Mitch McConnell Realizes IRS Scandal Is Over

The IRS has nothing to do with the Obama Administration?

WHY are the cons always the most ignorant?

"The law also prohibits the president, vice president and members of their executive office staff from requesting “directly or indirectly, any officer or employee of the Internal Revenue Service to conduct or terminate an audit or other investigation of any particular taxpayer with respect to the tax liability of such taxpayer.”"

lol, and you believe they don't do this?
how frikken old are you? or you posted that just so you can run around calling people ignorant?

another troll trolling his own thread
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What the hell is going on when ordinary people defend the IRS? Has the pop culture media convinced them that every single federal agency is efficient and well run when a left wing democrat is in office?
What the hell is going on when ordinary people defend the IRS? Has the pop culture media convinced them that every single federal agency is efficient and well run when a left wing democrat is in office?

they don't care because it was done to the Tea Party and they have to defend any agency under the Obama ...can't have him looking bad or something..

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Why is the radical left so desperate to prop up the freaking IRS? Is the IRS a friend of the common man when a democrat is in office?

Don't speak for me champ, I freakin hate the IRS on most issues. Penalties they charge for a miscalculation ought to constitute usury, as they make Capital One's "Default Rate" look like free money.

And maybe a lot of you didn't know this - But IRS penalties CANNOT be written off! Talk about double, maybe triple taxation! :evil:

But no, correctly identifying and denying fraudulent entities is not one of my hot-button issues.
yes, the ignorance of the american voters and the influence of a biased media was quite evident in 2012. enjoy it while you can.
How long you cons going to keep lying to yourselves?

You LOST because the GOP message was EVIL, plain and simple.,

You LOST seats in both houses and without gerrymandering would have lost control completely.
You LOST the House popular vote by 1.5 million
You LOST the election by 5 million votes.

AND Dem turn out was much lower than in 2008.

Time to face Reality.
The Conservative message IS YOUR PROBLEM.
yes, the ignorance of the american voters and the influence of a biased media was quite evident in 2012. enjoy it while you can.
How long you cons going to keep lying to yourselves?

You LOST because the GOP message was EVIL, plain and simple.,

You LOST seats in both houses and without gerrymandering would have lost control completely.
You LOST the House popular vote by 1.5 million
You LOST the election by 5 million votes.

AND Dem turn out was much lower than in 2008.

Time to face Reality.
The Conservative message IS YOUR PROBLEM.

lol, evidently 48% of the people who voted against Obama didn't find the gop message evil...but you go on with your raving lunatic ignorant do make a good parrot
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After losing the House and several Senate seats in 2011, they still claim the GOP is dead. and void.

DIM Human.
first of all the election was in 2012 (how stupid can they get?)
It seems, To be a con, you need to be a little smarter than a potato, but not by much.

the Dems got 1.5 MILLION more votes than the GOP in the House!

without the gerrymandering of districts the house would be DEM!

The Pres got 5 million more votes than the Moron Romney.

The GOP LOST seats in BOTH houses of congress.

spin IT, silly con!
Why is the radical left so desperate to prop up the freaking IRS? Is the IRS a friend of the common man when a democrat is in office?

I don't know what fleet of nutjobs has taken over the Democrat party...but this is not the ideology of the liberals I grew up with in the 70's. This new pack of loons thrives on the corruption of the government and wants to bury all thought of such in the sand. Something they would have protested in the past.
are some Democrat voters pathetic and useful tools? they are taking sides with government over the people in this country...I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime..
I'm curious.

No Google, your DIM.

No one has been held responsible for the actions of the IRS, which we all know you don't believe is even newsworthy, but do you really believe no one should be held accountable?
See Dim on display.

the ISSA investigations reveled that it originated in the Cincinnati office.
ISSA just refused to release the testimony that SAID THAT.

FOX new not tell you that?

and several IRS management have resigned.

Not one person was held responsible for Fast and Furious, and when the congressional investigation got close to who actually authorized the program the WH concealed the incriminating documents under Executive Privilege--breaking another Obama promise.

MORE DIM from Google.

ISSA once again found the Obama administration to be in the DARK.

It was all the ATF and Justice from Wackadoodle Arizona.

SEVERAL ATF and Justice resigned or were reassigned

Is reading over your grade level?

