Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

So what is your point here?

That she's abusing the system? Absolutely.

But the current economic system can't provide jobs for the folks who actually want to work.

I'd have no problem if the government attached a work requirement to all these benefits.

I also notice a lot of hostility towards a family member...

The problem is that the government manages all of theses programs- and they suck at it. Abuse is rampant and it hurts the people with a legitimate need- Welfare should be a temporary stop gap. Unfortunately it is a way of life for some people.

When the president gave out aid to states he undid the hard work of welfare reform done in the 90's by mandating that some of the funds available to the states require them to undo that work. In addition he required states accepting some of those fund to add part time employment benefits.

This president has been a fiscal disaster.

I don't disagree with that. I have a huge problem with the fact that Democrats think I should be happy pulling the wagon for these people. But Republicans think I should be happy pulling the wagon for 8 figure CEO and wealthy stockholders, and I'm not thrilled with that notion, either.

Not sure what the answer here is. Right now, those corporations aren't providing enough jobs for those who want to work. I mean, the 1990's reforms worked well because back in those bad old days of the 1990's, we had 4% unemployment and places had "Help Wanted" signs out.

I mean, the solution the above lady would be to declare her an unfit mother and put those kids in foster homes. Identify the fathers and make them pony up. But I don't think society would go along with that because it's kind of harsh.

There will always be those who want to milk the system- But you don't create or continue bad policy because of them. There are still jobs to be had- The back to work programs continue support where support is needed i.e. child care/food stamps/payments- so long as the parent is participating.

The example submitted by the poster is likely not a majority. Nevertheless it happens because we have bureaucrats managing the programs without support enforcing back to work mandates. Now we have president Obama undoing what little enforcement was in place- This will create more fraud, not less.
But I though being a mother WAS the hardest work on the planet...everyone says so.

Isn't it the most honorable work on the planet, raising the next generation of children? Don't we want to encourage more parental involvement?

Let's take a working poor family. Father works two jobs. Neither of his jobs provide healthcare for him and his family. They are poor enough to qualify for assistance so let's require the mother to work (despite having a young child) to "pay" for those benefits this family needs in order to survive.

So now, the mother has to work just to pay for the daycare. This puts them just over the poverty level and no longer qualify for the benefits. Mother must go to work full time to make up for it and viola, we've created another latchkey kid that doesn't get help with their homework, fails in class and can never pull themselves out of poverty. Brilliant!

maybe they should have figured out the couldn't afford children BEFORE they had children.. why should society pay for them to have children?

are you advocating birth control because everyone knows how dismal the #'s are for abstinence?
Oops :lol:

Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

WASHINGTON -- Women who stay at home to raise their children should be given federal assistance for child care so that they can enter the job market and "have the dignity of work," Mitt Romney said in January, undercutting the sense of extreme umbrage he showed when Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen quipped last week that Ann Romney had not "worked a day in her life."

The remark, made to a Manchester, N.H., audience, was unearthed by MSNBC's "Up w/Chris Hayes," and will air during the 8 a.m. hour of his show Sunday.

Ann Romney and her husband's campaign fired back hard at Rosen following her remark. "I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work," Romney said on Twitter.

Mitt Romney, however, judging by his January remark, views stay-at-home moms who are supported by federal assistance much differently than those backed by hundreds of millions in private equity income. Poor women, he said, shouldn't be given a choice, but instead should be required to work outside the home to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits. "[E]ven if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work," Romney said of moms on TANF.

Recalling his effort as governor to increase the amount of time women on welfare in Massachusetts were required to work, Romney noted that some had considered his proposal "heartless," but he argued that the women would be better off having "the dignity of work" -- a suggestion Ann Romney would likely take issue with.

Radical Right Wing Extremist had taken that choice away from mothers who want to raise their kids and work instead of living on welfare and food stamps and public housing. Child care subsidies were cut sending some working mother back on welfare. Job training programs were cut also.
Romeny is an Radical Right Wing Extremist.
And no one owes Ann an apology. She have not worked a day in his life on a secular job and according to Proverbs 31 she has not fulfilled her wifely duties until she has held a secular job. What did she do before she had children and what has she done after they grew up?
Most mothers do not have the luxury of having the choice to stay home and raise kids. They raise kids and have to work a secular job to provide for her kids.
Hillary Rosen’s remarks were taken out of context as usually by Radical Right Wing Extremists who are looking for anything to discredit Obama when this has nothing to do with Obama.
that's the bottom line.. you should be able to make whatever choice you can afford to make, without government subsidy and without democrat wide mouths insulting the piss out of you.

So if the old man takes a ride to Baltimore Jack, the mothers and kids should live under a bridge and starve? What did Bush do to make deadbeat dads pay up for the support of their children? What does Mr. Etch-a-Sketch propose?

so in your fucked up mind the only choice she has is starvation? that's why we call you dummie.

Wrong, shit for brains. One of the greatest causes for poverty among women and children is the old man taking a hike, and not paying for his kids. You're the one who wants to damn these women and children into homelessness and starvation, because you know that attacking the poor is low hanging fruit for your right wing scumbags.

