Mob chases Zimmerman

Zimmerman is the one who is evil.

self defense isn't evil

sorry, but your inability to learn is common among liberals, but it's still hard for me to grasp just how little you filth are capable learning

If you hadn't been fed the race bait, you wouldn't care. If you did care, you'd care about the vast amount of black youth that kill each other every year.

But you don't care, b/c you haven't been told to care.

It wasn't self defense. You choose to believe his lies. I don't.

Like I said, you can't learn.

proven innocent in a court of law, means he defended himself

fuck this, why explain. you're to liberal to learn
Why are LOLberals obssessed with this guy? Is it the malicious intent they wish on him, or is it some kind of mental disorder that the rest of us haven't identifieed yet?
Explain how I am evil. And show me where I have wished harm on anyone. I said he doesn't deserve peace of mind. How is that wishing harm on him? It is evil to defend a man who murdered an unarmed kid because the kid was black. I'm not defending any murderers.

I'm not either. I'm defending a man who has been through the judicial system and found to be innocent by a jury of his peers. You're a evil bitch for condoning vigilantism and mob violence.

I did not condone vigilantism nor mob violence. I said that explicitly in my first post in this thread. You've got a problem with making assumptions about people w/o knowing the facts. I'm done with you. Posters like you are not worth engaging in dialogue. Ignore.

Oh lucky me. Cowardly you.:eusa_angel:
Cowards are the people who say shit like, "I don't believe in vigilante justice and I would never do that" BUT, I have no sympathy for a murderer. Who in the hell are you trying to kid?
You're the very kind who would just sit back, let it happen and then spout off that he deserved it. You're despicable people and you aren't fooling anybody.
Black kids beating whites to death is becoming a black pasttime. Martin just didn't get to do it. Seven people have been beaten to death by black "kids" just having fun.

Horrifying New Knockout Trend Responsible for 7 Deaths | Fox News Insider

You will find the cowardly liberal bitches too cowardly to address these murderers.

Look how the self righteous conservatives resort to name calling.

So much for ignore huh? :cuckoo:
I said he doesn't deserve peace of mind. How is that wishing harm on him? I

Your really really dumb are you not??

Pot calling kettle. Saying he doesn't deserve peace of mind is not wishing harm on him. It just isn't. Only in your screwed up little mind. :bye1:

How does that bit of twisted logic work,I am a hypocrite because you are??

Wishing mental distress is wishing harm old simple one.

To repeat Your really really dumb are you not?
What should happen is that Zimmerman gets attacked by a mob and opens fire on the lot of them. That's what should happen. Then he walks because he was attacked by a murderous mob. That would put an end to it.

As long as these mobs are allowed to continue and the attacks against him allowed to continue, it will go on. The black panther leaders should be arrested for putting the asinine bounty on Zimmerman and sent to prison.

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