Mixed feelings about Jones' win......

Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Without doubt, Trump will blame everything between heaven and hell BUT himself for this severe loss last night.......that's expected by a clueless, megalomaniac, but others around him will see that they just dodged a bullet in not having future pictures of themselves "congratulating" Moore and welcoming this low-life into the GOP fold.

Too bad, in a way, I had wanted for every republican candidate, next year, to be asked of their alliance with the likes of Moore...........but, Alabama did the right thing for both the state and the nation.

Now, after Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, let Trump cultist try to revamp the mantra of "we won, we won, Trump is the greatest, etc.".............IT WON"T WORK and this is just the beginning, a prelude to the oncoming "storm" to soon hit the WH.... and in the righting of the rudder of the Trump Titanic.

The GOP has a conscience, that is the hell of it

I mean, they are not going to elect someone who has perjured himself about having sex with an intern that was under him nor would they elect someone who has driven a woman into a lake only to let her die.

The funny part is watching Dims try to come to terms with curbing their own veracious sexual appetites. It seems a little unfair to expect morally vacuous heathens all of a sudden try to find Jesus.

Then why is Trump still President?
Has anyone thought of possibly working with the Dems? You know, the way major legislation is SUPPOSED to be crafted?
How do you work with Democrats, exactly, who have publicly, adamantly declared they are 100% committed to the Obstruction of anything the GOP and Trump propose while Trump is in the WH?
I'm not hearing that from a single person in Congress. They, including Pelosi and Schumer, are eager to work with the Republicans but like the Repubs they have certain lines they won't cross. That's where compromise comes in, but it can't be accomplished if they're not working together.
Perhaps, somewhere you know that using 3rd wold tactics and declaring someone guilty without any proof is highly problematic. Then again, I doubt you would care, especially given that you have no proof of this man's racism, sexism, xenophobia or whatever else. Third world ways come naturally to you.

Moron.........Moore WAS guilty of being ANTI-gays, ANTI-blacks, ANTI-MUSLIMS, ANTI-women's rights and ANTI-Constitution..........and THAT is good enough for me to call someone a scumbag......but for you, Moore must represent your "values."
And with a roaring economy youll have trouble arguing against the gop

Nitwit......the "roaring economy" owes a lot to Obama......otherwise you morons would have blamed GWB for what Obama inherited.......

The first year of ANY administration is a result of the previous one.

Second, if the economy is "roaring" WHY the huge tax cuts to those conglomerates already swimming in profits?
This had everything to do with brain washing and fear mongering.

"Brain washing" accusations from a Trump CULT member like you???...........LOL

Just about everyone on this forum that knows my posting knows that I didn't vote for Trump and knows my views, yet you think since I don't support yours, you have this POV;

"Anyone that doesn't think like you is automatically a Trump supporter. Either they are with you, or they are against you."

There is no nuance, no room for discernment. You see the world in black and white.

I believe this is as much your weakness as it is the weakness of those you rail against.

When I say that the results of this election were a result of "brain washing," what I mean, is that not only did Democrats pour in money to Jones campaign, but the neo-cons, the establishment conservatives, those aligned with the Romney types, the Bush types, and the war making establishment, also supported Jones, for whatever reason.

Moore, like Pence, is a Dominionist, as well as being associated with the grass roots Tea Party. The neo-cons and globalists are more afraid of his Domionist links and their growing power than they are of Jones who they believe they can pay off for what ever reason.

Be careful who you get in bed with.

Mystery money floods Alabama in Senate race's final days

Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics — Ad Claims ‘Your Vote Is Public Record’
Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics - Ad Claims 'Your Vote Is Public Record' - Breitbart

I see this quite differently. It was Trump and the Moore campaign that warned the sky would fall if Jones were elected. I heard one of Jones' speeches and he sure didn't sound like a hair on fire progressive to me. Trump said the MAGA movement DEPENDED on Moore being elected. That's crazy talk. Repubs still have a majority for a year.

