Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

Translation....I can't argue it.

I see some still need medicaid to extract their heads from where the dildo was placed.

Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

It isn't kind of true. It IS true. We all get paid by after tax income. Of course most corporations know how to avoid paying taxes.

The lying by Romney and his water carriers is unbelievable.
Translation....I can't argue it.

I see some still need medicaid to extract their heads from where the dildo was placed.

Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

It isn't kind of true. It IS true. We all get paid by after tax income. Of course most corporations know how to avoid paying taxes.

The lying by Romney and his water carriers is unbelievable.

Employee salaries are a business expense, and can be deducted by a company as such. Salaries are not 'after tax income.' He was referring to the dividends he made from investments, which ARE after tax income because the dividends on investments are paid to investors after all the expenses, including taxes, are paid.

If you took the time to learn how money in this country works, you might have some and not just envy those who do.
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Translation....I can't argue it.

I see some still need medicaid to extract their heads from where the dildo was placed.

Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

It isn't kind of true. It IS true. We all get paid by after tax income. Of course most corporations know how to avoid paying taxes.

The lying by Romney and his water carriers is unbelievable.

If your I.Q. were any lower, they'd have to rerange the scale.

We get paid wages you moron.

After those expenses (and the rest) what is left is profit.

You did not invest a freaking thing to get your simply show up. There is no risk.

It is no wonder you want the government to take care of you. You'd never last on your own.
Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

It isn't kind of true. It IS true. We all get paid by after tax income. Of course most corporations know how to avoid paying taxes.

The lying by Romney and his water carriers is unbelievable.

Employee salaries are a business expense, and can be deducted by a company as such. Salaries are not 'after tax income.' He was referring to the dividends he made from investments, which ARE after tax income because the dividends on investments are paid to investors after all the expenses, including taxes, are paid.

If you took the time to learn how money in this country works, you might have some and not just envy those who do.

I am truly starting to wonder if he CAN learn.

Translation....I can't argue it.

I see some still need medicaid to extract their heads from where the dildo was placed.

Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

Only if you invested.

Otherwise, they are full of crap.
If he pays 15%, his tax rate is lower than mine. I just got done filing mine.

Oh, really? 97% of Americans pay less than 15%. Are you telling us that you're a member of the 3%? Just how many hundreds of thousands of dollars DO you make every year?

That's a big Republican lie.

Why don't you do a little research before you repeat lies......

The organization also noted that "Romney’s returns reveal that he paid an effective tax rate of 13.9% . . . far less than what many middle-class Americans pay. It’s also well below what wealthy people pay. The average effective tax rate for someone in Romney’s income bracket is 25%.

The Tuesday morning CAP news conference also emphasized that Romney paid almost nothing in payroll taxes, contributing just 0.1% of his income to Social Security and Medicare in 2010 via the payroll tax because the tax is assessed only on earned wages, but all of Romney’s income came from investments. Most working Americans pay 7.65%.

Romney taxes: Critics rip loopholes, lack of Social Security help - Los Angeles Times

xyu hqoe, fzlj bgyqsa. :rolleyes:
Translation....I can't argue it.

I see some still need medicaid to extract their heads from where the dildo was placed.

Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

It isn't kind of true. It IS true. We all get paid by after tax income. Of course most corporations know how to avoid paying taxes.

The lying by Romney and his water carriers is unbelievable.

That 's is not fair.

That's OUR money - they owe us a living - we need a president who is bold enough to loot, plunder and confiscate without mercy.

As always, Heil Hitler.

If he pays 15%, his tax rate is lower than mine. I just got done filing mine.

Oh, really? 97% of Americans pay less than 15%. Are you telling us that you're a member of the 3%? Just how many hundreds of thousands of dollars DO you make every year?

That's a big Republican lie.

Why don't you do a little research before you repeat lies......

The organization also noted that "Romney’s returns reveal that he paid an effective tax rate of 13.9% . . . far less than what many middle-class Americans pay. It’s also well below what wealthy people pay. The average effective tax rate for someone in Romney’s income bracket is 25%.

The Tuesday morning CAP news conference also emphasized that Romney paid almost nothing in payroll taxes, contributing just 0.1% of his income to Social Security and Medicare in 2010 via the payroll tax because the tax is assessed only on earned wages, but all of Romney’s income came from investments. Most working Americans pay 7.65%.

Romney taxes: Critics rip loopholes, lack of Social Security help - Los Angeles Times

I do like how everyone whines about the taxes Romney paid because 'we all have to pay our fair share" and then they completely ignore the fact that he donated MORE than his taxes to charity. Gee, I guess he is paying his fair share but it must not count because he is not flushing it down the bureaucratic drain we call government.
You have to be rich to run for president. We may not like it, but that's just the way it is. In today's dollars, George Washington, was - worth a half a billion dollars. JFK would have inherited one billion. Interesting chart here:

The Net Worth Of The American Presidents: Washington To Obama - 24/7 Wall St.

Unfortunately, the sheep have been told that wealth is evil. It amazes me how many have bought into it.
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You have to be rich to run for president. We may not like it, but that's just the way it is. In today's dollars, George Washington, was - worth a half a billion dollars. JFK would have inherited one billion. Interesting chart here:

The Net Worth Of The American Presidents: Washington To Obama - 24/7 Wall St.

Unfortunately, the sheep have been told that wealth is evil. It amazes me how many have bought into it.

Wealth isn't evil, chalel.

But EVIL wealth is evil.

Details matter.
At what point does wealth become "evil wealth" - $1 mil or $250,000?

