MO Can Fire You For Being Gay, But Wants To Make Gun Owners A Protected Minority

I know, where the hell did that come from?

What a loon.

And PS..what the hell do the two things have to do with each other?

The MO House wants to make it illegal to fire a gun owner for being a gun owner, but it is still perfectly legal to fire someone who is gay just for being gay. They want to grant protected minority status, on par with race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability or age to gun owners, but still want to be able to fire the queers.

That's okay with you?

Seems fine to me.
Personally I think anyone ought to be able to be fired for any reason or no reason. One of those personal liberty things I guess.
But if we're going to protect groups, how about protecting a group that excels in law abiding versus a group whose members are riddled with STDs, drug addiction, mental illness and crime?
That's right...The Missouri House passed HB1620 that will add gun owners to MOs list of protected minorities.

Under the bill, gun owners who carry their firearms with them in a lawful manner (i.e. possess a concealed-carry permit) cannot be fired, denied benefits, or otherwise discriminated against.

Mo. House votes to add gun owners to state's protected groups

"They gheys" can still get the boot just for being gay though...

from your link-
“I can be fired because of my sexual orientation, my constituents can be fired because of their sexual orientation..."

how so?
If congress couldn't get rid of Barney Fwank for having a homo call-boy business operating out of his D.C. apartment you Missouri sissies have nothing to worry about.
What the hell is wrong with some of you people? Where does the government get off telling me who I may or may not fire?

I own guns, I love guns, but guess what? The second amendment applies to the GOVERNMENT, not private business. If I as a business owner wish to not hire gun "nuts', or gays for that matter, I should have that right.

Fortunately you don’t:

Under the civil rights laws given to all United States citizens with the Constitution and various other regulations, discrimination in the workplace is illegal. Discrimination here can be the result of a number of issues including, but not limited to, gender, race, religion, nationality, physical abilities, sexual preference, and marital status. However, with the help of civil rights laws like the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), employees who feel like they are being discriminated against can take their case to court. If you plan to work in the United States, it is important to understand your civil rights for equality under the EEOC.

Discrimination in the Workplace: What are your Rights? | LAW - Your Self Help Guide For Legal Advice -

Consider also, if you’re a business owner:

What Is Discrimination At Work

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

We need to get back to the days where we actually lived by the COTUS.

Those days are now, we are currently, actually living by the Constitution, as determined by the Supreme Court.

Incorrect. The so called equal rights act has never been ruled on by SCOTUS how you can think the government telling you how you must conduct private business is okay is beyond me.
Not being fired because you have a concealed handgun permit doesn't exactly place you in a protected minority status except in the fevered minds of sissies or radical lefties.
But being fired for sexual orientation that does NOT infringe on one's duties at work is OK?

It should be. If I own the business then I should be the one deciding who I want to employ, who I want to do business with and what products I wish to sell (legal products of course)

What business is it of your or the governments about who I fire or why?

I will partially agree with you. I don't have a problem with labor laws that reasonably protect people from being harassed or fired for reasons that are not related to their job performance. But there is a line to how far such laws should reach, and that line needs to be one that still gives employers a good amount of leeway to make their own staffing decisions.
I know, where the hell did that come from?

What a loon.

And PS..what the hell do the two things have to do with each other?

The MO House wants to make it illegal to fire a gun owner for being a gun owner, but it is still perfectly legal to fire someone who is gay just for being gay. They want to grant protected minority status, on par with race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability or age to gun owners, but still want to be able to fire the queers.

That's okay with you?
owing a gun is protected by the constitution being queer isnt
Please show us where Missouri can fire someone for their sexual orientation...

Wisconsin was the first state to ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, in 1982, while Minnesota was the first state to ban employment discrimination based on both sexual orientation and gender identity when it passed the Human Rights Act in 1993. Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have policies that protect against both sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in employment: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey (see Law Against Discrimination), New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington in the public and private sector. An additional five states–Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, and Wisconsin–have state laws that protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation only.

Five states have an executive order, administrative order, or personnel regulation prohibiting discrimination against public employees based on sexual orientation and gender identity: Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Delaware, Maryland, and New York prohibit discrimination based on gender identity in public employment only.

