Mitt Wins So What Does That Say? What's The Message?

Obama is so-so in my opinion, Bush II, worst of my lifetime.

Nixon was the worst in mine, followed by GWB.

Snippper, lezzes and gays are as American as you, deserve the same rights to have loving marriages. That is the conservative position.

Perhaps – snag is, you’ve got a lot of conservatives rejecting that position.

Changing the definiton of marriage, which has evolved over millennia, is a freakishly radical and liberal position.

Hope that helps.

You're in the minority. We're both going to see gay equality in America in our lifetimes.

You're in denial...

Um, no – she’s quite correct: in fact gays are already equal, they always have been. The only issue is doing away with the remnants of the reactionary right and its efforts to destroy individual liberty.
Mitt's victory says a couple of things.
1. Anybody but Obama
2. Libs like him because they think he is moderate enough
3. Conservatives think he is electable and they can work with him
4. the Country is so bad off that any change of administration is preferable to what we have

Interesting.......These are the exact same things that were said about McCain (and his ties to the Bush Administration) when Obama was elected President.

Let's turn it around.......

1. Anybody but McCain/Palin
2. Cons like him because they think he is moderate enough
3. Liberals think he is electable and they can work with him
4. the Country is so bad off that any change of administration is preferable to what we have

And before you say that Obama has no conservative policies (or support in 2008) I suggest you look at the following links.....

Obama the Conservative | Tracking Obama's abandoning of the progressive agenda, and the disconnect between his words and deeds.

Republican and conservative support for Barack Obama in 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hell, even his Health Care Plan came from conservative policy!!

You asked about Mitt not McCain. Neither candidate had a presidential record to defend back then. There are a few links posted that promote B. Hussein but on the whole nobody defends the administration policies. Barry was the shining hope/change promise and he is just a tarnished has-been phony today.

Faced with what he was given I'd say he did an alright job. There are things he did I disagree with but overall it hasn't been too bad.

BTW....Don't you think that the emphasis on his middle name is getting a little old after 3 years? :cuckoo:

Obama Administration’s Achievements (Thus Far) » Obama's Achievements Center
Its is fascinating isn't it. I think the republican party has changed, and the base is currently doing a lot of soul searching. Many if not most conservatives have been trapped into the "lesser of two evils" vote of Mitt.

It is a long standing tradition that the former runner up gets the nod the next go round. Mitt finished second against McCain, so this time the media just kind of said, "Mitt is the man" from the beginning it was like manifest destiny.

But lets face it Mitt is not popular with the base, and the only support he garners is from the fact that he is not Obama. From the very beginning, until the very end we saw conservatives flock from one candidate to the next; looking for a real conservative with real brains and charisma. But none of them fit the ticket. Mitt is the last man standing with the exception of Ron Paul. Its interesting to see the fork in the road that republicans are faced with at this point. They can still change everything today if they so choose. You have one who is dependent and principled and another who is the etch-a-sketch man. This is why I say the conservative base has some soul searching to do. You would think that it is obvious that Paul is more conservative than Romney. Not to mention Paul is more electable than Romney (polls have shown).

I think the crux of the matter is that conservatives don't like giving up control. They would like to legislate morality. But is it conservative to do so. To me it just sounds like government intruding in the bedroom, which is ironic because conservatives live and die by the principle of the government staying out of our bedrooms. More soul searching in the civil liberties category for the conservative base.

Good post. It's insightful and I agree with a lot of it. One exception is that it's "conservative to legislate morality". I disagree with that.

I think you're right when you say that the base needs to do a lot of soul searching. Especially since a moderate like Mitt is the best they could do.

Same here...The GOP should have been able to come up with a better candidate.
Just goes to show how far to the left we have drifted as a nation.

I will say this for Mittens though, and no you probably wont like it Goose, but at least he does not surround his self with commies and marxists.

Obama has proved he is a TERRIBLE leader and needs to go back to community organizing.

Ok, fair enough. But you won't mind my asking you to name those around him that are "commies and marxists" by name and provide proof of their membership in those organizations....
There were plenty of conservatives in the race. Problem was there was too many and the conservative vote got spread out among them all. If they had dropped out much earlier we probably would have seen a different nominee.

Its safe to say though that unlike McCain, Romney will attack Obama for his abysmal record. This election is a referendum on the Hussein.
Herman Cain quit on December 3, 2011. Michelle Bachmann quit on January 4, 2012. Rick Perry quit on January 19, 2012 and Li'l Ricky Santorum quit April 10.

The vote wasn't diluted. It showed two clear things: None of the Conservative candidates could mount an effective campaign (probably due to their ineptitude) and, most tellingly, there aren't enough hard core Conservatives to affect the outcome of the Republican primary system. Conservatives, at least the stripe of Conservative that feels any other political ideology has to be Marxist, are just too few in number (thank God) to make a difference. You are a minority in the Republican party (a minority party to begin with)

You're right here. The conservative wing of the part was not able to capitalize on discontent with DC and put forth a good appropriate candidate with broader appeal. I thought Perry would do it, and he didn't.

The question we conservatives have to ask is why, and what we can do next time.

I fear that the Republican party is drifting off into John Birch Society territory.

I would vote for a moderate conservative, but it's hard to do right now because spending and other big issues end up taking a back seat to all this social conservative stuff that I just don't have any appetite for.

