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Mitt Romney and the Mormon White Horse Prophesy

There are always prophecies.

I'm not overly concerned about this as I know for a fact any attempt to turn the US into a Theocracy ran by the Mormons would end in bloody revolution. A HUGE portion of the country view the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints as an out and out cult. A nice friendly cult, but a cult all the same. There's zero chance the Catholics, Protestants, atheists, and agnostics of the nation would stand by and let a cult representing a small portion of the nation seize control.

I am more concerned about the true stories I've heard about the influence The Prophet has over his people. I'd like some distance between the President and unelected advisers. I'm a Christian, but when it comes to politics I'm very much a Cardinal Richelieu man. The State has its own morality, and as a leader you have to check your own morals at the door and do what's best for the nation.

I wouldn't be so sure that millions of fundamentalist Christian's wouldn't rise to support the takeover of our government so long as it's done in the name of God. I know and interact with literally hundreds of them on a regular basis and they REALLY are afraid that America is drifting into evil and that it's a result of some kind of un-Godly, liberal/humanist conspiracy.
There are always prophecies.

I'm not overly concerned about this as I know for a fact any attempt to turn the US into a Theocracy ran by the Mormons would end in bloody revolution. A HUGE portion of the country view the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints as an out and out cult. A nice friendly cult, but a cult all the same. There's zero chance the Catholics, Protestants, atheists, and agnostics of the nation would stand by and let a cult representing a small portion of the nation seize control.

I am more concerned about the true stories I've heard about the influence The Prophet has over his people. I'd like some distance between the President and unelected advisers. I'm a Christian, but when it comes to politics I'm very much a Cardinal Richelieu man. The State has its own morality, and as a leader you have to check your own morals at the door and do what's best for the nation.

I wouldn't be so sure that millions of fundamentalist Christian's wouldn't rise to support the takeover of our government so long as it's done in the name of God. I know and interact with literally hundreds of them on a regular basis and they REALLY are afraid that America is drifting into evil and that it's a result of some kind of un-Godly, liberal/humanist conspiracy.

There's a difference between electing a guy who's a Mormon, and supporting a complete and total installation of a theocracy by Mormons.

Part of the reason we won't ever have a theocracy in the USA is because when it comes to religion we in the USA are more than willing to get bogged down by details. I'm currently looking at private schools for my son and there's a fairly good chance that I won't be sending my kid to once of the best ones in the city. Why? After attending morning student mass, participating in a liturgy nearly identical to my own (LCMS), and singing a few hymns I know by heart, they invited the students to open communion. My wife and I nearly walked out right there as open communion is a big no no for a Lutheran, and has biblical basis in there.

I'm far from the only person that gets hung up on small points like that. Now tell me that an official state religion embracing LDS tenets will go over with the Baptists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Catholics, Methodists, etc in this nation?
Mount of Olives is a long way from Missouri.

That was my point. There is no dispute that Christ's second coming will occur before the world at the Mount of Olives.
There is your conflict. Mormons say he'll appear in Missouri.

You just don't want to listen on this one, do you?

Christ will appear before the world at His Second Coming on the Mount of Olives in Israel. That is what Mormonism teaches

And then shall the Lord set his foot upon this mount, and it shall cleave in twain, and the earth shall tremble, and reel to and fro, and the heavens also shall shake.

And the Lord shall utter his voice, and all the ends of the earth shall hear it; and the nations of the earth shall mourn, and they that have laughed shall see their folly.

And calamity shall cover the mocker, and the scorner shall be consumed; and they that have watched for iniquity shall be hewn down and cast into the fire.

And then shall the Jews look upon me and say: What are these wounds in thine hands and in thy feet?

Then shall they know that I am the Lord; for I will say unto them: These wounds are the wounds with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. I am he who was lifted up. I am Jesus that was crucified. I am the Son of God.

And then shall they weep because of their iniquities; then shall they lament because they persecuted their king. (D&C 45:48-53)

Mormon scripture showing Christ, at His Second Coming, arriving before the world on the Mount of Olives.
I didn't claim to know very much about Mormonism and I believe I very clearly stated that I don't know if all this is true or not. Did you miss that memo?

Is it true? IS there really such a thing as the White Horse prophesy?

And, by the way, if the claim that Obama is a Muslim is important, why shouldn't Romney's Mormonism be a subject of discussion?

I don't have a problem with anyone discussing Romney's Faith. Mormonism can hold up to the scrutiny.

As I said earlier, the White Horse prophecy is a fabrication built around the aspect of another prophecy. Namely that there will come a time when the Constitution will hang by a thread and that the Elders of Israel will be the ones to save it if anyone does.

The White Horse prophecy adds a bunch of stuff to that that is blatantly untrue in most cases and those additions were provided decades after the above paraphrased prophecy.

