"Moderate" Islamic Cleric: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam”

What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Another example of the religion of tolerance and peace. Kinda like liberal Democrats.

how do you know that the schmuck does not support the RIGHT OF ALL
CHRISTIANS to kill anyone who does not respect Christianity------maybe
he is a fair minded "person"
So his brand of hatred is "better" than theirs. Alrighty then.

whose "hatred"? Try to express yourself in clear terms. Have you
read the Koran? ----or the Bible---or the Bhagavad Gita------or----BEOWULF?

(smile) Honey there is no such thing as "Moderate" Islam. Islam was founded on death and destruction. If you DON'T know that you don't anything about Islam. There is a clear distinction between "clear terms" and anything you might understand. Do you wear a Burqua Baby?

are you addressing me? (rosie) I know lots about islam-----I was introduced
to islam by a muslim--------at age 14. I read the Koran at age 20 and I am
married to a survivor of a shariah shit hole.

Do you wear a Burqua honey?

If I has one------I could use it as a night gown-------or something to throw on
getting out of a bath-------the thing is really ROOMY

If you do not wear a Burqua you are either an Apostate or a pretender. Are you and Hubby looking for the 12th Imam?
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.

Dragon ----can you tell us what LIE is being said about muslims?
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.

Dragon ----can you tell us what LIE is being said about muslims?

If you do not wear a Burqua you are either an Apostate or a pretender. Are you and Hubby looking for the 12th Imam?
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Another example of the religion of tolerance and peace. Kinda like liberal Democrats.

Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Another example of the religion of tolerance and peace. Kinda like liberal Democrats.

Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.

The difference between a Muslim and a Christian is this... it isn't the "book" that matters, it's the person. It isn't the building that matters, it's the people.
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Another example of the religion of tolerance and peace. Kinda like liberal Democrats.

Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.

The difference between a Muslim and a Christian is this... it isn't the "book" that matters, it's the person. It isn't the building that matters, it's the people.

Leftists have come to realize that abusing Christians has no consequences. However, they know better than to insult Muslims. They know that comes with consequences. The Christians have allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. This is especially true in Western Europe.

I'm sorry, but you do have to stand up to bullies. Muslims will not allow the insults and abuse. And the Leftists understand that. That's why they don't antagonize them. They really are cowardly bullies.
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Another example of the religion of tolerance and peace. Kinda like liberal Democrats.

Hey, Muslims don't play. You burn a Koran, your ass is grass. I actually kinda respect that. Maybe Christians should start standing up for themselves that way? They've allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. Maybe they can learn something from Muslims?

You have to stand up and fight. Otherwise, folks will walk all over you. Try burning a Koran in front of a Muslim. I'd love to see the average slimy Leftist try it. But see, they won't attempt that. They're far too disingenuous and cowardly. They choose to abuse Christians instead. They know Christians generally don't fight back.

The difference between a Muslim and a Christian is this... it isn't the "book" that matters, it's the person. It isn't the building that matters, it's the people.

Leftists have come to realize that abusing Christians has no consequences. However, they know better than to insult Muslims. They know that comes with consequences. The Christians have allowed the Leftists to bully them for years. This is especially true in Western Europe.

I'm sorry, but you do have to stand up to bullies. Muslims will not allow the insults and abuse. And the Leftists understand that. That's why they don't antagonize them. They really are bully cowards.

To Christ (and therefore to Christians) did Jesus "stand up to" the San Hedrin and Pilate?
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.

Dragon ----can you tell us what LIE is being said about muslims?

The lie is that this extremist is a "moderate" cleric when even simply googling him proves otherwise.

The lie is that ALL Muslims think as he does, which is clearly NOT the case. The lie is that Muslim immigration is dangerous.
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Who decided this guy is a 'moderate'?
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.

Dragon ----can you tell us what LIE is being said about muslims?

The lie is that this extremist is a "moderate" cleric when even simply googling him proves otherwise.

