Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than you do.

Of course that question makes no sense to you. You are not an idiot. But it makes perfect sense to people on this forum who think that the rich "don't work" or are "stealing their money", or simply have too much.

To say that the right is "rewriting the narrative" is not true. The class warfare started in 2008 with Obama and Joe the Plumber, and has gained momentum because so many people are hurting.

Here's some interesting quotes about the "evil rich" from the hypocrites in Hollywood:

The Evil Rich vs. The People

:lol: I love the left's hypocrisy on wealth.

This country will not be better by taking the money from one to hand to another. It will get better by helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Don't climb the ladder by pulling someone else off it, let them reach down and give you a helping hand up, and then you help the next guy.

And nothing will help the poor more than increasing their taxes and giving more tax breaks to the rich! Great point once again CG.


Spot on.​
:lol: I love the left's hypocrisy on wealth.

This country will not be better by taking the money from one to hand to another. It will get better by helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Don't climb the ladder by pulling someone else off it, let them reach down and give you a helping hand up, and then you help the next guy.

and if the Mitt Romney's of the world were doing that, I'd have no problem with them.

They've pushed more people off the ladder than anyone. "Oh, wait. You're union job has a good pay rate AND benefits? Well, screw that! We're moving the factory to China and here's a nice McJob at Staples! Suck it, Peasant."

the thing that amuses me for the apologists for this kind of behavior is that they are creating the very kind of government dependency they bemoan. The Firewall between the wealthy and socialism is a vibrant middle class with skin in the game. Romney and his sort want to tear down the firewall.
KUDLOW: I want to come back to crony capitalism, but I just want to ask, do you think, if you get the nomination and you run against President Obama, is free market capitalism and the free enterprise system going to be one of the very main issues? Is it, we're just going to have it out? Is that what you want to do? It's been in your speeches, it's been in your debate summaries, just let's have it out. Obama says 1 percent vs. 99 percent, class warfare and envy. You say no, we want success, we want free enterprise. Is that what this election is going to be about?

Gov. ROMNEY: I think you hit the nail on the head. This is an election about what is the course for America? What is the soul of America going to be? Are we going to be a nation which is led by government? As Mitch Daniels said last night, the trickle down government, is that what we want? Bigger and bigger government taking the larger and larger slice of America, depressing the opportunity for success in America, supplanting ambition with envy. Is that the kind of America we're going to have? That's the kind of America President Obama is creating. Or are we going to return to the principles of economic freedom and opportunity and free enterprise that has build the most--built the most powerful nation in the history of the Earth? I take the latter course. That's what I want to return to. I want those principles to work for the American people. Not because I want the rich to get richer. The rich are doing fine. I'm not worried about the 1 percent. I'm worried about the 99 percent. I want to help the 99 percent. But you don't help the 99 percent by attacking and creating warfare on the 1 percent.

KUDLOW: And how does the cronyism play into that? You've come out, you had a very good summary in one of your debates about cronyism, cronyism and insiderism in Washington.

Gov. ROMNEY: Yes.

KUDLOW: Special favors and carve-outs for either big business or big labor or big environmentalists. How does that play in to economic growth and your critique against Mr. Obama?

Gov. ROMNEY: Well, take a look at his investment in a company like Solyndra. He--we know it failed. But let's say it hadn't failed. Here's the rest of the story. There must've been 100 different solar energy entrepreneurs in the country trying to get capital to start their ideas and see which one might be best. The president chose one, Solyndra, gave them $500 million. Guess what happened to the other 99 when that happened? The other guys that were out looking for investment couldn't get it because all their investors looked and said, `The government's already picked the winner. How can we give you 1 or $2 million to pursue your solar idea when the government has chosen their winner?' The president playing venture capitalist kills the capacity of other entrepreneurs in the entire economy to create their visions and to build enterprises. The idea of government picking winners and losers kills the ability of the private sector to create the best ideas.

Romney Sounds Off on 'Buffett Tax' - CNBC

Video of last week's Kudlow interview ^^

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Full transcript of last week's Kudlow interview ^^
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:lol: I love the left's hypocrisy on wealth.

