Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.
They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.

Yes, they do.

Wages come from the same mythical 65%.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

Why should Medicaid pay to have the dildo removed from your asshole?
They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?
ASK the TAX system you so love.

It's the LAW isn't it?

You're jealous of wealth that you don't have.



The whole argument ignores what is robbed from them before they ever see a dime.

Why don't we ask why Romney pays 60 to 65% while they are a bunch of tax dodgers.
They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.

You misspelled Romney's name. It kind of hurts your credibility.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?
Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?
ASK the TAX system you so love.

It's the LAW isn't it?

You're jealous of wealth that you don't have.



It is time to change the tax system.

No more welfare for the idle rich.

Pass the Buffett Rule.

Buffet is richer than Romney by all acounts...but HE still has yet to PAY the IRS, and has taken them to court over it, hasn't he?
Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.

You misspelled Romney's name. It kind of hurts your credibility.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.
Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.

You misspelled Romney's name. It kind of hurts your credibility.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

Why should Medicaid pay to have the dildo removed from your asshole?
Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?
ASK the TAX system you so love.

It's the LAW isn't it?

You're jealous of wealth that you don't have.



It is time to change the tax system.

No more welfare for the idle rich.

Pass the Buffett Rule.

Yes, it is.

Abolish the so-called 16th Amendment.

Abolish the illegal withholding tax at the source.

Everybody pays those taxes CONSTITUTIONALLY required.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?
ASK the TAX system you so love.

It's the LAW isn't it?

You're jealous of wealth that you don't have.



The whole argument ignores what is robbed from them before they ever see a dime.

Why don't we ask why Romney pays 60 to 65% while they are a bunch of tax dodgers.
Maybe we can ask Buffet, Geitner and others beholden to Obama?

GE perhaps?
Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

They don't.

Romney probably pays 60-65%.

You pay 22% (if you really pay at all).

You should donate more to the government as you likely use more services than Romeny does.

You misspelled Romney's name. It kind of hurts your credibility.

Why should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?


Everytime you post you hurt yours.

Take a hike, loser.
ASK the TAX system you so love.

It's the LAW isn't it?

You're jealous of wealth that you don't have.



The whole argument ignores what is robbed from them before they ever see a dime.

Why don't we ask why Romney pays 60 to 65% while they are a bunch of tax dodgers.
Maybe we can ask Buffet, Geitner and others beholden to Obama?

GE perhaps?

From the web:

In the current controversy regarding Tom Daschle’s failure to report income (and thereby evade the taxes on that income), Daschle has portrayed himself as the most honest person in America, who always intended to pay all the taxes he owes, and who simply made an honest mistake. But history shows that this is not the first time Daschle has dodged taxes, raising even more questions about Daschle’s veracity and fitness for office.

In 2004, during his failed re-election campaign, it was revealed that Daschle claimed a property-tax homestead exemption for his $1.9 million Washington, D.C. mansion. The problem was that in order to claim the tax exemption, Daschle had to certify under penalty of perjury that the mansion was his primary residence. Daschle did so, and got the tax exemption, but there was a problem. Daschle had voted in South Dakota, the state he represented, by absentee ballot, listing a South Dakota address as his primary residence. South Dakota primary residency also was a requirement of Daschle running for office. When the homestead issue surfaced, accusations were made that Daschle or someone on his behalf altered the records to make it appear that only Daschle’s wife has applied for the exemption.

Daschle’s opponent, now Senator John Thune, made an issue of this tax dodge in the campaign, and Daschle was defeated…How much did Tom Daschle save on his homestead exemption tax dodge? A measly $288. Is there any thief more pathetic than a petty thief?
Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

End welfare for the wealthy.

Pass the Buffett Rule.
Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

End welfare for the wealthy.

Pass the Buffett Rule.

I've already shown that 97% of people pay less than 15% of their income in federal income taxes so people who don't work actually do pay more than people who do.
Fairness of the U.S. tax system has little to do with reality. Romney pays tax on capital gains, no tax on income... BECAUSE he has no income.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary for a like reason. She pays taxes on income. Buffet pays taxes on capital gains. Not the same tax, just fraudulently used in the SOTU as a ruse.

