Mitch McConnell: Vote For GOP Because We'll End Gridlock

"As IOWA goes, so goes the Senate" - Harry Reid.

Des Moines Register has Joni Ernst (R) up 7 points over Bruce Braley (D). IOWA is rejecting Obama and this is our apology for giving the Nation Obama in 2008.
McConnell is going to find out that what goes around, comes around

I'm wrapping up my night and found this gem.

I have to ask. Don't you guys ever give up on the lies? Ever?

Everyone and their mother knows who the obstructionist is. He's wielded the power of Leader of the Senate like von Papen. Yet you hit all the boards not you in particular rightwinger but teams of progressives hit every board with this blatant lie.

You repeat it incessantly. It's unreal. You have no shame.

To say it is weird to witness on board after board is an understatement.
I look forward to voting Trey Gowdy for President someday.
If the GOP wins the Senate congress should force Obama to veto all 300 plus bills Reid blocked, just to be mean.

The Dems will filibuster those 300 bills in the Senate so they won't make it to Obama.

That rule works both ways.
So, the King of Gridlock says he will end it. Does anyone believe him?

What have the Democrats done that demonstrate what you want the Republicans to do? What have they offered the Republicans to find resolutions that the Republicans aren't doing?

You going to run away from the question again?
In the GOP's closing pitch ahead of Tuesday's midterm election, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued that historic levels of gridlock in Congress would be brought to a "merciful end" with him at the helm of the U.S. Senate.

"A new Republican majority wouldn't mean we'd be able to get everything you want from Washington. But it would mean we'd be able to bring the current legislative gridlock to a merciful end. It means we'd be able to start sending bills to the president's desk again, just as the American people expect," McConnell, who is running for re-election, said Saturday in the Republican weekly address.

The 113th Congress is on track to be the least productive Congress in modern history, and McConnell's relentless efforts to stymie Democratic initiatives, from immigration reform to the minimum wage, have greatly contributed to that dubious distinction. But Republicans also note that hundreds of bills passed by the GOP-controlled House stand ready should Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) decide to act on them.

In his address, McConnell said that a new GOP majority in the Senate would focus on legislation dedicated to improving the economy and the struggles of middle-class Americans.

"We want to ease the squeeze on working families. We want to improve economic opportunity. We want to make it easier for families to join the middle class. We want to increase career prospects for college graduates," he said.

More: Mitch McConnell: Vote For GOP Because We'll End Gridlock

So, the King of Gridlock says he will end it. Does anyone believe him?

Harry Reid is the king of gridlock, moron. There are 330 bills sitting on his desk right now. You have to icredibly dishonest or incredibly stupid to vlaim the minorit leader id responsible for gridlock.
If the GOP wins the Senate congress should force Obama to veto all 300 plus bills Reid blocked, just to be mean.

The Dems will filibuster those 300 bills in the Senate so they won't make it to Obama.

That rule works both ways.

Use the simple majority nuke option and tell Dem's to shut their big fat lying mouths.

In which case the GOP will have to make the most of the next 2 years because the Dems will retake the Senate in 2016 and nuke the filibuster forever. That will render the GOP utterly impotent until the TP faction dies off and the next generation of younger, saner Republicans changes the platform to something reasonable that will actually appeal to a majority of the voters.
McConnell is only interested in having the title of Majority Leader on his legacy. As far as the people of KY goes he doesn't give a hoot what happens to them.

as opposed to Alison Laughingstock Grimes who has a resume even thinner than Obola Nairobi when he ran for senate?
In the GOP's closing pitch ahead of Tuesday's midterm election, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued that historic levels of gridlock in Congress would be brought to a "merciful end" with him at the helm of the U.S. Senate.

"A new Republican majority wouldn't mean we'd be able to get everything you want from Washington. But it would mean we'd be able to bring the current legislative gridlock to a merciful end. It means we'd be able to start sending bills to the president's desk again, just as the American people expect," McConnell, who is running for re-election, said Saturday in the Republican weekly address.

The 113th Congress is on track to be the least productive Congress in modern history, and McConnell's relentless efforts to stymie Democratic initiatives, from immigration reform to the minimum wage, have greatly contributed to that dubious distinction. But Republicans also note that hundreds of bills passed by the GOP-controlled House stand ready should Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) decide to act on them.

In his address, McConnell said that a new GOP majority in the Senate would focus on legislation dedicated to improving the economy and the struggles of middle-class Americans.

"We want to ease the squeeze on working families. We want to improve economic opportunity. We want to make it easier for families to join the middle class. We want to increase career prospects for college graduates," he said.

More: Mitch McConnell: Vote For GOP Because We'll End Gridlock

So, the King of Gridlock says he will end it. Does anyone believe him?

Harry Reid is the king of gridlock, moron. There are 330 bills sitting on his desk right now. You have to icredibly dishonest or incredibly stupid to vlaim the minorit leader id responsible for gridlock.

I choose both dishonest and stupid for 1000 Alex
If the GOP wins the Senate congress should force Obama to veto all 300 plus bills Reid blocked, just to be mean.

The Dems will filibuster those 300 bills in the Senate so they won't make it to Obama.

That rule works both ways.

Use the simple majority nuke option and tell Dem's to shut their big fat lying mouths.

In which case the GOP will have to make the most of the next 2 years because the Dems will retake the Senate in 2016 and nuke the filibuster forever. That will render the GOP utterly impotent until the TP faction dies off and the next generation of younger, saner Republicans changes the platform to something reasonable that will actually appeal to a majority of the voters.

interesting stuff you be smoking Mon.

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