"Moderate" Islamic Cleric: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam”

So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

With moderates like that who the hell needs extremists. Let's call islam what it is. A cult of death.

I've been calling it a bloodthirsty cult for years. The leftwing theory that all religions are equally deserving of respect is so absurd that even they don't believe it. They certainly don't believe Mormonism deserves respect, nor Christian fundamentalism. Why do they imagine Islam should be treated with respect?

I don't know how these people can still be saying islam can't be called out for what they do because of religious freedom. When the religion is a giant turd in your punch bowl there's probably an issue you don't need to be tap dancing around.

Call them what they are.
He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.
It never ceases to amaze me how many expert authorities on Islam we have on this board. :lol:

feel free to ask questions. Most americans have never read the bible-----and
very few have read the Koran. Very few muslims have read the koran

....and you can't answer any freaking questions.
Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

"Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?"

rosie is actually quite well educated on the topic of religion etc, also there's no need to keep getting personal and asking her if she's looking for a man.

Margot is married, she met her husband in Saudi Arabia I believe.

Professes to be Christian, yet comes down against Christianity every time.

She's on several boards. :rolleyes:
It never ceases to amaze me how many expert authorities on Islam we have on this board. :lol:
It doesn't take an expert to read what Islam professes and listen to what is being pushed all around the globe.

It isn't people having an opinion on Islam I find funny. Considering the amount of Islamic terrorism in the world in recent decades, the constant tension and fighting of the Middle East, particularly in the context of our friendship with Israel, the oppression and human rights violations of some majority Islamic countries, including our putative ally, Saudi Arabia, I expect people to have strong and often negative opinions of Islam. I agree that radical Islamic terrorism is a large issue. I am not and have never been a fan of Islam. While I tend to dislike all religion, I see Islam being used as the justification for more violence and horror than any other religion in modern times.

However, I would feel arrogant to claim that my opinion on Islam determines a true Muslim. There are umpteen different sects and versions of Christianity, there are different versions of Judaism, why wouldn't there be different versions and interpretations of yet another Abrahamic religion? Yet we have many posters on this board who seem to feel their interpretation of Islam is the be-all, end-all. There are sometimes posters who do the same thing with Christianity, but that's far, far less common.

I've seen the number of Muslims in the world estimated at 1.5-2+ billion. With that many people, there are sure to be some wide differences in interpretation.
It may just be the high amount claiming to be Muslim is due to the fact that they are not given any other choice but to accept Islam in their perspective countries. Islam on the other hand is extremely violent to those infidels and non believers. Just recently Indonesia rioters claimed that it wasn't that they couldn't get along with the group of Christians building a church. They want equality for everyone but the people who a church building was totally unacceptable to them. The Santa Clara group planned for seventeen years have a church building of their own in their neighborhood but thousands of them came from the northern part of Bekasi to riot in order to prevent the church congregation from building their own little church in their own little neighborhood. The Muslims said that they want to get along but they could not accept those people building a church in Besaki even though the church would not be in their neighborhood. Everything took several years to get to the point where they could build and the Muslims raised hell even becoming violent every time they started building. This is in a region of the world where freedom of religion of choice is guaranteed. What do you think happens where freedom of religion isn't guaranteed beyond what is reported that we may possibly hear about?

Islamists close Indonesian church weeks after it opened
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He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

That isn't the issue. One thing we know for certain is that bringing them here won't make us safer. There is abundant empirical evidence on that score.
He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

That isn't the issue. One thing we know for certain is that bringing them here won't make us safer. There is abundant empirical evidence on that score.

Yet another absurdity on your part!

Our presence over their is far more dangerous to them, than their presence over here is a danger to us.
He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

The bizarre philosophy from GWB and his string pullers the Neo-Conservatives, was that by killing them on their own lands was going to make EVERYONE in the West safer from them killing people in the West, not only a bizarre philosophy but it should now be considered absolutely CRIMINAL in light of what POINTLESSLY bombing and invading Iraq has resulted in.

There was NO NEED for the invasion of Iraq, on the premise of September 11th, Iraq and Saddam had NOTHING to do with September 11th. Saddam was toppled in one of the worst and most badly thought out military campaigns in modern history. This left a vacuum....and into that vacuum stepped mainly those who were even TOO extreme for Al-Qaeda and they called themselves ISIS.

Had Saddam been left in place, I and many others think none of the subsequent situation would have happened, while Saddam was a POS, he did keep the Radical Islamist Fundamentalists under his boot.

