Mitch McConnell Realizes IRS Scandal Is Over

"Mitch McConnell delivered a speech today at the American Enterprise Institute to officially signal that the IRS scandal has entered its post-fact phase.

Facts always get in the way of a conservative witch hunt!

When the IRS first revealed that its Cincinnati office had attempted to enforce its nonprofit laws using a search function that disproportionately impacted conservatives, Republicans were certain it must have come from the White House.
Witch hunting is all the GOP have, in hopes of winning the White House Again this century.

Until it does not lead to Obama, then they make up their own.

OMG! the cons will have to come up with some new lies.

That was the conclusion of the agency’s inspector-general report, as well as the House Oversight Committee’s own interviews, which the Republican majority tried to suppress and which (when the Democrats released them)

So according to the GOP in the House and Senate, EVERYONE is lying except THEM.

showed the operation was an independent, well-intentioned effort to enforce the law led by an IRS official who happens to be a conservative Republican.

The Obama IRS scandal retreats to the fever swamps

The CONS will no doubt keep beating the dead horse and become even more marginalized.

maybe they will waste another day voting to repeal Obamacare.
That is always an effective way to show they care.

Wishful thinking on your part.
This will become a mid term election issue.
SO will Benghazi.
So will the mobile phone spying.
As will the spying on certain members of the media.
"Mitch McConnell delivered a speech today at the American Enterprise Institute to officially signal that the IRS scandal has entered its post-fact phase.

Facts always get in the way of a conservative witch hunt!

Witch hunting is all the GOP have, in hopes of winning the White House Again this century.

Until it does not lead to Obama, then they make up their own.

OMG! the cons will have to come up with some new lies.

So according to the GOP in the House and Senate, EVERYONE is lying except THEM.

showed the operation was an independent, well-intentioned effort to enforce the law led by an IRS official who happens to be a conservative Republican.

The Obama IRS scandal retreats to the fever swamps

The CONS will no doubt keep beating the dead horse and become even more marginalized.

maybe they will waste another day voting to repeal Obamacare.
That is always an effective way to show they care.

Wait (just to clarify), you're saying that because it appears that the Obama White House wasn't directly involved in the recent IRS debacle, the scandal is now over?

Obama or not, it concerns me to think there are official gov't employees out there who are willing and have the ability to abuse their authority as tax collectors by maliciously targeting political groups that they do not support. Troubled CA - are you OK with that, or (as a citizen) are you upset as well?

I was also upset about the fact that the IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress in March 2012 that the IRS was not targeting groups based on politics. When he found out a few months later that this was not the case, he did not report back to Congress. Could it of had anything to do with the election year? Who knows, but it raises some questions...

Aren't those legitimate concerns?


Apparently, lying to Congress is acceptable as long as their man is in the White House.

It's being overlooked that recent testimony the IRS Commissioner parroted the early justification given by the likes of Salon and Mother Jones that because of Citizens United the IRS was 'flooded' with applications.

That was a blatant lie. There were less applications in 2010 than the previous three years.
The "Things you say" are redundant and boring. The "Scandal that wasn't" is over, even your dear cherished Mitch McLipless says so.

But you hold on for dear life... Because THIS time the Administration's going down in flames... THIS time we got him! :rofl::rofl:

Give it a rest.


Where's your argument? I don't care much for McConnell anyway. But you kiss Obama's ass each and every day. Hold on for dear life folks, and watch out, we got a badass over here!

You've heard my argument, hookworm, or perhaps just glazed over it because you knew it wouldn't agree with your pre-determined view on the matter...

The IRS *SUCCESSFULLY* identified a number of entities that were attempting to abuse a status that they WERE NOT entitled to. You're just crying like a errant child that just got spanked, because you wish those ineligible entities WERE granted that status.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"


the issue is not whether some organizations needed investigating---------the issue is that the IRS ONLY investigated conservative organizations. Profiling-----you know, that word that you libs hate. Wake up and smell the stink coming from the whitehouse. speed traps look at all drivers, not just conservatives. you analogy sucks.
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Uh, what? I couldn't hear you over the lack of your argument.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"

Likening conservative groups* to lawbreakers isn't going to get it.

Try again.

*Conservative groups that were trying to attain a status for which they did not qualify.

I don't know if it's illegal to knowingly apply for fraudulent tax-exemptions in this capacity. I imagine it actually is. But since it's a sticking point for you, let's say it's not.

Goofy looking guys in tri-cornered hats have been hanging out outside of the convenient store, handing out flyers and yammering about how much they hate Obama, making customers uncomfortable but not breaking any laws. As the owner of the convenient store, you have a heightened awareness about goofy looking guys in tri-cornered hats and you ask them to leave. "Profiling?"

Or, OR, Black Panthers handing out black literature. Same scenario. "Profiling?"

Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

There is literally no limit to what people like yourself will rationalize and justify. Every bullshit conspiracy theory and vicious attack on the previous administration was just that, bullshit.

