MN Democrat tests limits of well-known axiom on political death

so who broke the laws and cheated on their wife here?

only one guy did that and your party re elected him

Well, vitter cheated on his wife. Whether he broke the law or not, we wont really know since he was never tried.

But no one is saying Vitter is a saint. We are suggesting that soliciting minors for sex is pretty despicable.
This man did nothng illegal and will be drummed out of the party.

weiner showed his bulging undies and got tossed out.

Your guy got relected for cheating on his wife with a prostitute while wearing diapers over and over again.

Shows who your party really is
Its OK for your guys to do whatever yet the other side has a higher standard to live up to in your minds.

your party is sick
Vitter repetedly FUCKED a prostitute while wearing diapers.

that was fine with you guys

Again, who has said they were fine with anything he did there?

We just dont think soliciting minors for sex is a good idea.
Why is non law breaking worse in your minds?

Let's, for the sake of argument, say that you are right and he broke the law. Is breaking the law is the worst thing a person can do? So I take it you think Gandhi is a horrible man while this Democrat politician should be defended since he didn't do anything illegal?
Dear idiots what the man did is NOT illegal in that state.

the age of consent is 16


All I see here is just another politician caught with his pants down. Now, I'm certain that you think it's perfectly OK for a 56 year-old man to have consensual sex with a sixteen year-old girl, too. I mean, after all the "age of consent" is 16 in that state, right? (I do wonder what you'd say if he were a republican)

Now, on the other hand, Vitter had sex with an adult prostitute, and you're outraged; we can't have that! Why it's, it's...gasp, Oh MY!...ILLEGAL! (i'm sure your outrage over this "horrible crime" would be the same if Vitter were a democrat)

Now, leaving political parties out of it, I am willing to bet, that neither you nor many other people here, would be aghast to learn that during my days in the army, I did my share of whoring; the fact is, that I patronized more than a few cathouses in Saigon, Bangkok and a few other places, and I admit it. Men are like that, and most women, if they do not exactly approve of the behavior, seem to understand. A feminist might accuse me of exploiting those women, but I doubt even you would consider the conduct a major crime. However, I am also willing to bet, that IF I were to disclose that I recently had consensual sex with a seventeen year-old girl (I would NEVER do any such thing, but let's pretend), in a state where the age of consent is 16, virtually everyone here would be calling me everything from a cradle-robbing, dirty old man, to a child molester, to God Only Knows what else, and you'd be in the forefront of the charge of those wanting me tarred and feathered, if not hung, for the offense! Never mind that no crime had been committed; legal or not, that sort of thing is ...IMMORAL...yeah, that's what it is!

The plain truth is that politicians are people too, which is why politicians and illicit sex go together like ham and eggs, and where politics is involved, there's always another sex scandal (real or imagined), hovering nearby. Hell, we already had a President getting hummers in the Oval Office and answering questions about semen stains on an intern's dress, and I seem to recall a drunken senator swimming with his "secretary" in the Tidal Basin at 3am, among other things.
Vitter repetedly FUCKED a prostitute while wearing diapers.

that was fine with you guys

Truthie, if he, as a married man, "repeatedly fucked a prostitute", who the hell really cares what he was(or wasn't) wearing? I mean, what's more important, the fetish, or fucking the prostitute?
I have LiesMatter on ignore, but I can see by some of your quotes she's still out there peddling her lies. I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks

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