Your mom write these posts for you?

If the scandal is over why are there over FOUR investigations still on going, one a Justice Department criminal investigation?

BECAUSE, ISSA is still the committee chair, silly meat sack.
AND the GOP are DESPERATE to find some way to get back in power, DUH
I'm curious.

No Google, your DIM.

No one has been held responsible for the actions of the IRS, which we all know you don't believe is even newsworthy, but do you really believe no one should be held accountable?
See Dim on display.

the ISSA investigations reveled that it originated in the Cincinnati office.
ISSA just refused to release the testimony that SAID THAT.

FOX new not tell you that?

and several IRS management have resigned.

Not one person was held responsible for Fast and Furious, and when the congressional investigation got close to who actually authorized the program the WH concealed the incriminating documents under Executive Privilege--breaking another Obama promise.

MORE DIM from Google.

ISSA once again found the Obama administration to be in the DARK.

It was all the ATF and Justice from Wackadoodle Arizona.

SEVERAL ATF and Justice resigned or were reassigned

Is reading over your grade level?

Your mom write these posts for you?

If the scandal is over why are there over FOUR investigations still on going, one a Justice Department criminal investigation?

BECAUSE, ISSA is still the committee chair, silly meat sack.
AND the GOP are DESPERATE to find some way to get back in power, DUH

you shouldn't be taken are nothing but a rude child know it all..but really how does it feel to be a useful tool for a party?

the troll is still trolling their own pathetic
The IRS has nothing to do with the Obama Administration?

WHY are the cons always the most ignorant?

"The law also prohibits the president, vice president and members of their executive office staff from requesting “directly or indirectly, any officer or employee of the Internal Revenue Service to conduct or terminate an audit or other investigation of any particular taxpayer with respect to the tax liability of such taxpayer.”"

Because they’re desperate to ‘get rid’ of Obama.

They’re likely not ignorant of the facts but are in contempt of the facts; they’re willing to lie, fabricate, spin, distort, deflect, and otherwise contrive falsehoods and controversies in the hope something ‘sticks’ leading to impeachment.

It’s pathetic.
The IRS has nothing to do with the Obama Administration?

WHY are the cons always the most ignorant?

"The law also prohibits the president, vice president and members of their executive office staff from requesting “directly or indirectly, any officer or employee of the Internal Revenue Service to conduct or terminate an audit or other investigation of any particular taxpayer with respect to the tax liability of such taxpayer.”"

Because they’re desperate to ‘get rid’ of Obama.

They’re likely not ignorant of the facts but are in contempt of the facts; they’re willing to lie, fabricate, spin, distort, deflect, and otherwise contrive falsehoods and controversies in the hope something ‘sticks’ leading to impeachment.

It’s pathetic.

awww, they are desperate to get rid of Obama? you need tissue?
we all know you same people wanted to keep Bush...we see all the love heaped on him right here on the board?
gawd you Obamabot have turned into a bunch of whiny sheep
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I'm curious.

No Google, your DIM.

No one has been held responsible for the actions of the IRS, which we all know you don't believe is even newsworthy, but do you really believe no one should be held accountable?
See Dim on display.

the ISSA investigations reveled that it originated in the Cincinnati office.
ISSA just refused to release the testimony that SAID THAT.

FOX new not tell you that?

and several IRS management have resigned.

Not one person was held responsible for Fast and Furious, and when the congressional investigation got close to who actually authorized the program the WH concealed the incriminating documents under Executive Privilege--breaking another Obama promise.

MORE DIM from Google.

ISSA once again found the Obama administration to be in the DARK.

It was all the ATF and Justice from Wackadoodle Arizona.

SEVERAL ATF and Justice resigned or were reassigned

Is reading over your grade level?

Your mom write these posts for you?

If the scandal is over why are there over FOUR investigations still on going, one a Justice Department criminal investigation?

BECAUSE, ISSA is still the committee chair, silly meat sack.
AND the GOP are DESPERATE to find some way to get back in power, DUH


Man oh man are you an idiot or what?

Cummings released the whole transcript but there was nothing new in it.

And Paz's testimony directly contradicts the lower manager's testimony.

Perjury is going to be the word of the day shortly for that man.