This country will not be better by taking the money from one to hand to another. It will get better by helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Don't climb the ladder by pulling someone else off it, let them reach down and give you a helping hand up, and then you help the next guy.

and if the Mitt Romney's of the world were doing that, I'd have no problem with them.

They've pushed more people off the ladder than anyone. "Oh, wait. You're union job has a good pay rate AND benefits? Well, screw that! We're moving the factory to China and here's a nice McJob at Staples! Suck it, Peasant."

the thing that amuses me for the apologists for this kind of behavior is that they are creating the very kind of government dependency they bemoan. The Firewall between the wealthy and socialism is a vibrant middle class with skin in the game. Romney and his sort want to tear down the firewall.

So, tell us how Gingrich will be different than Romney? Gingrich wants to take Romney's capital gains tax down to zero. How does that level the playing field for the rest of us (who end up paying more taxes)?
This country will not be better by taking the money from one to hand to another. It will get better by helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Don't climb the ladder by pulling someone else off it, let them reach down and give you a helping hand up, and then you help the next guy.

Is the poor better off after the federal government spent a gazillions dollars implementing LBJ's "war on poverty"?!?!?!?

Your question makes no sense.

It presumes that the amount of wealth one has makes on evil.

Evil is as evil DOES.

Partisans just love to rewrite the narrative about what people are bitching about.

In the case of the rightests, they like to tell us that the left hates the rich simply because they are rich.

That's really not true.

The vast majority of lefties I know ARE RICH.

What matters is what people DO, not how wealthy they are.

Details matter more than net worth.

Of course that question makes no sense to you. You are not an idiot. But it makes perfect sense to people on this forum who think that the rich "don't work" or are "stealing their money", or simply have too much.

To say that the right is "rewriting the narrative" is not true. The class warfare started in 2008 with Obama and Joe the Plumber, and has gained momentum because so many people are hurting.

Here's some interesting quotes about the "evil rich" from the hypocrites in Hollywood:

The Evil Rich vs. The People

:lol: I love the left's hypocrisy on wealth.

This country will not be better by taking the money from one to hand to another. It will get better by helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Don't climb the ladder by pulling someone else off it, let them reach down and give you a helping hand up, and then you help the next guy.
Franklin and the founders were animate about shaming the poor into success. They were correct. Too many have bought the line that they can't without gubmint help. Gubmint capitalises on it, as they erect more roadblocks in the way of private enterprise that is preventing upward mobility.
The real !%ers

:lol: I love the left's hypocrisy on wealth.

This country will not be better by taking the money from one to hand to another. It will get better by helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Don't climb the ladder by pulling someone else off it, let them reach down and give you a helping hand up, and then you help the next guy.

and if the Mitt Romney's of the world were doing that, I'd have no problem with them.

They've pushed more people off the ladder than anyone. "Oh, wait. You're union job has a good pay rate AND benefits? Well, screw that! We're moving the factory to China and here's a nice McJob at Staples! Suck it, Peasant."

the thing that amuses me for the apologists for this kind of behavior is that they are creating the very kind of government dependency they bemoan. The Firewall between the wealthy and socialism is a vibrant middle class with skin in the game. Romney and his sort want to tear down the firewall.

So, tell us how Gingrich will be different than Romney? Gingrich wants to take Romney's capital gains tax down to zero. How does that level the playing field for the rest of us (who end up paying more taxes)?

I was specifically speaking about Romney's business practices, NOT the tax structure on Capital Gains. Again, I think Newt has a weak position on that given what he's advocated.

I do think Newt sees the importance of the middle class and maintaining a middle class wage scale. That said, I don't think any politician is really brave enough to address the real problem, our ridiculous trade policies.
Of course that question makes no sense to you. You are not an idiot. But it makes perfect sense to people on this forum who think that the rich "don't work" or are "stealing their money", or simply have too much.

To say that the right is "rewriting the narrative" is not true. The class warfare started in 2008 with Obama and Joe the Plumber, and has gained momentum because so many people are hurting.