The ATF providing thousands of assault weapons to murderous drug cartels in Mexico--no one held responsible and you made every excuse you could.

The IRS harassing religious and political organizations opposed to the president--justify and rationalize.

The NSA program of warrantless wiretaps, that the left said was so important to them--now it is okay.

Obama is a liar through and through. From his autobiography, tainted with racist fabrications, to Benghazi, in which the facts of the case were purposely withheld and altered--this man is simply incapable of telling the truth.

And mindless parrots like yourself are simply incapable of objective criticism of a politician, which says a lot about you.

That is the kind of made up shit that proves my point.
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The IRS Scandal is just one of many we will see since this administration is a mess. There are certainly more buried that we will never see.
Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

There is literally no limit to what people like yourself will rationalize and justify. Every bullshit conspiracy theory and vicious attack on the previous administration was just that, bullshit.

The ATF providing thousands of assault weapons to murderous drug cartels in Mexico--no one held responsible and you made every excuse you could.

The IRS harassing religious and political organizations opposed to the president--justify and rationalize.

The NSA program of warrantless wiretaps, that the left said was so important to them--now it is okay.

Obama is a liar through and through. From his autobiography, tainted with racist fabrications, to Benghazi, in which the facts of the case were purposely withheld and altered--this man is simply incapable of telling the truth.

And mindless parrots like yourself are simply incapable of objective criticism of a politician, which says a lot about you.

That is the kind of made up shit that proves my point.

Do you believe someone should be held accountable for what the IRS did?
Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

There is literally no limit to what people like yourself will rationalize and justify. Every bullshit conspiracy theory and vicious attack on the previous administration was just that, bullshit.

The ATF providing thousands of assault weapons to murderous drug cartels in Mexico--no one held responsible and you made every excuse you could.

The IRS harassing religious and political organizations opposed to the president--justify and rationalize.

The NSA program of warrantless wiretaps, that the left said was so important to them--now it is okay.

Obama is a liar through and through. From his autobiography, tainted with racist fabrications, to Benghazi, in which the facts of the case were purposely withheld and altered--this man is simply incapable of telling the truth.

And mindless parrots like yourself are simply incapable of objective criticism of a politician, which says a lot about you.

That is the kind of made up shit that proves my point.

Also, what is made up?

I'll gladly provide links for every single sentence. I know you probably are unaware of many of it, relying on MSNBC and leftist blogs will have that effect.

Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

I'm curious. No one has been held responsible for the actions of the IRS, which we all know you don't believe is even newsworthy, but do you really believe no one should be held accountable?

Not one person was held responsible for Fast and Furious, and when the congressional investigation got close to who actually authorized the program the WH concealed the incriminating documents under Executive Privilege--breaking another Obama promise.

What do you have against holding people responsible for illegal actions?

If the scandal is over why are there over FOUR investigations still on going, one a Justice Department criminal investigation?

Why is it so difficult for you to ever admit incompetency of your beloved politician?

Have you forgotten that you're one of the posters who openly admitted to believing that President Obama was guilty until proven innocent on this matter?

Why don't retract that statement, apologize to all of us for subjecting us to that kind of woeful stupidity,

and then, perhaps, the conversation could resume at the sane, adult level where it belongs.
amazing, now they are taking the word of a Republican...and how about that title from the UNBIASED WashingtonCompost?

at least he has a name THIS TIME and not just come Conservative Republican..

I doubt Mitch meant it was OVER but you on the left run that if it helps you..

sad you care more for a government agency than the people in this country

folks, contact your Representatives and tell them to DEFUND this rogue agency
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Where's your argument? I don't care much for McConnell anyway. But you kiss Obama's ass each and every day. Hold on for dear life folks, and watch out, we got a badass over here!

You've heard my argument, hookworm, or perhaps just glazed over it because you knew it wouldn't agree with your pre-determined view on the matter...

The IRS *SUCCESSFULLY* identified a number of entities that were attempting to abuse a status that they WERE NOT entitled to. You're just crying like a errant child that just got spanked, because you wish those ineligible entities WERE granted that status.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"


the issue is not whether some organizations needed investigating---------the issue is that the IRS ONLY investigated conservative organizations. Profiling-----you know, that word that you libs hate. Wake up and smell the stink coming from the whitehouse. speed traps look at all drivers, not just conservatives. you analogy sucks.

Yeah but there might be a few speeders 20 miles west "Getting away with it!"

Look, the principle is the same. It was those groups that had the history of abuse. I'm not aware of a single one who did indeed qualify but was denied. That's why it's the "Scandal that wasn't." If Rick Perry had been elected in 2012 :)eek:) and it was Thinkprogress types applying out the asshole to support Democrats, they probably would have been subjected to the same metric. Then the search terms might have been "Progress," "Equality," et al.
Issa is a paid liar. Your source btw is dated well prior to when the FULL transcripts came out, exposing the truth that Issa tried to bury.

Like I said, there are no conservatives left on USMB who are susceptible to the truth.