That's the message the folks are getting. How many threads do we have on this?
The better question is why does someone that makes $250,000 pay a higher tax rate than someone that makes millions? Small business is the bread and butter of this country, not some doofus that invests his money overseas.
At what point does wealth become "evil wealth" - $1 mil or $250,000?

Your question makes no sense.

It presumes that the amount of wealth one has makes on evil.

Evil is as evil DOES.

That's the message the folks are getting. How many threads do we have on this?

Partisans just love to rewrite the narrative about what people are bitching about.

In the case of the rightests, they like to tell us that the left hates the rich simply because they are rich.

That's really not true.

The vast majority of lefties I know ARE RICH.

What matters is what people DO, not how wealthy they are.

Details matter more than net worth.
You have to be rich to run for president. We may not like it, but that's just the way it is. In today's dollars, George Washington, was - worth a half a billion dollars. JFK would have inherited one billion. Interesting chart here:

The Net Worth Of The American Presidents: Washington To Obama - 24/7 Wall St.

Unfortunately, the sheep have been told that wealth is evil. It amazes me how many have bought into it.

I don't believe wealth is evil, but earning wealth in certain ways is.

Romney earned his wealthy be destroying good paying jobs and replacing them with McJobs.
Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

It isn't kind of true. It IS true. We all get paid by after tax income. Of course most corporations know how to avoid paying taxes.

The lying by Romney and his water carriers is unbelievable.

If your I.Q. were any lower, they'd have to rerange the scale.

We get paid wages you moron.

Did you really try and insult someones intelligence and in the same breath completely invent a word that doesn't actually exist? Amazing really.

I love all of these right wing nut jobs who are "experts" on everything under the sun but show their true colors throughout every post they make. :clap2:
At what point does wealth become "evil wealth" - $1 mil or $250,000?

Your question makes no sense.

It presumes that the amount of wealth one has makes on evil.

Evil is as evil DOES.

That's the message the folks are getting. How many threads do we have on this?

Partisans just love to rewrite the narrative about what people are bitching about.

In the case of the rightests, they like to tell us that the left hates the rich simply because they are rich.

That's really not true.

The vast majority of lefties I know ARE RICH.

What matters is what people DO, not how wealthy they are.

Details matter more than net worth.

Of course that question makes no sense to you. You are not an idiot. But it makes perfect sense to people on this forum who think that the rich "don't work" or are "stealing their money", or simply have too much.

To say that the right is "rewriting the narrative" is not true. The class warfare started in 2008 with Obama and Joe the Plumber, and has gained momentum because so many people are hurting.

Here's some interesting quotes about the "evil rich" from the hypocrites in Hollywood:

The Evil Rich vs. The People
At what point does wealth become "evil wealth" - $1 mil or $250,000?

Your question makes no sense.

It presumes that the amount of wealth one has makes on evil.

Evil is as evil DOES.

That's the message the folks are getting. How many threads do we have on this?

Partisans just love to rewrite the narrative about what people are bitching about.

In the case of the rightests, they like to tell us that the left hates the rich simply because they are rich.

That's really not true.

The vast majority of lefties I know ARE RICH.

What matters is what people DO, not how wealthy they are.

Details matter more than net worth.

Of course that question makes no sense to you. You are not an idiot. But it makes perfect sense to people on this forum who think that the rich "don't work" or are "stealing their money", or simply have too much.

To say that the right is "rewriting the narrative" is not true. The class warfare started in 2008 with Obama and Joe the Plumber, and has gained momentum because so many people are hurting.

Here's some interesting quotes about the "evil rich" from the hypocrites in Hollywood:

The Evil Rich vs. The People

:lol: I love the left's hypocrisy on wealth.

This country will not be better by taking the money from one to hand to another. It will get better by helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Don't climb the ladder by pulling someone else off it, let them reach down and give you a helping hand up, and then you help the next guy.
Translation....I can't argue it.

I see some still need medicaid to extract their heads from where the dildo was placed.

Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

It isn't kind of true. It IS true. We all get paid by after tax income. Of course most corporations know how to avoid paying taxes.

The lying by Romney and his water carriers is unbelievable.

Romney did not lie..It is TPM that has "gone full retard" for characterizing his comments the way they did and displaying their abject ignorance of the topic as well as their willingness to be dishonest in taking his quotes out context and creating a smear article about it...
Your question makes no sense.

It presumes that the amount of wealth one has makes on evil.

Evil is as evil DOES.

Partisans just love to rewrite the narrative about what people are bitching about.

In the case of the rightests, they like to tell us that the left hates the rich simply because they are rich.

That's really not true.

The vast majority of lefties I know ARE RICH.

What matters is what people DO, not how wealthy they are.

Details matter more than net worth.

Of course that question makes no sense to you. You are not an idiot. But it makes perfect sense to people on this forum who think that the rich "don't work" or are "stealing their money", or simply have too much.

To say that the right is "rewriting the narrative" is not true. The class warfare started in 2008 with Obama and Joe the Plumber, and has gained momentum because so many people are hurting.

Here's some interesting quotes about the "evil rich" from the hypocrites in Hollywood:

The Evil Rich vs. The People

:lol: I love the left's hypocrisy on wealth.

This country will not be better by taking the money from one to hand to another. It will get better by helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Don't climb the ladder by pulling someone else off it, let them reach down and give you a helping hand up, and then you help the next guy.

And nothing will help the poor more than increasing their taxes and giving more tax breaks to the rich! Great point once again CG.

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