Mixed feelings about Jones' win......

I see this quite differently. It was Trump and the Moore campaign that warned the sky would fall if Jones were elected. I heard one of Jones' speeches and he sure didn't sound like a hair on fire progressive to me. Trump said the MAGA movement DEPENDED on Moore being elected. That's crazy talk. Repubs still have a majority for a year.

I don't know much about the grass roots Tea Party or what neo-cons are supposed to be or what a Dominionist is, but Roy Moore's values went a bit too far impinging on the rights of others. Regardless of what he likes sexually, I think our entire country needs to stay as far from bigotry as we can. Muslims can't serve in Congress? Homosexuality should be illegal? Ditch all but the Bill of Rights and take freedom from slaves, votes from women?
I don't think we can abide that in 2017 in the halls of Congress. You can have a little club that meets in the barn that believes in that stuff, but a major political party shouldn't support it.
Moore wants his religion to apply to all, and that ain't right now, was never right.
The tactic of demonizing your opponent is as old as the republic. Don't get caught up in it.

Remember Bernie who KNEW Hillary was exactly what he railed against throughout his campaign, sold out and then claimed Trump would ruin the nation if elected.

It is all bull shit designed to deceive the people. Amazingly it still works on some.
The tactic of demonizing your opponent is as old as the republic. Don't get caught up in it.
LOL. Those were the guy's own statements. Demonizing, indeed.
I listen to all these politicians and make up my own mind, thanks very much. I'm not being deceived about much.
I NEVER listen to a politician. They are crooks and thieves deserving of a long prison sentence.
So then you must not vote.

Generally I do not. I did vote Trump, only as a protest against the clear criminal Hillary.
Holy cow--of all the times to choose to VOTE, you gotta vote for that crumb?
I dunno, Gipper. He's not kicking over the furniture, he's just blowing up the Democrats' agenda. And he's the filthiest of all the pols in Washington.
I see this quite differently. It was Trump and the Moore campaign that warned the sky would fall if Jones were elected. I heard one of Jones' speeches and he sure didn't sound like a hair on fire progressive to me. Trump said the MAGA movement DEPENDED on Moore being elected. That's crazy talk. Repubs still have a majority for a year.

I don't know much about the grass roots Tea Party or what neo-cons are supposed to be or what a Dominionist is, but Roy Moore's values went a bit too far impinging on the rights of others. Regardless of what he likes sexually, I think our entire country needs to stay as far from bigotry as we can. Muslims can't serve in Congress? Homosexuality should be illegal? Ditch all but the Bill of Rights and take freedom from slaves, votes from women?
I don't think we can abide that in 2017 in the halls of Congress. You can have a little club that meets in the barn that believes in that stuff, but a major political party shouldn't support it.
Moore wants his religion to apply to all, and that ain't right now, was never right.

Thank you for your very informed and intelligent reply Old Lady, always a pleasure to read respectful posts.

I would agree with all of that.

That is why, If I were an Alabama voter, I would have just abstained.

What I was addressing were the Deep State machinations. I am primarily concerned with why the establishment, both the neo-conservatives, meaning the republican party establishment at the CFR, and the Democratic establishment, both wanted Jones to win. A one party system to me, stinks of tyrrany.

OTH, you are right, Moore is no option at all. I remember having a conversation with a bi-sexual girl friend of mine about this article;

Roy Moore Blames Lesbians And Socialists For Sexual Misconduct Accusations
Roy Moore says lesbian, gay and transgender people are behind the misconduct allegations against him

We went to the source of these rumors, the credibility of the yearbook inscription and the witness, and even though she agreed with me that those relationships were probably consensual, and these accusations were probably distorted, him using this inflammatory and divisive language and acting like a bigot is as despicable as what his opponents do. Divide and conquer is divide and conquer, it doesn't matter who does it. I hate bigotry. All sides are doing it. He IS a piece of shit. It really doesn't matter if those relationships were consensual. Even if your are a conservative that holds that homosexuality is either a "sin" or a "mental illness," the way he was acting on the campaign WAS hateful, and lacked all compassion and consensus building. You are correct. He WAS pandering, in a much worse way than Trump ever did.

