Mob chases Zimmerman

I just hope that he doesn't get hurt.. If he does, it will be the fault of the Left Wing Hate Machine.

It will be the fault of whomever hurts him. I do however, believe there is something wrong with our country when the New Black Panthers can take a bounty out on someone and our government, our police, do nothing. What if they decided you or I should die for whatever reason and took out a $million bounty? How long do you think you or I would live?

If the left can blame Sarah Palin for the Ariziona shooting, then I can blame the left for anything that happens to Zimmerman.
I just hope that he doesn't get hurt.. If he does, it will be the fault of the Left Wing Hate Machine.

It will be the fault of whomever hurts him. I do however, believe there is something wrong with our country when the New Black Panthers can take a bounty out on someone and our government, our police, do nothing. What if they decided you or I should die for whatever reason and took out a $million bounty? How long do you think you or I would live?

If the left can blame Sarah Palin for the Ariziona shooting, then I can blame the left for anything that happens to Zimmerman.

Thing is, nobody cares what happens to Zimmerman.
I read somewhere that he may have fabricated part of this. He called hotel security who checked his room. Gotta feel bad for the hotel having this guy staying there.

New girlfriend has a little girl? eeeuuuwwww WTH is wrong with women who would go with a serial loser like this jerk? Let's just hope he doesn't beat up the child when he starts in on the mother.

Its not a matter of whether one wishes violence on him. Fact is, he lives a violent life. He has caused all his own troubles.

Why don't his fans think he should be using the money they send him to pay his bills instead of staying at a beach resort? $2million in debt and he wants Shelly to pay his bills. Pure loser.

Pot calling kettle black.

Boy, that's really a reach, even for you.

Granted that you always say really dumb stuff like this, how?

I haven't done any of those things.

I didn't call security, didn't beat up anyone, didn't kill anyone, didn't lie to get people to give me money, I'm not $2mill in debt and I don't demand that someone else pay my way.

It will be the fault of whomever hurts him. I do however, believe there is something wrong with our country when the New Black Panthers can take a bounty out on someone and our government, our police, do nothing. What if they decided you or I should die for whatever reason and took out a $million bounty? How long do you think you or I would live?

If the left can blame Sarah Palin for the Ariziona shooting, then I can blame the left for anything that happens to Zimmerman.

Thing is, nobody cares what happens to Zimmerman.


And, $arah shot someone in AZ?
Just amazing

they didn't fixate this much on OJ Simpson when he was acquitted for killing his wife and her friend

I guess because they were WHITE

some of you are sick with this Zimmerman case...

none of you should be proud about it

they expected the pound of flesh from dunn

whose murder charge was rejected by three jurors

...'whose [1st degree] murder charge was rejected by three jurors.'

Like to think if he'd been charged with 2nd degree they'd have convicted him unanimoously.
The jury had the option to give him 2nd degree murder if they wanted to, but the jury said the evidence wasnt there. They could have given him manslaughter if they wanted to, but again the jury said the evidence wasnt there. No bullshit, look it up, the jury had the option to reduce the charge.

It doesnt work that way in every state, but in Florida it definitely does.
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It will be the fault of whomever hurts him. I do however, believe there is something wrong with our country when the New Black Panthers can take a bounty out on someone and our government, our police, do nothing. What if they decided you or I should die for whatever reason and took out a $million bounty? How long do you think you or I would live?

If the left can blame Sarah Palin for the Ariziona shooting, then I can blame the left for anything that happens to Zimmerman.

Thing is, nobody cares what happens to Zimmerman.

Just more proof that the left is full of cold hearted bitches.
BUT THERE WERE WITNESSES THAT BACKED UP ZIMMERMANS CASE. I guess some people will keep on believing what they want to believe.

The evidence proves otherwise.

A witness backed him up. Don't forget also that there were local politics going on having to do with that police chief that was forced to step down. Some of those witnesses were hostile, the prosecution witnesses were shitty and the jury was stupid.

Same with Casey Anthony's jury.

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