I don't know much about the grass roots Tea Party or what neo-cons are supposed to be or what a Dominionist is, but Roy Moore's values went a bit too far impinging on the rights of others. Regardless of what he likes sexually, I think our entire country needs to stay as far from bigotry as we can. Muslims can't serve in Congress? Homosexuality should be illegal? Ditch all but the Bill of Rights and take freedom from slaves, votes from women?
I don't think we can abide that in 2017 in the halls of Congress. You can have a little club that meets in the barn that believes in that stuff, but a major political party shouldn't support it.
Moore wants his religion to apply to all, and that ain't right now, was never right.

Thank you for your very informed and intelligent reply Old Lady, always a pleasure to read respectful posts.

I would agree with all of that.

That is why, If I were an Alabama voter, I would have just abstained.

What I was addressing were the Deep State machinations. I am primarily concerned with why the establishment, both the neo-conservatives, meaning the republican party establishment at the CFR, and the Democratic establishment, both wanted Jones to win. A one party system to me, stinks of tyrrany.

OTH, you are right, Moore is no option at all. I remember having a conversation with a bi-sexual girl friend of mine about this article;

Roy Moore Blames Lesbians And Socialists For Sexual Misconduct Accusations
Roy Moore says lesbian, gay and transgender people are behind the misconduct allegations against him

We went to the source of these rumors, the credibility of the yearbook inscription and the witness, and even though she agreed with me that those relationships were probably consensual, and these accusations were probably distorted, him using this inflammatory and divisive language and acting like a bigot is as despicable as what his opponents do. Divide and conquer is divide and conquer, it doesn't matter who does it. I hate bigotry. All sides are doing it. He IS a piece of shit. It really doesn't matter if those relationships were consensual. Even if your are a conservative that holds that homosexuality is either a "sin" or a "mental illness," the way he was acting on the campaign WAS hateful, and lacked all compassion and consensus building. You are correct. He WAS pandering, in a much worse way than Trump ever did.

When the system gives you no viable option, the only option you have is to boycott.

The thing I don't think you understand though, is that the Republican party is NOT united. There are establishment Republicans that tow the party line, the CFR globalist agenda very closely, and then there are nationalists that do not want to subvert the sovereignty of the Constitution to the rule of the UN and multinational corporate treaties. These two factions are even now arguing about how they are going to reform taxes to give power to globalist corporations or local mom and pop American companies. It might not pass.

The nationalists will make common cause with the Dominionists if it will help their cause.
Dominionism: A ‘dangerous’ Christian movement influencing Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry?

I'm sure you are familiar and aware of all the separate infighting in the Democrat party? Well, the intrigue in the Republican party is just as intense. And some of those Republicans would gladly sink Moore if it means keeping a Dominionist out of the Senate.

Thanks for the informative reply, Mr. Beale.
I have been saying for awhile that we need to split into more than two parties, the way some European countries do, and then they form coalitions somehow--I realize it's more complicated, but it has been obvious since the 2016 election that both major parties are fracturing. Maybe it would be easier to form a "moderate in the middle" party and let the extremists take the parties as they exist.
People don't like change, but when the party can't provide a relatively cohesive face and stance to the populace, it's time for more parties.
Has anyone thought of possibly working with the Dems? You know, the way major legislation is SUPPOSED to be crafted?
How do you work with Democrats, exactly, who have publicly, adamantly declared they are 100% committed to the Obstruction of anything the GOP and Trump propose while Trump is in the WH?
I'm not hearing that from a single person in Congress.

You obviously missed or forgot Schumer's immediate declaration in front of God and everyone else after Trump's win about how he and the Democrats were 100% committed to OBSTRUCTING any and everything the GOP and Trump attempts to pass while Trump is President.

Democrats in Congress would be hard-pressed to point to hardly anything of significance to prove anything has changed since Schumer made that declaration.
Moron.........Moore WAS guilty of being ANTI-gays, ANTI-blacks, ANTI-MUSLIMS, ANTI-women's rights and ANTI-Constitution..........and THAT is good enough for me to call someone a scumbag......but for you, Moore must represent your "values."
For the same reason you must no longer be a 'Democrat' ... as the DNC's own personal leaked e-mails proved them to be racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites, and now with all (dozens) of the proven sexual misconduct cases, some involving the theft of tax dollars to silence victims, surely you must be a 'man without a party', especially if all of these actions and personal statements proves / demonstrates who the Democrats really are and what they stand for.
The only negative here politically might be that the Right learns its lesson, and stops dragging the GOP further and further TO the rightwing insanity that they embrace.

