"Moderate" Islamic Cleric: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam”

Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

That isn't the issue. One thing we know for certain is that bringing them here won't make us safer. There is abundant empirical evidence on that score.

Yet another absurdity on your part!

Our presence over their is far more dangerous to them, than their presence over here is a danger to us.

To be more correct, Muslims are more in danger from other Muslims than they are from us.

Why should I give a shit what is dangerous to them? I'm concerned mainly with what is dangerous to me.

Everyone would be a lot better off if their infernal religion disappeared from the face of the Earth.

You truly are a purveyor of the absurd.

What have I posted that isn't true?

Who says something must be untrue to be absurd? ;)
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

OK.....but why be dishonest in order to be honest about Islam?
Actually it does not matter as long as the truth about Islam's agenda is known.

It always matters. If you lie or obfuscate when making your argument, it brings that argument's validity into question, as well as the trustworthiness of the person making the argument.

Now imagine a religion that condones that very thing.

I'm not sure why you seem to be trying to convince me of the evils of Islam. As I've said more than once, I'm no fan of Islam. I don't like religion in general, and Islam in particular seems to be used as an excuse for terrible acts far too often.

That doesn't mean trying to make out a radical, criminal, suspected terrorist as being moderate is reasonable or should be ignored.
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Just watched the first 20 seconds. This asshole threatens Norway's prime minister and the country obliges him. Those white guilt minions in Europe get what they get. As for me, I now understand more than ever why The Inquisition was needed.
This asshole threatens Norway's prime minister and the country obliges him.

They obliged him by putting him in prison for 3 years.

He's still in the country sewing the seeds of terror.

In the country, but exiled to some tiny village 9 hours drive away from Oslo, apparently.
This asshole threatens Norway's prime minister and the country obliges him.

They obliged him by putting him in prison for 3 years.

He's still in the country sewing the seeds of terror.

Apparently he's once again been arrested and may end up extradited to Italy to face charges of starting a terror group. Norway Ready to Rid Itself of Radical Mullah Krekar Krekar trial in Italy postponed until autumn - Norway Today
Why would I agree with that? The absurdity here is your mistaken belief that killing them over there by the millions will somehow make us safer over here.

That isn't the issue. One thing we know for certain is that bringing them here won't make us safer. There is abundant empirical evidence on that score.

Yet another absurdity on your part!

Our presence over their is far more dangerous to them, than their presence over here is a danger to us.

To be more correct, Muslims are more in danger from other Muslims than they are from us.

Why should I give a shit what is dangerous to them? I'm concerned mainly with what is dangerous to me.

Everyone would be a lot better off if their infernal religion disappeared from the face of the Earth.

You truly are a purveyor of the absurd.

What have I posted that isn't true?

Your replies are based entirely on beliefs that are absurd to say the least.

That part about eliminating religeon might carry some weight if you included all religeons. All religeons are dangerous and that's a fact. An undeniable fact.
That part about eliminating religeon might carry some weight if you included all religeons. All religeons are dangerous and that's a fact. An undeniable fact.
This is what I despise about the anti-Gods. You always do this moral equivalency thing. Not sure if you're a libtard or a godless libertarian. I despise both. Godless atheism created this mess. Their driving Christianity into the closet created a moral vacuum filled with homo freaks and Muslims.
That part about eliminating religeon might carry some weight if you included all religeons. All religeons are dangerous and that's a fact. An undeniable fact.
This is what I despise about the anti-Gods. You always do this moral equivalency thing. Not sure if you're a libtard or a godless libertarian. I despise both. Godless atheism created this mess. Their driving Christianity into the closet created a moral vacuum filled with homo freaks and Muslims.

Who said anything about God dumass? That is until you came along. Don't you smear me with your beliefs. You can take that shit outside.
It never ceases to amaze me how many expert authorities on Islam we have on this board. :lol:

feel free to ask questions. Most americans have never read the bible-----and
very few have read the Koran. Very few muslims have read the koran

....and you can't answer any freaking questions.
Are you or your Mr. Man looking for the 12th Imam?

