Liberal 501 (c)(4) groups, you would raise hell and high water to make sure someone was punished!

What seems to escape your limited intellect is the fact that it's wrong when the government does it to anyone! People like you are so fucking thickheaded, so blind to the bigger picture. Go ahead and continue swallowing that demagoguery that your party feeds you, if it shields you from the facts of the matter. But as for myself, I will choose intellectual freedom over political slavery.

I was the first poster on this board to say that heads should roll over this.

When I reminded the above poster of that fact, he responded by saying that was not enough on my part.

LOL, this is the caliber of inmate intellect we're coping with here on USMB.

You are one of many posters who tried to pin this on Republicans. And you are of any reputability here? Sure, and I'm a monkey's uncle.
Listen to yourself. The reality of the misdeed sits right in front of your face, but you cannot accept the fact that it happened. You seem to think that your party is above and beyond reproach! If it were a Republican administration who perpetrated the targeting of Liberal 501 (c)(4) groups, you would raise hell and high water to make sure someone was punished!

What seems to escape your limited intellect is the fact that it's wrong when the government does it to anyone! People like you are so fucking thickheaded, so blind to the bigger picture. Go ahead and continue swallowing that demagoguery that your party feeds you, if it shields you from the facts of the matter. But as for myself, I will choose intellectual freedom over political slavery.

They've traced it to a Republican Conservative. I have no problem starting with holding him accountable, up to and including criminally if appropriate.


That has been debunked.

Issa: Cincinnati IRS employees say direction came from Washington ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I find your lack of research skills to be disturbing.

Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.
This administration has ensured an electoral defeat in 2014. After losing the House and several Senate seats in 2011, they still claim the GOP is dead. After the GOP secured the vast majoirty of governorships and state legislatures, the left still clings to their beleif the GOP is null and void.
There is no longer a single conservative poster on USMB who is in any way susceptible to any facts he or she might consider unpleasant.

The president and his cronies ran a disinformation campaign on the American people.

That is a fact, sir. Obama is not fit to serve.

You're a perfect example of what I'm talking about.

You have no facts to support your position. Facts mean nothing to zombie democrats. They do like to pretend that their woefully misinformed opinions are facts, but no one takes them seriously.
They've traced it to a Republican Conservative. I have no problem starting with holding him accountable, up to and including criminally if appropriate.


That has been debunked.

Issa: Cincinnati IRS employees say direction came from Washington ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I find your lack of research skills to be disturbing.

Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

I'm curious. No one has been held responsible for the actions of the IRS, which we all know you don't believe is even newsworthy, but do you really believe no one should be held accountable?

Not one person was held responsible for Fast and Furious, and when the congressional investigation got close to who actually authorized the program the WH concealed the incriminating documents under Executive Privilege--breaking another Obama promise.

What do you have against holding people responsible for illegal actions?

If the scandal is over why are there over FOUR investigations still on going, one a Justice Department criminal investigation?

Why is it so difficult for you to ever admit incompetency of your beloved politician?
They've traced it to a Republican Conservative. I have no problem starting with holding him accountable, up to and including criminally if appropriate.


That has been debunked.

Issa: Cincinnati IRS employees say direction came from Washington ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I find your lack of research skills to be disturbing.

Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

Like I thought. When I show you the reality of things you resort to ad hominem attacks on Darrel Issa. You my friend curse the light despite the darkness. I cannot help you, nor will I waste any more time with you. Wallow in your self perpetuated cognitive dissonance if you wish. You aren't disproving anything I have to say, not with links, no nothing.
They've traced it to a Republican Conservative. I have no problem starting with holding him accountable, up to and including criminally if appropriate.


That has been debunked.

Issa: Cincinnati IRS employees say direction came from Washington ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I find your lack of research skills to be disturbing.

Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

The fact is that the IRS targeted conservative groups and admitted it. Democrats are now scrambling to spin this admission into an internecine conflict among republicans.

It is a mystery as to how the democratic mind can plumb the depths of equivocation to try and sell their "facts" to the public. It appears to be some kind of Orwellian doublethink process wherein lies are facts and truth is a manufactured process.

The Democratic Party has become so decadent that it can no longer understand what truth is. Hell, democrats don't even understand what is is.
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Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

Like I thought. When I show you the reality of things you resort to ad hominem attacks on Darrel Issa. You my friend curse the light despite the darkness. I cannot help you, nor will I waste any more time with you. Wallow in your self perpetuated cognitive dissonance if you wish. You aren't disproving anything I have to say, not with links, no nothing.

The "Things you say" are redundant and boring. The "Scandal that wasn't" is over, even your dear cherished Mitch McLipless says so.

