Mitch McConnell: We must cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security to reduce the deficit

Do you support cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security?

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The Avalon Project : Federalist No 45

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected.

The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. The operations of the federal government will be most extensive and important in times of war and danger; those of the State governments, in times of peace and security. As the former periods will probably bear a small proportion to the latter, the State governments will here enjoy another advantage over the federal government. The more adequate, indeed, the federal powers may be rendered to the national defense, the less frequent will be those scenes of danger which might favor their ascendancy over the governments of the particular States


The Day FDR Tore Up The Constitution - Daily Reckoning

In part of FDR’s New Deal, Social Security was dreamed up to protect people against financial devastation in their most dependent times. The concept of Social Security was straightforward; the constitutionality of it was not. In concept, the Social Security system would collect a special tax to fund a special account that provides financial support to the nation’s elderly, disadvantaged and dispossessed.

But in constitutional terms, the Social Security program would collect taxes from the many to distribute funds to the few. Thus, the Social Security Act of 1935 was a truly groundbreaking piece of legislation…and maybe even unconstitutional.

Prior to the New Deal, legal precedent on the Supreme Court had established that any practice the Constitution did not explicitly permit was, by definition, unconstitutional.

Under the 10th Amendment, federal powers are restricted to what the Constitution says. Nevertheless, politicians and jurists throughout history have debated whether the letter or the spirit of the Constitution ought to be the deciding factor in any Supreme Court decision. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison debated this very idea in the early years of the republic. Hamilton argued the federal government could levy new taxes for the general welfare of the country in a broad sense. But Madison countered that the federal government could only levy new taxes specifically granted by the Constitution.

The Day FDR Tore Up The Constitution - Daily Reckoning

In part of FDR’s New Deal, Social Security was dreamed up to protect people against financial devastation in their most dependent times. The concept of Social Security was straightforward; the constitutionality of it was not. In concept, the Social Security system would collect a special tax to fund a special account that provides financial support to the nation’s elderly, disadvantaged and dispossessed.

But in constitutional terms, the Social Security program would collect taxes from the many to distribute funds to the few. Thus, the Social Security Act of 1935 was a truly groundbreaking piece of legislation…and maybe even unconstitutional.

Prior to the New Deal, legal precedent on the Supreme Court had established that any practice the Constitution did not explicitly permit was, by definition, unconstitutional.

Under the 10th Amendment, federal powers are restricted to what the Constitution says. Nevertheless, politicians and jurists throughout history have debated whether the letter or the spirit of the Constitution ought to be the deciding factor in any Supreme Court decision. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison debated this very idea in the early years of the republic. Hamilton argued the federal government could levy new taxes for the general welfare of the country in a broad sense. But Madison countered that the federal government could only levy new taxes specifically granted by the Constitution.
there is no general warfare clause or common offense clause.
cut SS - what a wonderful platform to run on for midterms.

wonderful for Democrats to use to kick Republican ass.

I watched the video at the link and never heard him say cut SS. More lying from the stains.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Even if your epiphany is true - they gave us plenty of warning that this was their plan. Why are you surprised? Rich people don't depend on Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.


Democrats Pounce On Mitch McConnell For Blaming Debt On Social Security, Medicare

As this is a political forum, I am always stunned at the lack of understanding about how our government works being displayed here.

Understand this. The tax cuts have nothing to do with funding for social security and medicare. Those programs are funded by employer/employee contributions, so unless funding for those programs change, they have been left totally unaffected by the Trump tax cuts.

I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Even if your epiphany is true - they gave us plenty of warning that this was their plan. Why are you surprised? Rich people don't depend on Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.


Democrats Pounce On Mitch McConnell For Blaming Debt On Social Security, Medicare

As this is a political forum, I am always stunned at the lack of understanding about how our government works being displayed here.

Understand this. The tax cuts have nothing to do with funding for social security and medicare. Those programs are funded by employer/employee contributions, so unless funding for those programs change, they have been left totally unaffected by the Trump tax cuts.

No offense but I don't think you realize what these trolls are doing. They aren't stupid. They purposely post lies and half truths to start trouble and make others think they will lose if they don't vote for democrats. Everything they post is geared toward this countries destruction by the socialist democrats who want to turn this country into what Mexico is: A shit hole where the ruling elite are super rich and everyone else is dirt poor.
Why is it that every time Republicans fuck up the economy - they want to cut Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid? The answer is simple - they want to destroy those federal programs. I expect they'll soon be talking again about "privatization".