I'm curious. No one has been held responsible for the actions of the IRS, which we all know you don't believe is even newsworthy, but do you really believe no one should be held accountable?

Not one person was held responsible for Fast and Furious, and when the congressional investigation got close to who actually authorized the program the WH concealed the incriminating documents under Executive Privilege--breaking another Obama promise.

What do you have against holding people responsible for illegal actions?

If the scandal is over why are there over FOUR investigations still on going, one a Justice Department criminal investigation?

Why is it so difficult for you to ever admit incompetency of your beloved politician?

Have you forgotten that you're one of the posters who openly admitted to believing that President Obama was guilty until proven innocent on this matter?

Why don't retract that statement, apologize to all of us for subjecting us to that kind of woeful stupidity,

and then, perhaps, the conversation could resume at the sane, adult level where it belongs.

Talk about making things up. Provide me the post where I said Obama is guilty until proven innocent on this matter?

How about actually addressing the subject, instead of making these childish insults that have no relevance at all.

Again, for the third time: do you beleive anyone should be held accountable for the actions of the IRS?
You've heard my argument, hookworm, or perhaps just glazed over it because you knew it wouldn't agree with your pre-determined view on the matter...

The IRS *SUCCESSFULLY* identified a number of entities that were attempting to abuse a status that they WERE NOT entitled to. You're just crying like a errant child that just got spanked, because you wish those ineligible entities WERE granted that status.

Speed trap where there's a lot of speeders. More cops in a high crime neighborhood. Are those things "Profiling??"


the issue is not whether some organizations needed investigating---------the issue is that the IRS ONLY investigated conservative organizations. Profiling-----you know, that word that you libs hate. Wake up and smell the stink coming from the whitehouse. speed traps look at all drivers, not just conservatives. you analogy sucks.

Yeah but there might be a few speeders 20 miles west "Getting away with it!"

Look, the principle is the same. It was those groups that had the history of abuse. I'm not aware of a single one who did indeed qualify but was denied. That's why it's the "Scandal that wasn't." If Rick Perry had been elected in 2012 :)eek:) and it was Thinkprogress types applying out the asshole to support Democrats, they probably would have been subjected to the same metric. Then the search terms might have been "Progress," "Equality," et al.

Why did the IRS apologize?

This is laughable now. You have demonstrated beyond a doubt you haven't a clue as what you are talking about.
Do you believe someone should be held accountable for what the IRS did?

They didn't "DO" _ANYTHING_, except their job.

Why is the FBI and Justice Department conducting criminal investigations?

Are you really this hopelessly filled with contempt and partisanship?

I don't know the veracity of all those 'investigations,' because the entire non-issue is a joke.

Send them to me, I'll explain the whole thing to them.
the issue is not whether some organizations needed investigating---------the issue is that the IRS ONLY investigated conservative organizations. Profiling-----you know, that word that you libs hate. Wake up and smell the stink coming from the whitehouse. speed traps look at all drivers, not just conservatives. you analogy sucks.

Yeah but there might be a few speeders 20 miles west "Getting away with it!"

Look, the principle is the same. It was those groups that had the history of abuse. I'm not aware of a single one who did indeed qualify but was denied. That's why it's the "Scandal that wasn't." If Rick Perry had been elected in 2012 :)eek:) and it was Thinkprogress types applying out the asshole to support Democrats, they probably would have been subjected to the same metric. Then the search terms might have been "Progress," "Equality," et al.

Why did the IRS apologize?

This is laughable now. You have demonstrated beyond a doubt you haven't a clue as what you are talking about.


Because they had to. Whatever will get silly malcontents like you to shut up a little faster.

Don't think it's escaped my attention that you've addressed exactly NOTHING that I've said.
They didn't "DO" _ANYTHING_, except their job.

Why is the FBI and Justice Department conducting criminal investigations?

Are you really this hopelessly filled with contempt and partisanship?

I don't know the veracity of all those 'investigations,' because the entire non-issue is a joke.

Send them to me, I'll explain the whole thing to them.

You don't know SHIT. You are the one posting about a subject you so clearly know DICK about. Keep posting you are only demonstrationing your hopeless ignorance.
Why is the FBI and Justice Department conducting criminal investigations?

Are you really this hopelessly filled with contempt and partisanship?

I don't know the veracity of all those 'investigations,' because the entire non-issue is a joke.

Send them to me, I'll explain the whole thing to them.

You don't know SHIT. You are the one posting about a subject you so clearly know DICK about. Keep posting you are only demonstrationing your hopeless ignorance.

Flail on, faila'.

I don't know the veracity of all those 'investigations,' because the entire non-issue is a joke.

Send them to me, I'll explain the whole thing to them.

You don't know SHIT. You are the one posting about a subject you so clearly know DICK about. Keep posting you are only demonstrationing your hopeless ignorance.

Flail on, faila'.


I'm not going to spoon feed you information. You are woefully uninformed on a subject that you keep posting about.

All you have accomplished is demonstrating for everyone that you are a fucking moron.

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