Mixed feelings about Jones' win......

Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Without doubt, Trump will blame everything between heaven and hell BUT himself for this severe loss last night.......that's expected by a clueless, megalomaniac, but others around him will see that they just dodged a bullet in not having future pictures of themselves "congratulating" Moore and welcoming this low-life into the GOP fold.

Too bad, in a way, I had wanted for every republican candidate, next year, to be asked of their alliance with the likes of Moore...........but, Alabama did the right thing for both the state and the nation.

Now, after Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, let Trump cultist try to revamp the mantra of "we won, we won, Trump is the greatest, etc.".............IT WON"T WORK and this is just the beginning, a prelude to the oncoming "storm" to soon hit the WH.... and in the righting of the rudder of the Trump Titanic.
You sound scared
I offer congrats to the Marxist Socialists. You are now one step above an accused child molester.
If you believe this election was a victory towards more leftist ideals, you are sadly mistaken. My dog (his name is Toby) could have won that election over Roy Moore.
Celebrate while you can.
I share the same feelings nat. I think a bigger part of me wanted to see him win then sit back and enjoy the 3 ring circus whilst we tied his pervy ass around the neck of every Republican running next year. But hey - this feels almost as good and as you say - this is just the beginning!

In case ya missed the cover of the NY Daily News ... :eusa_clap:

Dr. Love, I'm no genius at searches, but when I saw this on an other thread, I wanted to send it to a friend. When I went to the Daily News site, I couldn't find it. It might be a fake cover? I loved it but I'm not sharing it 'til I know it's right.
This had everything to do with brain washing and fear mongering.

"Brain washing" accusations from a Trump CULT member like you???...........LOL

Just about everyone on this forum that knows my posting knows that I didn't vote for Trump and knows my views, yet you think since I don't support yours, you have this POV;

"Anyone that doesn't think like you is automatically a Trump supporter. Either they are with you, or they are against you."

There is no nuance, no room for discernment. You see the world in black and white.

I believe this is as much your weakness as it is the weakness of those you rail against.

When I say that the results of this election were a result of "brain washing," what I mean, is that not only did Democrats pour in money to Jones campaign, but the neo-cons, the establishment conservatives, those aligned with the Romney types, the Bush types, and the war making establishment, also supported Jones, for whatever reason.

Moore, like Pence, is a Dominionist, as well as being associated with the grass roots Tea Party. The neo-cons and globalists are more afraid of his Domionist links and their growing power than they are of Jones who they believe they can pay off for what ever reason.

Be careful who you get in bed with.

Mystery money floods Alabama in Senate race's final days

Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics — Ad Claims ‘Your Vote Is Public Record’
Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics - Ad Claims 'Your Vote Is Public Record' - Breitbart

Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Wow, the delusions are so strong that you are even deluding yourself into believing that winning isn't good.

Perhaps, somewhere you know that using 3rd wold tactics and declaring someone guilty without any proof is highly problematic. Then again, I doubt you would care, especially given that you have no proof of this man's racism, sexism, xenophobia or whatever else. Third world ways come naturally to you.
Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Without doubt, Trump will blame everything between heaven and hell BUT himself for this severe loss last night.......that's expected by a clueless, megalomaniac, but others around him will see that they just dodged a bullet in not having future pictures of themselves "congratulating" Moore and welcoming this low-life into the GOP fold.

Too bad, in a way, I had wanted for every republican candidate, next year, to be asked of their alliance with the likes of Moore...........but, Alabama did the right thing for both the state and the nation.

Now, after Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, let Trump cultist try to revamp the mantra of "we won, we won, Trump is the greatest, etc.".............IT WON"T WORK and this is just the beginning, a prelude to the oncoming "storm" to soon hit the WH.... and in the righting of the rudder of the Trump Titanic.

This was the best thing that could have happened. All that is wrong with the Trump cult was displayed before and during this defeat.
Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Wow, the delusions are so strong that you are even deluding yourself into believing that winning isn't good.