Did you read Paz's testimony? I know Cummings didn't. Bloody fool.
The IRS has nothing to do with the Obama Administration?

WHY are the cons always the most ignorant?

"The law also prohibits the president, vice president and members of their executive office staff from requesting “directly or indirectly, any officer or employee of the Internal Revenue Service to conduct or terminate an audit or other investigation of any particular taxpayer with respect to the tax liability of such taxpayer.”"

Because they’re desperate to ‘get rid’ of Obama.

They’re likely not ignorant of the facts but are in contempt of the facts; they’re willing to lie, fabricate, spin, distort, deflect, and otherwise contrive falsehoods and controversies in the hope something ‘sticks’ leading to impeachment.

It’s pathetic.

Have you been missing the bodies piling up at the IRS over this scandal?


Ignorant describes Democrats, liberals and progressives who just try to white wash the IRS debacle.
*Conservative groups that were trying to attain a status for which they did not qualify.

I don't know if it's illegal to knowingly apply for fraudulent tax-exemptions in this capacity. I imagine it actually is. But since it's a sticking point for you, let's say it's not.

Goofy looking guys in tri-cornered hats have been hanging out outside of the convenient store, handing out flyers and yammering about how much they hate Obama, making customers uncomfortable but not breaking any laws. As the owner of the convenient store, you have a heightened awareness about goofy looking guys in tri-cornered hats and you ask them to leave. "Profiling?"

Or, OR, Black Panthers handing out black literature. Same scenario. "Profiling?"

Catering to your prejudices is not following the law. I know you are confused about this, but trust me, it's true.

Your premise is that conservative groups were somehow breaking the law by applying for tax-exempt status, or that they are somehow different from other groups applying for the same status, or they are somehow more apt to break the law.

In other words, you are guilty of the same things as the IRS.

You, too, should admit you are wrong and apologize.

I'm not wrong.

Their job was to evaluate applications; and they were inundated with a swath of them that were ineligible. A lot of them happened to contain certain search terms. In this case it was the tri-cornered hat crowd. Had it been a different crowd, different search terms would have been used.

Same as a lot of accidents between exits 312 and 298 of the 76. The Staties are going to focus their attentions there; Meanwhile, west of 298 speeders are getting off scott free. It might be unfair to someone who is a safe driver and commutes from 312 to 298, but too bad. If you're not speeding, you've got nothing to worry about.

End of story.

edit: Do you understand what I'm saying at all? They WERE in fact ineligible. It's not that ELIGIBLE entities got sucked into an unfair shitstorm of prejudice.

Hey room temperature IQ...Managers at the IRS ADMITTED they deliberately targeted conservative groups.
The IRS has nothing to do with the Obama Administration?

WHY are the cons always the most ignorant?

"The law also prohibits the president, vice president and members of their executive office staff from requesting “directly or indirectly, any officer or employee of the Internal Revenue Service to conduct or terminate an audit or other investigation of any particular taxpayer with respect to the tax liability of such taxpayer.”"
You will continue to spew lies because you are an Obama sycophant.
You are a believer. A follower. Easily led.
Why is the radical left so desperate to prop up the freaking IRS? Is the IRS a friend of the common man when a democrat is in office?

Simple. The IRS was acting either with the blessing of the Administration or nder orders of the Administration.
The Obama followers on here is shit scared that this thing is going to track back to the White House so they first went into total denial. Now they are in attack mode
I cannot wait for the Obama followers to play the race card.
McConnell thinks the scandal is over? Oh really. :lmao: Could have fooled me by this kick ass speech the Senator gave.

By the way, this is really worth the read.

The Left’s War on Free Speech Is Far Bigger Than Just IRS Intimidation

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell delivered an excellent speech today on the critical topic of free speech and how the far left has been engaging in a broad effort to censor conservatives.

Contrary to what some may think, this censorship campaign has been ongoing for a number of years and includes methods beyond intimidation and harrassment by the Internal Revenue Service of conservative groups.

The Left?s War on Free Speech Is Far Bigger Than Just IRS Intimidation | NewsBusters

are some Democrat voters pathetic and useful tools? they are taking sides with government over the people in this country...I never thought I'd see this in my lifetime..

This statement shows the root of much of the partisan politics on display today.
Where did the thinking arise that the 'government' is the natural enemy of the 'people'?

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