"Moderate" Islamic Cleric: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam”

Yet another absurdity on your part!

Our presence over their is far more dangerous to them, than their presence over here is a danger to us.

To be more correct, Muslims are more in danger from other Muslims than they are from us.

Why should I give a shit what is dangerous to them? I'm concerned mainly with what is dangerous to me.

Everyone would be a lot better off if their infernal religion disappeared from the face of the Earth.

You truly are a purveyor of the absurd.

What have I posted that isn't true?

Your replies are based entirely on beliefs that are absurd to say the least.

That part about eliminating religeon might carry some weight if you included all religeons. All religeons are dangerous and that's a fact. An undeniable fact.

No, that isn't a fact. Is Buddhism dangerous? How about Hinduism? The fact is some Religions are far more warlike than others, and Islam is the worst. Islam has been spread by the sword for 1400 years.

Which of my beliefs is absurd? You keep saying that, but you never identify any that are. In fact, nothing could be more absurd than your theory that all religions are equally "dangerous."

As far off base as you are with your beliefs at least you're capable off staying up with a conversation, unlike your friend deathangle
He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

there were jews and Christians in Mecca before the rapist pig was born----what did he do about it

I said it first so you can just kiss my flabby ass.

there are two physical features harbored by some men that TURN
ME OFF COMPLETELY-------narrow shoulders and flabby behinds

Yeah but all that flab turns into dick at midnight ;)
He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

there were jews and Christians in Mecca before the rapist pig was born----what did he do about it

I said it first so you can just kiss my flabby ass.

there are two physical features harbored by some men that TURN
ME OFF COMPLETELY-------narrow shoulders and flabby behinds

Yeah but all that flab turns into dick at midnight ;)

oh----one of those pesky wet dreams again
To be more correct, Muslims are more in danger from other Muslims than they are from us.

Why should I give a shit what is dangerous to them? I'm concerned mainly with what is dangerous to me.

Everyone would be a lot better off if their infernal religion disappeared from the face of the Earth.

You truly are a purveyor of the absurd.

What have I posted that isn't true?

Your replies are based entirely on beliefs that are absurd to say the least.

That part about eliminating religeon might carry some weight if you included all religeons. All religeons are dangerous and that's a fact. An undeniable fact.

No, that isn't a fact. Is Buddhism dangerous? How about Hinduism? The fact is some Religions are far more warlike than others, and Islam is the worst. Islam has been spread by the sword for 1400 years.

Which of my beliefs is absurd? You keep saying that, but you never identify any that are. In fact, nothing could be more absurd than your theory that all religions are equally "dangerous."

As far off base as you are with your beliefs at least you're capable off staying up with a conversation, unlike your friend deathangle
Nice attempt to dodge the questions I asked.
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Another example of the religion of tolerance and peace. Kinda like liberal Democrats.

Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.

You don't even have to burn The Qu'ran, if anyone criticises the Paedophile Mohammed or even draws a cartoon of him, these are even reasons for the 7th Century Death Cult to lose it completely and go on the rampage burning things and wanting to kill people.

Look at the Danish cartoonist, he drew a cartoon of the Paedophile Mohammed, it not only caused rioting from Muslims in a variety of nations, burning things and wanting to kill people, the cartoonist himself had a fatwā put on him and has been under 24/7 police protection ever since.

These are not the actions of normal and sane people, you don't issue a death threat on someone for drawing a cartoon, only complete maniacs and psychopaths do that.

Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.
They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

there were jews and Christians in Mecca before the rapist pig was born----what did he do about it

I said it first so you can just kiss my flabby ass.

there are two physical features harbored by some men that TURN
ME OFF COMPLETELY-------narrow shoulders and flabby behinds

Yeah but all that flab turns into dick at midnight ;)

oh----one of those pesky wet dreams again

I grew out of that stage of my life 50 years ago or better.
there were jews and Christians in Mecca before the rapist pig was born----what did he do about it

I said it first so you can just kiss my flabby ass.

there are two physical features harbored by some men that TURN
ME OFF COMPLETELY-------narrow shoulders and flabby behinds

Yeah but all that flab turns into dick at midnight ;)

oh----one of those pesky wet dreams again

I grew out of that stage of my life 50 years ago or better.

oh----sorry-----not even a dry dream?
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Another example of the religion of tolerance and peace. Kinda like liberal Democrats.

Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.

You don't even have to burn The Qu'ran, if anyone criticises the Paedophile Mohammed or even draws a cartoon of him, these are even reasons for the 7th Century Death Cult to lose it completely and go on the rampage burning things and wanting to kill people.

Look at the Danish cartoonist, he drew a cartoon of the Paedophile Mohammed, it not only caused rioting from Muslims in a variety of nations, burning things and wanting to kill people, the cartoonist himself had a fatwā put on him and has been under 24/7 police protection ever since.

These are not the actions of normal and sane people, you don't issue a death threat on someone for drawing a cartoon, only complete maniacs and psychopaths do that.

Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.

so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Another example of the religion of tolerance and peace. Kinda like liberal Democrats.

Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.

You don't even have to burn The Qu'ran, if anyone criticises the Paedophile Mohammed or even draws a cartoon of him, these are even reasons for the 7th Century Death Cult to lose it completely and go on the rampage burning things and wanting to kill people.

Look at the Danish cartoonist, he drew a cartoon of the Paedophile Mohammed, it not only caused rioting from Muslims in a variety of nations, burning things and wanting to kill people, the cartoonist himself had a fatwā put on him and has been under 24/7 police protection ever since.

These are not the actions of normal and sane people, you don't issue a death threat on someone for drawing a cartoon, only complete maniacs and psychopaths do that.

Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.

so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die

Iran 'Imperialist?' When's the last time Iran invaded and occupied a nation? And Russia isn't even close to the US in terms of invasion and occupation. The US demanding 'Regime Change' is an example of arrogant Imperialism. Syria was never a threat to the US. Our Government had no right demanding 'Regime Change' and bombing it. We shouldn't be there. Period, end of story.
Another example of the religion of tolerance and peace. Kinda like liberal Democrats.

Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.

You don't even have to burn The Qu'ran, if anyone criticises the Paedophile Mohammed or even draws a cartoon of him, these are even reasons for the 7th Century Death Cult to lose it completely and go on the rampage burning things and wanting to kill people.

Look at the Danish cartoonist, he drew a cartoon of the Paedophile Mohammed, it not only caused rioting from Muslims in a variety of nations, burning things and wanting to kill people, the cartoonist himself had a fatwā put on him and has been under 24/7 police protection ever since.

These are not the actions of normal and sane people, you don't issue a death threat on someone for drawing a cartoon, only complete maniacs and psychopaths do that.

Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.

so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die

Iran 'Imperialist?' When's the last time Iran invaded and occupied a nation? And Russia isn't even close to the US in terms of invasion and occupation. The US demanding 'Regime Change' is an example of arrogant Imperialism. Syria was never a threat to the US. Our Government had no right demanding 'Regime Change' and bombing it. We shouldn't be there. Period, end of story.

Iran uses proxies to do their bidding
I said it first so you can just kiss my flabby ass.

there are two physical features harbored by some men that TURN
ME OFF COMPLETELY-------narrow shoulders and flabby behinds

Yeah but all that flab turns into dick at midnight ;)

oh----one of those pesky wet dreams again

I grew out of that stage of my life 50 years ago or better.

oh----sorry-----not even a dry dream?

If you had a can of fix a flat handy that I could borrow, one could be arranged for you.
Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.

You don't even have to burn The Qu'ran, if anyone criticises the Paedophile Mohammed or even draws a cartoon of him, these are even reasons for the 7th Century Death Cult to lose it completely and go on the rampage burning things and wanting to kill people.

Look at the Danish cartoonist, he drew a cartoon of the Paedophile Mohammed, it not only caused rioting from Muslims in a variety of nations, burning things and wanting to kill people, the cartoonist himself had a fatwā put on him and has been under 24/7 police protection ever since.

