Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

They don't even try to hide it anymore.

It's pathetic.'s like it is accepted by the dumbmasses that will surely vote for Obama thinking they too will get Obamamoney...

[ame=""]Free Obama Money - YouTube[/ame]

That's a classic !!!

I never get tired of listening to it or sharing it with my liberal friends.

In fact, I think it would be great to start those rumors on election day. That way, while we are all voting, about half his constituents will be in line somewhere expecting a handout.

It is pathetic. I am sick of supporting lazy Americans that think they're entitled just because.

To them I say Get a job. Get OFF your lazy asses. YOU aren't an American otherwise.
Corporate taxes paid for more than a quarter of federal outlays in the 1950s and a fifth in the 1960s. They began to decline during the Nixon administration, yet even by the second half of the 1990s, corporate taxes still covered 11 percent of the cost of federal programs. But in fiscal years 2002 and 2003, corporate taxes paid for a mere 6 percent of federal expenses.

The Gap Between Statutory and Real Corporate Tax Rates
Corporate taxes paid for more than a quarter of federal outlays in the 1950s and a fifth in the 1960s. They began to decline during the Nixon administration, yet even by the second half of the 1990s, corporate taxes still covered 11 percent of the cost of federal programs. But in fiscal years 2002 and 2003, corporate taxes paid for a mere 6 percent of federal expenses.

The Gap Between Statutory and Real Corporate Tax Rates
Translation: "Give me More"...I want to be lazy and demand more of those that earned it.

Chris? YOU are a class-warfare zealot. LAZY. And a liar.
From an accounting survey.......

82 United States (2006 rate = 40%)
The highest marginal federal corporate income tax rate is 35 percent. State and
local governments may also impose income taxes at rates ranging from less than
one percent to 12 percent. A corporation may deduct its state and local income tax
expense when computing its federal taxable income, generally resulting in a net
effective rate of approximately 40 percent. The effective rate may vary significantly,
depending on the locality in which a corporation conducts business.'s like it is accepted by the dumbmasses that will surely vote for Obama thinking they too will get Obamamoney...

Free Obama Money - YouTube

That's a classic !!!

I never get tired of listening to it or sharing it with my liberal friends.

In fact, I think it would be great to start those rumors on election day. That way, while we are all voting, about half his constituents will be in line somewhere expecting a handout.

It is pathetic. I am sick of supporting lazy Americans that think they're entitled just because.

To them I say Get a job. Get OFF your lazy asses. YOU aren't an American otherwise.

I agree!

Corporate taxes paid for more than a quarter of federal outlays in the 1950s and a fifth in the 1960s. They began to decline during the Nixon administration, yet even by the second half of the 1990s, corporate taxes still covered 11 percent of the cost of federal programs. But in fiscal years 2002 and 2003, corporate taxes paid for a mere 6 percent of federal expenses.

The Gap Between Statutory and Real Corporate Tax Rates

Wow...starting to figure it out ?

This is meaningless to the debate, but maybe you now see that Bush and obama are funding us off a massive credit card.

They are not collecting enough taxes from anyone.


And what about those 47% who pay no federal tax....I say they pay a minimum of 2%.
Corporate taxes paid for more than a quarter of federal outlays in the 1950s and a fifth in the 1960s. They began to decline during the Nixon administration, yet even by the second half of the 1990s, corporate taxes still covered 11 percent of the cost of federal programs. But in fiscal years 2002 and 2003, corporate taxes paid for a mere 6 percent of federal expenses.

The Gap Between Statutory and Real Corporate Tax Rates

Wow...starting to figure it out ?

This is meaningless to the debate, but maybe you now see that Bush and obama are funding us off a massive credit card.

They are not collecting enough taxes from anyone.


And what about those 47% who pay no federal tax....I say they pay a minimum of 2%.

KEY. No more handouts for ANYONE. Cut Gubmint to the bone. Constitutionally mandated bone.
Corporate taxes paid for more than a quarter of federal outlays in the 1950s and a fifth in the 1960s. They began to decline during the Nixon administration, yet even by the second half of the 1990s, corporate taxes still covered 11 percent of the cost of federal programs. But in fiscal years 2002 and 2003, corporate taxes paid for a mere 6 percent of federal expenses.

The Gap Between Statutory and Real Corporate Tax Rates

Wow...starting to figure it out ?

This is meaningless to the debate, but maybe you now see that Bush and obama are funding us off a massive credit card.

They are not collecting enough taxes from anyone.


And what about those 47% who pay no federal tax....I say they pay a minimum of 2%.

Most of the debt came from the Reagan Bush tax cuts.

Click the link below to view the figures...
Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

They don't.

Romeny probably pays 60 to 65%.

You pay 22%.

He is carrying you.....freeloader.


Wages and profits come from the same mythical 65%.

Nice try though.

You must have that confused with your mythical 100K.

Romney probably pays more in one year than you will your entire life.
Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

I thought you were for those who did not work. Why do you want to tax them?

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.

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