Here's some interesting quotes about the "evil rich" from the hypocrites in Hollywood:

The Evil Rich vs. The People

:lol: I love the left's hypocrisy on wealth.

This country will not be better by taking the money from one to hand to another. It will get better by helping the poor to lift themselves out of poverty. Don't climb the ladder by pulling someone else off it, let them reach down and give you a helping hand up, and then you help the next guy.

And nothing will help the poor more than increasing their taxes and giving more tax breaks to the rich! Great point once again CG.

who says anyone wants to raise their taxes?:eusa_eh:
At what point does wealth become "evil wealth" - $1 mil or $250,000?

Your question makes no sense.

It presumes that the amount of wealth one has makes on evil.

Evil is as evil DOES.

That's the message the folks are getting. How many threads do we have on this?

Partisans just love to rewrite the narrative about what people are bitching about.

In the case of the rightests, they like to tell us that the left hates the rich simply because they are rich.

That's really not true.

The vast majority of lefties I know ARE RICH.

What matters is what people DO, not how wealthy they are.

Details matter more than net worth.

Of course that question makes no sense to you. You are not an idiot. But it makes perfect sense to people on this forum who think that the rich "don't work" or are "stealing their money", or simply have too much.

To say that the right is "rewriting the narrative" is not true. The class warfare started in 2008 with Obama and Joe the Plumber, and has gained momentum because so many people are hurting.

Here's some interesting quotes about the "evil rich" from the hypocrites in Hollywood:

The Evil Rich vs. The People

You just keep beating up those strawmen, honey,

Meanwhile the reality that working Americans are facing is eroding your MASTERS' base.

tick tock!
Gee, I thought the people in the article argued it very well. Mitt is claiming that someone else (namely a corporation) paid a tax before he got his share. But that's really kind of true for all of us.

It isn't kind of true. It IS true. We all get paid by after tax income. Of course most corporations know how to avoid paying taxes.

The lying by Romney and his water carriers is unbelievable.

If your I.Q. were any lower, they'd have to rerange the scale.

We get paid wages you moron.

After those expenses (and the rest) what is left is profit.

You did not invest a freaking thing to get your simply show up. There is no risk.

It is no wonder you want the government to take care of you. You'd never last on your own.

Great comment. Investing does involve risk! It also involves skill and a good knowledge base of the economy.

Here let me give everyone a stock tip: As the baby boomers age the demographics of this country are quickly becoming top heavy with elderly folks. Great investments can be made in things that will be purchased by and for the elderly - medical equipment, adult diapers, canes, walkers, shoes that fit arthritic feet, comfortable clothing. The list goes on and on and on. Dr. Joyce Brothers made a fortune in the stock market by watching TV on Saturday mornings and investing her money in toy companies that advertised during children's shows. That was back in the 50s and 60s. Now those the children are old. Gee the drift here? There is money to be made if you invest.

IMO taking the risk to support US companies, and taking the time to understand where the money will be should be rewarded with a lower tax rate! Investors help the rest of you stay alive.
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You have to be rich to run for president. We may not like it, but that's just the way it is. In today's dollars, George Washington, was - worth a half a billion dollars. JFK would have inherited one billion. Interesting chart here:

The Net Worth Of The American Presidents: Washington To Obama - 24/7 Wall St.

Unfortunately, the sheep have been told that wealth is evil. It amazes me how many have bought into it.

Could a poor man be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company? Of course not. He woudn't know how. We don't need a poor, common man for president. We need a country executive who understands wealty. It is Congress who spends all our money, and unfortunately that pool draws from people who are not always wealthy (at least until they get there) and do not understand wealth. That is why they have bankrupted us by spending all our savings and getting us into unsustainable debt..
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At what point does wealth become "evil wealth" - $1 mil or $250,000?

That's the message the folks are getting. How many threads do we have on this?
The better question is why does someone that makes $250,000 pay a higher tax rate than someone that makes millions? Small business is the bread and butter of this country, not some doofus that invests his money overseas.

The difference is whether it is salary or investments. Return on investments has a lower tax rate and should because it involves risk.

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