Mob chases Zimmerman

I'm confused...posters are wishing violence on Zimmerman but don't want vigilante justice? Most of the distortion of facts was by Zimmerman supporters.

The leftist Salon reports;

{George Zimmerman reportedly received a small taste of vigilante justice on a recent beach trip in Miami. }

Angry crowd runs George Zimmerman out of Miami -

Leftists DO advocate violence, as the party press demonstrates.

And virtually ALL the distortions of the case came from hate filled and racist leftists who changed a Hispanic to "White" in their racist zeal to foment violence.

Reporting on Zimmerman's paranoid delusions is not wishing violence on Zimmerman.
abortion, it isn't murder (because it's legal,) but it is baby-killing.
A fetus is NOT NOT NOT a baby. It's only a baby after it's born.

What is it before it's born? A hamster?

They deny themselves , their own humanity with this kind of nonsense,it must be a defensive rationalization,for if they admitted what is truly happening ,their little pointy heads would just explode.
I read somewhere that he may have fabricated part of this. He called hotel security who checked his room. Gotta feel bad for the hotel having this guy staying there.

New girlfriend has a little girl? eeeuuuwwww WTH is wrong with women who would go with a serial loser like this jerk? Let's just hope he doesn't beat up the child when he starts in on the mother.

Its not a matter of whether one wishes violence on him. Fact is, he lives a violent life. He has caused all his own troubles.

Why don't his fans think he should be using the money they send him to pay his bills instead of staying at a beach resort? $2million in debt and he wants Shelly to pay his bills. Pure loser.
With all due respect when did this become all about you?

When you said I was lying.
Oh, sure, ok.

I only said you were lying about being confused. I was right.

Posters are definitely wishing him harm and you claimed the distortions were coming from Zimmerman supporters, which you compounded by later claiming you would accept the jury decision.

I said I don't support vigilante justice anf you said "that's what they all say" insinuating I am lying.
How come Zimmerman didn't "stand his ground" at the beach? The dudes an asshole and deserves whatever he ends up getting. Goes around comes around.

Yup, he shoulda pulled out his piece and started blasting away. He will be ostracized in the same way OJ has, for the rest of his life. Is it right? Maybe not, but that is the way that it is.

Not okay. No, I'm no fan of his. But vigilante justice (in my opinion) is no kind of justice at all.

And there were innocents along (the girlfriend and her child).

George Zimmerman fled Miami after someone threatened there was a huge bounty on his head.

Zimmerman taped an interview last Tuesday with Univision and Fusion, and then took his girlfriend, her kid and his brother to the beach. While they were catching some rays, people noticed him, started harassing him, and then someone shouted out George had a $10,000 bounty on his head.

We're told it freaked him out and they all retreated to the hotel, but the crowd followed them.

Those who think he should maybe go somewhere that everybody doesn't recognize him on sight may have the right idea.

I don't understand why the New Black Panthers who are responsible for that $10,000 bounty aren't in jail. This is even affecting innocent people who just happen to look like Zimmerman. My son's friend was nearly attacked in FL because idiots thought he was Zimmerman.
Oh well..

I have no sympathy for him. He is a murderer and he got off scot free. His girlfriend and her brother are idiots for having anything to do with him. He is a murderer. I feel sorry for the child, that's all.

I don't believe in vigilante justice, and I would never do what those people did, jeering at him and chasing him, but I have zero sympathy for a murderer.

Did you watch the trial? It was self defense. That's not murder.
I read somewhere that he may have fabricated part of this. He called hotel security who checked his room. Gotta feel bad for the hotel having this guy staying there.

New girlfriend has a little girl? eeeuuuwwww WTH is wrong with women who would go with a serial loser like this jerk? Let's just hope he doesn't beat up the child when he starts in on the mother.

Its not a matter of whether one wishes violence on him. Fact is, he lives a violent life. He has caused all his own troubles.

Why don't his fans think he should be using the money they send him to pay his bills instead of staying at a beach resort? $2million in debt and he wants Shelly to pay his bills. Pure loser.

Pot calling kettle black.
I just hope that he doesn't get hurt.. If he does, it will be the fault of the Left Wing Hate Machine.
Not okay. No, I'm no fan of his. But vigilante justice (in my opinion) is no kind of justice at all.

And there were innocents along (the girlfriend and her child).

George Zimmerman fled Miami after someone threatened there was a huge bounty on his head.

Zimmerman taped an interview last Tuesday with Univision and Fusion, and then took his girlfriend, her kid and his brother to the beach. While they were catching some rays, people noticed him, started harassing him, and then someone shouted out George had a $10,000 bounty on his head.

We're told it freaked him out and they all retreated to the hotel, but the crowd followed them.

Those who think he should maybe go somewhere that everybody doesn't recognize him on sight may have the right idea.

You and your vile little clique have no qualms about terrorizing someone. And you don't in this case, regardless what you say. That is evident the way you stalk, harass, and abuse me and I've never killed anyone. You stupid bitch. You are nothing but a deadbeat troll. Your pathetic little life revolves around hurting others. If you couldn't do that you would die.

All under the guise of "compassion" ........... :cuckoo: :lol:
I just hope that he doesn't get hurt.. If he does, it will be the fault of the Left Wing Hate Machine.

It will be the fault of whomever hurts him. I do however, believe there is something wrong with our country when the New Black Panthers can take a bounty out on someone and our government, our police, do nothing. What if they decided you or I should die for whatever reason and took out a $million bounty? How long do you think you or I would live?
You people still melting down over that murderer and his terrifying experience with the fantasy mob?

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