The lie is that ALL Muslims think as he does, which is clearly NOT the case. The lie is that Muslim immigration is dangerous.

oh----ok----do you know anything at all about ISLAMIC LAW? I have known
and socialized with muslims from many different nations for the past 50
years. Of those with whom I have socialized-------I do not think any would
have wanted to kill anyone for "insulting" islam A few would be VERY
ANGRY----but only a few. Lots would be at least -----a little angry. In
the course of my work (when I used to work) I did encounter muslims who
would kill BECAUSE doing so is a "pious" thing to do. I have also treated
or determined brain death in cases of a "muslim bullet in the brain" In Islamic
law-------killing a person for "insulting" islam or muhummad is legal and enough
muslims BELIEVE that to be true to make large scale importation of
muslims -----troublesome. How many such people do your consider SAFE
for immigration to your town. Would ten people who believe that killing a
Christian (or hindu or jew) is ok if the Christian or hindu or jew REFUSES
to convert to islam----be an ok number for your town?. I do not believe that I am
over stating the situation that the USA faces now
Have the libs defended his right or have they went to the old.....

But but but Christians...


But but but the crusades!!!!


ALL RELIGIONS are bad!!!! (Euphemism for Christians are the true enemy)

I have almost all of them on ignore and my digestive system is doing better.
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.

Dragon ----can you tell us what LIE is being said about muslims?

The lie is that this extremist is a "moderate" cleric when even simply googling him proves otherwise.

The lie is that ALL Muslims think as he does, which is clearly NOT the case. The lie is that Muslim immigration is dangerous.

oh----ok----do you know anything at all about ISLAMIC LAW? I have known
and socialized with muslims from many different nations for the past 50
years. Of those with whom I have socialized-------I do not think any would
have wanted to kill anyone for "insulting" islam A few would be VERY
ANGRY----but only a few. Lots would be at least -----a little angry. In
the course of my work (when I used to work) I did encounter muslims who
would kill BECAUSE doing so is a "pious" thing to do. I have also treated
or determined brain death in cases of a "muslim bullet in the brain" In Islamic
law-------killing a person for "insulting" islam or muhummad is legal and enough
muslims BELIEVE that to be true to make large scale importation of
muslims -----troublesome. How many such people do your consider SAFE
for immigration to your town. Would ten people who believe that killing a
Christian (or hindu or jew) is ok if the Christian or hindu or jew REFUSES
to convert to islam----be an ok number for your town?. I do not believe that I am
over stating the situation that the USA faces now

Yes, I do, and I know that there are clauses in the Bible approving of incest, blood sacrifice and a lot of other stuff that Christians don't do today. I know no Muslims who believe as you espouse, and I have been living with and working with Muslims for many years. Muslims in North America will tell you that they came here to escape this sort of stuff.

The idea that this is tolerated or routine, is also false, except in the most extreme Muslim countries.
What makes this person a moderate? Because the word is used in the article title? I did a very brief search on him and from what I read, he is suspected of being a terrorist leader and a radical jihadist. He's spent time in prison in Norway for death threats, and the only reason they haven't kicked him out of the country is because they have rules about deporting someone who is expected to face torture or execution.

Here, you can look at some of the sites about him yourself:

mullah krekar at DuckDuckGo

Very disingenuous article and thread.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.

Dragon ----can you tell us what LIE is being said about muslims?

The lie is that this extremist is a "moderate" cleric when even simply googling him proves otherwise.

