Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

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Same "starve the beast" GOP playbook for 30+ years....cut taxes and increase spending to balloon the deficits, crash the economy, then blame our social safety nets for the deficits. Rinse, repeat.
As a somewhat young person (29), my greatest wish is for all these programs to be cut to nothing, and for the people who rely on them to die in a gutter. I don't want to pay for their worthless lives. Fuck em.

Aren't you a real sweetie?

Fuck you.

What an amazing adult reply.

You must be one of those people with one foot in the grave. Do us all a kindness and put the other one in.

Yet another truly adult response. Amazing.
As a somewhat young person (29), my greatest wish is for all these programs to be cut to nothing, and for the people who rely on them to die in a gutter. I don't want to pay for their worthless lives. Fuck em.

Aren't you a real sweetie?

Fuck you.

What an amazing adult reply.

You must be one of those people with one foot in the grave. Do us all a kindness and put the other one in.

Yet another truly adult response. Amazing.
Those seem to be the only responses that interest you....
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blamed spending on these services for the growing budget deficit and wants to rein them in:
"It's very disturbing, and it's driven by the three big entitlement programs that are very popular: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. That's 70 percent of what we spend every year," he said on Bloomberg News Tuesday when asked about the national debt. "There's been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been
McConnell eyes cuts to Medicare, Social Security to address deficit

NOBODY has suggested cuts. SOME Dems have suggested making 70 yr old roofers climb ladders til they are eligible or "raising the caps" --- which would destroy the Universally of the program and make it another welfare program.

There were options for FIXING SS back when it was running surpluses of $50Bill a year by allowing future recipients to agree to REDUCED future benefits by opting out a SMALL percentage of their contributions. The Dems --- who are generally financially and mathematically illiterate KILLED the idea. Instead -- they allowed the surplus to continue to be STOLEN by Congress with NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT in terms of reducing future costs.

So I'm all for ideas to make the program more stable for future gens, but not at a cost to the folks who WANT complete future benefits. And the WHINERS and the shrill idiots with NO IDEAS should just STFU... And quit PREVENTING the discussions to enhance the financial efficacy of the system...

$4 TRILLION stolen and squandered from the pockets of the working poor over the past 40 years and NOTHING to pay current deficits with. You were robbed TWICE. The first time why they overcharged you for 40 years and squandered the money. And NOW --- when the crisis hits, paying all deficits thru NEW DEBT that is in your name and in your childrens' name.

HIDING from this --- is why it's now an emergency. 70% of the budget is Medicare, Medicaid and SS and debt payments. If interests go UP -- 120% of the budget will be funded with nothing but bonds bought by China and the world.
McConnell suggested cuts. Don’t play dumb.

No where in that article were cuts suggested. Could be FICA increases. Could be just structuring the program to reduce the length of the Baby Boomer crisis.

The article is a bunch of hooey.. Especially claiming that the tax cuts would not bring increased revenues as things shake out. Exactly like I said - the folks IMAGINING the evils of TALKING ABOUT fixing or even MANAGING these programs have no ideas. They've thwarted meaningful reforms that would have brought relief to the entitlement deficits that are being run today.. EVERYONE was aware of the Baby Boomer crisis 40 years ago. And now we are IN it. And we're not supposed to even discuss MANAGING these programs.

It's lines like this that drive me away from MSNBC..

"""The Senate GOP leader helped create this mess; he hasn’t earned the right to complain about it."""

That's so wrong. And it borders on evil. Because BOTH PARTIES caused this mess by stealing $4TRILL in FICA surpluses out of working peoples checks ---- and NOW BOTH PARTIES want to steal from us and our grandchildren to pay for the running deficits in FICA.

Both parties caused the mess.

The trouble for the GOP is, they're the ones who are perceived as wanting to pull the plug on those programs.

I think it's gonna cost them a great deal at the polls this year... true or false or in-between... fair or not... right or wrong.

A great many people are probably thinking that this is far too important to take a chance on the promises of the Robber Baron Party. ;)

Not gonna cost them a dime of support to show CONCERN about managing programs that have been ABUSED and STOLEN from and ignored for decades.. You just WISH that were true and your side is willing to LIE about the intentions.. Just as the OP did here with the title of this thread...
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blamed spending on these services for the growing budget deficit and wants to rein them in:
"It's very disturbing, and it's driven by the three big entitlement programs that are very popular: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. That's 70 percent of what we spend every year," he said on Bloomberg News Tuesday when asked about the national debt. "There's been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been
McConnell eyes cuts to Medicare, Social Security to address deficit

The Headline is misleading. It should be that something must be done about entitlements which make up the biggest potion of the federal budget.