When the system gives you no viable option, the only option you have is to boycott.

The thing I don't think you understand though, is that the Republican party is NOT united. There are establishment Republicans that tow the party line, the CFR globalist agenda very closely, and then there are nationalists that do not want to subvert the sovereignty of the Constitution to the rule of the UN and multinational corporate treaties. These two factions are even now arguing about how they are going to reform taxes to give power to globalist corporations or local mom and pop American companies. It might not pass.

The nationalists will make common cause with the Dominionists if it will help their cause.
Dominionism: A ‘dangerous’ Christian movement influencing Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry?

I'm sure you are familiar and aware of all the separate infighting in the Democrat party? Well, the intrigue in the Republican party is just as intense. And some of those Republicans would gladly sink Moore if it means keeping a Dominionist out of the Senate.
Thanks for the informative reply, Mr. Beale.
I have been saying for awhile that we need to split into more than two parties, the way some European countries do, and then they form coalitions somehow--I realize it's more complicated, but it has been obvious since the 2016 election that both major parties are fracturing. Maybe it would be easier to form a "moderate in the middle" party and let the extremists take the parties as they exist.
People don't like change, but when the party can't provide a relatively cohesive face and stance to the populace, it's time for more parties.
The two major parties collude together all the time at the CFR, and behind closed door on so many of the really important issues.

Like this whole Moore campaign. It was fixed, for whatever reason. The major donors don't give a shit about social issues, they care about really big financial issues, so they got together to make sure Moore wasn't elected.

How the DNC and the RNC colluded to kick the League of Women voters out of hosting the debates so another Ross Perot could never screw up their monopoly hold over the electorate should be instructive. The electorate is even more polarized and mesmerized than it ever has been in history. Distract them with BS about social issues, and they won't notice you robbing them of their job opportunities and pension funds.

League Refuses to "Help Perpetrate a Fraud" | League of Women Voters
Mr. Beale, whatever you want to call it, that a large group of people got together and effectively stopped Roy Moore from entering the halls of Congress is a GOOD thing. He was not a good candidate. Maybe that is why both parties wanted him to stay at home. Did that ever occur to you?

Of course he wasn't a good candidate, I've already told you that. But they didn't stop him because he was morally corrupt. They didn't stop him because he was repulsive. Folks don't give millions of dollars for altruistic reasons, not now, not ever.

Surely you aren't that naive?

I'm trying to tell you, Roy Moore is awful, he is a piece of shit, he is scum. He is a bigot, and a throw back to a different era. But, he has a spine, he has a certain set of moral principles that would not let him sell out his community, his state, or his nation. The financial, political, and cultural elites know this.

His opponent is a whore who will sell his vote for a buck. His opponent is far worse.

You see things your way, I see them mine. I don't believe there's a deep state conspiracy at work. The parties shut him down because no one will contribute to a party that supports such a repulsive candidate. Of course it's about money with them in the long run; I realize that. But the reason he's so repulsive is good enough for me. It's definitely NOT because the man has a "spine," if that's what you want to call it. He's a pig headed egotist who can't even accept that he lost. That's not spine.
Thank you for your very informed and intelligent reply Old Lady, always a pleasure to read respectful posts.

I would agree with all of that.

That is why, If I were an Alabama voter, I would have just abstained.

What I was addressing were the Deep State machinations. I am primarily concerned with why the establishment, both the neo-conservatives, meaning the republican party establishment at the CFR, and the Democratic establishment, both wanted Jones to win. A one party system to me, stinks of tyrrany.

OTH, you are right, Moore is no option at all. I remember having a conversation with a bi-sexual girl friend of mine about this article;

Roy Moore Blames Lesbians And Socialists For Sexual Misconduct Accusations
Roy Moore says lesbian, gay and transgender people are behind the misconduct allegations against him

We went to the source of these rumors, the credibility of the yearbook inscription and the witness, and even though she agreed with me that those relationships were probably consensual, and these accusations were probably distorted, him using this inflammatory and divisive language and acting like a bigot is as despicable as what his opponents do. Divide and conquer is divide and conquer, it doesn't matter who does it. I hate bigotry. All sides are doing it. He IS a piece of shit. It really doesn't matter if those relationships were consensual. Even if your are a conservative that holds that homosexuality is either a "sin" or a "mental illness," the way he was acting on the campaign WAS hateful, and lacked all compassion and consensus building. You are correct. He WAS pandering, in a much worse way than Trump ever did.