These are not the actions of normal and sane people, you don't issue a death threat on someone for drawing a cartoon, only complete maniacs and psychopaths do that.

Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.

so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die

Iran 'Imperialist?' When's the last time Iran invaded and occupied a nation? And Russia isn't even close to the US in terms of invasion and occupation. The US demanding 'Regime Change' is an example of arrogant Imperialism. Syria was never a threat to the US. Our Government had no right demanding 'Regime Change' and bombing it. We shouldn't be there. Period, end of story.

Iran uses proxies to do their bidding

The US does too. And it does it on a much much bigger scale. Iran and Russia aren't even close to the US when it comes to invasion and occupation.
You don't even have to burn The Qu'ran, if anyone criticises the Paedophile Mohammed or even draws a cartoon of him, these are even reasons for the 7th Century Death Cult to lose it completely and go on the rampage burning things and wanting to kill people.

Look at the Danish cartoonist, he drew a cartoon of the Paedophile Mohammed, it not only caused rioting from Muslims in a variety of nations, burning things and wanting to kill people, the cartoonist himself had a fatwā put on him and has been under 24/7 police protection ever since.

These are not the actions of normal and sane people, you don't issue a death threat on someone for drawing a cartoon, only complete maniacs and psychopaths do that.

Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.

so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die

Iran 'Imperialist?' When's the last time Iran invaded and occupied a nation? And Russia isn't even close to the US in terms of invasion and occupation. The US demanding 'Regime Change' is an example of arrogant Imperialism. Syria was never a threat to the US. Our Government had no right demanding 'Regime Change' and bombing it. We shouldn't be there. Period, end of story.

Iran uses proxies to do their bidding

The US does too. And it does it on a much much bigger scale. Iran and Russia aren't even close to the US when it comes to invasion and occupation.

Then don't sit and paint Iran innocent
Krekar is an Iraqi Kurdish Sunni Jihadist 'Islamic Scholar.' He adheres to Saudi Wahhabi Islamic teachings. He would actually be considered a 'Friend' to the US. He's a Kurdish Sunni, they're our 'Close Allies' now.

Hey i know, it's all so damn confusing. Who's our 'Friend', who's our Enemy? Who really knows? It changes week to week. That's why it's time to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time to come home.
Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.

You don't even have to burn The Qu'ran, if anyone criticises the Paedophile Mohammed or even draws a cartoon of him, these are even reasons for the 7th Century Death Cult to lose it completely and go on the rampage burning things and wanting to kill people.

Look at the Danish cartoonist, he drew a cartoon of the Paedophile Mohammed, it not only caused rioting from Muslims in a variety of nations, burning things and wanting to kill people, the cartoonist himself had a fatwā put on him and has been under 24/7 police protection ever since.

These are not the actions of normal and sane people, you don't issue a death threat on someone for drawing a cartoon, only complete maniacs and psychopaths do that.

Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.

so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die

Iran 'Imperialist?' When's the last time Iran invaded and occupied a nation? And Russia isn't even close to the US in terms of invasion and occupation. The US demanding 'Regime Change' is an example of arrogant Imperialism. Syria was never a threat to the US. Our Government had no right demanding 'Regime Change' and bombing it. We shouldn't be there. Period, end of story.

Iran uses proxies to do their bidding

for those who do not know------every SHIITE muslim is an
Iranian proxy------- SHIITES that never saw Iran-----consider FARTSIE
a "holy" language------and learn it for the sake of "HOLINESS"----even
more than they try to learn Arabic. Shiites ----remember Shiites
(the ones actually from Iran are the least dangerous---imo) Houthis,
alawites Shiites in India----Shiites here and Shiites there---Hezbollians
there are two physical features harbored by some men that TURN
ME OFF COMPLETELY-------narrow shoulders and flabby behinds

Yeah but all that flab turns into dick at midnight ;)

oh----one of those pesky wet dreams again

I grew out of that stage of my life 50 years ago or better.

oh----sorry-----not even a dry dream?