One of the election exit poll results? Doug Jones won 3 out of 4 MODERATES.
There is no such thing as a “moderate” that talks to pollsters.

Every “moderate” is either someone completely ignorant of events around the world and likely votes for the Democrat if they vote, or they are an “independent” who has made a snap judgment about their previously registered party and they are looking to switch sides.

No honest to goodness “moderate” could ever vote for today’s Democrat party.

I am decidedly left of center and I consciously vote against every goddamn Democrat that I get a chance to.
The GOP has a conscience, that is the hell of it

I mean, they are not going to elect someone who has perjured himself about having sex with an intern that was under him nor would they elect someone who has driven a woman into a lake only to let her die.

The funny part is watching Dims try to come to terms with curbing their own veracious sexual appetites. It seems a little unfair to expect morally vacuous heathens all of a sudden try to find Jesus.

here, moron, for your "reading pleasure".(careful about those glass houses)....LOL

Republican Sex Scandals | List of GOP Affairs - Ranker

convicted republican sexual predators registered sexual predators ...

19 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals ...

The only negative here politically might be that the Right learns its lesson, and stops dragging the GOP further and further TO the rightwing insanity that they embrace.

One of the election exit poll results? Doug Jones won 3 out of 4 MODERATES.
There is no such thing as a “moderate” that talks to pollsters.


lol, that is a denial that symbolizes your stupidity precisely.
The GOP has a conscience, that is the hell of it

I mean, they are not going to elect someone who has perjured himself about having sex with an intern that was under him nor would they elect someone who has driven a woman into a lake only to let her die.

The funny part is watching Dims try to come to terms with curbing their own veracious sexual appetites. It seems a little unfair to expect morally vacuous heathens all of a sudden try to find Jesus.

here, moron, for your "reading pleasure".(careful about those glass houses)....LOL

Republican Sex Scandals | List of GOP Affairs - Ranker

convicted republican sexual predators registered sexual predators ...

19 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals ...
A cherry-picking we will go
A cherry picking we will go
Hi Ho the dairy-O
A cherry picking we will go.....

Gnat intentionally leaves out the fact that there are currently double-digit Dem pervs for every 1 GOP...and they have the only Impeached President resulting from sexual misconduct and being found Guilty of CONTEMPT is a sexual harassment case....

Just saying.....


...but Congrats to Jones and the Democrats for being given a victory yesterday.
Gnat intentionally leaves out the fact that there are currently double-digit Dem pervs for every 1 GOP...and they have the only Impeached President resulting from sexual misconduct and being found Guilty of CONTEMPT is a sexual harassment case...

LAME....but worthy of this......
This had everything to do with brain washing and fear mongering.

"Brain washing" accusations from a Trump CULT member like you???...........LOL

Just about everyone on this forum that knows my posting knows that I didn't vote for Trump and knows my views, yet you think since I don't support yours, you have this POV;

"Anyone that doesn't think like you is automatically a Trump supporter. Either they are with you, or they are against you."

There is no nuance, no room for discernment. You see the world in black and white.

I believe this is as much your weakness as it is the weakness of those you rail against.

When I say that the results of this election were a result of "brain washing," what I mean, is that not only did Democrats pour in money to Jones campaign, but the neo-cons, the establishment conservatives, those aligned with the Romney types, the Bush types, and the war making establishment, also supported Jones, for whatever reason.

Moore, like Pence, is a Dominionist, as well as being associated with the grass roots Tea Party. The neo-cons and globalists are more afraid of his Domionist links and their growing power than they are of Jones who they believe they can pay off for what ever reason.

Be careful who you get in bed with.

Mystery money floods Alabama in Senate race's final days

Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics — Ad Claims ‘Your Vote Is Public Record’
Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics - Ad Claims 'Your Vote Is Public Record' - Breitbart

I see this quite differently. It was Trump and the Moore campaign that warned the sky would fall if Jones were elected. I heard one of Jones' speeches and he sure didn't sound like a hair on fire progressive to me. Trump said the MAGA movement DEPENDED on Moore being elected. That's crazy talk. Repubs still have a majority for a year.

