"Moderate" Islamic Cleric: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam”

What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.

So you approve of Trump keeping these people out??

I certainly approve of keeping Mullah Krekar out. I approve of keeping out those who the government has determined are terrorists or are strongly suspected of being terrorists. If that's what you mean, yes. If, instead, you mean all Muslims when you say "these people," then I don't approve.

Your reference to "those who the government has determined are terrorists or are strongly suspected of being terrorists" align 100 percent with what I deem, "these people".
It never ceases to amaze me how many expert authorities on Islam we have on this board. :lol:

feel free to ask questions. Most americans have never read the bible-----and
very few have read the Koran. Very few muslims have read the koran

....and you can't answer any freaking questions.
Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

^^^that's your "question"? I am not a Shiite muslim---nor is Mr Man.
are you ?

Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

If you aren't you aren't even Muslim. We BOTH know that.

not really-------not ALL MUSLIMS are anticipating that the 12 imam is going
to jump out of the well ---that is a Shiite thing
It never ceases to amaze me how many expert authorities on Islam we have on this board. :lol:

feel free to ask questions. Most americans have never read the bible-----and
very few have read the Koran. Very few muslims have read the koran

....and you can't answer any freaking questions.
Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

^^^that's your "question"? I am not a Shiite muslim---nor is Mr Man.
are you ?

Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

If you aren't you aren't even Muslim. We BOTH know that.

not really-------not ALL MUSLIMS are anticipating that the 12 imam is going
to jump out of the well ---that is a Shiite thing

We both know you are wrong, you know I can prove it. Do you want me to embarrass you?
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.

So you approve of Trump keeping these people out??

I certainly approve of keeping Mullah Krekar out. I approve of keeping out those who the government has determined are terrorists or are strongly suspected of being terrorists. If that's what you mean, yes. If, instead, you mean all Muslims when you say "these people," then I don't approve.

The problem with you people on the Left is that you make these highly qualified and specific criteria statements about how to vet out terrorists and then when US goes to implement the plan, you cry "racism", "profiling" "ripping families apart" "Hitler" and then you provide no viable alternative.
feel free to ask questions. Most americans have never read the bible-----and
very few have read the Koran. Very few muslims have read the koran

....and you can't answer any freaking questions.
Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

^^^that's your "question"? I am not a Shiite muslim---nor is Mr Man.
are you ?

Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

If you aren't you aren't even Muslim. We BOTH know that.

not really-------not ALL MUSLIMS are anticipating that the 12 imam is going
to jump out of the well ---that is a Shiite thing

We both know you are wrong, you know I can prove it. Do you want me to embarrass you?

go right ahead. you got scars on your head to prove it?
It never ceases to amaze me how many expert authorities on Islam we have on this board. :lol:

feel free to ask questions. Most americans have never read the bible-----and
very few have read the Koran. Very few muslims have read the koran

....and you can't answer any freaking questions.
Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

"Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?"

rosie is actually quite well educated on the topic of religion etc, also there's no need to keep getting personal and asking her if she's looking for a man.
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

With moderates like that who the hell needs extremists. Let's call islam what it is. A cult of death.
President Trump should threaten to carpet bomb Mecca if there is one more Islamic terrorist attack on America.

For some time I used to support bombing Mecca and also Medina, I have even previously made comments about nuking Mecca and nuking Media....but after careful thought and reading more, I am now of the opinion that doing these things would make the problems the Western world faces 1,000 times worse.
It never ceases to amaze me how many expert authorities on Islam we have on this board. :lol:

feel free to ask questions. Most americans have never read the bible-----and
very few have read the Koran. Very few muslims have read the koran

....and you can't answer any freaking questions.
Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

^^^that's your "question"? I am not a Shiite muslim---nor is Mr Man.
are you ?

Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

If you aren't you aren't even Muslim. We BOTH know that.

I've done some brief reading of the 12th Imam. I get the impression that not all sects of Islam believe in the 12th Imam, at least not as the Madhi as the Twelver Shia do. Isma'ilism, for example, seems to have a different belief about the successor Imams. I haven't seen anything about searching for the 12th Imam, either. Are you saying that all versions or sects of Islam believe in the 12th Imam, or that those which don't believe aren't "true" versions of Islam? Or am I mistaken that there are versions of Islam that don't believe in the 12th Imam?
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.

So you approve of Trump keeping these people out??

