MO Can Fire You For Being Gay, But Wants To Make Gun Owners A Protected Minority

Corporations are people too, my friend.


The entire tax code is written to benefit business. Or at least 99% of it.

And this is fine. Again, as long as it serves the public good, I have no problem with it.

Can you point to some feature of "the entire tax code" that benefits business?

Joe has left the building.

When you say something remotely intelligent, then I'll pay attention to you..
Guy, I don't talk to people who still try to claim Rick Perry was a good idea...

How'd that all work out for you?
Please show us where Missouri can fire someone for their sexual orientation...
"The Missouri Human Rights Act (the Act) makes it illegal to discriminate in any aspect of employment because of an individual’s race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability or age (40 through 69)"

Missouri Labor | Discrimination in Employment

"The Missouri Human Rights Act does not offer protection based on sexual orientation. "

Missouri Labor | Missouri Commission on Human Rights FAQs

Based on what I just read you're only half way right and not telling the full truth.

But you don't care to elaborate? :rolleyes:
"The Missouri Human Rights Act (the Act) makes it illegal to discriminate in any aspect of employment because of an individual’s race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability or age (40 through 69)"

Missouri Labor | Discrimination in Employment

"The Missouri Human Rights Act does not offer protection based on sexual orientation. "

Missouri Labor | Missouri Commission on Human Rights FAQs

Based on what I just read you're only half way right and not telling the full truth.

But you don't care to elaborate? :rolleyes:

Individual cities can enact their own laws to protect against sodomites being fired for being sodomites. You wasn't completely honest.
Whatever turns you on.

So did the Unions crash the banks or was that big corporations?

Did the unions move all those jobs overseas?

Did the unions go into companies like Mitt Romney did, loot them for their assets and then saddle them down with tons of debt?
the jobs moved overseas CUS of the unions
govt interferance crashed the banks

Um, nope.

What moved those factories overseas is greed by the people who own them and a government that was bought off. Because just as many non-union factories got moved as union factories.


What crashed the banks is that they sold sub-prime mortgages, sold them off as investments and left other banks holding the bag. Nothing to do with the government. The top 25 banks that crashed, only one did CRA Loans.

Double FAIL.

You really need to stop letting Rush Limbaugh do your thinking for you. He's on drugs.
dont listwn to limbaugh he is almost as bad as obama
the fact is most folks want as much as they can get for there services ( or product ) call it greed if you like but the next time you have the change of getting a raise ..turn it down .

it was in fact the govt loosening the rules about lending.that led to the banks crashing ..

ask your buddy barney frank about it .....

and what do you mean exactly about the govt being bought of???
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I can walk down the main drag in any city in Alaska,with a 7mm over my back and 35 whallen on my hip and nobody will care a lick,I do that in Binghamton NY and its a 70 % chance you die,100 % you will be arrested and jailed ,both legal in both states. But one state is full of uptight nosey do gooders that think everyone should be just like them,so some protection just might be a good thing.
I can walk down the main drag in any city in Alaska,with a 7mm over my back and 35 whallen on my hip and nobody will care a lick,I do that in Binghamton NY and its a 70 % chance you die,100 % you will be arrested and jailed ,both legal in both states. But one state is full of uptight nosey do gooders that think everyone should be just like them,so some protection just might be a good thing.

If you have a 35 Whelen on your hip you'll die from exhaustion first. Doesn't matter where you are.
Guy, I don't talk to people who still try to claim Rick Perry was a good idea...

How'd that all work out for you?

Please cite two parts of the tax code that favor business as you claim.

Joe has left the building. Again.

It's called "Having a job." You should try it some time, Cleetus, instead of whining how the Gummit keeps you down while you wait for your welfare check.
Please cite two parts of the tax code that favor business as you claim.

Joe has left the building. Again.

It's called "Having a job." You should try it some time, Cleetus, instead of whining how the Gummit keeps you down while you wait for your welfare check.

"Having a job" hasn't stopped you from posting about 10 other times in different threads rather than answer my simple questions.
More avoidance, obfuscation, deflection.
Joe has left the building. Again.

It's called "Having a job." You should try it some time, Cleetus, instead of whining how the Gummit keeps you down while you wait for your welfare check.

"Having a job" hasn't stopped you from posting about 10 other times in different threads rather than answer my simple questions.
More avoidance, obfuscation, deflection.

Blame, Minimize, Obfuscate, Deflect...Leftist playbook...on the nose.

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