When the system gives you no viable option, the only option you have is to boycott.

The thing I don't think you understand though, is that the Republican party is NOT united. There are establishment Republicans that tow the party line, the CFR globalist agenda very closely, and then there are nationalists that do not want to subvert the sovereignty of the Constitution to the rule of the UN and multinational corporate treaties. These two factions are even now arguing about how they are going to reform taxes to give power to globalist corporations or local mom and pop American companies. It might not pass.

The nationalists will make common cause with the Dominionists if it will help their cause.
Dominionism: A ‘dangerous’ Christian movement influencing Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry?

I'm sure you are familiar and aware of all the separate infighting in the Democrat party? Well, the intrigue in the Republican party is just as intense. And some of those Republicans would gladly sink Moore if it means keeping a Dominionist out of the Senate.
Thanks for the informative reply, Mr. Beale.
I have been saying for awhile that we need to split into more than two parties, the way some European countries do, and then they form coalitions somehow--I realize it's more complicated, but it has been obvious since the 2016 election that both major parties are fracturing. Maybe it would be easier to form a "moderate in the middle" party and let the extremists take the parties as they exist.
People don't like change, but when the party can't provide a relatively cohesive face and stance to the populace, it's time for more parties.
The two major parties collude together all the time at the CFR, and behind closed door on so many of the really important issues.

Like this whole Moore campaign. It was fixed, for whatever reason. The major donors don't give a shit about social issues, they care about really big financial issues, so they got together to make sure Moore wasn't elected.

How the DNC and the RNC colluded to kick the League of Women voters out of hosting the debates so another Ross Perot could never screw up their monopoly hold over the electorate should be instructive. The electorate is even more polarized and mesmerized than it ever has been in history. Distract them with BS about social issues, and they won't notice you robbing them of their job opportunities and pension funds.

League Refuses to "Help Perpetrate a Fraud" | League of Women Voters
Mr. Beale, whatever you want to call it, that a large group of people got together and effectively stopped Roy Moore from entering the halls of Congress is a GOOD thing. He was not a good candidate. Maybe that is why both parties wanted him to stay at home. Did that ever occur to you?

Of course he wasn't a good candidate, I've already told you that. But they didn't stop him because he was morally corrupt. They didn't stop him because he was repulsive. Folks don't give millions of dollars for altruistic reasons, not now, not ever.

Surely you aren't that naive?

I'm trying to tell you, Roy Moore is awful, he is a piece of shit, he is scum. He is a bigot, and a throw back to a different era. But, he has a spine, he has a certain set of moral principles that would not let him sell out his community, his state, or his nation. The financial, political, and cultural elites know this.

His opponent is a whore who will sell his vote for a buck. His opponent is far worse.

You see things your way, I see them mine. I don't believe there's a deep state conspiracy at work. The parties shut him down because no one will contribute to a party that supports such a repulsive candidate. Of course it's about money with them in the long run; I realize that. But the reason he's so repulsive is good enough for me. It's definitely NOT because the man has a "spine," if that's what you want to call it. He's a pig headed egotist who can't even accept that he lost. That's not spine.


It's not a "conspiracy."

It's just how high level interest groups work.

It's too bad really. You and I agree on everything about him.

You see, all of his social belief's are really irrelevant. You are so fixated on them, yet you believe that you haven't been brainwashed or propagandized.

One question, HOW are all those belief's of his even relevant? Except for maybe affecting a possible vote for public funding of abortions, I can't think of any other vote, one single vote that as an individual Senator, he would affect the nation.

ON economic policies however, the other candidate will do great damage to your life.

