Mitt Romney Promises 'Millions' Of Jobs -- But Offers No Data To Back It Up

Only the idiotic left would listen to obama promising jobs and forget that he's been in office 3.5 years already.

How bad off is this country when people are THAT stupid?
Obama promised millions of jobs but lost them instead. Maybe he should look at that data.

Obama has created 4.5 million jobs and counting :up:

SHOW IT. Chapter and verse.

Stats don't agree with YOU.

You didn't know that? It's pretty much common knowledge,...

If there has been any jobs created in the private sector, we have the GOP state governors to thank for that.
Obama promised millions of jobs but lost them instead. Maybe he should look at that data.

Obama has created 4.5 million jobs and counting :up:

If there has been any jobs created in the private sector, we have the GOP state governors to thank for that.

Nope, the POTUS always gets credit for jobs created. If you want to thank GOP state legislatures, thank them for public sector job losses. That's what's holding back the economy. That and their opposition to common sense policy, like infrastructure spending.
romney got everything from his rich white daddy this is what white republicans like in man. a person that gets everything from daddy. bush and now its romney lol
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'Well, I'm here to tell you, some time in the next couple of months, we're going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month."

- Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States on Obama's economic plan.
That chart tells the tale, thanks.

Nope, 8%+ unemployment tells the tale.

Its the new normal according to Obama.

8% UE has nothing to do with jobs created. Over 4 million jobs in 4 years. More than Bush was able to do in 8.

Well it took a Democratic Congress to create the massive job losses that allowed for 4,000,000 jobs. It takes a Democratic president to create the slowest economy in the modern era.
where was the OP's FAUXrage when Pelosi said this...
[ame=]Nancy Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 4 Million Jobs - YouTube[/ame]
A year after it was signed, and where are those 400,000 'almost immediate' jobs? Maybe her definition of 'immediate' is different than Websters.

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