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Mitt Romney and the Mormon White Horse Prophesy

I've posted links to Morm sites where this is discussed and the Morm family member I've quoted here has said this is true.

If you read felon and con man Smith, he talks about taking over the US with Missouri being the new government HQ. And, if you look at what the cult is doing right now, its obvious they believe its time to make their move.

Thing is, Mitt could actually make progress in accomplishing this because the rw voters have shown they are more than willing to ignore everything Mittens actually says and does. Remember when they said they would "hold their noses" and vote for him? Now they talk like he's the second coming even though he has shown he is unqualified and actually hates the very people who now plan to vote for him.
That these posts on the role of religion and the Rs wanting control over our bodies as well as our money, that rw's are ignoring that very real threat to America is indicative of just how brainwashed they've become.

They're being told to vote against their own self-interest as well as the best interest of the US and by "gawd", that's what they will do.
I don't know if he's mentioned in my link (I can't remember right off hand), but the person who sent me this also linked Glenn Beck to it. The gist of his argument is that Beck, being a Mormon himself, has set out to create the conditions whereby the Constitution will hang by that prophetic thread.

IF the prophesy is true, Beck is certainly doing his part by stirring up his followers to oppose the liberal/progressive/socialist conspiracy to overthrow America. And, they're believing it, as we can see right here on these boards. It's a very common theme from our RWNJ friends.

As for the prophesy itself? The LDS official position is that it's unproven and not a part of their doctrine. It seems that the "revelation" about Smith's prophesy did not appear until long after his death. A man who knew him said Smith told him.

However, just because the LDS church doesn't officially admit it does not make it untrue. Neither does it prove the existence of it. In any case, according to the research I've done, it seems a large number of Mormon's believe it to be true. Whether or not it really is, or whether or not it has any validity, is immaterial if some believers have set out to make it happen.
LDS are possibly the most secretive "religion" there is. They're certainly among the most dishonest. (I find it hard to say that since I believe the fundamental basis of all religions is dishonesty. But, Morms are the only ones that I know who actively teach lying as a way to get what you want. As I've written before (and as I've linked to repeatedly), lying is not just tolerated or accepted. It is taught from a very early age and it is rewarded.

Even The Onion has taken note of Romney's key campaign methods and, and in their satirical way have commented on it-

Romney Proudly Explains How He's Turned Campaign Around | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

“I’m lying a lot more, and my lies are far more egregious than they’ve ever been,” a smiling Romney told reporters while sitting in the back of his campaign bus, adding that when faced with a choice to either lie or tell the truth, he will more than likely lie. “It’s a strategy that works because when I lie, I’m essentially telling people what they want to hear, and people really like hearing things they want to hear. Even if they sort of know that nothing I’m saying is true.”

“It’s a freeing strategy, really, because I don’t have to worry about facts or being accurate or having any concrete positions of any kind,” Romney added.

rw's KNOW he's lying and they apparently love it.
Who the fu@@ cares. Religion is BS. This story is BS

Really? Any conceivable conspiracy theory relating to Barack Obama is accepted without question by our resident RWNJ's. Why should this one be treated differently?
And, how does hypocrite Mitt see Billy Graham's cult? As an abomination before god and home to the devil.

1 Nephi 14:10*

1 Nephi 14:10*

This is, btw, the official internet LDS site.

Mitt is laughing his head off at Graham just as he does at the gullible rw's.

Old Guy, I've read some really stinky stuff about Beck, LDS and his big plans for the future. I think he's just in it for the bucks the end result would be the same.

Where LDS is putting a huge percentage of their resources is in the poor (uneducated) south. The fundies can be pushed pretty easily - just as we see here. They really aren't all that bright and they'll believe any outlandish lie about that there black guy in the WH and they will cheerfully vote against their own religion and their own country - just cuz wacko Beck (or lushbo or fux) tells them to.

I've just posted a huge list of Mitt's lies -

The rw's are terrified to confront even one of those lies so they will hide behind their childish potty mouths.

Heck of a way to decide who to vote for.
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Where LDS is putting a huge percentage of their resources is in the poor (uneducated) south. The fundies can be pushed pretty easily - just as we see here. They really aren't all that bright and they'll believe any outlandish lie about that there black guy in the WH and they will cheerfully vote against their own religion and their own country - just cuz wacko Beck (or lushbo or fux) tells them to.

Oh, I saw that first hand at Beck's rally on The Mall a couple of years ago. I didn't specifically go to Washington for that event, but availed myself of the opportunity to see it since I was there anyhow.

I spent most of the day going around the crowd engaging people in conversation, most of whom self-identified as Christian, and I was absolutely APPALLED at the lack of both Scriptural and Constitutional knowledge or understanding. It was like talking to a series of implanted sound bites. Most of them were so enthralled of Beck and his coterie of fellow travelers on the stage (like Sarah Palin) that I have no doubt had he pointed his finger at the White House, the whole 300,000 would have marched enmasse right then to overthrow the President.

And, I say this from the vantage point of being a fundamentalist Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher myself and life-long student of American politics. I do know a little and I know ignorance on both subjects when I see it.
The White Horse prophecy is a bunch of hooey.

The only aspect of the prophecy that is accurate is the prophecy that when the Constitution is hanging by a thread the Elders of Israel will save it, if anyone does.

There is no prophecy about a Mormon President.
There is no prophecy about a White Horse.

And I sure as heck wouldn't be trusting that web site for accurate information on Mormonism. It's unpopular even among anti-Mormons. Just saying.
And, you'd be just wrong.

Why are rw voters so averse to actually learning about their candidate?
The OP is an idiot and a bigot

Having a close and personnel relationship with Mormonism for over 30 years,I can tell you he knows nothing at all that is factual

I am not a Mormon by the way so save your fingers the trouble.

Obama's or Romney' s personnel religious beliefs and experiences have no bearing on the election.

Typical of the oh so tolerant left.
Who the fu@@ cares. Religion is BS. This story is BS

Maybe to you. And, certainly to me. I'm MORE likely to believe in Santa Claus.

But, the fundies take it very seriously. So do various "christian" sects and that old phony, Billy Graham sold out at the drop of a hat. Heck, the Scientology froot loops are watching very carefully to figure out how they can cash in.

The LDS ARE cashing in. That's why the big push with missionaries to the most ignorant parts of the south. They're selling Mitt and their religion. And, you can bet the idiots who want more than anything to believe President Obama is a "muslin" from Africa are buying.

Never underestimate the power of fire and brimstone mixed with poverty and snake handlers.

And, take note that those are not the people the pubpots want to stop from voting!
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