Mitch McConnell: Vote For GOP Because We'll End Gridlock

All I can say is, if they don indeed pull off grabbing both houses, they damn well better do something that resembles getting shit done...
Republicans will find out that they have not built up a lot of goodwill in the last eight years. The wall of gridlock they have built will not come down easily

I'm so tired. Hehehehe. Just some fun.

What part of your lies don't you get rightwinger? Believe it or not little sons of guns link me and who I motivate have worked day and night on boards to make life turn around.

When people sleep, I post.
'"A new Republican majority wouldn't mean we'd be able to get everything you want from Washington. But it would mean we'd be able to bring the current legislative gridlock to a merciful end. It means we'd be able to start sending bills to the president's desk again, just as the American people expect," McConnell, who is running for re-election, said Saturday in the Republican weekly address.'

Bills the president will be forced to veto because of their rightwing partisan idiocy.

Otherwise, this is amusing coming from the master of gridlock and obstructionism himself.
Mitch McConnell needed to be ousted the RINO fuck. He probably will end gridlock, when gridlock is exactly what we need for the next two years.
And yet, your brethern in the GOP keep picking people like him.
In the GOP's closing pitch ahead of Tuesday's midterm election, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued that historic levels of gridlock in Congress would be brought to a "merciful end" with him at the helm of the U.S. Senate.

"A new Republican majority wouldn't mean we'd be able to get everything you want from Washington. But it would mean we'd be able to bring the current legislative gridlock to a merciful end. It means we'd be able to start sending bills to the president's desk again, just as the American people expect," McConnell, who is running for re-election, said Saturday in the Republican weekly address.

The 113th Congress is on track to be the least productive Congress in modern history, and McConnell's relentless efforts to stymie Democratic initiatives, from immigration reform to the minimum wage, have greatly contributed to that dubious distinction. But Republicans also note that hundreds of bills passed by the GOP-controlled House stand ready should Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) decide to act on them.

In his address, McConnell said that a new GOP majority in the Senate would focus on legislation dedicated to improving the economy and the struggles of middle-class Americans.

"We want to ease the squeeze on working families. We want to improve economic opportunity. We want to make it easier for families to join the middle class. We want to increase career prospects for college graduates," he said.

More: Mitch McConnell: Vote For GOP Because We'll End Gridlock

So, the King of Gridlock says he will end it. Does anyone believe him?

It appears so: :D

Recent polls give McConnell a small-but-steady lead in the final days of this campaign, the toughest one the incumbent has fought since winning his upset bid in 1984. If he can win reelection, McConnell stands a good chance of becoming majority leader as Republicans appear on the brink of netting the six seats required to win back the Senate.

Kentucky race turns personal over campaign mailers - The Washington Post
If the GOP wins the Senate congress should force Obama to veto all 300 plus bills Reid blocked, just to be mean.
When are democrats going to stop whining about only controlling 2/3 of government? Pretty soon I think.

Hey pretty soon that lesson will be passed on. When Republican control 2/3 of the government and can't get anything passed because of the filibuster and a super majority and a veto, well what goes round comes round.

You all will love it. I can't wait to here the whine whine whine about ole mean Harry. Again. And the VETO pen.
In the GOP's closing pitch ahead of Tuesday's midterm election, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued that historic levels of gridlock in Congress would be brought to a "merciful end" with him at the helm of the U.S. Senate.

"A new Republican majority wouldn't mean we'd be able to get everything you want from Washington. But it would mean we'd be able to bring the current legislative gridlock to a merciful end. It means we'd be able to start sending bills to the president's desk again, just as the American people expect," McConnell, who is running for re-election, said Saturday in the Republican weekly address.

The 113th Congress is on track to be the least productive Congress in modern history, and McConnell's relentless efforts to stymie Democratic initiatives, from immigration reform to the minimum wage, have greatly contributed to that dubious distinction. But Republicans also note that hundreds of bills passed by the GOP-controlled House stand ready should Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) decide to act on them.

In his address, McConnell said that a new GOP majority in the Senate would focus on legislation dedicated to improving the economy and the struggles of middle-class Americans.

"We want to ease the squeeze on working families. We want to improve economic opportunity. We want to make it easier for families to join the middle class. We want to increase career prospects for college graduates," he said.

More: Mitch McConnell: Vote For GOP Because We'll End Gridlock

So, the King of Gridlock says he will end it. Does anyone believe him?

Harry Fucking Reid caused all the grid locking. But you knew that. Now we'll get to force Obola to veto mom, puppies and apple pie. All Americans will come to hate his presidency.

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