Mittens "Longed To Serve In Viet Nam....Received Deferments


Dec 5, 2011
According Mittens, he "Longed To Serve In Viet Nam" and "Never sought deferments". The fact is he did, receive defements from Viet Nam. Mittens even protested in support of the Viet Nam War. The Church of The Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint (Mormon) openly supported the War

Rachel Maddow Show.

Mittens has been caught yet again in another Etch-A-Sketch Moment.

He did in fact actively seek and receive deferments from the Viet Nam War, (just Dead-Eye Dick(less).
According Mittens, he "Longed To Serve In Viet Nam" and "Never sought deferments". The fact is he did, receive defements from Viet Nam. Mittens even protested in support of the Viet Nam War. The Church of The Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint (Mormon) openly supported the War

Rachel Maddow Show.

Mittens has been caught yet again in another Etch-A-Sketch Moment.

He did in fact actively seek and receive deferments from the Viet Nam War, (just Dead-Eye Dick(less).

Wet your finger and hold it up....see which way the wind is blowing.

Don't you realize that your stories mean naught...'s over.

Obama has a little over two Kardashian weddings, and he's history.

Find another Leftist to idolize.

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