As we know ISIS then spread into Syria, that could have been prevented but for Obama's idiocy on one hand and basic enabling of the terrorists ie. "Moderate Rebels" on the other, including arming them.

As if Iraq and Syria wasn't bad enough, Obama then had to RUIN Libya, Gaddafi was toppled, leaving another vacuum and again into that vacuum stepped ISIS.

So now the West not ONLY faces attempting to kill them in their own lands, we face dealing with them in our OWN lands and on two fronts, the homegrown kind who has either been to Syria and joined ISIS and has now returned and also the sort who are hidden under the disguise of "poor refugees" and it's because of the latter kind NO Western nation should be accepting ANY of the "poor refugees"
He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

That isn't the issue. One thing we know for certain is that bringing them here won't make us safer. There is abundant empirical evidence on that score.

Yet another absurdity on your part!

Our presence over their is far more dangerous to them, than their presence over here is a danger to us.

To be more correct, Muslims are more in danger from other Muslims than they are from us.

Why should I give a shit what is dangerous to them? I'm concerned mainly with what is dangerous to me.

Everyone would be a lot better off if their infernal religion disappeared from the face of the Earth.
He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

The bizarre philosophy from GWB and his string pullers the Neo-Conservatives, was that by killing them on their own lands was going to make EVERYONE in the West safer from them killing people in the West, not only a bizarre philosophy but it should now be considered absolutely CRIMINAL in light of what POINTLESSLY bombing and invading Iraq has resulted in.

There was NO NEED for the invasion of Iraq, on the premise of September 11th, Iraq and Saddam had NOTHING to do with September 11th. Saddam was toppled in one of the worst and most badly thought out military campaigns in modern history. This left a vacuum....and into that vacuum stepped mainly those who were even TOO extreme for Al-Qaeda and they called themselves ISIS.

Had Saddam been left in place, I and many others think none of the subsequent situation would have happened, while Saddam was a POS, he did keep the Radical Islamist Fundamentalists under his boot.

As we know ISIS then spread into Syria, that could have been prevented but for Obama's idiocy on one hand and basic enabling of the terrorists ie. "Moderate Rebels" on the other, including arming them.

As if Iraq and Syria wasn't bad enough, Obama then had to RUIN Libya, Gaddafi was toppled, leaving another vacuum and again into that vacuum stepped ISIS.

So now the West not ONLY faces attempting to kill them in their own lands, we face dealing with them in our OWN lands and on two fronts, the homegrown kind who has either been to Syria and joined ISIS and has now returned and also the sort who are hidden under the disguise of "poor refugees" and it's because of the latter kind NO Western nation should be accepting ANY of the "poor refugees"
It is the superficial thing what the Global Elite allow us to see. Obama Hussein proceeded to arm ISIS creating the prerequisite for the Muslim "refugee" crisis to invade Western countries, including North America with third world scum.
He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

The bizarre philosophy from GWB and his string pullers the Neo-Conservatives, was that by killing them on their own lands was going to make EVERYONE in the West safer from them killing people in the West, not only a bizarre philosophy but it should now be considered absolutely CRIMINAL in light of what POINTLESSLY bombing and invading Iraq has resulted in.

There was NO NEED for the invasion of Iraq, on the premise of September 11th, Iraq and Saddam had NOTHING to do with September 11th. Saddam was toppled in one of the worst and most badly thought out military campaigns in modern history. This left a vacuum....and into that vacuum stepped mainly those who were even TOO extreme for Al-Qaeda and they called themselves ISIS.

Had Saddam been left in place, I and many others think none of the subsequent situation would have happened, while Saddam was a POS, he did keep the Radical Islamist Fundamentalists under his boot.

As we know ISIS then spread into Syria, that could have been prevented but for Obama's idiocy on one hand and basic enabling of the terrorists ie. "Moderate Rebels" on the other, including arming them.

As if Iraq and Syria wasn't bad enough, Obama then had to RUIN Libya, Gaddafi was toppled, leaving another vacuum and again into that vacuum stepped ISIS.

So now the West not ONLY faces attempting to kill them in their own lands, we face dealing with them in our OWN lands and on two fronts, the homegrown kind who has either been to Syria and joined ISIS and has now returned and also the sort who are hidden under the disguise of "poor refugees" and it's because of the latter kind NO Western nation should be accepting ANY of the "poor refugees"
It is the superficial thing what the Global Elite allow us to see. Obama Hussein proceeded to arm ISIS creating the prerequisite for the Muslim "refugee" crisis to invade Western countries, including North America with third world scum.