I refuse to discuss Warren Buffett's secretary's tax rate as a settled fact - or at all - until someone show's me the bitch's tax returns so I can see for myself what she gets paid and what amount and type of tax she pays. I'm not taking Buffett's word for it, and I'm SURE AS HELL not taking Obama's word for it.

Lefties, prove it or shut the fuck up about it.

Shut the fuck up yourself.

Wages are taxed at a higher rate than capital.

Welfare for the idle rich has to stop.

You top marginal tax rate is NOT your actual tax rate.

By the time you factor in all the deductions and tax credits 97% of tax payers pay LESS THAN 15%

So your argument that the rich pay a lesser percent of income in taxes is already lost.
Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

End welfare for the wealthy.

Pass the Buffett Rule.

I've already shown that 97% of people pay less than 15% of their income in federal income taxes so people who don't work actually do pay more than people who do.

The effective tax rate for the average American in 2007 was 20.4 percent.

Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?
Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

End welfare for the wealthy.

Pass the Buffett Rule.

I've already shown that 97% of people pay less than 15% of their income in federal income taxes so people who don't work actually do pay more than people who do.

The effective tax rate for the average American in 2007 was 20.4 percent.

Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

And in 2009 97% of tax payers paid less than 15% and the average of all tax returns was 12.8%
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Is Romney's effective tax rate lower than yours? - Jan. 18, 2012

In fact, depending on how it's measured, Romney's effective tax rate is likely higher than what many, if not most, Americans pay.

Keep in mind, an effective tax rate is not the top income tax rate you pay. Those rates can run anywhere from 10% to 35%, depending on how high your income is.

By contrast, the effective rate generally is a measure of how much you pay in taxes as a percentage of your income.

But the rate can be calculated in different ways since there are a lot of ways to define taxes. Do you just look at federal income taxes paid, or at all federal taxes? Likewise, there's more than one way to measure income. Gross? Adjusted gross? Taxable?

And this should interest you if you are actually interested in the truth that is...

The effective tax rate is always going to be lower than one's top income tax rate. And the top rate for roughly four-fifths of Americans is 15% or less, said Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

In other words, 80% of Americans have an effective rate below 15%.

If you consider income tax liability alone, the average effective federal tax rate for people with incomes between $40,000 and $50,000, for instance, is just 3.2%, according to Tax Policy Center estimates. (In measuring income, the center uses gross income and adds to it other forms of compensation, such as the money your employer contributes to your retirement savings.)

The lowest income families actually have negative average effective tax rates when income tax liability alone is measured.

For families making $50,000 to $75,000, the effective tax rate is 5.7%. From $75,000 to $100,000, it's 7.2%. And if you make $200,000, it goes up to 9.9%.

So now Chris, are you done whining yet?
Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

End welfare for the wealthy.

Pass the Buffett Rule.

I've already shown that 97% of people pay less than 15% of their income in federal income taxes so people who don't work actually do pay more than people who do.

The effective tax rate for the average American in 2007 was 20.4 percent.

Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

Chris, did you even read your link.

The average federal rate is not the same as the actual tax paid.

The average rate is a function of our graduated tax brackets effective tax rates are the actual percentage of income paid in taxes
Because it's a PRIVATE exchange upon death.
So? If I hire you, it is also a private exchange.

Why are "private exchanges" treated differently as regards to income?

Because it's already been taxed. For example, If I pay tax on my income, and die, and leave it all to you... why should you be taxed on that money? It's already been taxed.
It was already taxed either way if I give it to you or hire you: the money was my savings after taxes, bills, etc.
In a deep dive into Mitt Romney’s tax returns, it turns out that the 2012 GOP presidential candidate paid about $44,000 more in taxes than he owed.

The New York Times is reporting that Romney’s return overstated capital gains realized by $300,000, forcing Romney and his wife to pay tens of thousands of dollars more than they were supposed to.

Read more: In Tax Return, GOP Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Paid More In Taxes Than He Owed | Moneyland |

It's fascinating to me that there are posters on here who pretend to know more about capital gains than Price Waterhouse, who made the error.

It is far too complicated. K.I.S.S. Congress.

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