It just makes no sense to me.
The tactic of demonizing your opponent is as old as the republic. Don't get caught up in it.

Remember Bernie who KNEW Hillary was exactly what he railed against throughout his campaign, sold out and then claimed Trump would ruin the nation if elected.

It is all bull shit designed to deceive the people. Amazingly it still works on some.
The tactic of demonizing your opponent is as old as the republic. Don't get caught up in it.
LOL. Those were the guy's own statements. Demonizing, indeed.
I listen to all these politicians and make up my own mind, thanks very much. I'm not being deceived about much.
I NEVER listen to a politician. They are crooks and thieves deserving of a long prison sentence.
So then you must not vote.

Generally I do not. I did vote Trump, only as a protest against the clear criminal Hillary.
Holy cow--of all the times to choose to VOTE, you gotta vote for that crumb?
I dunno, Gipper. He's not kicking over the furniture, he's just blowing up the Democrats' agenda. And he's the filthiest of all the pols in Washington.
Easy to say now, in retrospect. During the campaign it was clear we had the choice between a criminal or a blowhard. I much prefer the blowhard and still do.

Plus now the MSM is all over the POTUS versus on their knees, as they were for 8 years with BO.
Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Without doubt, Trump will blame everything between heaven and hell BUT himself for this severe loss last night.......that's expected by a clueless, megalomaniac, but others around him will see that they just dodged a bullet in not having future pictures of themselves "congratulating" Moore and welcoming this low-life into the GOP fold.

Too bad, in a way, I had wanted for every republican candidate, next year, to be asked of their alliance with the likes of Moore...........but, Alabama did the right thing for both the state and the nation.

Now, after Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, let Trump cultist try to revamp the mantra of "we won, we won, Trump is the greatest, etc.".............IT WON"T WORK and this is just the beginning, a prelude to the oncoming "storm" to soon hit the WH.... and in the righting of the rudder of the Trump Titanic.
Anything that moves Trump from his bullying sexist stance is a negative, imo.
Knives Out For Steve Bannon After Democrat Wins Senate Seat In Alabama

The bloodletting begins.

WASHINGTON ― Steve Bannon was credited as being the political mastermind behind Donald Trump’s seemingly impossible path to the White House. After a humiliating loss in Alabama on Tuesday, the feared executive chairman of Breitbart News, is looking like anything but.

Democrat Doug Jones’ shocking Senate victory over accused child predator Roy Moore prompted a wave of GOP recriminations against Bannon, a former White House strategist who has targeted the GOP establishment over what he views as insufficient support of the president.

“You have to nominate people who can actually win. Winners make policy, and losers go home,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in October, after reports surfaced that Bannon was attempting to recruit Trump-friendly candidates to challenge GOP Senate incumbents across the country.

Bannon was one of Moore’s earliest supporters, backing him over Trump’s preferred candidate in the Republican primary, Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat vacated by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Bannon even doubled down on Moore after a number of women came forward to accuse him of preying on them while they were teenage girls and he was an assistant district attorney in his 30s.

Bannon’s critics quickly seized on Moore’s stunning loss Tuesday in crimson red Alabama ― a state Trump carried in last year’s presidential election by nearly 30 points ― as evidence of Bannon’s political incompetence.

“This is a brutal reminder that candidate quality matters regardless of where you are running,” said Steve Law, president of the Senate Leadership Fund, a Republican super PAC aligned with McConnell. “Not only did Steve Bannon cost us a critical Senate seat in one of the most Republican states in the country, but he also dragged the President of the United States into his fiasco.”

Josh Holmes, a former chief of staff to McConnell, tweeted, “I’d just like to thank Steve Bannon for showing us how to lose the reddest state in the union.”

More: Knives Out For Steve Bannon After Democrat Wins Senate Seat In Alabama

Thank you, Steve! You did a great job - for Democrats! I will be thanking you again in 2018 - and 2020.
Is Bannon in hiding after slithering out of Alabama? Is he pregnant?

