MO Can Fire You For Being Gay, But Wants To Make Gun Owners A Protected Minority

It was this case:
Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States (1964)

Personally I think the whole case and what it established sucked and was terribly misguided. It destroyed about 200 years of private property law. The upside of ending discrimination would have been accomplished in time anyway. Can anyone imagine a small business today refusing to deal with people because they are black or Asians or something?

That's what I'm saying. As a small business owner, I see one color, green. But if a guy wants to serve only whites, or only blacks, let him make a go at it, Even in the most racist places in the country that shit isn't going to fly today and anyone who hung a sign out front that said "no *******" or "no women" or "no ___________" would quickly go under.
oh thats good, Curb freedom because you don''t who someone sleeps with.

I love conservatives!

Why is it anybody's business? Who cares? Why haven't you been fired for fucking hamsters?

because its not anyones business what i do on my own personal time. Nor should i be fired because i am a man. I should and everyone else should be judged on performance.

Its a rather simple concept. You know that whole rightwing bitchfest i see all the time about affirmative action. Its always performance, performance, performance!

And yet here we are and what you really want is any excuse to fire a person or higher a person. Its like every bad label rolled into one for you guys.

Good job fuckstick.
You're a man? Whoulda thunk it?
oh thats good, Curb freedom because you don''t who someone sleeps with.

I love conservatives!

Why is it anybody's business? Who cares? Why haven't you been fired for fucking hamsters?

because its not anyones business what i do on my own personal time. Nor should i be fired because i am a man. I should and everyone else should be judged on performance.

Its a rather simple concept. You know that whole rightwing bitchfest i see all the time about affirmative action. Its always performance, performance, performance!

And yet here we are and what you really want is any excuse to fire a person or higher a person. Its like every bad label rolled into one for you guys.

Good job fuckstick.

No, what I want is for the government to keep out of my business as much as possible. There is no constitutional justification for this intrusion into private business.
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Why is it anybody's business? Who cares? Why haven't you been fired for fucking hamsters?

because its not anyones business what i do on my own personal time. Nor should i be fired because i am a man. I should and everyone else should be judged on performance.

Its a rather simple concept. You know that whole rightwing bitchfest i see all the time about affirmative action. Its always performance, performance, performance!

And yet here we are and what you really want is any excuse to fire a person or higher a person. Its like every bad label rolled into one for you guys.

Good job fuckstick.

No, what I want is for the government to keep out of my business as much as possible. There is no constitutional justification for this intrusion into private business.
None whatsoever that falls outside of Article 1, Section 8.
That's right...The Missouri House passed HB1620 that will add gun owners to MOs list of protected minorities.

Under the bill, gun owners who carry their firearms with them in a lawful manner (i.e. possess a concealed-carry permit) cannot be fired, denied benefits, or otherwise discriminated against.

Mo. House votes to add gun owners to state's protected groups

"They gheys" can still get the boot just for being gay though...

Social agenda should only be used in ways you agree with. Got it. Employers should be able to fire people for those or whatever reason they want, or none at all. The only requirements should be that they are honest about their policies to their employees and their customers.
You could say the same thing about your house. Could someone just show up at your door and demand that you let them in to use the toilet? I mean the plumbing is paid for by all isn't it? Why not?

Not even close, Fetish-boy. Although, honestly, I'm usually nice enough to let people use the bathroom.

Businesses are public accommedations and they get privilages the rest of us don't get.

That's why we hold them to a higher standard than Joe HOmeowner.

So when I put my money on the line and buy assets and hire people and start selling things, I take all the risk but my business belongs to the "public?" Screw you, Comrade Marx...
You could say the same thing about your house. Could someone just show up at your door and demand that you let them in to use the toilet? I mean the plumbing is paid for by all isn't it? Why not?

Not even close, Fetish-boy. Although, honestly, I'm usually nice enough to let people use the bathroom.

Businesses are public accommedations and they get privilages the rest of us don't get.

That's why we hold them to a higher standard than Joe HOmeowner.