And? Until 1986 federal government employees were covered under a plan much like social security. After 1986, federal employees were put into new "private" plans. My wife, as a federal employee, has such a plan, and it will provide retirement and is not a drain on the treasury and increasing our debt. Whats not to like? And why can't non government workers have these types of plans when government workers can?

I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Even if your epiphany is true - they gave us plenty of warning that this was their plan. Why are you surprised? Rich people don't depend on Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.


Democrats Pounce On Mitch McConnell For Blaming Debt On Social Security, Medicare

As this is a political forum, I am always stunned at the lack of understanding about how our government works being displayed here.

Understand this. The tax cuts have nothing to do with funding for social security and medicare. Those programs are funded by employer/employee contributions, so unless funding for those programs change, they have been left totally unaffected by the Trump tax cuts.

No offense but I don't think you realize what these trolls are doing. They aren't stupid. They purposely post lies and half truths to start trouble and make others think they will lose if they don't vote for democrats. Everything they post is geared toward this countries destruction by the socialist democrats who want to turn this country into what Mexico is: A shit hole where the ruling elite are super rich and everyone else is dirt poor.

While I don't have many post here, I am a pretty active poster on forums going back at least 15 years. My intent is to answer deception with the truth, using rational arguments in hopes that some here can make an informed choice.

I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Even if your epiphany is true - they gave us plenty of warning that this was their plan. Why are you surprised? Rich people don't depend on Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.


Democrats Pounce On Mitch McConnell For Blaming Debt On Social Security, Medicare

As this is a political forum, I am always stunned at the lack of understanding about how our government works being displayed here.

Understand this. The tax cuts have nothing to do with funding for social security and medicare. Those programs are funded by employer/employee contributions, so unless funding for those programs change, they have been left totally unaffected by the Trump tax cuts.

No offense but I don't think you realize what these trolls are doing. They aren't stupid. They purposely post lies and half truths to start trouble and make others think they will lose if they don't vote for democrats. Everything they post is geared toward this countries destruction by the socialist democrats who want to turn this country into what Mexico is: A shit hole where the ruling elite are super rich and everyone else is dirt poor.

While I don't have many post here, I am a pretty active poster on forums going back at least 15 years. My intent is to answer deception with the truth, using rational arguments in hopes that some here can make an informed choice.

That's good but the shills will have none of it. Thanks though and keep up the good work. Me, I used to be like that years ago, but gave up. The dark side got me!
we have a Commerce Clause; metadata for the general welfare not the general warfare!
The Federal Gov't shall have the right to REGULATE interstate trade and foreign Trade...........To be a Referee..........and a Referee ONLY.

They pick and choose the winners now because people like you gave them too much power. The power to pick and choose the winners and losers and become rich in the process..........

This is EXACTLY WHY the founding fathers limited the power of the Federal Gov't

The Day FDR Tore Up The Constitution - Daily Reckoning

In part of FDR’s New Deal, Social Security was dreamed up to protect people against financial devastation in their most dependent times. The concept of Social Security was straightforward; the constitutionality of it was not. In concept, the Social Security system would collect a special tax to fund a special account that provides financial support to the nation’s elderly, disadvantaged and dispossessed.

But in constitutional terms, the Social Security program would collect taxes from the many to distribute funds to the few. Thus, the Social Security Act of 1935 was a truly groundbreaking piece of legislation…and maybe even unconstitutional.

Prior to the New Deal, legal precedent on the Supreme Court had established that any practice the Constitution did not explicitly permit was, by definition, unconstitutional.

Under the 10th Amendment, federal powers are restricted to what the Constitution says. Nevertheless, politicians and jurists throughout history have debated whether the letter or the spirit of the Constitution ought to be the deciding factor in any Supreme Court decision. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison debated this very idea in the early years of the republic. Hamilton argued the federal government could levy new taxes for the general welfare of the country in a broad sense. But Madison countered that the federal government could only levy new taxes specifically granted by the Constitution.
there is no general warfare clause or common offense clause.
Correct.........There are enumerated powers that were bastardized by FDR and corrupt politicians...........and here we are.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Even if your epiphany is true - they gave us plenty of warning that this was their plan. Why are you surprised? Rich people don't depend on Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.


Democrats Pounce On Mitch McConnell For Blaming Debt On Social Security, Medicare

As this is a political forum, I am always stunned at the lack of understanding about how our government works being displayed here.