I certainly approve of keeping Mullah Krekar out. I approve of keeping out those who the government has determined are terrorists or are strongly suspected of being terrorists. If that's what you mean, yes. If, instead, you mean all Muslims when you say "these people," then I don't approve.

The problem with you people on the Left is that you make these highly qualified and specific criteria statements about how to vet out terrorists and then when US goes to implement the plan, you cry "racism", "profiling" "ripping families apart" "Hitler" and then you provide no viable alternative.

1) I am not "on the Left." That is your projection

2) I have not cried "racism," nor "profiling," nor "ripping families apart," nor "Hitler."

3) Viable alternative to what?
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

With moderates like that who the hell needs extremists. Let's call islam what it is. A cult of death.

I've been calling it a bloodthirsty cult for years. The leftwing theory that all religions are equally deserving of respect is so absurd that even they don't believe it. They certainly don't believe Mormonism deserves respect, nor Christian fundamentalism. Why do they imagine Islam should be treated with respect?
It never ceases to amaze me how many expert authorities on Islam we have on this board. :lol:

feel free to ask questions. Most americans have never read the bible-----and
very few have read the Koran. Very few muslims have read the koran

....and you can't answer any freaking questions.
Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

^^^that's your "question"? I am not a Shiite muslim---nor is Mr Man.
are you ?

Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

If you aren't you aren't even Muslim. We BOTH know that.

I've done some brief reading of the 12th Imam. I get the impression that not all sects of Islam believe in the 12th Imam, at least not as the Madhi as the Twelver Shia do. Isma'ilism, for example, seems to have a different belief about the successor Imams. I haven't seen anything about searching for the 12th Imam, either. Are you saying that all versions or sects of Islam believe in the 12th Imam, or that those which don't believe aren't "true" versions of Islam? Or am I mistaken that there are versions of Islam that don't believe in the 12th Imam?

They think that Muhammad al-Mahdī ie. The 12th Iman was placed in hiding c. 941, they refer to this as The Occultation....every subsequent generation of Shia's has been waiting for him to reappear for hundreds of years now, this generation thinks The 12th Iman is going to reappear this year.
Sadly, the US Government has given a whole lotta cash & weapons to 'moderates' in places like Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and so on. If they subscribe to Saudi Wahhabi teachings, they're not 'moderates.'

why do you describe such beliefs as "Saudi Wahhabi"? have you ever known
any Shiites?. Long before Muhhumad AL WAHAB lived (18th century) -----
"not respecting islam" was a capital offense in Islamic shit holes. Have you never
read the Koran? Do you know ANYTHING at all about islam over the past 1400
years?---------feel free to ask-----my hubby was born a "dhimmi" in an Islamic shithole------His community had resided in that land for more than 1000 years before
the rapist pig of mecca was born-------his relatives REMEMBERED-----the details of
SHARIAH LAW ------not from Saudi Arabia------from the filth that invaded their
country more than 1000 years ago

Is that you, Margot?
I hate liberals and don't trust Muslims. This woman has me reconsidering my thoughts about Muslims....

Last edited:
It never ceases to amaze me how many expert authorities on Islam we have on this board. :lol:

feel free to ask questions. Most americans have never read the bible-----and
very few have read the Koran. Very few muslims have read the koran

....and you can't answer any freaking questions.
Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

^^^that's your "question"? I am not a Shiite muslim---nor is Mr Man.
are you ?

Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

If you aren't you aren't even Muslim. We BOTH know that.

I've done some brief reading of the 12th Imam. I get the impression that not all sects of Islam believe in the 12th Imam, at least not as the Madhi as the Twelver Shia do. Isma'ilism, for example, seems to have a different belief about the successor Imams. I haven't seen anything about searching for the 12th Imam, either. Are you saying that all versions or sects of Islam believe in the 12th Imam, or that those which don't believe aren't "true" versions of Islam? Or am I mistaken that there are versions of Islam that don't believe in the 12th Imam?

I forgot to answer the other part of your post.

All Islamists believe in The 12th Iman, they differ though on who it is.

The Sunni's believe that the Mahdi is their leader who is yet to come, the Shia's believe that he already arrived and is Muhammad al-Mahdī ie. The 12th Iman and was placed in hiding c. 941, and that he will reappear to lead them.

Also there is no reference to The 12th Iman in The Qur'an, but he's mentioned in The Hadith.
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.

So you approve of Trump keeping these people out??

I do. Absolutely. It will save many innocent Muslim American lives in the long run.

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