Total spending

A pie chart representing spending by category for the US budget for 2007
The President's actual budget for 2007 totals $2.8 trillion. Percentages in parentheses indicate percentage change compared to 2006. This budget request is broken down by the following expenditures:

  • $586.1 billion (+7.0%) - Social Security
  • $548.8 billion (+9.0%) - Defense[10]
  • $394.5 billion (+12.4%) - Medicare
  • $294.0 billion (+2.0%) - Unemployment and welfare
  • $276.4 billion (+2.9%) - Medicaid and other health related
  • $243.7 billion (+13.4%) - Interest on debt
  • $89.9 billion (+1.3%) - Education and training
  • $76.9 billion (+8.1%) - Transportation
  • $72.6 billion (+5.8%) - Veterans' benefits
  • $43.5 billion (+9.2%) - Administration of justice
  • $33.1 billion (+5.7%) - Natural resources and environment
  • $32.5 billion (+15.4%) - Foreign affairs
  • $27.0 billion (+3.7%) - Agriculture
  • $26.8 billion (+28.7%) - Community and regional development
  • $25.0 billion (+4.0%) - Science and technology
  • $20.5 billion (+0.8%) - Energy
  • $20.1 billion (+11.4%) - General government
Much of the costs of the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war until FY2008 have been funded through supplemental appropriations or emergency supplemental appropriations, which are treated differently from regular appropriations bills. Senior congressional leaders have contended that those war costs, as much as possible, should go through the regular budget process, which provides for greater transparency. Determining the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is complex. CBO has estimated that "war-related defense activities" in 2007 were "roughly $115 billion." (CBO, The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update, August 2007, Box 1-1, available at <Congressional Budget Office>) See Below for total defense spending.

This from 2007 @ https://en.wikipedia.orhttps://en.w...budget/wiki/2007_United_States_federal_budget
Its just using different words to say the same thing.

Fear mongering? The worst case for SS is that seniors get 77% of their promised benefits. Not good, but not "lost".
Medicare is another entitlement that gets a higher priority than welfare and medicaid, so your meme should have said "When you didn't get rid of the illegals, you killed welfare and medicaid for everyone"
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blamed spending on these services for the growing budget deficit and wants to rein them in:
"It's very disturbing, and it's driven by the three big entitlement programs that are very popular: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. That's 70 percent of what we spend every year," he said on Bloomberg News Tuesday when asked about the national debt. "There's been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been
McConnell eyes cuts to Medicare, Social Security to address deficit

The Headline is misleading. It should be that something must be done about entitlements which make up the biggest potion of the federal budget.

Total spending

A pie chart representing spending by category for the US budget for 2007
The President's actual budget for 2007 totals $2.8 trillion. Percentages in parentheses indicate percentage change compared to 2006. This budget request is broken down by the following expenditures:

  • $586.1 billion (+7.0%) - Social Security
  • $548.8 billion (+9.0%) - Defense[10]
  • $394.5 billion (+12.4%) - Medicare
  • $294.0 billion (+2.0%) - Unemployment and welfare
  • $276.4 billion (+2.9%) - Medicaid and other health related
  • $243.7 billion (+13.4%) - Interest on debt
  • $89.9 billion (+1.3%) - Education and training
  • $76.9 billion (+8.1%) - Transportation
  • $72.6 billion (+5.8%) - Veterans' benefits
  • $43.5 billion (+9.2%) - Administration of justice
  • $33.1 billion (+5.7%) - Natural resources and environment
  • $32.5 billion (+15.4%) - Foreign affairs
  • $27.0 billion (+3.7%) - Agriculture
  • $26.8 billion (+28.7%) - Community and regional development
  • $25.0 billion (+4.0%) - Science and technology
  • $20.5 billion (+0.8%) - Energy
  • $20.1 billion (+11.4%) - General government
Much of the costs of the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war until FY2008 have been funded through supplemental appropriations or emergency supplemental appropriations, which are treated differently from regular appropriations bills. Senior congressional leaders have contended that those war costs, as much as possible, should go through the regular budget process, which provides for greater transparency. Determining the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is complex. CBO has estimated that "war-related defense activities" in 2007 were "roughly $115 billion." (CBO, The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update, August 2007, Box 1-1, available at <Congressional Budget Office>) See Below for total defense spending.

This from 2007 @ https://en.wikipedia.orhttps://en.w...budget/wiki/2007_United_States_federal_budget
Its just using different words to say the same thing.