^^^that's your "question"? I am not a Shiite muslim---nor is Mr Man.
are you ?

that which is true of islam in general is a belief that a DESCENDANT (or already
existing magical guy) of muhummad will be the world savior and destroy everything not muslim. Ie a big time end time ADVENT story. It is important
to know that when the big Mo died there was a power vacuum which led to the
schism----that is today Sunni vs Shiite-----the Shiites wanted big mo's son-in-law--
I think his name was ALI (don't quote me) he was husband to bint mo---Fartimah

If you aren't you aren't even Muslim. We BOTH know that.

I've done some brief reading of the 12th Imam. I get the impression that not all sects of Islam believe in the 12th Imam, at least not as the Madhi as the Twelver Shia do. Isma'ilism, for example, seems to have a different belief about the successor Imams. I haven't seen anything about searching for the 12th Imam, either. Are you saying that all versions or sects of Islam believe in the 12th Imam, or that those which don't believe aren't "true" versions of Islam? Or am I mistaken that there are versions of Islam that don't believe in the 12th Imam?
That part about eliminating religeon might carry some weight if you included all religeons. All religeons are dangerous and that's a fact. An undeniable fact.
This is what I despise about the anti-Gods. You always do this moral equivalency thing. Not sure if you're a libtard or a godless libertarian. I despise both. Godless atheism created this mess. Their driving Christianity into the closet created a moral vacuum filled with homo freaks and Muslims.

Who said anything about God dumass? That is until you came along. Don't you smear me with your beliefs. You can take that shit outside.
I QUOTED you "dumbass " you did.

Christianity and Islam are oceans apart. Jesus and Muhammud are as far apart as heaven and hell.

Again, I'm sick of the moral equivalency idiots.
That isn't the issue. One thing we know for certain is that bringing them here won't make us safer. There is abundant empirical evidence on that score.

Yet another absurdity on your part!

Our presence over their is far more dangerous to them, than their presence over here is a danger to us.

To be more correct, Muslims are more in danger from other Muslims than they are from us.

Why should I give a shit what is dangerous to them? I'm concerned mainly with what is dangerous to me.

Everyone would be a lot better off if their infernal religion disappeared from the face of the Earth.

You truly are a purveyor of the absurd.

What have I posted that isn't true?

Your replies are based entirely on beliefs that are absurd to say the least.

That part about eliminating religeon might carry some weight if you included all religeons. All religeons are dangerous and that's a fact. An undeniable fact.

No, that isn't a fact. Is Buddhism dangerous? How about Hinduism? The fact is some Religions are far more warlike than others, and Islam is the worst. Islam has been spread by the sword for 1400 years.

Which of my beliefs is absurd? You keep saying that, but you never identify any that are. In fact, nothing could be more absurd than your theory that all religions are equally "dangerous."
That part about eliminating religeon might carry some weight if you included all religeons. All religeons are dangerous and that's a fact. An undeniable fact.
This is what I despise about the anti-Gods. You always do this moral equivalency thing. Not sure if you're a libtard or a godless libertarian. I despise both. Godless atheism created this mess. Their driving Christianity into the closet created a moral vacuum filled with homo freaks and Muslims.

Who said anything about God dumass? That is until you came along. Don't you smear me with your beliefs. You can take that shit outside.
I QUOTED you "dumbass " you did.

Christianity and Islam are oceans apart. Jesus and Muhammud are as far apart as heaven and hell.

Again, I'm sick of the moral equivalency idiots.

You misconstrue what I say and then go off on me with your bullshit straw man argument. End of conversation.
He is right, and this is why Islam cannot be tolerated in this country.

They're already here and have been since before you were born. What are you gonna do about that?

there were jews and Christians in Mecca before the rapist pig was born----what did he do about it

I said it first so you can just kiss my flabby ass.

there are two physical features harbored by some men that TURN
ME OFF COMPLETELY-------narrow shoulders and flabby behinds

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