OE: This post neg repped by Willowtree.
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But I though being a mother WAS the hardest work on the planet...everyone says so.

Isn't it the most honorable work on the planet, raising the next generation of children? Don't we want to encourage more parental involvement?

Let's take a working poor family. Father works two jobs. Neither of his jobs provide healthcare for him and his family. They are poor enough to qualify for assistance so let's require the mother to work (despite having a young child) to "pay" for those benefits this family needs in order to survive.

So now, the mother has to work just to pay for the daycare. This puts them just over the poverty level and no longer qualify for the benefits. Mother must go to work full time to make up for it and viola, we've created another latchkey kid that doesn't get help with their homework, fails in class and can never pull themselves out of poverty. Brilliant!

maybe they should have figured out the couldn't afford children BEFORE they had children.. why should society pay for them to have children?

Maybe Mr. Etch-a-Sketch ought to make sure males pay support for the kids they sire.
Oops :lol:

Mitt Romney: Mothers Should Be Required To Work Outside Home Or Lose Benefits

WASHINGTON -- Women who stay at home to raise their children should be given federal assistance for child care so that they can enter the job market and "have the dignity of work," Mitt Romney said in January, undercutting the sense of extreme umbrage he showed when Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen quipped last week that Ann Romney had not "worked a day in her life."

The remark, made to a Manchester, N.H., audience, was unearthed by MSNBC's "Up w/Chris Hayes," and will air during the 8 a.m. hour of his show Sunday.

Ann Romney and her husband's campaign fired back hard at Rosen following her remark. "I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work," Romney said on Twitter.

Mitt Romney, however, judging by his January remark, views stay-at-home moms who are supported by federal assistance much differently than those backed by hundreds of millions in private equity income. Poor women, he said, shouldn't be given a choice, but instead should be required to work outside the home to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits. "[E]ven if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work," Romney said of moms on TANF.

Recalling his effort as governor to increase the amount of time women on welfare in Massachusetts were required to work, Romney noted that some had considered his proposal "heartless," but he argued that the women would be better off having "the dignity of work" -- a suggestion Ann Romney would likely take issue with.

How exactly did it back fire.

The democrats position hasnt changed. Romneys didnt change.
Stay at home mother probably pays Ann more than any secular jobs ever could. And she don't pay any taxes.
So if the old man takes a ride to Baltimore Jack, the mothers and kids should live under a bridge and starve? What did Bush do to make deadbeat dads pay up for the support of their children? What does Mr. Etch-a-Sketch propose?

so in your fucked up mind the only choice she has is starvation? that's why we call you dummie.

Wrong, shit for brains. One of the greatest causes for poverty among women and children is the old man taking a hike, and not paying for his kids. You're the one who wants to damn these women and children into homelessness and starvation, because you know that attacking the poor is low hanging fruit for your right wing scumbags.

The biggest cause is radical right cutting jobs training programs for mothers on welfare and cutting child care subsidies. These cuts keep them on welfare because they cannot afford to work at MDs and pay for child care,etc. Job training programs got lots of women off welfare and to work.

Every think the "old man" lost his job to illegal aliens, jobs leaving the country? Then Bush put them in jail so they could not work?
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Mitt Romney, however, judging by his January remark, views stay-at-home moms who are supported by federal assistance much differently than those backed by hundreds of millions in private equity income. Poor women, he said, shouldn't be given a choice, but instead should be required to work outside the home to receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits. "[E]ven if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work," Romney said of moms on TANF.

As with most everything else, Romney has no idea what he’s talking about.

If one has earned income, she is likely not eligible for TANF, or, with regard to a tiny percentage of recipients, a reduced grant. Otherwise, those receiving Cash assistance are required to perform community service whose hours are calculated per the minimum wage to repay the Cash and Food Stamps received. Those who find employment while receiving Cash are entitled to two years of subsidized childcare to ensure they stay on the job.

Only those with a child under the age of 90 days are exempt from the above requirements.

As a former governor and presidential candidate, Romney shouldn’t be ignorant of these facts concerning public assistance, and it’s illustrative as to why Romney is not qualified to be president.
And no one owes Ann an apology. She have not worked a day in his life on a secular job and according to Proverbs 31 she has not fulfilled her wifely duties until she has held a secular job. What did she do before she had children and what has she done after they grew up?
Most mothers do not have the luxury of having the choice to stay home and raise kids. They raise kids and have to work a secular job to provide for her kids.
Hillary Rosen’s remarks were taken out of context as usually by Radical Right Wing Extremists who are looking for anything to discredit Obama when this has nothing to do with Obama.

That is not what Proverbs says at all!

I personally know married couples who do sacrifice more luxury, so that the mom can stay home- though it is true that some cannot do this- by and large many couples can and do make sacrifices in order to have a parent at home.