An additional five states prohibit discrimination against public employees based on sexual orientation only: Alaska, Arizona, Missouri,Montana, and Ohio.​

Employment Non-Discrimination Act

So only state employees can't be fired simply for being gay...
thats right private employers should be allowed to hire/ fire whom ever they choose, as can a employee work where he or she chooses

is it discrimination for a gay bar to refuse employment to a straight person? yes or no
is it discrimination for a church to refuse employment to a atheist ?? yes or no
in both cases is it NO
keep the govt out of who a company does or does not employ
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Do you really wish to work for a person that holds such bigotry?

From my experience I can tell you that customers are turned off from open displays.

Mention specific actions that need to refrained from, and the drama queens come out of the wood work.

It doesn't take an open display of anything to get fired for being gay. You don't have to DO anything, you get fired just for BEING. Seen at a gay bar on Saturday, fired on Monday.

oh, the drama

if someone sees you at a gay bar, isn't it reasonable to assume that thry're gay also?


Yes, and? You don't have to be seen by someone you work with. You could be seen by a friend or cousin of someone you work with. Maybe they don't work for a homophobe and you do. You could simply be seen coming out of a gay bar. Doesn't change the fact that if MO passes this law you can still be fired for being gay, but not for having a CCP.
Do you really wish to work for a person that holds such bigotry?

From my experience I can tell you that customers are turned off from open displays.

Mention specific actions that need to refrained from, and the drama queens come out of the wood work.

It doesn't take an open display of anything to get fired for being gay. You don't have to DO anything, you get fired just for BEING. Seen at a gay bar on Saturday, fired on Monday.

Have there been legal cases that point our your distinction that you just described?

Yes...sorry it took so long.

Mississippi Sheriff's Department Fires Corrections Officer For Being Gay

Michigan Woman Describes Being Ridiculed, Fired for Being Gay
Not being fired because you have a concealed handgun permit doesn't exactly place you in a protected minority status except in the fevered minds of sissies or radical lefties.

That is exactly what they are doing in Missouri. They are adding gun ownership to the list of minorities that can't be fired for being that minority. They are adding it to race, religion, sex, etc.
That's right...The Missouri House passed HB1620 that will add gun owners to MOs list of protected minorities.

Under the bill, gun owners who carry their firearms with them in a lawful manner (i.e. possess a concealed-carry permit) cannot be fired, denied benefits, or otherwise discriminated against.

Mo. House votes to add gun owners to state's protected groups

"They gheys" can still get the boot just for being gay though...
I live in Mo., show me where in the state law it says you can get fired for being a sinnful gay? Prove it, give us a link or stop with the stupid lies.

In 29 states, it’s still legal to fire someone solely because they’re lesbian, gay, or bisexual
It doesn't take an open display of anything to get fired for being gay. You don't have to DO anything, you get fired just for BEING. Seen at a gay bar on Saturday, fired on Monday.

Have there been legal cases that point our your distinction that you just described?

Yes...sorry it took so long.

Mississippi Sheriff's Department Fires Corrections Officer For Being Gay

Michigan Woman Describes Being Ridiculed, Fired for Being Gay
Forrest County Sheriff
And just because someone charges they were fired for being gay doesn't make it true.
Note that Andre was involved in a violent relationship with an obvious psychopath. More true of gays than straight people. This is what we want to legalize?
You are 0 for 2 on this one, Seabytch.
What the hell is wrong with some of you people? Where does the government get off telling me who I may or may not fire?

I own guns, I love guns, but guess what? The second amendment applies to the GOVERNMENT, not private business. If I as a business owner wish to not hire gun "nuts', or gays for that matter, I should have that right.

We need to get back to the days where we actually lived by the COTUS.

As an overall principle, I agree with that... but I think workers should have some protection against capricious and evil bosses.

I think we should have a law that you should be able to show cause for firing someone. If you fired someone for something, you shold be able to show a good reason for doing so.

"At Will" Employment has been a disaster for the middle class in this country.
What the hell is wrong with some of you people? Where does the government get off telling me who I may or may not fire?

I own guns, I love guns, but guess what? The second amendment applies to the GOVERNMENT, not private business. If I as a business owner wish to not hire gun "nuts', or gays for that matter, I should have that right.

We need to get back to the days where we actually lived by the COTUS.

