Mitch McConnell stepping down as GOP Senate leader

Under the authority of Mitch leading the GOP the nation has gone down hill... The GOP just sits back and fundraises off tragedy as the nation declines... time for a strong senate GOP leader...
Now comes the tooth-n-nail fight for the leadership position. I say keep it in KY with Rand Paul. ;)
That will never happen. Someone EXACTLY like the Turtle will replace him. It’s a requirement of the oligarchy and the R Party always does what the oligarchy demands.
even the evil ones must die.
We can only pray:

He's the only honest broker in the Senate.

he is not. starting with the fact that he ... supposed dr. was sick with covid & told nobody ... exposing his fellow congress critters to that virus. & he's a puppet for the #1 adversary of this nation. ANYBODY who aligns himself with uncle vlad has broken honesty.
McConnell and Pelosi... both need to retire and hush
Why Pelosi...
She is highly respected and knows how to get things done...

She make MAGA Mike look like an imbecile. I know why MAGA want her gone, she knew how to run stuff... The present congress are the most embarrassing do nothing congress in US history..

You can ask Pelosi to go when you can find someone who lace her shoes... You don't, so stop embarrassing yourself..
"WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history who maintained his power in the face of dramatic convulsions in the Republican Party for almost two decades, will step down from that position in November."

McConnell was one of the causes of said "convulsions." He spent money like a drunken Democrat and was addicted to war. One less D.C. traitor to concern ourselves with.
The fact that Mitch is proud to be the longest serving senator with over 40 years of service tells us just what is wrong with Washington... you weren't meant to serve for life... serve one term and go home...
Yep... Don't want anyone with any experience...

If his area wants to have him as their representative then what the fuck has it got to do with you... You can vote for you like...
Why Pelosi...
She is highly respected and knows how to get things done...

She make MAGA Mike look like an imbecile. I know why MAGA want her gone, she knew how to run stuff... The present congress are the most embarrassing do nothing congress in US history..

You can ask Pelosi to go when you can find someone who lace her shoes... You don't, so stop embarrassing yourself..

Good grief
The fact that Mitch is proud to be the longest serving senator with over 40 years of service tells us just what is wrong with Washington... you weren't meant to serve for life... serve one term and go home...
Two at the most for a senator and four for a representative.

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