Perhaps, somewhere you know that using 3rd wold tactics and declaring someone guilty without any proof is highly problematic. Then again, I doubt you would care, especially given that you have no proof of this man's racism, sexism, xenophobia or whatever else. Third world ways come naturally to you.

There was proof against Roy Moore.
It shows that Progressive can get away with the most outrageous lies and misstatements
Funny....snowflakes can't even be happy when a Democrat wins...probably because they know the reality is Jones didn't win - Moore lost.

Snowflakes had no faith in people. They attacked anyone who said 'It is up to the people of Alabama to decide'. The people of Alabama restored part of my faith in people - they did not vote Moore into office, which I have no problem with.
There was proof against Roy Moore.
There were accusations. There was nothing that could have guaranteed a win in a court of law.

An illegal who had been deported 5 times fired a weapon resulting in the death of an American citizen, and a jury could not / would not find him guilty of any crime regarding taking her life. Anyone declaring someone is guilty of a crime and would be found so in a court of law, based on results like the case above, is just spouting opinion.
There was proof against Roy Moore.
There were accusations. There was nothing that could have guaranteed a win in a court of law.

An illegal who had been deported 5 times fired a weapon resulting in the death of an American citizen, and a jury could not / would not find him guilty of any crime regarding taking her life. Anyone declaring someone is guilty of a crime and would be found so in a court of law, based on results like the case above, is just spouting opinion.

There were a bunch of proven false accusations.

The republicans were basically asking for a loss as usual, no strong denial or F Us thrown at the false accusers.

This is how you go from 3% government spending to 40%... by dedicating your life to losing. The conservatives have systematically failed at conserving anything of value.
Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Without doubt, Trump will blame everything between heaven and hell BUT himself for this severe loss last night.......that's expected by a clueless, megalomaniac, but others around him will see that they just dodged a bullet in not having future pictures of themselves "congratulating" Moore and welcoming this low-life into the GOP fold.

Too bad, in a way, I had wanted for every republican candidate, next year, to be asked of their alliance with the likes of Moore...........but, Alabama did the right thing for both the state and the nation.

Now, after Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, let Trump cultist try to revamp the mantra of "we won, we won, Trump is the greatest, etc.".............IT WON"T WORK and this is just the beginning, a prelude to the oncoming "storm" to soon hit the WH.... and in the righting of the rudder of the Trump Titanic.

You guys are going to have to run on issues unless you want to accuse someone else of hordedous behavior

And with a roaring economy youll have trouble arguing against the gop
The intent of my O/P was simply that I would have "LOVED" to see pictures of Trump embracing Moore, and those pictures being used throughout the 2018 midterms.

Of course you would have loved it. It helped you lie easier.

Now you're going to have to run on issues and or lie more.
Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Without doubt, Trump will blame everything between heaven and hell BUT himself for this severe loss last night.......that's expected by a clueless, megalomaniac, but others around him will see that they just dodged a bullet in not having future pictures of themselves "congratulating" Moore and welcoming this low-life into the GOP fold.

Too bad, in a way, I had wanted for every republican candidate, next year, to be asked of their alliance with the likes of Moore...........but, Alabama did the right thing for both the state and the nation.

Now, after Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, let Trump cultist try to revamp the mantra of "we won, we won, Trump is the greatest, etc.".............IT WON"T WORK and this is just the beginning, a prelude to the oncoming "storm" to soon hit the WH.... and in the righting of the rudder of the Trump Titanic.
All career politicians are corrupt, no matter the side they pick... shit for brains
Just to play the Devil's Advocate here...if it does turn out that the allegations against Moore were fabricated (and with the recent history of the Democratic Party doing things like paying for a fake Trump "dossier" to be released prior to the election...one would have to be rather naive to think that's not a distinct possibility) will yet another example of election sleaziness come back to bite Democrats in the ass? Let's be real here! Jones will be a one term Senator. Alabama voted in this election on allegations about character...not on issues. The State didn't turn liberal overnight and anyone who thinks it did is a buffoon!

Won't even be a full term
This had everything to do with brain washing and fear mongering.