Anyone else other than Kaz see the stupidity here?

Hey Joey? What is private property?
you could say the same thing about your house. Could someone just show up at your door and demand that you let them in to use the toilet? I mean the plumbing is paid for by all isn't it? Why not?

not even close, fetish-boy. Although, honestly, i'm usually nice enough to let people use the bathroom.

businesses are public accommedations and they get privilages the rest of us don't get.

that's why we hold them to a higher standard than joe homeowner.

anyone else other than kaz see the stupidity here?

Hey joey? What is private property?

нет, все принадлежит государству
[You don't understand much about business and the economy, do you? That's what happens when you've spent your life insulated from reality by a protected union job.

Guy, never been in a union. Wish I was, they get awesome pay and awesome benefits.

And I don't give a fuck about what you shitballs think you know about the economy.

When i was growing up, my parents used to say that Democrats bring us wars and Republicans bring us recessions.

Now Republicans bring wars and recessions. But they are the fucking economic geniuses, which is why the last five recessions have happened on Republican watches. Because they're geniuses.
You could say the same thing about your house. Could someone just show up at your door and demand that you let them in to use the toilet? I mean the plumbing is paid for by all isn't it? Why not?

Not even close, Fetish-boy. Although, honestly, I'm usually nice enough to let people use the bathroom.

Businesses are public accommedations and they get privilages the rest of us don't get.

That's why we hold them to a higher standard than Joe HOmeowner.

Anyone else other than Kaz see the stupidity here?

Hey Joey? What is private property?

An illusion. Private property is what the rest of us agree is yours.

When we agree you shouldn't have that anymore, bye-bye.

It's like when one of you jokers whines about rights. There are no rights. there are only privilages the rest of us let you have. This is what it means to be a social animal. Sorry. Just is the reality of things.

Now, I have no problem with private business, as long as it acts correctly. as in the interest of the public good. That's why we give them LICENSES to operate.
not even close, fetish-boy. Although, honestly, i'm usually nice enough to let people use the bathroom.

businesses are public accommedations and they get privilages the rest of us don't get.

that's why we hold them to a higher standard than joe homeowner.

anyone else other than kaz see the stupidity here?

Hey joey? What is private property?

нет, все принадлежит государству

You could say the same thing about your house. Could someone just show up at your door and demand that you let them in to use the toilet? I mean the plumbing is paid for by all isn't it? Why not?

Not even close, Fetish-boy. Although, honestly, I'm usually nice enough to let people use the bathroom.

Businesses are public accommedations and they get privilages the rest of us don't get.

That's why we hold them to a higher standard than Joe HOmeowner.

So when I put my money on the line and buy assets and hire people and start selling things, I take all the risk but my business belongs to the "public?" Screw you, Comrade Marx...

Yup, because the rest of us let you do it.

We'll prosecute your employees if they steal from you. We'll keep cops around your shop to make sure no one rips it off. YOu get a whole lot of goodies being a businessman.

And, gosh, what unreasonable things the rest of us are asking. Like if you are going to fire someone and make us pay his way until he finds another job, hey maybe you should be able to prove he was kind of a shitball, and you didn't just fire him because he complained about a safety violation to OSHA. (Which, again, I've seen happen.)
Not even close, Fetish-boy. Although, honestly, I'm usually nice enough to let people use the bathroom.

Businesses are public accommedations and they get privilages the rest of us don't get.

That's why we hold them to a higher standard than Joe HOmeowner.

Anyone else other than Kaz see the stupidity here?

Hey Joey? What is private property?

An illusion. Private property is what the rest of us agree is yours.

When we agree you shouldn't have that anymore, bye-bye.

It's like when one of you jokers whines about rights. There are no rights. there are only privilages the rest of us let you have. This is what it means to be a social animal. Sorry. Just is the reality of things.

Now, I have no problem with private business, as long as it acts correctly. as in the interest of the public good. That's why we give them LICENSES to operate.

Well stated Commrade.
So Joey now admits to being a Statist/Communist.

