Mixed feelings about Jones' win......

Doug Jones is as liberal as Crazy Bernie. he should not win in Bama.

You gotta give Dems credit. They will run a Bernie Sanders guy even in a red state, Rs wont run a conservative even in a red state

Jones is moderate and sane

Sane won out
Seems like Dems should go all out to take down Lyin Ted Cruz. A more favorable state than Alabama and a loathsome politician
Just to play the Devil's Advocate here...if it does turn out that the allegations against Moore were fabricated (and with the recent history of the Democratic Party doing things like paying for a fake Trump "dossier" to be released prior to the election...one would have to be rather naive to think that's not a distinct possibility) will yet another example of election sleaziness come back to bite Democrats in the ass? Let's be real here! Jones will be a one term Senator. Alabama voted in this election on allegations about character...not on issues. The State didn't turn liberal overnight and anyone who thinks it did is a buffoon!

Ya, that "fake dossier" is about to bite ya!

The Steele Dossier on Trump and Russia Is Looking More and More Real

And just for the record - it was started by Republican Never-Trumpers .. not by Dems

What in that cite is supposed to make me think the Trump "dossier" was ever anything more than dirty tricks by first Trump's GOP opponents and then by the Clinton Campaign? Do you not grasp that the reason the Clinton people had to PAY for it to be put out by Russian operatives using money paid by a law firm front to hide where the financing came from...is that it WAS a political dirty trick? Get a clue...
Just to play the Devil's Advocate here...if it does turn out that the allegations against Moore were fabricated (and with the recent history of the Democratic Party doing things like paying for a fake Trump "dossier" to be released prior to the election...one would have to be rather naive to think that's not a distinct possibility) will yet another example of election sleaziness come back to bite Democrats in the ass? Let's be real here! Jones will be a one term Senator. Alabama voted in this election on allegations about character...not on issues. The State didn't turn liberal overnight and anyone who thinks it did is a buffoon!

NO.........regardless of the validity of the sexual predator allegations, Moore was, is and will always be SCUM......His stance on trashing the Constitution (the why he was kicked off the AL SC)...his stance on women's and gays' rights, Muslims and blacks' hatred ALL CLEARLY point out that this idiot should never have represented anyone except his fellow xenophobic, anti-LGBT and racist fellow dolts.

The proverbial chickens came home to roost for this scourge of a human being.

So what you're saying is that even if it's proven that the sexual predator allegations turn out to be Democratic dirty tricks...it's OK? My point, Nat...which you can't seem to grasp...is that the American people have reached a point where they're growing tired of way that the DNC is conducting politics in this country. Perhaps if they can move beyond the sleaziness of the Clinton Machine and people like Debbie Wasserman Schultz...it won't be an issue but at the moment there is a palpable stench coming from the DNC!
Fucking idiots.
Moore was the republicans "clinton." I wouldnt look into it much more than that..
If the parties werent run by complete fucking morons, they would learn.
None of this is shocking (Well, Alabama turning blue is a little shocking. But Roy Moore was a horrible candidate). Congress moves in cycles. The House and Senate at some point will be blue again even if Trump is in office after 2020. Democrats will declare it a referendum on Trump as Republicans did when the House and Senate turned red under Obama. This is nothing more than America's way of keeping balance.
Seems like Dems should go all out to take down Lyin Ted Cruz. A more favorable state than Alabama and a loathsome politician

Texas is a vulnerable state
Cruz will be safe for quite a while as he has moderated his rhetoric and become more mainstream

But the state of Texas is shifting to the left and the Hispanic vote is becoming more powerful
When it comes to Roy Moore there is only one question left.

Who is going to save Sassy? That fake as fuck cowboy rides like a make-a-wish kid living his special day.
When it comes to Roy Moore there is only one question left.

Who is going to save Sassy? That fake as fuck cowboy rides like a make-a-wish kid living his special day.

Moore is a John Wayne wanna-be.........LOL
(that poor horse should kick him in the ass)
What in that cite is supposed to make me think the Trump "dossier" was ever anything more than dirty tricks by first Trump's GOP opponents and then by the Clinton Campaign? Do you not grasp that the reason the Clinton people had to PAY for it to be put out by Russian operatives using money paid by a law firm front to hide where the financing came from...is that it WAS a political dirty trick? Get a clue...

There's nothing illegal about OPPO. What's illegal is what Donald's people were doing - very likely with Drumpf's direction. We have indictments and guilty pleas to prove it. Hang on to your hat - gonna be a bumpy ride! :)
Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Without doubt, Trump will blame everything between heaven and hell BUT himself for this severe loss last night.......that's expected by a clueless, megalomaniac, but others around him will see that they just dodged a bullet in not having future pictures of themselves "congratulating" Moore and welcoming this low-life into the GOP fold.

Too bad, in a way, I had wanted for every republican candidate, next year, to be asked of their alliance with the likes of Moore...........but, Alabama did the right thing for both the state and the nation.

Now, after Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, let Trump cultist try to revamp the mantra of "we won, we won, Trump is the greatest, etc.".............IT WON"T WORK and this is just the beginning, a prelude to the oncoming "storm" to soon hit the WH.... and in the righting of the rudder of the Trump Titanic.

For me it just feels like another Repocrat or Demuplican has won again. Same old, same old, same corruption etc.
Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Without doubt, Trump will blame everything between heaven and hell BUT himself for this severe loss last night.......that's expected by a clueless, megalomaniac, but others around him will see that they just dodged a bullet in not having future pictures of themselves "congratulating" Moore and welcoming this low-life into the GOP fold.

Too bad, in a way, I had wanted for every republican candidate, next year, to be asked of their alliance with the likes of Moore...........but, Alabama did the right thing for both the state and the nation.

Now, after Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, let Trump cultist try to revamp the mantra of "we won, we won, Trump is the greatest, etc.".............IT WON"T WORK and this is just the beginning, a prelude to the oncoming "storm" to soon hit the WH.... and in the righting of the rudder of the Trump Titanic.
Fucking idiots.
Moore was the republicans "clinton." I wouldnt look into it much more than that..
If the parties werent run by complete fucking morons, they would learn.

That all depends on how it's marketed. From the Slate writer's POV the DP needs to break the lock in the South and figures Jones has demonstrated that's no longer unthinkable. Sure Moore helped him do that, but then the DP simply points out that the RP got behind him, and then it's Association Fallacy time. So that's one marketing angle, and you just articulated the response to it, and the most effective marketing wins.

But realistically at this point in time, yes it's probably expecting too much too soon, counting one's chickens before they hatch, making a mountain out of a molehill and four or five other chichés I'll think of once I officially polish off this here coffee.

Anyway this is the opinion of a political pundit site, not "the parties".
Making a run in 2020 would be stupid, but I don't see a successful run at a later date outside the realm of possibility. In politics name recognition means a lot, and he became a household name in a matter of months. Barring any scandals, if he keeps his name out there you never know.
Making a run in 2020 would be stupid, but I don't see a successful run at a later date outside the realm of possibility. In politics name recognition means a lot, and he became a household name in a matter of months. Barring any scandals, if he keeps his name out there you never know.

I can see him maybe more realistically as a running mate for somebody from elsewhere, for a geographic balance. But again it's way early; now to then is in campaign time an eternity.

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