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The tactic of demonizing your opponent is as old as the republic. Don't get caught up in it.
LOL. Those were the guy's own statements. Demonizing, indeed.
I listen to all these politicians and make up my own mind, thanks very much. I'm not being deceived about much.
I NEVER listen to a politician. They are crooks and thieves deserving of a long prison sentence.
So then you must not vote.

Generally I do not. I did vote Trump, only as a protest against the clear criminal Hillary.
Holy cow--of all the times to choose to VOTE, you gotta vote for that crumb?
I dunno, Gipper. He's not kicking over the furniture, he's just blowing up the Democrats' agenda. And he's the filthiest of all the pols in Washington.
Easy to say now, in retrospect. During the campaign it was clear we had the choice between a criminal or a blowhard. I much prefer the blowhard and still do.

Plus now the MSM is all over the POTUS versus on their knees, as they were for 8 years with BO.

The one good thing is that the left is FINALLY waking the fuck up to the police state.

Jesus they have been asleep for the past eight years.

Every corrupt violation of civil rights and civil liberties? They were like. . . meh. . . .

The government starts a new illegal war? meh. . . .

The government destroys the environment? meh. . .

The government colludes with big business? meh. . .

The government tramples on the bill of rights? meh. . .

Now it's like. . . . .


Susan was right, it DID wake the left up. Isn't their "revolution" here? Haven't men and women's relationship's changed? Do you think THAT would've happened with BILL in the WH? Hell no it wouldn't have.

The fucking RINOS spent half a million dollars trying to defeat Moore but blame Bannon. Priceless!


Anti-Trump conservatives place $500,000 ad buy against Roy Moore

By David Weigel December 8
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Stand Up Republic, a 501(c)4 group co-founded by former independent anti-Trump presidential candidate Evan McMullin, is spending $500,000 on digital and TV ads that ask Alabama conservatives to reject Republican nominee Roy Moore’s Senate bid.

Anti-Trump conservatives place $500,000 ad buy against Roy Moore
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The good news is Al Franken will now have no excuse to not step down...Bye Bye Al....
Republicans never wanted Moore....they knew how creepy he was even before the allegations came out

But Moore was forced down their throats by the batshit crazy element of the party....of which Bannon is a leader

Who the hell else believes what Breitbart reports?
I haven't seen exit polls, but the polls showed Moore winning bigly with women without college degrees. So Bannon's targeted demographic may still be in target
Seriously Republicans, Steve's not so bad. It's those RINO's like Mitch and Paul that you have to primary out of office...wink wink, nudge nudge! Trust me! I know what I'm talking about........
Republicans never wanted Moore....they knew how creepy he was even before the allegations came out

But Moore was forced down their throats by the batshit crazy element of the party....of which Bannon is a leader

Who the hell else believes what Breitbart reports?

Exactly! Every sane person in Alabama knew Moore was a severely flawed candidate - long before his accusers went public.
Republicans never wanted Moore....they knew how creepy he was even before the allegations came out

But Moore was forced down their throats by the batshit crazy element of the party....of which Bannon is a leader

Who the hell else believes what Breitbart reports?

Exactly! Every sane person in Alabama knew Moore was a severely flawed candidate - long before his accusers went public.

His record on the ASC was a big hint.
The fucking RINOS spent half a million dollars trying to defeat Moore but blame Bannon. Priceless!


Anti-Trump conservatives place $500,000 ad buy against Roy Moore

By David Weigel December 8
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Stand Up Republic, a 501(c)4 group co-founded by former independent anti-Trump presidential candidate Evan McMullin, is spending $500,000 on digital and TV ads that ask Alabama conservatives to reject Republican nominee Roy Moore’s Senate bid.

Anti-Trump conservatives place $500,000 ad buy against Roy Moore
Steve Bannon Certainly Teaches Us One Thing...
Knives Out For Steve Bannon After Democrat Wins Senate Seat In Alabama

The bloodletting begins.

WASHINGTON ― Steve Bannon was credited as being the political mastermind behind Donald Trump’s seemingly impossible path to the White House. After a humiliating loss in Alabama on Tuesday, the feared executive chairman of Breitbart News, is looking like anything but.