"Brain washing" accusations from a Trump CULT member like you???...........LOL

Just about everyone on this forum that knows my posting knows that I didn't vote for Trump and knows my views, yet you think since I don't support yours, you have this POV;

"Anyone that doesn't think like you is automatically a Trump supporter. Either they are with you, or they are against you."

There is no nuance, no room for discernment. You see the world in black and white.

I believe this is as much your weakness as it is the weakness of those you rail against.

When I say that the results of this election were a result of "brain washing," what I mean, is that not only did Democrats pour in money to Jones campaign, but the neo-cons, the establishment conservatives, those aligned with the Romney types, the Bush types, and the war making establishment, also supported Jones, for whatever reason.

Moore, like Pence, is a Dominionist, as well as being associated with the grass roots Tea Party. The neo-cons and globalists are more afraid of his Domionist links and their growing power than they are of Jones who they believe they can pay off for what ever reason.

Be careful who you get in bed with.

Mystery money floods Alabama in Senate race's final days

Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics — Ad Claims ‘Your Vote Is Public Record’
Pro-Doug Jones Super PAC Using Voter Intimidation Tactics - Ad Claims 'Your Vote Is Public Record' - Breitbart

I see this quite differently. It was Trump and the Moore campaign that warned the sky would fall if Jones were elected. I heard one of Jones' speeches and he sure didn't sound like a hair on fire progressive to me. Trump said the MAGA movement DEPENDED on Moore being elected. That's crazy talk. Repubs still have a majority for a year.

I don't know much about the grass roots Tea Party or what neo-cons are supposed to be or what a Dominionist is, but Roy Moore's values went a bit too far impinging on the rights of others. Regardless of what he likes sexually, I think our entire country needs to stay as far from bigotry as we can. Muslims can't serve in Congress? Homosexuality should be illegal? Ditch all but the Bill of Rights and take freedom from slaves, votes from women?
I don't think we can abide that in 2017 in the halls of Congress. You can have a little club that meets in the barn that believes in that stuff, but a major political party shouldn't support it.
Moore wants his religion to apply to all, and that ain't right now, was never right.
Although I am very happy that most Alabamans have chosen sanity over racism, sexism and xenophobia in electing Jones over the catastrophe that was his opponent, there's a part of me that really wanted Moore to be there .....as a poster child of ALL that is wrong with the GOP segment that is really a Trump Cult.

Without doubt, Trump will blame everything between heaven and hell BUT himself for this severe loss last night.......that's expected by a clueless, megalomaniac, but others around him will see that they just dodged a bullet in not having future pictures of themselves "congratulating" Moore and welcoming this low-life into the GOP fold.

Too bad, in a way, I had wanted for every republican candidate, next year, to be asked of their alliance with the likes of Moore...........but, Alabama did the right thing for both the state and the nation.

Now, after Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, let Trump cultist try to revamp the mantra of "we won, we won, Trump is the greatest, etc.".............IT WON"T WORK and this is just the beginning, a prelude to the oncoming "storm" to soon hit the WH.... and in the righting of the rudder of the Trump Titanic.

I applaud Republicans for their victory over the batshit crazy wing of their party
1) This is how you go from 3% government spending to 40%... by dedicating your life to losing. 2) The conservatives have systematically failed at conserving anything of value.

1. 1,000+ elections lost; lost the House, lost the Senate, and lost the WH; again, the election victories the Democrats have gotten lately were not 'won' but given to them as a result of GOP 'losses'. The Democrats have no room to brag or gloat right now. They have yet to produce a candidate that offers anything the people want. Again, Jones did not win - Moor lost.

2. I agree with you that the so-called 'Conservatives' have failed. Then again, the GOP - 'the Conservative Party' - is not run by Conservatives or even politicians who believe in, espouse, and stand up for true Conservative values and beliefs. It is run by Washington Establishment Status Quo RINO schmucks like McConnell. Every defeat of a 'TEA Party Member' or a 'Trump-like' candidate who wants to kick the corrupt pieces of fecal matter politicians out of Washington and return the power of government back to the people is celebrated by not only the Left but by the POS GOP politicians, again, like McConnell.

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