But you hold on for dear life... Because THIS time the Administration's going down in flames... THIS time we got him! :rofl::rofl:

Give it a rest.
Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

Like I thought. When I show you the reality of things you resort to ad hominem attacks on Darrel Issa. You my friend curse the light despite the darkness. I cannot help you, nor will I waste any more time with you. Wallow in your self perpetuated cognitive dissonance if you wish. You aren't disproving anything I have to say, not with links, no nothing.

The "Things you say" are redundant and boring. The "Scandal that wasn't" is over, even your dear cherished Mitch McLipless says so.

But you hold on for dear life... Because THIS time the Administration's going down in flames... THIS time we got him! :rofl::rofl:

Give it a rest.


Where's your argument? I don't care much for McConnell anyway. But you kiss Obama's ass each and every day. Hold on for dear life folks, and watch out, we got a badass over here!
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They've traced it to a Republican Conservative. I have no problem starting with holding him accountable, up to and including criminally if appropriate.


That has been debunked.

Issa: Cincinnati IRS employees say direction came from Washington ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I find your lack of research skills to be disturbing.

Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

There is literally no limit to what people like yourself will rationalize and justify. Every bullshit conspiracy theory and vicious attack on the previous administration was just that, bullshit.

The ATF providing thousands of assault weapons to murderous drug cartels in Mexico--no one held responsible and you made every excuse you could.

The IRS harassing religious and political organizations opposed to the president--justify and rationalize.

The NSA program of warrantless wiretaps, that the left said was so important to them--now it is okay.

Obama is a liar through and through. From his autobiography, tainted with racist fabrications, to Benghazi, in which the facts of the case were purposely withheld and altered--this man is simply incapable of telling the truth.

And mindless parrots like yourself are simply incapable of objective criticism of a politician, which says a lot about you.
Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

Like I thought. When I show you the reality of things you resort to ad hominem attacks on Darrel Issa. You my friend curse the light despite the darkness. I cannot help you, nor will I waste any more time with you. Wallow in your self perpetuated cognitive dissonance if you wish. You aren't disproving anything I have to say, not with links, no nothing.

The "Things you say" are redundant and boring. The "Scandal that wasn't" is over, even your dear cherished Mitch McLipless says so.

But you hold on for dear life... Because THIS time the Administration's going down in flames... THIS time we got him! :rofl::rofl:

Give it a rest.

Normally a scandal is over when the investigation reveal who is at fault and someone is charged with a crime.

It is over when the FOUR investigations, one a Justice Department CRIMINAL investigation, determines who is responsible.

Is this concept really that difficult?
Like I thought. When I show you the reality of things you resort to ad hominem attacks on Darrel Issa. You my friend curse the light despite the darkness. I cannot help you, nor will I waste any more time with you. Wallow in your self perpetuated cognitive dissonance if you wish. You aren't disproving anything I have to say, not with links, no nothing.

The "Things you say" are redundant and boring. The "Scandal that wasn't" is over, even your dear cherished Mitch McLipless says so.

But you hold on for dear life... Because THIS time the Administration's going down in flames... THIS time we got him! :rofl::rofl:

Give it a rest.


Where's your argument? I don't care much for McConnell anyway. But you kiss Obama's ass each and every day. Hold on for dear life folks, and watch out, we got a badass over here!

You've heard my argument, hookworm, or perhaps just glazed over it because you knew it wouldn't agree with your pre-determined view on the matter...

The IRS *SUCCESSFULLY* identified a number of entities that were attempting to abuse a status that they WERE NOT entitled to. You're just crying like a errant child that just got spanked, because you wish those ineligible entities WERE granted that status.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"

"Mitch McConnell delivered a speech today at the American Enterprise Institute to officially signal that the IRS scandal has entered its post-fact phase.

Facts always get in the way of a conservative witch hunt!

When the IRS first revealed that its Cincinnati office had attempted to enforce its nonprofit laws using a search function that disproportionately impacted conservatives, Republicans were certain it must have come from the White House.
Witch hunting is all the GOP have, in hopes of winning the White House Again this century.

Until it does not lead to Obama, then they make up their own.

OMG! the cons will have to come up with some new lies.

That was the conclusion of the agency’s inspector-general report, as well as the House Oversight Committee’s own interviews, which the Republican majority tried to suppress and which (when the Democrats released them)

So according to the GOP in the House and Senate, EVERYONE is lying except THEM.

showed the operation was an independent, well-intentioned effort to enforce the law led by an IRS official who happens to be a conservative Republican.

The Obama IRS scandal retreats to the fever swamps

The CONS will no doubt keep beating the dead horse and become even more marginalized.

maybe they will waste another day voting to repeal Obamacare.
That is always an effective way to show they care.