Well the situation is, why when Iraq and Afghanistan were being carpet bombed 2001, 2002, 2003 didn't we see a massive "refugee crisis" as in MILLIONS being told to flee and head to Europa and travelling across up to TEN SAFE nations and also at the same time others being literally FLOWN to America?

Why wasn't the UN DEMANDING that ALL Western nations take in UNLIMITED amounts of "poor refugees" back then?

Strange yes?

So fast forward to Obama and Syria and Libya and 2015 and ALL of a SUDDEN a MASSIVE "refugee crisis" and MILLIONS being told to flee and head to Europa and travelling across up to TEN SAFE nations and also at the same time others being literally FLOWN to America....and not ONLY Syrian and Libyan....but Iraqi, Afghan, Pakistani, Somalian, Nigerian, Eritrean, Sri Lankan, Congolese, Algerian, Moroccan....EVERYONE in the Third World seemingly being TOLD to FLEE and go to Europa or they can get FLOWN to America.

And the UN DEMANDING that ALL Western nations take in UNLIMITED amounts of "poor refugees"

And ANYONE who DISAGREES is viciously called a racist/bigot/Nazi etc by EVERYONE from Beta Cucked so-called "World Leaders", to the anti-Christian but can't get on his knees fast enough to suck Islamic Dick Faggot Anti-Pope Francis squatting in The Vatican, to the wastes of human skin in the WORLDWIDE MSM.

Strange yes?

Strange NO, sort of looks like this was an orchestrated "refugee crisis" yes?

Why ONLY Western nations? Why aren't Middle Eastern nations and China being TOLD to take hundreds of thousands in, China could take TEN MILLION, TWENTY MILLION....where's the UN on this, why aren't they DEMANDING Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, China, Japan, South Korea etc take in UNLIMITED amounts of "poor refugees"?

Yes, we know WHY don't we?
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"Moderate Muslim" ?

The definition of such a critter is:

A Typical Aggressive Warrior-Cultist temporarily behaving himself until his own kind build in sufficient numbers to empower him to let his Moderate Mask slip.

Islam and The West... Oil and Water.
They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

The bizarre philosophy from GWB and his string pullers the Neo-Conservatives, was that by killing them on their own lands was going to make EVERYONE in the West safer from them killing people in the West, not only a bizarre philosophy but it should now be considered absolutely CRIMINAL in light of what POINTLESSLY bombing and invading Iraq has resulted in.

There was NO NEED for the invasion of Iraq, on the premise of September 11th, Iraq and Saddam had NOTHING to do with September 11th. Saddam was toppled in one of the worst and most badly thought out military campaigns in modern history. This left a vacuum....and into that vacuum stepped mainly those who were even TOO extreme for Al-Qaeda and they called themselves ISIS.

Had Saddam been left in place, I and many others think none of the subsequent situation would have happened, while Saddam was a POS, he did keep the Radical Islamist Fundamentalists under his boot.

As we know ISIS then spread into Syria, that could have been prevented but for Obama's idiocy on one hand and basic enabling of the terrorists ie. "Moderate Rebels" on the other, including arming them.

As if Iraq and Syria wasn't bad enough, Obama then had to RUIN Libya, Gaddafi was toppled, leaving another vacuum and again into that vacuum stepped ISIS.

So now the West not ONLY faces attempting to kill them in their own lands, we face dealing with them in our OWN lands and on two fronts, the homegrown kind who has either been to Syria and joined ISIS and has now returned and also the sort who are hidden under the disguise of "poor refugees" and it's because of the latter kind NO Western nation should be accepting ANY of the "poor refugees"
It is the superficial thing what the Global Elite allow us to see. Obama Hussein proceeded to arm ISIS creating the prerequisite for the Muslim "refugee" crisis to invade Western countries, including North America with third world scum.

Well the situation is, why when Iraq and Afghanistan were being carpet bombed 2001, 2002, 2003 didn't we see a massive "refugee crisis" as in MILLIONS being told to flee and head to Europa and travelling across up to TEN SAFE nations and also at the same time others being literally FLOWN to America?

Why wasn't the UN DEMANDING that ALL Western nations take in UNLIMITED amounts of "poor refugees" back then?

Strange yes?