Joey? Took you long enough to come clean.
[You don't understand much about business and the economy, do you? That's what happens when you've spent your life insulated from reality by a protected union job.

Guy, never been in a union. Wish I was, they get awesome pay and awesome benefits.

And I don't give a fuck about what you shitballs think you know about the economy.

When i was growing up, my parents used to say that Democrats bring us wars and Republicans bring us recessions.

Now Republicans bring wars and recessions. But they are the fucking economic geniuses, which is why the last five recessions have happened on Republican watches. Because they're geniuses.

At least we know whom to blame for your poor knowledge base.
anyone else other than kaz see the stupidity here?

Hey joey? What is private property?

нет, все принадлежит государству


Yup.. And you know why Russia went that way, right?

Because there were so many abuses by the wealthy, until people got fed up and shot a bunch of people.

Now, me, I'm kind of having this kookie idea that you stop that from happening by treating people fair.

And you do that by giving them a stake in the game, and knowing that they can't lose their jobs capriciously.

Wow, I mean, WHAT A CONCEPT.
Anyone else other than Kaz see the stupidity here?

Hey Joey? What is private property?

An illusion. Private property is what the rest of us agree is yours.

When we agree you shouldn't have that anymore, bye-bye.

It's like when one of you jokers whines about rights. There are no rights. there are only privilages the rest of us let you have. This is what it means to be a social animal. Sorry. Just is the reality of things.

Now, I have no problem with private business, as long as it acts correctly. as in the interest of the public good. That's why we give them LICENSES to operate.

Well stated Commrade.

I am having difficulty at finding a bigger asswipe that posts here, and that is saying something.
Not even close, Fetish-boy. Although, honestly, I'm usually nice enough to let people use the bathroom.

Businesses are public accommedations and they get privilages the rest of us don't get.

That's why we hold them to a higher standard than Joe HOmeowner.

So when I put my money on the line and buy assets and hire people and start selling things, I take all the risk but my business belongs to the "public?" Screw you, Comrade Marx...

Yup, because the rest of us let you do it.

We'll prosecute your employees if they steal from you. We'll keep cops around your shop to make sure no one rips it off. YOu get a whole lot of goodies being a businessman.

And, gosh, what unreasonable things the rest of us are asking. Like if you are going to fire someone and make us pay his way until he finds another job, hey maybe you should be able to prove he was kind of a shitball, and you didn't just fire him because he complained about a safety violation to OSHA. (Which, again, I've seen happen.)

A functioning court system and police power is paid for by tax payers, including and especially businesses.
You haven't thought about this very much, have you?
[You don't understand much about business and the economy, do you? That's what happens when you've spent your life insulated from reality by a protected union job.

Guy, never been in a union. Wish I was, they get awesome pay and awesome benefits.

And I don't give a fuck about what you shitballs think you know about the economy.

When i was growing up, my parents used to say that Democrats bring us wars and Republicans bring us recessions.

Now Republicans bring wars and recessions. But they are the fucking economic geniuses, which is why the last five recessions have happened on Republican watches. Because they're geniuses.

At least we know whom to blame for your poor knowledge base.

Actually, they had it about right.

And here's the thing, when I was growing up, Republicans still kind of got it. Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford even Reagan, understood that a middle class was the firewall between the kind of European Socialism you all fear (even though most of you are probably pathetically mediocre and will never have the success you go on about wanting the freedom to persue).

Then we got the Bushes. And the CLintons, who were kind of cut from the same cloth.
нет, все принадлежит государству


Yup.. And you know why Russia went that way, right?

Because there were so many abuses by the wealthy, until people got fed up and shot a bunch of people.

Now, me, I'm kind of having this kookie idea that you stop that from happening by treating people fair.

And you do that by giving them a stake in the game, and knowing that they can't lose their jobs capriciously.

Wow, I mean, WHAT A CONCEPT.
They are stuck with the KGB in Putin...You mean Obama is the SAME?

Say it isn't so? :eek:

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