Mitt Romney: My Effective Tax Rate for the Last Ten Years? About 15%


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Love it. Not that it's news to anyone but the 1% and Corporations pay
a lower effective tax rate than the Middle Class.
Why? The GOP has eliminated the deductions of the Middle Class and
increased the deductions and loopholes of corporations and the 1%.
It's that simple.
Of course, idiots and brainwashed drones can't comprehend this but the
net effect is evident to those whose eyes are open or those of us who
benefit from these policies (I've paid an average of 18%).
This is why the income disparity is so great in America and if the GOP
is given it's way, will continue to widen.
It's not just all the advantages given to corporations and the $200K+ set -
which are set up so that only they can take advantage of them,
it's the fact that every deduction the middle class had, has been eliminated by
until their marginal rate and effective rate have become almost
exactly the same.

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