So fast forward to Obama and Syria and Libya and 2015 and ALL of a SUDDEN a MASSIVE "refugee crisis" and MILLIONS being told to flee and head to Europa and travelling across up to TEN SAFE nations and also at the same time others being literally FLOWN to America....and not ONLY Syrian and Libyan....but Iraqi, Afghan, Pakistani, Somalian, Nigerian, Eritrean, Sri Lankan, Congolese, Algerian, Moroccan....EVERYONE in the Third World seemingly being TOLD to FLEE and go to Europa or they can get FLOWN to America.

And the UN DEMANDING that ALL Western nations take in UNLIMITED amounts of "poor refugees"

And ANYONE who DISAGREES is viciously called a racist/bigot/Nazi etc by EVERYONE from Beta Cucked so-called "World Leaders", to the anti-Christian but can't get on his knees fast enough to suck Islamic Dick Faggot Anti-Pope Francis squatting in The Vatican, to the wastes of human skin in the WORLDWIDE MSM.

Strange yes?

Strange NO, sort of looks like this was an orchestrated "refugee crisis" yes?

Why ONLY Western nations? Why aren't Middle Eastern nations and China being TOLD to take hundreds of thousands in, China could take TEN MILLION, TWENTY MILLION....where's the UN on this, why aren't they DEMANDING Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, China, Japan, South Korea etc take in UNLIMITED amounts of "poor refugees"?

Yes, we know WHY don't we?
Very well analyzed! Thank you madam! The Global Elite decided white genocide and carrying it out. No other reason for it.
I hate liberals and don't trust Muslims. This woman has me reconsidering my thoughts about Muslims....

Those like her are the few exceptions that prove the rule.

A scientific Law.

Yes but the problem is the Leftists want to hold up the few exceptions and try and convince everyone who they think is stupid enough that there are 199 million exceptions and just a tiny handful of dangerous ones and that's why the West MUST allow itself to be basically invaded by mass Islamic immigration and most of it illegal immigration in the shape of "poor refugees" who a great proportion of them are anything BUT refugees.
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

OK.....but why be dishonest in order to be honest about Islam?
Actually it does not matter as long as the truth about Islam's agenda is known.
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What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

OK.....but why be dishonest in order to be honest about Islam?
Actually it does not matter as long as the truth about Islam's agenda is known.

It always matters. If you lie or obfuscate when making your argument, it brings that argument's validity into question, as well as the trustworthiness of the person making the argument.
They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

That isn't the issue. One thing we know for certain is that bringing them here won't make us safer. There is abundant empirical evidence on that score.

Yet another absurdity on your part!

Our presence over their is far more dangerous to them, than their presence over here is a danger to us.

To be more correct, Muslims are more in danger from other Muslims than they are from us.

Why should I give a shit what is dangerous to them? I'm concerned mainly with what is dangerous to me.

Everyone would be a lot better off if their infernal religion disappeared from the face of the Earth.

You truly are a purveyor of the absurd.
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

OK.....but why be dishonest in order to be honest about Islam?
Actually it does not matter as long as the truth about Islam's agenda is known.

It always matters. If you lie or obfuscate when making your argument, it brings that argument's validity into question, as well as the trustworthiness of the person making the argument.

Now imagine a religion that condones that very thing.
Certainly we don't want to import more of them. That would be shear lunacy, don't you agree?

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

That isn't the issue. One thing we know for certain is that bringing them here won't make us safer. There is abundant empirical evidence on that score.

Yet another absurdity on your part!

Our presence over their is far more dangerous to them, than their presence over here is a danger to us.

To be more correct, Muslims are more in danger from other Muslims than they are from us.

Why should I give a shit what is dangerous to them? I'm concerned mainly with what is dangerous to me.

Everyone would be a lot better off if their infernal religion disappeared from the face of the Earth.

You truly are a purveyor of the absurd.

What have I posted that isn't true?
Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

That isn't the issue. One thing we know for certain is that bringing them here won't make us safer. There is abundant empirical evidence on that score.

Yet another absurdity on your part!

Our presence over their is far more dangerous to them, than their presence over here is a danger to us.

To be more correct, Muslims are more in danger from other Muslims than they are from us.

Why should I give a shit what is dangerous to them? I'm concerned mainly with what is dangerous to me.

Everyone would be a lot better off if their infernal religion disappeared from the face of the Earth.

You truly are a purveyor of the absurd.

What have I posted that isn't true?
They never answer that question. You can let Islam speak for itself and they still deny it. Seriously stuck on scared and stupid.

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