The lie is that ALL Muslims think as he does, which is clearly NOT the case. The lie is that Muslim immigration is dangerous.

oh----ok----do you know anything at all about ISLAMIC LAW? I have known
and socialized with muslims from many different nations for the past 50
years. Of those with whom I have socialized-------I do not think any would
have wanted to kill anyone for "insulting" islam A few would be VERY
ANGRY----but only a few. Lots would be at least -----a little angry. In
the course of my work (when I used to work) I did encounter muslims who
would kill BECAUSE doing so is a "pious" thing to do. I have also treated
or determined brain death in cases of a "muslim bullet in the brain" In Islamic
law-------killing a person for "insulting" islam or muhummad is legal and enough
muslims BELIEVE that to be true to make large scale importation of
muslims -----troublesome. How many such people do your consider SAFE
for immigration to your town. Would ten people who believe that killing a
Christian (or hindu or jew) is ok if the Christian or hindu or jew REFUSES
to convert to islam----be an ok number for your town?. I do not believe that I am
over stating the situation that the USA faces now

You're pulling shit out of your ass.
IF you don't wear a Burqua, and IF you aren't looking for the 12th Imam you don't know shit about Islam. Get lost bitch. There is NO such thing as "Moderate" Islam.
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.

Dragon ----can you tell us what LIE is being said about muslims?

The lie is that this extremist is a "moderate" cleric when even simply googling him proves otherwise.

The lie is that ALL Muslims think as he does, which is clearly NOT the case. The lie is that Muslim immigration is dangerous.

oh----ok----do you know anything at all about ISLAMIC LAW? I have known
and socialized with muslims from many different nations for the past 50
years. Of those with whom I have socialized-------I do not think any would
have wanted to kill anyone for "insulting" islam A few would be VERY
ANGRY----but only a few. Lots would be at least -----a little angry. In
the course of my work (when I used to work) I did encounter muslims who
would kill BECAUSE doing so is a "pious" thing to do. I have also treated
or determined brain death in cases of a "muslim bullet in the brain" In Islamic
law-------killing a person for "insulting" islam or muhummad is legal and enough
muslims BELIEVE that to be true to make large scale importation of
muslims -----troublesome. How many such people do your consider SAFE
for immigration to your town. Would ten people who believe that killing a
Christian (or hindu or jew) is ok if the Christian or hindu or jew REFUSES
to convert to islam----be an ok number for your town?. I do not believe that I am
over stating the situation that the USA faces now

Yes, I do, and I know that there are clauses in the Bible approving of incest, blood sacrifice and a lot of other stuff that Christians don't do today. I know no Muslims who believe as you espouse, and I have been living with and working with Muslims for many years. Muslims in North America will tell you that they came here to escape this sort of stuff.

The idea that this is tolerated or routine, is also false, except in the most extreme Muslim countries.

Actually you know nothing about biblical law or Islamic law or muslim societies.
Your use of language is babyish and even ----at points, your words are. meaningless. I will provide examples.
What does your statement "I know no Muslims who believe as you espouse"
mean? What do I 'espouse'? I can provide you with REAL EXAMPLES
which are well established in Islamic law for more than 1000 years. Your statement "MUSLIMS IN NORTH AMERICA WILL TELL YOU THAT THEY
You know lots of muslims who have TOLD you that they came to the USA
to ESCAPE ISLAM?-------nope------I do not believe you. As to your knowledge of BIBLICAL LAW------you ain't got none. Do you imagine you learned biblical
law in sunday school? or are you a muslim who believes the khutbah jumaat
crap?. Biblical law allows INCEST? since when? what does the term
"blood sacrifice" mean to you?
It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.

Dragon ----can you tell us what LIE is being said about muslims?

The lie is that this extremist is a "moderate" cleric when even simply googling him proves otherwise.