If you had a can of fix a flat handy that I could borrow, one could be arranged for you.
Krekar is an Iraqi Kurdish Sunni Jihadist 'Islamic Scholar.' He adheres to Saudi Wahhabi Islamic teachings. He would actually be considered a 'Friend' to the US. He's a Kurdish Sunni, they're our 'Close Allies' now.

Hey i know, it's all so damn confusing. Who's our 'Friend', who's our Enemy? Who really knows? It changes week to week. That's why it's time to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time to come home.

you think YOU are confused? or "we" are confused. -----well---a LITTLE ---
but for real confusion of ENEMY VS FRIEND------vs friend vs enemy----etc etc.
try the "MUSLIM WORLD" those guys form up and battle each
other INCESSANTLY.---------but there are real people in the middle east
too-------Christians, Jews and atheists---and a few Zoroastrians and some
Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.

so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die

Iran 'Imperialist?' When's the last time Iran invaded and occupied a nation? And Russia isn't even close to the US in terms of invasion and occupation. The US demanding 'Regime Change' is an example of arrogant Imperialism. Syria was never a threat to the US. Our Government had no right demanding 'Regime Change' and bombing it. We shouldn't be there. Period, end of story.

Iran uses proxies to do their bidding

The US does too. And it does it on a much much bigger scale. Iran and Russia aren't even close to the US when it comes to invasion and occupation.

Then don't sit and paint Iran innocent

I wouldn't do that. But i'm not sure i know what you mean by 'innocent.' It's been proven that our 'Good Friends' the Saudis armed ISIS in Syria. It's also been proven that some prominent Saudis bankrolled the 9/11 attack. Is Saudi Arabia 'innocent?'
so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die

Iran 'Imperialist?' When's the last time Iran invaded and occupied a nation? And Russia isn't even close to the US in terms of invasion and occupation. The US demanding 'Regime Change' is an example of arrogant Imperialism. Syria was never a threat to the US. Our Government had no right demanding 'Regime Change' and bombing it. We shouldn't be there. Period, end of story.

Iran uses proxies to do their bidding

The US does too. And it does it on a much much bigger scale. Iran and Russia aren't even close to the US when it comes to invasion and occupation.

Then don't sit and paint Iran innocent

I wouldn't do that. But i'm not sure i know what you mean by 'innocent.' It's been proven that our 'Good Friends' the Saudis armed ISIS in Syria. It's also been proven that some prominent Saudis bankrolled the 9/11 attack. Is Saudi Arabia 'innocent?'

the Saudi government is reasonably moderate. The very wealthy Saudis
with islam on their minds are not innocent. The US tries to deal with the
government ------not the rich bastard terrorist prone
You don't even have to burn The Qu'ran, if anyone criticises the Paedophile Mohammed or even draws a cartoon of him, these are even reasons for the 7th Century Death Cult to lose it completely and go on the rampage burning things and wanting to kill people.

Look at the Danish cartoonist, he drew a cartoon of the Paedophile Mohammed, it not only caused rioting from Muslims in a variety of nations, burning things and wanting to kill people, the cartoonist himself had a fatwā put on him and has been under 24/7 police protection ever since.

These are not the actions of normal and sane people, you don't issue a death threat on someone for drawing a cartoon, only complete maniacs and psychopaths do that.

Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.

so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die

Iran 'Imperialist?' When's the last time Iran invaded and occupied a nation? And Russia isn't even close to the US in terms of invasion and occupation. The US demanding 'Regime Change' is an example of arrogant Imperialism. Syria was never a threat to the US. Our Government had no right demanding 'Regime Change' and bombing it. We shouldn't be there. Period, end of story.

Iran uses proxies to do their bidding

for those who do not know------every SHIITE muslim is an
Iranian proxy------- SHIITES that never saw Iran-----consider FARTSIE
a "holy" language------and learn it for the sake of "HOLINESS"----even
more than they try to learn Arabic. Shiites ----remember Shiites
(the ones actually from Iran are the least dangerous---imo) Houthis,
alawites Shiites in India----Shiites here and Shiites there---Hezbollians
Yeah but all that flab turns into dick at midnight ;)

oh----one of those pesky wet dreams again

I grew out of that stage of my life 50 years ago or better.

oh----sorry-----not even a dry dream?