I don't know much about the grass roots Tea Party or what neo-cons are supposed to be or what a Dominionist is, but Roy Moore's values went a bit too far impinging on the rights of others. Regardless of what he likes sexually, I think our entire country needs to stay as far from bigotry as we can. Muslims can't serve in Congress? Homosexuality should be illegal? Ditch all but the Bill of Rights and take freedom from slaves, votes from women?
I don't think we can abide that in 2017 in the halls of Congress. You can have a little club that meets in the barn that believes in that stuff, but a major political party shouldn't support it.
Moore wants his religion to apply to all, and that ain't right now, was never right.

Thank you for your very informed and intelligent reply Old Lady, always a pleasure to read respectful posts.

I would agree with all of that.

That is why, If I were an Alabama voter, I would have just abstained.

What I was addressing were the Deep State machinations. I am primarily concerned with why the establishment, both the neo-conservatives, meaning the republican party establishment at the CFR, and the Democratic establishment, both wanted Jones to win. A one party system to me, stinks of tyrrany.

OTH, you are right, Moore is no option at all. I remember having a conversation with a bi-sexual girl friend of mine about this article;

Roy Moore Blames Lesbians And Socialists For Sexual Misconduct Accusations
Roy Moore says lesbian, gay and transgender people are behind the misconduct allegations against him

We went to the source of these rumors, the credibility of the yearbook inscription and the witness, and even though she agreed with me that those relationships were probably consensual, and these accusations were probably distorted, him using this inflammatory and divisive language and acting like a bigot is as despicable as what his opponents do. Divide and conquer is divide and conquer, it doesn't matter who does it. I hate bigotry. All sides are doing it. He IS a piece of shit. It really doesn't matter if those relationships were consensual. Even if your are a conservative that holds that homosexuality is either a "sin" or a "mental illness," the way he was acting on the campaign WAS hateful, and lacked all compassion and consensus building. You are correct. He WAS pandering, in a much worse way than Trump ever did.

When the system gives you no viable option, the only option you have is to boycott.

The thing I don't think you understand though, is that the Republican party is NOT united. There are establishment Republicans that tow the party line, the CFR globalist agenda very closely, and then there are nationalists that do not want to subvert the sovereignty of the Constitution to the rule of the UN and multinational corporate treaties. These two factions are even now arguing about how they are going to reform taxes to give power to globalist corporations or local mom and pop American companies. It might not pass.

The nationalists will make common cause with the Dominionists if it will help their cause.
Dominionism: A ‘dangerous’ Christian movement influencing Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry?

I'm sure you are familiar and aware of all the separate infighting in the Democrat party? Well, the intrigue in the Republican party is just as intense. And some of those Republicans would gladly sink Moore if it means keeping a Dominionist out of the Senate.

Thanks for the informative reply, Mr. Beale.
I have been saying for awhile that we need to split into more than two parties, the way some European countries do, and then they form coalitions somehow--I realize it's more complicated, but it has been obvious since the 2016 election that both major parties are fracturing. Maybe it would be easier to form a "moderate in the middle" party and let the extremists take the parties as they exist.
People don't like change, but when the party can't provide a relatively cohesive face and stance to the populace, it's time for more parties.

The two major parties collude together all the time at the CFR, and behind closed door on so many of the really important issues.

Like this whole Moore campaign. It was fixed, for whatever reason. The major donors don't give a shit about social issues, they care about really big financial issues, so they got together to make sure Moore wasn't elected.

How the DNC and the RNC colluded to kick the League of Women voters out of hosting the debates so another Ross Perot could never screw up their monopoly hold over the electorate should be instructive. The electorate is even more polarized and mesmerized than it ever has been in history. Distract them with BS about social issues, and they won't notice you robbing them of their job opportunities and pension funds.

League Refuses to "Help Perpetrate a Fraud" | League of Women Voters
The only negative here politically might be that the Right learns its lesson, and stops dragging the GOP further and further TO the rightwing insanity that they embrace.

One of the election exit poll results? Doug Jones won 3 out of 4 MODERATES.
There is no such thing as a “moderate” that talks to pollsters.


lol, that is a denial that symbolizes your stupidity precisely.
There is nothing moderate about ANY aspect of the Democrats. California lunatics control the Democrat House leadership, and New York and east coast lunatics control the Democrat senate leadership, all the while Paul Ryan(a Wisconsin “moderate”) controls the Republican house and McConnell(a Kentucky “moderate”) controls the Senate.