The lie is that ALL Muslims think as he does, which is clearly NOT the case. The lie is that Muslim immigration is dangerous.

oh----ok----do you know anything at all about ISLAMIC LAW? I have known
and socialized with muslims from many different nations for the past 50
years. Of those with whom I have socialized-------I do not think any would
have wanted to kill anyone for "insulting" islam A few would be VERY
ANGRY----but only a few. Lots would be at least -----a little angry. In
the course of my work (when I used to work) I did encounter muslims who
would kill BECAUSE doing so is a "pious" thing to do. I have also treated
or determined brain death in cases of a "muslim bullet in the brain" In Islamic
law-------killing a person for "insulting" islam or muhummad is legal and enough
muslims BELIEVE that to be true to make large scale importation of
muslims -----troublesome. How many such people do your consider SAFE
for immigration to your town. Would ten people who believe that killing a
Christian (or hindu or jew) is ok if the Christian or hindu or jew REFUSES
to convert to islam----be an ok number for your town?. I do not believe that I am
over stating the situation that the USA faces now

You're pulling shit out of your ass.
IF you don't wear a Burqua, and IF you aren't looking for the 12th Imam you don't know shit about Islam. Get lost bitch. There is NO such thing as "Moderate" Islam.

That's true. No moderate Islam.

From the horse's mouth :dunno:

It is someone being honest about Islam. He is exactly what the religion wants. Time people realized that.

No, he's a radical extremist. Please stop lying about Muslims. You keep spreading lies and bullshit about a religion you know nothing about.

Dragon ----can you tell us what LIE is being said about muslims?

The lie is that this extremist is a "moderate" cleric when even simply googling him proves otherwise.

The lie is that ALL Muslims think as he does, which is clearly NOT the case. The lie is that Muslim immigration is dangerous.

oh----ok----do you know anything at all about ISLAMIC LAW? I have known
and socialized with muslims from many different nations for the past 50
years. Of those with whom I have socialized-------I do not think any would
have wanted to kill anyone for "insulting" islam A few would be VERY
ANGRY----but only a few. Lots would be at least -----a little angry. In
the course of my work (when I used to work) I did encounter muslims who
would kill BECAUSE doing so is a "pious" thing to do. I have also treated
or determined brain death in cases of a "muslim bullet in the brain" In Islamic
law-------killing a person for "insulting" islam or muhummad is legal and enough
muslims BELIEVE that to be true to make large scale importation of
muslims -----troublesome. How many such people do your consider SAFE
for immigration to your town. Would ten people who believe that killing a
Christian (or hindu or jew) is ok if the Christian or hindu or jew REFUSES
to convert to islam----be an ok number for your town?. I do not believe that I am
over stating the situation that the USA faces now

Yes, I do, and I know that there are clauses in the Bible approving of incest, blood sacrifice and a lot of other stuff that Christians don't do today. I know no Muslims who believe as you espouse, and I have been living with and working with Muslims for many years. Muslims in North America will tell you that they came here to escape this sort of stuff.

The idea that this is tolerated or routine, is also false, except in the most extreme Muslim countries.
That is why an Imam in Canada was most recently quoting from the Koran to kill Jews, right? Sure sounds like just a peaceful sort escaping the misery, not.
So much for the claim that EXTREME Muslims are the only ones we have to worry about:

"Moderate" Islamic Cleric on Live TV: “Muslims have the Right to Kill anyone who does Not Respect Islam” - The Washington Standard

I confess that I appreciate when Islamists are honest about what they believe and why they believe it, especially when it comes to the murderous nature of what they have been taught about jihad and following in the footsteps of their founder, Muhammad. That's why the following video interview with Mullah Krekar that aired on Norwegian television, is so eye-opening for those who want to continually bury their heads in the sand concerning Islam. Not only does Krekar say it's ok to kill non-Muslims, but adds, “Muslims have the right to Kill anyone who does not respect Islam.”

Take a look at the 2015 interview and read the transcripts of the relevant portion.

Host: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

Mullah Krekar: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Host: But the man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

Mullah Krekar: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death. The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood.

Unfortunately there is no such thing as a Moderate Islamic Cleric, all Iman's preach the exact dogma direct from The Qu'ran and strictly adhere to what the Paedophile Mohammed taught.

There are also no such thing as Moderate Rebels in Syria and Iraq, they're Al-Nusra.

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