If you had a can of fix a flat handy that I could borrow, one could be arranged for you.
Krekar is an Iraqi Kurdish Sunni Jihadist 'Islamic Scholar.' He adheres to Saudi Wahhabi Islamic teachings. He would actually be considered a 'Friend' to the US. He's a Kurdish Sunni, they're our 'Close Allies' now.

Hey i know, it's all so damn confusing. Who's our 'Friend', who's our Enemy? Who really knows? It changes week to week. That's why it's time to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time to come home.

you think YOU are confused? or "we" are confused. -----well---a LITTLE ---
but for real confusion of ENEMY VS FRIEND------vs friend vs enemy----etc etc.
try the "MUSLIM WORLD" those guys form up and battle each
other INCESSANTLY.---------but there are real people in the middle east
too-------Christians, Jews and atheists---and a few Zoroastrians and some

This wonderful Jihadist is our 'Friend' now. Fun times, huh? Man, it's time to get the hell out of the Middle East. I'm completely over the endless war.
Hey it's effective, no? The average slimy Leftist you run into, truly thinks twice before insulting Muslims. The same slimy Leftists have no worries about insulting and abusing Christians. They actually respect Islam. Bottom line is, one demands respect and gets it. The other rolls over and gets abused. It is what it is.

so true-------right now the USA is asserting its right to RESPECT with regard to
its da seaports-------THE SEAPORTS--------Russia and Iran want COMPLETE
control over the waterways of both the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. ---
O' dense one. Lots of "persons" would like to see the USA roll over and die

Iran 'Imperialist?' When's the last time Iran invaded and occupied a nation? And Russia isn't even close to the US in terms of invasion and occupation. The US demanding 'Regime Change' is an example of arrogant Imperialism. Syria was never a threat to the US. Our Government had no right demanding 'Regime Change' and bombing it. We shouldn't be there. Period, end of story.

Iran uses proxies to do their bidding

for those who do not know------every SHIITE muslim is an
Iranian proxy------- SHIITES that never saw Iran-----consider FARTSIE
a "holy" language------and learn it for the sake of "HOLINESS"----even
more than they try to learn Arabic. Shiites ----remember Shiites
(the ones actually from Iran are the least dangerous---imo) Houthis,
alawites Shiites in India----Shiites here and Shiites there---Hezbollians
oh----one of those pesky wet dreams again

I grew out of that stage of my life 50 years ago or better.

oh----sorry-----not even a dry dream?

If you had a can of fix a flat handy that I could borrow, one could be arranged for you.
Krekar is an Iraqi Kurdish Sunni Jihadist 'Islamic Scholar.' He adheres to Saudi Wahhabi Islamic teachings. He would actually be considered a 'Friend' to the US. He's a Kurdish Sunni, they're our 'Close Allies' now.

Hey i know, it's all so damn confusing. Who's our 'Friend', who's our Enemy? Who really knows? It changes week to week. That's why it's time to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time to come home.

you think YOU are confused? or "we" are confused. -----well---a LITTLE ---
but for real confusion of ENEMY VS FRIEND------vs friend vs enemy----etc etc.
try the "MUSLIM WORLD" those guys form up and battle each
other INCESSANTLY.---------but there are real people in the middle east
too-------Christians, Jews and atheists---and a few Zoroastrians and some

This wonderful Jihadist is our 'Friend' now. Fun times, huh? Man, it's time to get the hell out of the Middle East. I'm completely over the endless war.

what wonderful "JIHADIST"? isolationism never works
Americans should keep in mind, this particular Jihadist is now considered a 'Friend' to the US Government. He's an Iraqi Kurdish Sunni 'Islamic Scholar.' That makes him an 'Ally' in the Middle East. It's pretty messed up, huh? Maybe it's time to get out of the Middle East? What do ya think America?

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