Fear mongering? The worst case for SS is that seniors get 77% of their promised benefits. Not good, but not "lost".
Medicare is another entitlement that gets a higher priority than welfare and medicaid, so your meme should have said "When you didn't get rid of the illegals, you killed welfare and medicaid for everyone"
Ahh, i get it. Its more like this:

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blamed spending on these services for the growing budget deficit and wants to rein them in:
"It's very disturbing, and it's driven by the three big entitlement programs that are very popular: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. That's 70 percent of what we spend every year," he said on Bloomberg News Tuesday when asked about the national debt. "There's been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been
McConnell eyes cuts to Medicare, Social Security to address deficit

The Headline is misleading. It should be that something must be done about entitlements which make up the biggest potion of the federal budget.

Total spending

A pie chart representing spending by category for the US budget for 2007
The President's actual budget for 2007 totals $2.8 trillion. Percentages in parentheses indicate percentage change compared to 2006. This budget request is broken down by the following expenditures:

  • $586.1 billion (+7.0%) - Social Security
  • $548.8 billion (+9.0%) - Defense[10]
  • $394.5 billion (+12.4%) - Medicare
  • $294.0 billion (+2.0%) - Unemployment and welfare
  • $276.4 billion (+2.9%) - Medicaid and other health related
  • $243.7 billion (+13.4%) - Interest on debt
  • $89.9 billion (+1.3%) - Education and training
  • $76.9 billion (+8.1%) - Transportation
  • $72.6 billion (+5.8%) - Veterans' benefits
  • $43.5 billion (+9.2%) - Administration of justice
  • $33.1 billion (+5.7%) - Natural resources and environment
  • $32.5 billion (+15.4%) - Foreign affairs
  • $27.0 billion (+3.7%) - Agriculture
  • $26.8 billion (+28.7%) - Community and regional development
  • $25.0 billion (+4.0%) - Science and technology
  • $20.5 billion (+0.8%) - Energy
  • $20.1 billion (+11.4%) - General government
Much of the costs of the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war until FY2008 have been funded through supplemental appropriations or emergency supplemental appropriations, which are treated differently from regular appropriations bills. Senior congressional leaders have contended that those war costs, as much as possible, should go through the regular budget process, which provides for greater transparency. Determining the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is complex. CBO has estimated that "war-related defense activities" in 2007 were "roughly $115 billion." (CBO, The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update, August 2007, Box 1-1, available at <Congressional Budget Office>) See Below for total defense spending.

This from 2007 @ https://en.wikipedia.orhttps://en.w...budget/wiki/2007_United_States_federal_budget
Its just using different words to say the same thing.

Fear mongering? The worst case for SS is that seniors get 77% of their promised benefits. Not good, but not "lost".
Medicare is another entitlement that gets a higher priority than welfare and medicaid, so your meme should have said "When you didn't get rid of the illegals, you killed welfare and medicaid for everyone"
Ahh, i get it. Its more like this:


The progressive says, kill the greedy cookie maker.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blamed spending on these services for the growing budget deficit and wants to rein them in:
"It's very disturbing, and it's driven by the three big entitlement programs that are very popular: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. That's 70 percent of what we spend every year," he said on Bloomberg News Tuesday when asked about the national debt. "There's been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been
McConnell eyes cuts to Medicare, Social Security to address deficit

The Headline is misleading. It should be that something must be done about entitlements which make up the biggest potion of the federal budget.

Total spending

A pie chart representing spending by category for the US budget for 2007
The President's actual budget for 2007 totals $2.8 trillion. Percentages in parentheses indicate percentage change compared to 2006. This budget request is broken down by the following expenditures:

  • $586.1 billion (+7.0%) - Social Security
  • $548.8 billion (+9.0%) - Defense[10]
  • $394.5 billion (+12.4%) - Medicare
  • $294.0 billion (+2.0%) - Unemployment and welfare
  • $276.4 billion (+2.9%) - Medicaid and other health related
  • $243.7 billion (+13.4%) - Interest on debt
  • $89.9 billion (+1.3%) - Education and training
  • $76.9 billion (+8.1%) - Transportation
  • $72.6 billion (+5.8%) - Veterans' benefits
  • $43.5 billion (+9.2%) - Administration of justice
  • $33.1 billion (+5.7%) - Natural resources and environment
  • $32.5 billion (+15.4%) - Foreign affairs
  • $27.0 billion (+3.7%) - Agriculture
  • $26.8 billion (+28.7%) - Community and regional development
  • $25.0 billion (+4.0%) - Science and technology
  • $20.5 billion (+0.8%) - Energy
  • $20.1 billion (+11.4%) - General government
Much of the costs of the Iraq war and the Afghanistan war until FY2008 have been funded through supplemental appropriations or emergency supplemental appropriations, which are treated differently from regular appropriations bills. Senior congressional leaders have contended that those war costs, as much as possible, should go through the regular budget process, which provides for greater transparency. Determining the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is complex. CBO has estimated that "war-related defense activities" in 2007 were "roughly $115 billion." (CBO, The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update, August 2007, Box 1-1, available at <Congressional Budget Office>) See Below for total defense spending.