The larger point is that Ann Romney is not asking anyone to pay more in taxes so that she could stay home. Further Ann Romney is entitled to have an opinion on the matter after traveling the country and talking to women about what worries them; inspires them; infuriates them etc- Rosen made a snotty comment in the hopes of shutting Ann Romney up.
Welfare reform a while back actually required recipients to participate in job searches and JobS classes...and if they were not working within a prescribed amount of time, cash benefits went bye-bye.

It was wildly successful, so of course the leftists hated it.

If a person didn't get a job within a certain amount of time, they were required to volunteer somewhere and the state would pick up the babysitting tab. Because that is the way to get people back to EXPERIENCE. Even if they don't get paid for it.

1. Don't speak in the past tense, when it's still true now.

2. Don't speak as if I oppose Romney's position, because I don't. I oppose supporting it with the kind of stupidity that we find in Willow.
Memo to Governor Romney: it is all well and good that you want women on welfare to go back to work, but to what jobs, sir ?!?

With a massive unemployment problem in this country, and massive outsourcing of jobs due to tax advantages, I would just like to know where you believe that these women are supposed to apply for a job?

Right now, there is a massive amount of discrimination on the part of companies which, by some miracle are hiring, and they only want people who are currently in the work force. The longer a person, and I mean, a thoroughly qualified, highly skilled individual has been unemployed, the less interest a company has in hiring them. And many of these, Governor, have would up out of a job through no fault of their own.

"I was on the treadmill at the club a couple of weeks ago, watching an episode of 60 Minutes that profiled some chronically unemployed professionals in Connecticut. They are all college educated, all in their 40s and 50s, all had burned through their 99 weeks of unemployment benefits, all had fallen from the ranks of the middle class, and all said they had also been victim to lies, deceit and greed in their thwarted efforts to become employed again."
Unemployed Need Not Apply!

So if these people are SOL with regard to their getting a job, ANY JOB, Governor Romney, what chance does a woman on welfare have to get a job?

And yes, this can be fixed, but not without an intelligently crafted workfare transition program, getting these women the skills to make them competitive to do something, and yes, child care can be provided; but Governor, with both the Federal and state budgets on the proverbial ropes, how the heck is this going to be funded?

Just asking, sir.
--M Rivero
WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!
But I though being a mother WAS the hardest work on the planet...everyone says so.

Isn't it the most honorable work on the planet, raising the next generation of children? Don't we want to encourage more parental involvement?

Let's take a working poor family. Father works two jobs. Neither of his jobs provide healthcare for him and his family. They are poor enough to qualify for assistance so let's require the mother to work (despite having a young child) to "pay" for those benefits this family needs in order to survive.

So now, the mother has to work just to pay for the daycare. This puts them just over the poverty level and no longer qualify for the benefits. Mother must go to work full time to make up for it and viola, we've created another latchkey kid that doesn't get help with their homework, fails in class and can never pull themselves out of poverty. Brilliant!

maybe they should have figured out the couldn't afford children BEFORE they had children.. why should society pay for them to have children?

Maybe Mr. Etch-a-Sketch ought to make sure males pay support for the kids they sire.

that's supposing mamma know who the baby dadddy iszzz. huh?
Yup, if you happen to be married to a Millionaire and you ghave 5 kids, the it is "dignified" to stay at home. It is a real job then. But if you are a single mother with 5 kids, you need to get out to work for the "dignity of a job."

Now we know where Romney's loyalties lie. He firmly with those that have the means. If you don't, well, find a job and find dignity. Oh, and he also like to fire people. WHAT A GUY!

Up with Chris Hayes - Romney: Welfare parents 'need to go to work'

“I wanted to increase the work requirement,” Romney said. “I said, for instance, that even if you have a child two years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, ‘Well that's heartless,' and I said ‘No, no, I'm willing to spend more giving daycare to allow those parents to go back to work. It'll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.’”
So Romney wants MOTHERS receiving assistance to go to WORK outside the home,

so they can experience the DIGNITY OF WORK.

Because apparently there is no dignity in the work of raising children.

maybe they should have figured out the couldn't afford children BEFORE they had children.. why should society pay for them to have children?

Maybe Mr. Etch-a-Sketch ought to make sure males pay support for the kids they sire.

that's supposing mamma know who the baby dadddy iszzz. huh?

Most do. The bottom line is Mr. Etch-a-Sketch has no plans like Clinton or Obama to hold deadbeat dads accountable. Why should taxpayers pay what they refuse to?

You sound like you think that most single moms are running a scam. Most become single because the man didn't want to hang in there, and refuses responsibility to pay his obligation.

Give me another neg rep for speaking the truth, pinhead.
So Romney wants MOTHERS receiving assistance to go to WORK outside the home,

so they can experience the DIGNITY OF WORK.

Because apparently there is no dignity in the work of raising children.


Is she getting up early and making them breakfast? Doing their laundry? Making their beds? No, that's what they hire people to do for them.
And since Romney wants to cut food stamps and Medicaid,

in order to pay for a huge tax cut for himself, and that hardworking mom, Ann Romney,


say no more....

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