Democrat Doug Jones’ shocking Senate victory over accused child predator Roy Moore prompted a wave of GOP recriminations against Bannon, a former White House strategist who has targeted the GOP establishment over what he views as insufficient support of the president.

“You have to nominate people who can actually win. Winners make policy, and losers go home,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in October, after reports surfaced that Bannon was attempting to recruit Trump-friendly candidates to challenge GOP Senate incumbents across the country.

Bannon was one of Moore’s earliest supporters, backing him over Trump’s preferred candidate in the Republican primary, Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat vacated by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Bannon even doubled down on Moore after a number of women came forward to accuse him of preying on them while they were teenage girls and he was an assistant district attorney in his 30s.

Bannon’s critics quickly seized on Moore’s stunning loss Tuesday in crimson red Alabama ― a state Trump carried in last year’s presidential election by nearly 30 points ― as evidence of Bannon’s political incompetence.

“This is a brutal reminder that candidate quality matters regardless of where you are running,” said Steve Law, president of the Senate Leadership Fund, a Republican super PAC aligned with McConnell. “Not only did Steve Bannon cost us a critical Senate seat in one of the most Republican states in the country, but he also dragged the President of the United States into his fiasco.”

Josh Holmes, a former chief of staff to McConnell, tweeted, “I’d just like to thank Steve Bannon for showing us how to lose the reddest state in the union.”

More: Knives Out For Steve Bannon After Democrat Wins Senate Seat In Alabama

Thank you, Steve! You did a great job - for Democrats! I will be thanking you again in 2018 - and 2020.
You would have been more accurate and more honest if you said Mitch McConnel blames Steve Bannon for Moore's loss. McConnel hates Bannon, so that's a big yawn. However, every other Republican blames McConnel.
Knives Out For Steve Bannon After Democrat Wins Senate Seat In Alabama

The bloodletting begins.

WASHINGTON ― Steve Bannon was credited as being the political mastermind behind Donald Trump’s seemingly impossible path to the White House. After a humiliating loss in Alabama on Tuesday, the feared executive chairman of Breitbart News, is looking like anything but.

Democrat Doug Jones’ shocking Senate victory over accused child predator Roy Moore prompted a wave of GOP recriminations against Bannon, a former White House strategist who has targeted the GOP establishment over what he views as insufficient support of the president.

“You have to nominate people who can actually win. Winners make policy, and losers go home,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in October, after reports surfaced that Bannon was attempting to recruit Trump-friendly candidates to challenge GOP Senate incumbents across the country.

Bannon was one of Moore’s earliest supporters, backing him over Trump’s preferred candidate in the Republican primary, Sen. Luther Strange, who was appointed to fill the seat vacated by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Bannon even doubled down on Moore after a number of women came forward to accuse him of preying on them while they were teenage girls and he was an assistant district attorney in his 30s.

Bannon’s critics quickly seized on Moore’s stunning loss Tuesday in crimson red Alabama ― a state Trump carried in last year’s presidential election by nearly 30 points ― as evidence of Bannon’s political incompetence.

“This is a brutal reminder that candidate quality matters regardless of where you are running,” said Steve Law, president of the Senate Leadership Fund, a Republican super PAC aligned with McConnell. “Not only did Steve Bannon cost us a critical Senate seat in one of the most Republican states in the country, but he also dragged the President of the United States into his fiasco.”

Josh Holmes, a former chief of staff to McConnell, tweeted, “I’d just like to thank Steve Bannon for showing us how to lose the reddest state in the union.”

More: Knives Out For Steve Bannon After Democrat Wins Senate Seat In Alabama

Thank you, Steve! You did a great job - for Democrats! I will be thanking you again in 2018 - and 2020.
You would have been more accurate and more honest if you said Mitch McConnel blames Steve Bannon for Moore's loss. McConnel hates Bannon, so that's a big yawn. However, every other Republican blames McConnel.

Other than Moore and Trump - who else would Republicans blame? Moore was Bannon's man - from the beginning.
The real loser imo is Trump who instead of keeping his yap shut he went all in for the pedophile Yes Bannon came out covered with dung also

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