There is no prophecy of a Mormon President. (would be nice because we are going to have one in a few months. Would be another hit for Joseph Smith if it was).
There is no Prophecy of a Mormon takeover. Nor any desire for one.

The site you're linking to is notorious for making things up. Even the Anti-Mormons don't put much stock in alot of what is said there

Oh, I know it's an extremist position. My own research found a lot about this so-called prophesy, but ALL of it came either from people outside the LDS church or from former Mormon's who have some kind of axe to grind. The church itself disavows it and does not claim it as a part of their doctrine. That makes the whole thing suspect.

However, it's clear that there are a pretty substantial number of people within in the church who DO believe it's true and are in positions to actually make it happen. For instance, Beck has so much authority with his followers that he can create the conditions whereby the Constitution hangs by a thread simply by urging his followers to revolt. Given his long history of peddling conspiracy theories, it's not beyond the realm of possibility, is it?

The unanswered question is where Romney stands on this. Does he believe it? Does he not? Confronted with a Constitutional crisis, would he claim himself as the appointed one and move to fulfill the prophesy? Would he not?

We simply don't know, do we?

There is no appointed one in the prophecy. There is no prophecy of a Mormon President.

We already have a Constitutional Crisis. And yes we do know because you're completely making things up
There are always prophecies.

I'm not overly concerned about this as I know for a fact any attempt to turn the US into a Theocracy ran by the Mormons would end in bloody revolution. A HUGE portion of the country view the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints as an out and out cult. A nice friendly cult, but a cult all the same. There's zero chance the Catholics, Protestants, atheists, and agnostics of the nation would stand by and let a cult representing a small portion of the nation seize control.

I am more concerned about the true stories I've heard about the influence The Prophet has over his people. I'd like some distance between the President and unelected advisers. I'm a Christian, but when it comes to politics I'm very much a Cardinal Richelieu man. The State has its own morality, and as a leader you have to check your own morals at the door and do what's best for the nation.

There is not now, nor has there eve been any desire fr a Mormon takeover of the United States government. In fact, the prophesy in question talks about Mormons Restoring our Free Republic.
There is not now, nor has there eve been any desire fr a Mormon takeover of the United States government. In fact, the prophesy in question talks about Mormons Restoring our Free Republic.

Well, it's looking more and more like the Senate Majority leader will be Reid, who himself is a Mormon. If Romney wins, maybe they'll have their chance.

I think part of why folks are scared of a possible Mormon attempt to seize the government is because they're looking at the history of Utah itself. Things like the Utah War and the semi-theocratic nature of the state government in Utah from time to time scares folks.
I'm far from the only person that gets hung up on small points like that. Now tell me that an official state religion embracing LDS tenets will go over with the Baptists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Catholics, Methodists, etc in this nation?

It wouldn't, but neither would any prospective government put forward by the Evangelical theonomist's and reconstructionist's, but nobody seems to recognize that fact. All they see is a Godly government and they never seem to stop and think about WHOSE Godly government.

I've tried to broach this subject many, many times with my Evangelical friends and they simply don't get it. When they start empassionately going on about a Godly government or putting God back into schools and such, I ask: "Whose God? Whose Christianity? Mine? Yours? Catholics? Mormons? Pentacostals?"

The answer is always..ALWAYS..a blank look and no retort. They don't have enough biblical knowledge or real-world experience to recognize that Christianity comes in many, many different guises, most of which are NOT like mine and NOT like yours.

The point is that I believe most of them could very easily be led to accept a "Christian government" simply by the use of that phrase and it would not matter to them which branch of Christianity it is.
There is not now, nor has there eve been any desire fr a Mormon takeover of the United States government. In fact, the prophesy in question talks about Mormons Restoring our Free Republic.

Well, it's looking more and more like the Senate Majority leader will be Reid, who himself is a Mormon. If Romney wins, maybe they'll have their chance.

I think part of why folks are scared of a possible Mormon attempt to seize the government is because they're looking at the history of Utah itself. Things like the Utah War and the semi-theocratic nature of the state government in Utah from time to time scares folks.

I doubt most people know enough of our history to recognize the importance of the Mormon War, Nauvoo or Deseret. In fact, I highly doubt most people have even heard of them.
we know R's put party before country so its not really surprising to me that they throw anything else under the proverbial bus to assuage their quest for power. Paul Ryan even threw Ayn under the bus a few months ago to further his political career for cryin' out loud. He's on tape saying that she was req'd reading to staffers in his office. Now he casts her aside like an empty soda can. We all know that Ayn was/is req'd reading for any aspiring zaney college repub. The R's are scary in that they'd throw anyone under a bus if it came to it judging by the past actions.
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we know R's put party before country so its not really surprising to me that they throw anything else under the proverbial bus to assuage their quest for power. Paul Ryan even threw Ayn under the bus a few months ago to further his political career.

He may have done that publicly, but according to this article, he's prepared to implement her philosophies on day one.

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