And then on other things, I'm left holding the bag on cap-and-trade and the individual mandate, both pretty much common sense things that Republicans used to be for, but now they ridicule you as an idiotic liberal to maintain the position.

If they lose this one, I think they're going to decide that they don't like putting up what they perceive to be flawed candidates because of previous moderate stances that they're having to change altogether once the general election campaign is at hand.

And we're watching Mitt Romney do that now. He went and endorsed Paul Ryan's budget, but now he's starting to walk away from it in order to appeal to centrists like myself, but given a victory I really have no way of telling whether he'll protect Medicare or not, which is a really big deal. I'm afraid of a voucher system for Medicare because it would explode our deficit even more, which is irresponsible.

To me, 2016 is Chris Christie's to lose at this point. Marco Rubio would be another star candidate and those two would probably have quite the battle, but to me we're looking at Christie as the guy, and he's no different than Mitt Romney or John McCain, really.
Ive got no problem with gays or pot... I do have a prob with someone trying to change the definition of word to placate a group of folks who can call it a civil union and get the same rights as my wife and I.

I see the left infringing on my personal liberties, not the other way around. :confused:

How does someone getting a tax break for living together "infringe on your personal rights"?

Do you consider the tax breaks the uber wealthy get just for being rich to infringe as well?


I didnt say that... I said I do have a prob with someone trying to change the definition of word to placate a group of folks who can call it a civil union and get the same rights as my wife and I.
Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman, not a man and a man, or woman and a woman.

Where did I say they should not get the same benefits as my wife and I... Hell, more power to them man, really... I could care less.
It's just a WORD.

Somehow nothing about the act of the two gay people being together bothers you, until a certain word is used? That's what keeps you up at night?
Herman Cain quit on December 3, 2011. Michelle Bachmann quit on January 4, 2012. Rick Perry quit on January 19, 2012 and Li'l Ricky Santorum quit April 10.

The vote wasn't diluted. It showed two clear things: None of the Conservative candidates could mount an effective campaign (probably due to their ineptitude) and, most tellingly, there aren't enough hard core Conservatives to affect the outcome of the Republican primary system. Conservatives, at least the stripe of Conservative that feels any other political ideology has to be Marxist, are just too few in number (thank God) to make a difference. You are a minority in the Republican party (a minority party to begin with)

You're right here. The conservative wing of the part was not able to capitalize on discontent with DC and put forth a good appropriate candidate with broader appeal. I thought Perry would do it, and he didn't.

The question we conservatives have to ask is why, and what we can do next time.

I fear that the Republican party is drifting off into John Birch Society territory.

I would vote for a moderate conservative, but it's hard to do right now because spending and other big issues end up taking a back seat to all this social conservative stuff that I just don't have any appetite for.

And then on other things, I'm left holding the bag on cap-and-trade and the individual mandate, both pretty much common sense things that Republicans used to be for, but now they ridicule you as an idiotic liberal to maintain the position.

So in a thread that talks about how the GOP has failed to produce a conservative candidate you moan the GOP is drifting into John Birch territory? Hello?
And single payer and cap n' tax are neither common sense nor GOP ideas.
This is a fantasy of narco-libertarians. Fortunately actual conservatives aren't buying it.


And the reason we are 15 TTTTTTTTTTTrillion in the hole is because .......

And the reason the federal government has become a redistributionist behemoth is because ....

Come on man, admit you are a fucktard.


It's not because conservatives have been running things.


The only reason republicans oppose Obama's policies is because he is black. Once they are proposed by a white dude they will be wholeheartedly accepted.


Nationalizing Banks Should Be On The Table , Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

You're right here. The conservative wing of the part was not able to capitalize on discontent with DC and put forth a good appropriate candidate with broader appeal. I thought Perry would do it, and he didn't.

The question we conservatives have to ask is why, and what we can do next time.

I fear that the Republican party is drifting off into John Birch Society territory.

I would vote for a moderate conservative, but it's hard to do right now because spending and other big issues end up taking a back seat to all this social conservative stuff that I just don't have any appetite for.

And then on other things, I'm left holding the bag on cap-and-trade and the individual mandate, both pretty much common sense things that Republicans used to be for, but now they ridicule you as an idiotic liberal to maintain the position.

So in a thread that talks about how the GOP has failed to produce a conservative candidate you moan the GOP is drifting into John Birch territory? Hello?
And single payer and cap n' tax are neither common sense nor GOP ideas.

It's not that they failed to "produce" a conservative candidate. It's that they deliberate CHOSE a moderate over them. Why is that? :confused:
Asking what's the message if Mitt Romney is elected is a rather silly question. This is not an open election. This is a reelection with a incumbent. It is, as all reelection campaigns are, a referendum on how well obama has performed so far. If obama loses the message is clear, he was a piss poor president.
Asking what's the message if Mitt Romney is elected is a rather silly question. This is not an open election. This is a reelection with a incumbent. It is, as all reelection campaigns are, a referendum on how well obama has performed so far. If obama loses the message is clear, he was a piss poor president.

That wasn't the question though. It had to do with choosing a moderate over the number of strong conservatives running and why that is.
Asking what's the message if Mitt Romney is elected is a rather silly question. This is not an open election. This is a reelection with a incumbent. It is, as all reelection campaigns are, a referendum on how well obama has performed so far. If obama loses the message is clear, he was a piss poor president.

But if he wins, then what? Was he awesome so far, or did Romney just suck that bad?

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