Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

I've already shown that 97% of people pay less than 15% of their income in federal income taxes so people who don't work actually do pay more than people who do.

The effective tax rate for the average American in 2007 was 20.4 percent.

Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

And in 2009 97% of tax payers paid less than 15% and the average of all tax returns was 12.8%

Beware False Claims: 'Romney's Tax Rate Is Below That of Most Wage-Earning Americans' |

Liar, liar, pants of fire.

Romney saved more than $5.6 million thanks to tax cuts introduced by President George W. Bush and a loophole for carried interest that benefits partners in private equity firms and hedge funds, according to the analysis released Tuesday morning by CAP. The carried interest provisions allowed Romney to save $2.6 million, while the Bush tax cuts enabled a savings of $3 million, said Seth Hanlon, director of fiscal policy for the organization.

The organization also noted that "Romney’s returns reveal that he paid an effective tax rate of 13.9% . . . far less than what many middle-class Americans pay. It’s also well below what wealthy people pay. The average effective tax rate for someone in Romney’s income bracket is 25%.

The Tuesday morning CAP news conference also emphasized that Romney paid almost nothing in payroll taxes, contributing just 0.1% of his income to Social Security and Medicare in 2010 via the payroll tax because the tax is assessed only on earned wages, but all of Romney’s income came from investments. Most working Americans pay 7.65%.In addition, CAP researchers claimed that Romney makes more in a day than the average American makes in a year, and becomes a 1 percenter every week. "He is a poster child for the 'Buffett rule,'" said one organization staffer, a reference to the phrase adopted by President Obama as he sells his proposal to seek more tax revenues from the wealthy.

Romney taxes: Critics rip loopholes, lack of Social Security help - Los Angeles Times

Why should someone who doesn't work pay taxes at a lower rate than you do?

End welfare for the wealthy.

Pass the Buffett Rule.
Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

End welfare for the wealthy.

Pass the Buffett Rule.

Chris why do you hate the unemployed why do you want to tax them when they do not have a job?

Kudlow: Are you going to come out with a phase two tax reform plan to say to people specifically, “Here is what I’m going to do?”

Romney: Absolutely. Phase one is immediately saying to people making $200,000 a year and less, no tax on your savings. No tax on interest, dividends, or capital gains. And also phase one, get the corporate tax rate … down to 25 percent. That’s phase one. Phase two is to broaden the base, that means get rid of deductions and exemptions and loopholes and bring down the rates the way Bowles-Simpson did, not identical to Bowles Simpson. We’re working on various models to bring our rates down, and we’ll be able to make some choices in that regard.

Kudlow: When is phase two coming out?

Romney: It’s not ready yet, but it will be ready at some point.

Kudlow: Will it be ready during the primary season?

Romney: I presume so.

Romney Sounds Off on 'Buffett Tax' - CNBC
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Idiot....Romney doesn't have "income" tax, he pays a capital gains tax on investment revenue made.

If you raise the capital gains tax to 30% then average people won't invest their "remaining" income since it won't be worth it. In addition, rich people like Romney will quit investing money here.....then you will lose your Burger King job.

Got it, asswipe?

If he pays 15%, his tax rate is lower than mine. I just got done filing mine.

Oh, really? 97% of Americans pay less than 15%. Are you telling us that you're a member of the 3%? Just how many hundreds of thousands of dollars DO you make every year?
Fairness of the U.S. tax system has little to do with reality. Romney pays tax on capital gains, no tax on income... BECAUSE he has no income.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary for a like reason. She pays taxes on income. Buffet pays taxes on capital gains. Not the same tax, just fraudulently used in the SOTU as a ruse.

I refuse to discuss Warren Buffett's secretary's tax rate as a settled fact - or at all - until someone show's me the bitch's tax returns so I can see for myself what she gets paid and what amount and type of tax she pays. I'm not taking Buffett's word for it, and I'm SURE AS HELL not taking Obama's word for it.

Lefties, prove it or shut the fuck up about it.

Shut the fuck up yourself.

Wages are taxed at a higher rate than capital.

Welfare for the idle rich has to stop.

No, shitstain, it doesn't have to do ANYTHING on YOUR word for it. Cough up the evidence, or go fuck yourself. I wouldn't change my kid's diaper on just your say-so, much less US tax policy.

Once again, prove it or SHUT THE FUCK UP. Talk about Warren's "secretary's" tax rate again, and I'll tell you the same.
Fairness of the U.S. tax system has little to do with reality. Romney pays tax on capital gains, no tax on income... BECAUSE he has no income.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary for a like reason. She pays taxes on income. Buffet pays taxes on capital gains. Not the same tax, just fraudulently used in the SOTU as a ruse.

I refuse to discuss Warren Buffett's secretary's tax rate as a settled fact - or at all - until someone show's me the bitch's tax returns so I can see for myself what she gets paid and what amount and type of tax she pays. I'm not taking Buffett's word for it, and I'm SURE AS HELL not taking Obama's word for it.

Lefties, prove it or shut the fuck up about it.

yup. I posted an article in a thread addressing this, forbes knows she fell in the 35% bracket, which means she had to have had an income of 200K, minimum. she wound up at 22%. and I would be very surprised if she didn't get stock grants either, but unless we see it we won't know.

They are all over romneys tax returns, fine, she attended as a guest the state of the union as a willing participant in this theatre, very well then, lets see hers. *shrugs*

And if it's "private and none of our business", well then, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.
Yes, we know how you morons on the left frame it.

The sad little secret is that before Romney sees a dollar from his corporate earnings (capital gains), they are taxed at 35%.