This from 2007 @ https://en.wikipedia.orhttps://en.w...budget/wiki/2007_United_States_federal_budget
Its just using different words to say the same thing.

Fear mongering? The worst case for SS is that seniors get 77% of their promised benefits. Not good, but not "lost".
Medicare is another entitlement that gets a higher priority than welfare and medicaid, so your meme should have said "When you didn't get rid of the illegals, you killed welfare and medicaid for everyone"
Ahh, i get it. Its more like this:


With these people you can point out that there is nothing to "take" with social security and medicare. The fund is made out of empty promises.

But unfortunately, they are just too retarded.
OK, enough with the food fight.

The answer is to balance the Budget, which in 2019 has a $900b hole that adds to the Debt. A "politically acceptable" compromise seems to be cutting spending by $500b (medicaid + welfare + defense) and raise taxes by $500b (a 7% across the board increase above 2016 rates). That still leaves the $21T Debt and the $383b annual interest payments on the Debt. If we can sell assets to pay of the Debt, terrific. But we can't keep going on and on borrowing a $trillion a year.

Congratulations! You devised a plan for Democrats to kill the US economy and force us into a major economic depression. Great job, dumbass!
If Nevada Sen. Dean Heller is re-elected he could be the deciding vote to reduce or even kill Medicare and other benefits that help senior citizens and veterans. Heller is in favor of more tax cuts for rhe wealthiest Americans and paying for them by taking away important benefits to veterans and seniors. He may very well be the deciding vote.
This is absolute crap! The senator has never, ever said anything to corroborate this. Rosen is desperate and is slinging all the slime she can think of - true or not.
This is absolute crap! The senator has never, ever said anything to corroborate this. Rosen is desperate and is slinging all the slime she can think of - true or not.
Ya, Heller will go against Republican efforts to cut Medicare and Medicaid. He will stand alone against all the Republicans calling for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Sure he will.
This is absolute crap! The senator has never, ever said anything to corroborate this. Rosen is desperate and is slinging all the slime she can think of - true or not.
Ya, Heller will go against Republican efforts to cut Medicare and Medicaid. He will stand alone against all the Republicans calling for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Sure he will.
You idiots do this every election. Nothing but scare propaganda. The American people aren't going to fall for this again.
This is absolute crap! The senator has never, ever said anything to corroborate this. Rosen is desperate and is slinging all the slime she can think of - true or not.
Ya, Heller will go against Republican efforts to cut Medicare and Medicaid. He will stand alone against all the Republicans calling for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Sure he will.
You idiots do this every election. Nothing but scare propaganda. The American people aren't going to fall for this again.
Are you denying Republicans are not suggesting lowering Medicare and Medicaid benefits?
In 2015 Heller voted for rhe Ryan budget to slice $140 Billion from future Medicare budgets. He has already shown his cards on the issue. He has already voted to reduce rhe budget.
This is absolute crap! The senator has never, ever said anything to corroborate this. Rosen is desperate and is slinging all the slime she can think of - true or not.
Ya, Heller will go against Republican efforts to cut Medicare and Medicaid. He will stand alone against all the Republicans calling for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Sure he will.
You idiots do this every election. Nothing but scare propaganda. The American people aren't going to fall for this again.
Are you denying Republicans are not suggesting lowering Medicare and Medicaid benefits?
Yep, not for those already on Medicare. No one is going to go without healthcare. There are plenty of clinics for the poor in this nation.
In 2015 Heller voted for rhe Ryan budget to slice $140 Billion from future Medicare budgets. He has already shown his cards on the issue. He has already voted to reduce rhe budget.
"Future", key word. No cuts for those currently on it.
This is absolute crap! The senator has never, ever said anything to corroborate this. Rosen is desperate and is slinging all the slime she can think of - true or not.
Ya, Heller will go against Republican efforts to cut Medicare and Medicaid. He will stand alone against all the Republicans calling for reductions in Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Sure he will.
You idiots do this every election. Nothing but scare propaganda. The American people aren't going to fall for this again.
Are you denying Republicans are not suggesting lowering Medicare and Medicaid benefits?
Yep, not for those already on Medicare. No one is going to go without healthcare. There are plenty of clinics for the poor in this nation.
People go without healthcare now. There are not plenty of clinics for rhe poor. Free clinics are rare.

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