Understand this. The tax cuts have nothing to do with funding for social security and medicare. Those programs are funded by employer/employee contributions, so unless funding for those programs change, they have been left totally unaffected by the Trump tax cuts.

No offense but I don't think you realize what these trolls are doing. They aren't stupid. They purposely post lies and half truths to start trouble and make others think they will lose if they don't vote for democrats. Everything they post is geared toward this countries destruction by the socialist democrats who want to turn this country into what Mexico is: A shit hole where the ruling elite are super rich and everyone else is dirt poor.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights and just want to control women through abortion laws.
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Even if your epiphany is true - they gave us plenty of warning that this was their plan. Why are you surprised? Rich people don't depend on Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.


Democrats Pounce On Mitch McConnell For Blaming Debt On Social Security, Medicare

As this is a political forum, I am always stunned at the lack of understanding about how our government works being displayed here.

Understand this. The tax cuts have nothing to do with funding for social security and medicare. Those programs are funded by employer/employee contributions, so unless funding for those programs change, they have been left totally unaffected by the Trump tax cuts.

No offense but I don't think you realize what these trolls are doing. They aren't stupid. They purposely post lies and half truths to start trouble and make others think they will lose if they don't vote for democrats. Everything they post is geared toward this countries destruction by the socialist democrats who want to turn this country into what Mexico is: A shit hole where the ruling elite are super rich and everyone else is dirt poor.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights and just want to control women through abortion laws.
blah blah blah blather rinse repeat
I never thought this would happen. I voted for Trump in the primaries, and for him again in the general election. I love his presidency and his accomplishments, but all of a sudden now the bottom is starting to fall out of the Republican party.

Mitch McConnell is saying that we now need to cut Social Security and Medicare. Whaaat ? Is this man crazy ? He's not alone. He's got Paul Ryan on board with him. Hopefully, if these nutjobs go through with this in the Congress, Trump will shut it all down with a presidential veto.

The Newsweek article I saw on this said that Democrats are ready to pounce on Republicans who put this forward, They're not the only ones. A lot of us Republicans will pounce on them too, as I'm doing right now.

1. If you want to kill the Republican party, this is the sure way of doing it. Older people vote in droves, and will simply not tolerate cuts in our already too small incomes. This would be the greatest gift Republicans could ever give to Democrats.

2. Older people have worked their butts off for 50 or 60 years, paying into this. Not right to cut it back from them.

3. If you want to cut entitlements, how about getting rid of millions of illegal foreigner leeches, who are sucking up waay too much of the federal budget ? Jail politicians passing sanctuary city laws. Abolish birthright citizenship for kids of foreigners.

4. Cut govt waste, but Social Security and Medicare are not waste.

Even if your epiphany is true - they gave us plenty of warning that this was their plan. Why are you surprised? Rich people don't depend on Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.


Democrats Pounce On Mitch McConnell For Blaming Debt On Social Security, Medicare

As this is a political forum, I am always stunned at the lack of understanding about how our government works being displayed here.

Understand this. The tax cuts have nothing to do with funding for social security and medicare. Those programs are funded by employer/employee contributions, so unless funding for those programs change, they have been left totally unaffected by the Trump tax cuts.

No offense but I don't think you realize what these trolls are doing. They aren't stupid. They purposely post lies and half truths to start trouble and make others think they will lose if they don't vote for democrats. Everything they post is geared toward this countries destruction by the socialist democrats who want to turn this country into what Mexico is: A shit hole where the ruling elite are super rich and everyone else is dirt poor.
the right wing doesn't care about natural rights and just want to control women through abortion laws.
blah blah blah blather rinse repeat
nothing but the spam of nothing but fallacy?
We are entitled to entitlement Spending; cut discretionary spending, right wingers. You don't want to pay for your alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror.
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell blamed spending on these services for the growing budget deficit and wants to rein them in:
"It's very disturbing, and it's driven by the three big entitlement programs that are very popular: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. That's 70 percent of what we spend every year," he said on Bloomberg News Tuesday when asked about the national debt. "There's been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully at some point here we'll get serious about this. We haven't been
McConnell eyes cuts to Medicare, Social Security to address deficit

As predicted by many that Republicans would go after Social Security.Medicare to pay for the Trump tax cuts (that no one needed.) It's true--here is the Newsweek article--and as we know Newsweek is a conservative magazine.
Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts


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