I realize that does not fit the picture you want....but reality bites and it sucks to be you.

No, it sucks to be you.

YOU have to pay for Romney's welfare for the idle rich.

Why should people who don't work be taxed at a higher rate than people who do?
And Medicaid has to pay to have the dildo removed from your asshole.

At least he gave up gerbils.
The effective tax rate for the average American in 2007 was 20.4 percent.

Should people who don't work pay taxes at a lower rate than people who do?

And in 2009 97% of tax payers paid less than 15% and the average of all tax returns was 12.8%

Beware False Claims: 'Romney's Tax Rate Is Below That of Most Wage-Earning Americans' |

Liar, liar, pants of fire.

Grow the fuck up

Romney saved more than $5.6 million thanks to tax cuts introduced by President George W. Bush and a loophole for carried interest that benefits partners in private equity firms and hedge funds, according to the analysis released Tuesday morning by CAP. The carried interest provisions allowed Romney to save $2.6 million, while the Bush tax cuts enabled a savings of $3 million, said Seth Hanlon, director of fiscal policy for the organization.

And in 2010 his effective tax rate was just under 14% which is higher than the average effective tax rate.

The organization also noted that "Romney’s returns reveal that he paid an effective tax rate of 13.9% . . . far less than what many middle-class Americans pay. It’s also well below what wealthy people pay. The average effective tax rate for someone in Romney’s income bracket is 25%.

What part of this don't you understand?

For families making $50,000 to $75,000, the effective tax rate is 5.7%. From $75,000 to $100,000, it's 7.2%. And if you make $200,000, it goes up to 9.9%.

Is Romney's effective tax rate lower than yours? - Jan. 18, 2012

The Tuesday morning CAP news conference also emphasized that Romney paid almost nothing in payroll taxes, contributing just 0.1% of his income to Social Security and Medicare in 2010 via the payroll tax because the tax is assessed only on earned wages, but all of Romney’s income came from investments. Most working Americans pay 7.65%.In addition, CAP researchers claimed that Romney makes more in a day than the average American makes in a year, and becomes a 1 percenter every week. "He is a poster child for the 'Buffett rule,'" said one organization staffer, a reference to the phrase adopted by President Obama as he sells his proposal to seek more tax revenues from the wealthy.

He didn't pay payroll taxes because he's not on anyone's payroll. He's not going to be collecting Social Security or Medicare anyway so he shouldn't be paying in to that system.

Why should someone who doesn't work pay taxes at a lower rate than you do?

His income tax rate is higher than most people in the country. You're in denial
Kudlow: Are you going to come out with a phase two tax reform plan to say to people specifically, “Here is what I’m going to do?”

Romney: Absolutely. Phase one is immediately saying to people making $200,000 a year and less, no tax on your savings. No tax on interest, dividends, or capital gains. And also phase one, get the corporate tax rate … down to 25 percent. That’s phase one. Phase two is to broaden the base, that means get rid of deductions and exemptions and loopholes and bring down the rates the way Bowles-Simpson did, not identical to Bowles Simpson. We’re working on various models to bring our rates down, and we’ll be able to make some choices in that regard.

Kudlow: When is phase two coming out?

Romney: It’s not ready yet, but it will be ready at some point.

Kudlow: Will it be ready during the primary season?

Romney: I presume so.

Romney Sounds Off on 'Buffett Tax' - CNBC

News Headlines

Excellent interview.

During the interview, he talks about why Solyndra was a mistake. And I think he's hit the nail right on the head. The Government should not be doing the job of PE and VC companies. Clearly, the Government are not as good at picking winners as PE companies are... and their investment in Solyndra basically killed the rest of the green energy ideas.
What is the sum of 15%? Instead of saying what a person pay by percentage what is the sum total of that percentage?

Percentage is all that counts.

No more welfare for the idle rich.
Why would the RICH need Welfare?

You realize you torpedo your own statement?

YOU are stuck on Class warfare. Admit it. YOU are envious of success while YOU fail in your own life.

Get a job loser.

The lower tax on capital gains was intended to encourage everyone to save money. Not many other than the rich seemed to understand that. Maybe that's why they are rich, because they are smarter. Even my own mother who never made much money above minimum wage and then drew Social Security until she died saved an astronomical amount of money. She understood compound interest. All you have to do is to put back a very small amount each payday and in a couple of decades you have an obscene amount of money saved. But Americans would rather piss their money away on junk and junk food.

Translation....I can't argue it.

I see some still need medicaid to extract their heads from where the dildo was placed.

Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

not in this context it isn't.
Translation....I can't argue it.

I see some still need medicaid to extract their heads from where the dildo was placed.

Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

not in this context it isn't.

Don't try logic with the illogical, Traj.
If he pays 15%, his tax rate is lower than mine. I just got done filing mine.

Oh, really? 97% of Americans pay less than 15%. Are you telling us that you're a member of the 3%? Just how many hundreds of thousands of dollars DO you make every year?

That's a big Republican lie.

Why don't you do a little research before you repeat lies......

The organization also noted that "Romney’s returns reveal that he paid an effective tax rate of 13.9% . . . far less than what many middle-class Americans pay. It’s also well below what wealthy people pay. The average effective tax rate for someone in Romney’s income bracket is 25%.

The Tuesday morning CAP news conference also emphasized that Romney paid almost nothing in payroll taxes, contributing just 0.1% of his income to Social Security and Medicare in 2010 via the payroll tax because the tax is assessed only on earned wages, but all of Romney’s income came from investments. Most working Americans pay 7.65%.

Romney taxes: Critics rip loopholes, lack of Social Security help - Los Angeles Times

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