Mixed feelings about Jones' win......

Doug Jones is as liberal as Crazy Bernie. he should not win in Bama.

You gotta give Dems credit. They will run a Bernie Sanders guy even in a red state, Rs wont run a conservative even in a red state

Jones is moderate and sane

Sane won out

Liberal Dictionary
Moderate - leftist
Mainstream - leftist
Pragmatist - leftist
Trump endorses Strange, Strange loses.
Trump endorses Mooreon, Mooreon loses.

I dont know if 'blame' is the right word but I am looking forward to Trump's endorsements in more moderate states next year.
Trump endorses Strange, Strange loses.
Trump endorses Mooreon, Mooreon loses.

I dont know if 'blame' is the right word but I am looking forward to Trump's endorsements in more moderate states next year.
He is another Sarah Palin

The Kiss of Death
Poor little Roy Moore lost his election, now he's turning his election loss into a half baked crusade on morality. Forget the sexual allegations Roy, what about the fact that you were kicked off the high court in Alabama twice for ethics violations?! How does this fit in with your Christian pure, goody two shoes evangelism?

Maybe it's time for the right wing to stop hiding behind their church and admit (just once) that the best candidate won.

Roy Moore turns recount into religious crusade: ‘Immorality sweeps over the land’
Trump endorses Strange, Strange loses.
Trump endorses Mooreon, Mooreon loses.

I dont know if 'blame' is the right word but I am looking forward to Trump's endorsements in more moderate states next year.

The absolutely positively funniest aspect of that is that Trump obviously held off on a Moore endorsement until the polls made it look like Moore was going to win.
Oh and btw have you noticed that both in Virginia and Alabama the poll averages erred, albeit slightly, to the Republican side?
So much for that liberal poll bias manipulating elections.
At least he's consistent. He was kicked off the court once for refusing to remove a ten commandments monument. The second time was refusing to accept the legality of same sex marriage. Simply saying ethics violations creates a false impression of dishonesty.

He lost by less than 1 percent. Give him the recount.

I don't get Steve Bannon (R). Fresh off his victory in helping Doug Jones (D) get elected, he publicly announced he going after Mitch McConnell (R). Whatever.
Poor little Roy Moore lost his election, now he's turning his election loss into a half baked crusade on morality. Forget the sexual allegations Roy, what about the fact that you were kicked off the high court in Alabama twice for ethics violations?! How does this fit in with your Christian pure, goody two shoes evangelism?

Maybe it's time for the right wing to stop hiding behind their church and admit (just once) that the best candidate won.

Roy Moore turns recount into religious crusade: ‘Immorality sweeps over the land’

He is waiting for guidance from Jesus....or Steve Bannon
Trump endorses Strange, Strange loses.
Trump endorses Mooreon, Mooreon loses.

I dont know if 'blame' is the right word but I am looking forward to Trump's endorsements in more moderate states next year.

The absolutely positively funniest aspect of that is that Trump obviously held off on a Moore endorsement until the polls made it look like Moore was going to win.

Yep, as did the RNC, they are absolute cowards in their depravity.
At least he's consistent. He was kicked off the court once for refusing to remove a ten commandments monument. The second time was refusing to accept the legality of same sex marriage. Simply saying ethics violations creates a false impression of dishonesty.

He lost by less than 1 percent. Give him the recount.

Oh, so he get's to choose which laws he wants to obey? It doesn't work that way skippy! When our citizens (and judges) start doing that our laws become worthless and we become no better than the animals. If you don't like a law, you change it, you don't break it! And yeah, let him have his recount...this way he'll lose by even more!!
What in that cite is supposed to make me think the Trump "dossier" was ever anything more than dirty tricks by first Trump's GOP opponents and then by the Clinton Campaign? Do you not grasp that the reason the Clinton people had to PAY for it to be put out by Russian operatives using money paid by a law firm front to hide where the financing came from...is that it WAS a political dirty trick? Get a clue...

There's nothing illegal about OPPO. What's illegal is what Donald's people were doing - very likely with Drumpf's direction. We have indictments and guilty pleas to prove it. Hang on to your hat - gonna be a bumpy ride! :)

The old saying in legal circles is that you can "indict" a ham sandwich! Indictments mean next to nothing. The guilty pleas that you "have" are Flynn lying to the FBI about something that has zero to do with election collusion and that Trump canned him for as soon as the President found out about it! Bumpy ride? So far it's been a ride on the kiddie carousel at the fair! When is this supposed "bumpy" part going to start? Ever?

Did I claim that what the Clinton camp did was illegal? Paying Russians to put out a phony dossier about your opponent might not be illegal but it sure as hell is sleazy as it gets! Having CNN give the questions in advance to one side in an election debate might not be illegal either but it's sleazy as well! You know what I think IS illegal? Meeting with Loretta Lynch in a secret setting days before the Justice Department is going to rule on Hillary Clinton's email scandal! You want to talk about "collusion"? You want to go off about election tampering? About "obstruction of justice"? What took place on that plane between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch is the very definition of all of those things! Get back to me when you have something that even starts to APPROACH that kind of corruption!
Poor little Roy Moore lost his election, now he's turning his election loss into a half baked crusade on morality. Forget the sexual allegations Roy, what about the fact that you were kicked off the high court in Alabama twice for ethics violations?! How does this fit in with your Christian pure, goody two shoes evangelism?

Maybe it's time for the right wing to stop hiding behind their church and admit (just once) that the best candidate won.

Roy Moore turns recount into religious crusade: ‘Immorality sweeps over the land’

Creepy Roy will find a spot on a Christian television network

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