Mitt Romney's clown act turned winnable election into a circus sideshow

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
There was a lot of talk about Libya last week, because Mitt Romney didn’t know when to shut up about dead Americans, including Chris Stevens, a good man who was our ambassador there.
Somehow, in a terrible moment like that, Romney was boneheaded enough to hand political advantage over to the other side, despite the fact that the President went ahead with a scheduled campaign stop in Las Vegas the next day, as if delaying his appearance by an hour was a suitable mourning period.
But it is not just Libya. It is everything that has happened lately as Romney and the amateurs around him continue to run one of the worst campaigns of recent memory, even against one of the worst economies any sitting President has ever tried to defend.
The people around Romney don’t just look like amateurs, they look like clowns sometimes. Romney was never going to be a great candidate; he doesn’t have it in him, he too often comes across like some stiff poster boy for all the one-percenters who want him elected. But you thought he would do better than this, with the whole thing sitting right there for him, because of this President’s record on the economy and on jobs. Only Mitt Romney has taken an election that should have been his to win and made it something for Barack Obama to lose.

Read more: Mitt Romney and his band of clowns continue to run one of the worst campaigns of recent memory - NY Daily News
I agree that it was a winnable election - but not by Romney or any of the other bizarre NaziCon candidates.

Plus, it should have been obvious knowing that McCain rejected Romney for Palin. Geezus H. Kryst, that should have sent up enough red flags.

Plus, Romney is a major PRICK with an elitist attitude. He shows that in many ways. His wife has the same elitist/uppity attitude.
It is understandable to be against Obama.
It is impossible to understand being for Rmoney.
But, clowns have won before (Ronnie and W. for example).
Sat, Sep 15, 2012

..... As mobs attacked U.S. embassies in the Middle East, Romney rushed to use the moment as a cudgel against his rival, President Obama. He might have waited to find out whether any diplomats had been injured or Marines attacked. He did not. He might have waited until a day of mourning in commemoration of national tragedy -- 9/11 -- was over. He did not.

..... In contrast, after President Carter's botched raid to rescue hostages in Iran, Ronald Reagan, his rival, said, "This is the time for us as a nation and a people to stand united."
For all his supposed political "smarts," Mitt Romney has yet to demonstrate that he can act "presidential."

Instead of responding like Ronald Reagan or limiting his remarks to expressing condolences for the lives lost at the Lybian Embassy, Romney launched into a partisan attack on the President without even bothering to get his facts straight.
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Romney showed himself to be unfit to sit in the Oval Office. That kind of shoot from the hip response is exactly what we don't want.
Romney showed himself to be unfit to sit in the Oval Office. That kind of shoot from the hip response is exactly what we don't want.

funny...but we do want a President who blows things off and goes on campaigning while the Middle east burns and gets innocent Americans KILLED
There was a lot of talk about Libya last week, because Mitt Romney didn’t know when to shut up about dead Americans, including Chris Stevens, a good man who was our ambassador there.
Somehow, in a terrible moment like that, Romney was boneheaded enough to hand political advantage over to the other side, despite the fact that the President went ahead with a scheduled campaign stop in Las Vegas the next day, as if delaying his appearance by an hour was a suitable mourning period.
But it is not just Libya. It is everything that has happened lately as Romney and the amateurs around him continue to run one of the worst campaigns of recent memory, even against one of the worst economies any sitting President has ever tried to defend.
The people around Romney don’t just look like amateurs, they look like clowns sometimes. Romney was never going to be a great candidate; he doesn’t have it in him, he too often comes across like some stiff poster boy for all the one-percenters who want him elected. But you thought he would do better than this, with the whole thing sitting right there for him, because of this President’s record on the economy and on jobs. Only Mitt Romney has taken an election that should have been his to win and made it something for Barack Obama to lose.

Read more: Mitt Romney and his band of clowns continue to run one of the worst campaigns of recent memory - NY Daily News

Mitt Romney said nothing that he shouldn't have. In fact, he was saying what the most other thinking people in the U.S. was saying. We don't apologize for free speech. The media spectacle that followed was 100% designed by Obama's lap dog media in order to cover up the fact that he had once again allowed apologies for American freedom. Now, by sending the FBI for the film's author, Obama has sent the word that the government can clamp down on free speech and we'll see more of this crap because of it. Obama is a failure and even his cronies in the media can't hide that from the American people.
And why on earth should he or anyone else shut up about The Libyan terrorist attack when the administration has been lying about it for two weeks?
Sat, Sep 15, 2012

..... As mobs attacked U.S. embassies in the Middle East, Romney rushed to use the moment as a cudgel against his rival, President Obama. He might have waited to find out whether any diplomats had been injured or Marines attacked. He did not. He might have waited until a day of mourning in commemoration of national tragedy -- 9/11 -- was over. He did not.

..... In contrast, after President Carter's botched raid to rescue hostages in Iran, Ronald Reagan, his rival, said, "This is the time for us as a nation and a people to stand united."
For all his supposed political "smarts," Mitt Romney has yet to demonstrate that he can act "presidential."

Instead of responding like Ronald Reagan or limiting his remarks to expressing condolences for the lives lost at the Lybian Embassy, Romney launched into a partisan attack on the President without even bothering to get his facts straight.

Do you want someone that can act, then keep Maobama, you want someone that can be presidential and actually do the job, that ain't Maobama. He's proven over the last 4 years he's not up to the task, like Clint said, if he can't do the job, you got to let him go.
The leftist media is spinning a tale that Romney is failing. The opposite is the case.
It is understandable to be against Obama.
It is impossible to understand being for Rmoney.
But, clowns have won before (Ronnie and W. for example).

yes. and it could happen again. but romney seems to be taking every possible advantage and blowing it. that should be concerning to people who intend to vote for him...even though they only care about voting ABO.
In 2008, the rats didn't abandon the McCain ship until the last week. 2012, they're jumping off 5 weeks ahead of the election.
I think OP makes a pretty darn good point. I have to think that an acceptable candidate, running an acceptable campaign (nothing special just adequate) would be in a much better position at this point.

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