Regardless of who said what are you ok with the IRS abusing it's power in the fashion it did?

And why is it the perp is overlooked at the expense of the investigator?
"Mitch McConnell delivered a speech today at the American Enterprise Institute to officially signal that the IRS scandal has entered its post-fact phase.

Facts always get in the way of a conservative witch hunt!

When the IRS first revealed that its Cincinnati office had attempted to enforce its nonprofit laws using a search function that disproportionately impacted conservatives, Republicans were certain it must have come from the White House.
Witch hunting is all the GOP have, in hopes of winning the White House Again this century.

Until it does not lead to Obama, then they make up their own.

OMG! the cons will have to come up with some new lies.

That was the conclusion of the agency’s inspector-general report, as well as the House Oversight Committee’s own interviews, which the Republican majority tried to suppress and which (when the Democrats released them)

So according to the GOP in the House and Senate, EVERYONE is lying except THEM.

showed the operation was an independent, well-intentioned effort to enforce the law led by an IRS official who happens to be a conservative Republican.

The Obama IRS scandal retreats to the fever swamps

The CONS will no doubt keep beating the dead horse and become even more marginalized.

maybe they will waste another day voting to repeal Obamacare.
That is always an effective way to show they care.

Wait (just to clarify), you're saying that because it appears that the Obama White House wasn't directly involved in the recent IRS debacle, the scandal is now over?

Obama or not, it concerns me to think there are official gov't employees out there who are willing and have the ability to abuse their authority as tax collectors by maliciously targeting political groups that they do not support. Troubled CA - are you OK with that, or (as a citizen) are you upset as well?

I was also upset about the fact that the IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress in March 2012 that the IRS was not targeting groups based on politics. When he found out a few months later that this was not the case, he did not report back to Congress. Could it of had anything to do with the election year? Who knows, but it raises some questions...

Aren't those legitimate concerns?

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The "Things you say" are redundant and boring. The "Scandal that wasn't" is over, even your dear cherished Mitch McLipless says so.

But you hold on for dear life... Because THIS time the Administration's going down in flames... THIS time we got him! :rofl::rofl:

Give it a rest.


Where's your argument? I don't care much for McConnell anyway. But you kiss Obama's ass each and every day. Hold on for dear life folks, and watch out, we got a badass over here!

You've heard my argument, hookworm, or perhaps just glazed over it because you knew it wouldn't agree with your pre-determined view on the matter...

The IRS *SUCCESSFULLY* identified a number of entities that were attempting to abuse a status that they WERE NOT entitled to. You're just crying like a errant child that just got spanked, because you wish those ineligible entities WERE granted that status.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"


Uh, what? I couldn't hear you over the lack of your argument.

Where's your argument? I don't care much for McConnell anyway. But you kiss Obama's ass each and every day. Hold on for dear life folks, and watch out, we got a badass over here!

You've heard my argument, hookworm, or perhaps just glazed over it because you knew it wouldn't agree with your pre-determined view on the matter...

The IRS *SUCCESSFULLY* identified a number of entities that were attempting to abuse a status that they WERE NOT entitled to. You're just crying like a errant child that just got spanked, because you wish those ineligible entities WERE granted that status.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"


Uh, what? I couldn't hear you over the lack of your argument.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"
You've heard my argument, hookworm, or perhaps just glazed over it because you knew it wouldn't agree with your pre-determined view on the matter...

The IRS *SUCCESSFULLY* identified a number of entities that were attempting to abuse a status that they WERE NOT entitled to. You're just crying like a errant child that just got spanked, because you wish those ineligible entities WERE granted that status.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"


Uh, what? I couldn't hear you over the lack of your argument.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"

What are you talking about?
You've heard my argument, hookworm, or perhaps just glazed over it because you knew it wouldn't agree with your pre-determined view on the matter...

The IRS *SUCCESSFULLY* identified a number of entities that were attempting to abuse a status that they WERE NOT entitled to. You're just crying like a errant child that just got spanked, because you wish those ineligible entities WERE granted that status.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"


Uh, what? I couldn't hear you over the lack of your argument.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"

The FBI and Justice Department both having on going criminal investigations that have not determined who is at fault.

Those low level employees are still employed and have not been penalized at all.


Are you really this dense?
You've heard my argument, hookworm, or perhaps just glazed over it because you knew it wouldn't agree with your pre-determined view on the matter...

The IRS *SUCCESSFULLY* identified a number of entities that were attempting to abuse a status that they WERE NOT entitled to. You're just crying like a errant child that just got spanked, because you wish those ineligible entities WERE granted that status.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"


Uh, what? I couldn't hear you over the lack of your argument.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"

Likening conservative groups to lawbreakers isn't going to get it.

Try again.

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