As an overall principle, I agree with that... but I think workers should have some protection against capricious and evil bosses.

I think we should have a law that you should be able to show cause for firing someone. If you fired someone for something, you shold be able to show a good reason for doing so.

"At Will" Employment has been a disaster for the middle class in this country.

WHy should anyone have to prove anything? I don't want you working here, should be good enough for anyone.
At will protects good workers. Unions protect shitty workers.
That's right...The Missouri House passed HB1620 that will add gun owners to MOs list of protected minorities.

Under the bill, gun owners who carry their firearms with them in a lawful manner (i.e. possess a concealed-carry permit) cannot be fired, denied benefits, or otherwise discriminated against.

Mo. House votes to add gun owners to state's protected groups

"They gheys" can still get the boot just for being gay though...

Why would they fire someone for being happy?
That's right...The Missouri House passed HB1620 that will add gun owners to MOs list of protected minorities.

Under the bill, gun owners who carry their firearms with them in a lawful manner (i.e. possess a concealed-carry permit) cannot be fired, denied benefits, or otherwise discriminated against.

Mo. House votes to add gun owners to state's protected groups

"They gheys" can still get the boot just for being gay though...

Why would they fire someone for being happy?

Good question. I guess some people are just grumpy and want to stay that way. :dunno:
What the hell is wrong with some of you people? Where does the government get off telling me who I may or may not fire?

I own guns, I love guns, but guess what? The second amendment applies to the GOVERNMENT, not private business. If I as a business owner wish to not hire gun "nuts', or gays for that matter, I should have that right.

We need to get back to the days where we actually lived by the COTUS.

As an overall principle, I agree with that... but I think workers should have some protection against capricious and evil bosses.

I think we should have a law that you should be able to show cause for firing someone. If you fired someone for something, you shold be able to show a good reason for doing so.

"At Will" Employment has been a disaster for the middle class in this country.

You have got to be kidding, i should also tell you, you are full of shit, because there is no way you can demonstrate at will employment has been disastrous. None Zip Nadda

Joe you are like are politicians, just throw something out there that sounds good.
Please show us where Missouri can fire someone for their sexual orientation...

Wisconsin was the first state to ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, in 1982, while Minnesota was the first state to ban employment discrimination based on both sexual orientation and gender identity when it passed the Human Rights Act in 1993. Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have policies that protect against both sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in employment: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey (see Law Against Discrimination), New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington in the public and private sector. An additional five states–Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, and Wisconsin–have state laws that protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation only.

Five states have an executive order, administrative order, or personnel regulation prohibiting discrimination against public employees based on sexual orientation and gender identity: Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Delaware, Maryland, and New York prohibit discrimination based on gender identity in public employment only.

An additional five states prohibit discrimination against public employees based on sexual orientation only: Alaska, Arizona, Missouri,Montana, and Ohio.​

Employment Non-Discrimination Act

So only state employees can't be fired simply for being gay...

Geez people, read your own links for context please. Mo has an executive order in place to protect state employee AS WELL AS the Missouri Human Rights Act which covers all employees.

Section 213-055 Unlawful employment practices--exceptio
Please show us where Missouri can fire someone for their sexual orientation...

Wisconsin was the first state to ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, in 1982, while Minnesota was the first state to ban employment discrimination based on both sexual orientation and gender identity when it passed the Human Rights Act in 1993. Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have policies that protect against both sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination in employment: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey (see Law Against Discrimination), New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington in the public and private sector. An additional five states–Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, and Wisconsin–have state laws that protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation only.

Five states have an executive order, administrative order, or personnel regulation prohibiting discrimination against public employees based on sexual orientation and gender identity: Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Delaware, Maryland, and New York prohibit discrimination based on gender identity in public employment only.

An additional five states prohibit discrimination against public employees based on sexual orientation only: Alaska, Arizona, Missouri,Montana, and Ohio.​

Employment Non-Discrimination Act

So only state employees can't be fired simply for being gay...

Geez people, read your own links for context please. Mo has an executive order in place to protect state employee AS WELL AS the Missouri Human Rights Act which covers all employees.

Section 213-055 Unlawful employment practices--exceptio

Where in your link is sexual orientation "covered"? Only gay state workers are protected from firing solely as a result of their orientation. Everywhere else is fair game.

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