Even so called “moderate” Democrats elected in the South and West Virginia are forced to serve the most radical coastal Democrats.
Has anyone thought of possibly working with the Dems? You know, the way major legislation is SUPPOSED to be crafted?
How do you work with Democrats, exactly, who have publicly, adamantly declared they are 100% committed to the Obstruction of anything the GOP and Trump propose while Trump is in the WH?
I'm not hearing that from a single person in Congress.

You obviously missed or forgot Schumer's immediate declaration in front of God and everyone else after Trump's win about how he and the Democrats were 100% committed to OBSTRUCTING any and everything the GOP and Trump attempts to pass while Trump is President.

Democrats in Congress would be hard-pressed to point to hardly anything of significance to prove anything has changed since Schumer made that declaration.
No need to keep sulking over that statement in a moment of bitterness; the Republicans had just done it to the Dems for an entire year regarding Garland. Since then I have heard Schumer and Pelosi and many Senators and Representatives earnestly voice their willingness to be involved. Christ, they're there--why wouldn't they want input into the major legislation coming to the country?
Think about it. The way both parties have used a majority, however slim, to run with their ideas exclusively for years now is very disappointing. On BOTH sides. I don't want to hear excuses and finger pointing at the "other guy." Cut it out, both of youse.
This had everything to do with brain washing and fear mongering.

"Brain washing" accusations from a Trump CULT member like you???...........LOL

Just about everyone on this forum that knows my posting knows that I didn't vote for Trump and knows my views, yet you think since I don't support yours, you have this POV;

"Anyone that doesn't think like you is automatically a Trump supporter. Either they are with you, or they are against you."

There is no nuance, no room for discernment. You see the world in black and white.

I believe this is as much your weakness as it is the weakness of those you rail against.

When I say that the results of this election were a result of "brain washing," what I mean, is that not only did Democrats pour in money to Jones campaign, but the neo-cons, the establishment conservatives, those aligned with the Romney types, the Bush types, and the war making establishment, also supported Jones, for whatever reason.

Moore, like Pence, is a Dominionist, as well as being associated with the grass roots Tea Party. The neo-cons and globalists are more afraid of his Domionist links and their growing power than they are of Jones who they believe they can pay off for what ever reason.

Be careful who you get in bed with.

Mystery money floods Alabama in Senate race's final days

Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics — Ad Claims ‘Your Vote Is Public Record’
Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics - Ad Claims 'Your Vote Is Public Record' - Breitbart

I see this quite differently. It was Trump and the Moore campaign that warned the sky would fall if Jones were elected. I heard one of Jones' speeches and he sure didn't sound like a hair on fire progressive to me. Trump said the MAGA movement DEPENDED on Moore being elected. That's crazy talk. Repubs still have a majority for a year.

I don't know much about the grass roots Tea Party or what neo-cons are supposed to be or what a Dominionist is, but Roy Moore's values went a bit too far impinging on the rights of others. Regardless of what he likes sexually, I think our entire country needs to stay as far from bigotry as we can. Muslims can't serve in Congress? Homosexuality should be illegal? Ditch all but the Bill of Rights and take freedom from slaves, votes from women?
I don't think we can abide that in 2017 in the halls of Congress. You can have a little club that meets in the barn that believes in that stuff, but a major political party shouldn't support it.
Moore wants his religion to apply to all, and that ain't right now, was never right.

The tactic of demonizing your opponent is as old as the republic. Don't get caught up in it.

Remember Bernie who KNEW Hillary was exactly what he railed against throughout his campaign, sold out and then claimed Trump would ruin the nation if elected.

It is all bull shit designed to deceive the people. Amazingly it still works on some.
Remember Bernie who KNEW Hillary was exactly what he railed against throughout his campaign, sold out and then claimed Trump would ruin the nation if elected.

It is all bull shit designed to deceive the people. Amazingly it still works on some.

Ahhhh, I see you found a fence to sit on, Gip.......

(and Bernie was 100% in his claim that Trump would ruin everything his small, orange hands would touch.)

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