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Moderate Republicans It Is Time To See If Your Stand-Up People!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Maybe it is too late with President Obama's executive order on immigration scheduled to be issued this friday for moderate Republicans reaching a compromise with the President on this order thus stopping the legislative well from being poisoned and the American people seeing no meaningful legislation enacted into law over the next two years but let us hope there is still time! The country needs moderate Republicans to be high quality politicians and say we know it is wrong for the President to issue any such executive order but let us see if there is some type of executive order that we can live with let us see if we can compromise here. If moderate Republicans really try to compromise here they should be able to agree to an executive order and write a letter to the President conveying this that lets illegal immigrants that have been in the country for five years that have not been convicted of a serious crime know that there will be no deporatation action taken against them and the president can do this under the legal justification the Federal government has prosecutorial discretion in these matters but absoluting no to giving these illegal immigrants permits to work in this country because the president does not have the authority to do this.

Moderate Republicans should look at this situation like this the President is in a real bind he won reelection with huge hispanic support so he owes this block something and they have been pressing him hard to provide help to illegal immigrants and he cannot get comprehensive immigration legisalation through Congress so he is stuck with the only option of issuing some type of executive order to placate these constituents. Issuing an order stopping deportation of illegals here for over five years is not unreasonble. The court system, detention facilities and immigration staff that handles deportation are overwhelmed there is no issue they cannot handle the number of illegal immigrants in this country; lopping off all these illegal immigrants that have been in the country for many years will allow the system to focus on deporting new arrivals which will increase the deterrent effect of our immigration enforcement system in deterring foreign nationals inclined to illegally immigrate to this country. Also, it is fair to stop the deportation of these people that have been in the country for many years because the truth of the matter is that people in power in the U.S used these people for economic benefit it has long been known that these people were harvesting fruit and vegetables on American farms, building homes, doing landscaping and janitorial work, etc. just because now it is no longer convenient for America to have these people in this country we cannot just say leave the many years of your life you gave to the American economy mean nothing it is not fair to these people to do this. Further, it is not fair because moderate Republicans as well as Democrats know that the country has to pass comprehensive immigration reform legisation sometime the country is never going to deport eleven million illegals and will never have a really effective workplace immigration enforcement system with these numbers and when they do pass this legislation it is a given that illegals here five or more years won't be deported so it is rather unfair to be deporting people we know the law in the future will say can stay in America.

Moderate Republicans should write President Obama agreeing to an Executive Order that only stops deportation of long-term illegals because that will keep the possibility of passing comprehensive immigration reform legislation alive throughout the next two years which the Republican party desperately needs to pass because if the Republican Party is to win the White House they cannot alienate the huge hispanic voting bloc in America which their party's stance on illegal immigrants does and they cannot go through another Presidential Primary season with this issue on the table because this issue produces a Republican Presidential nominee with stances on this issue that most Americans strongly disagree with! Moderate Republicans should be thinking for the good of the country let us compromise because if the President goes so far as issuing an order giving illegals work permits it will be war between the Republican Party and the White House over the next two years Republicans rightly will be viewing this as the President making law he will be violating the constitutional structure of our Democracy as it relates to the roles of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary branches of government, no significant legislation will pass into law during the next two years as a result of this.

In recent public remarks President Obama has given on this subject of the executive order his logic for making this order is something most Americans don't find persuasive. His logic is that I have tried to work with Congress on comprehensive immigration reform in fact the Senate even passed such a bill this term and the Republican House would not even bring it up for a vote. Well Mr. President that Senate bill was an abomination, a travesty and a mockery of the government's duty to control the immigration into the U.S. for the government has a duty to provide work to its citizens and to provide work at good wages which illegal immigration subverts. The Senate Bill (S 744) has a lot of shell game aspects to it. It is good that the bill calls for doubling the size of the customs and border patrol force to 38,405 officers but it does not have to be completed for seven more years until September 2021; with the nation's budget deficit problems what's the chance of that number being reached. The bill requires 3500 such officers be hired by September 2017 but does not mandate they be used in the areas where America experiences people illegally entering America as a matter of fact it seems to convey the intention that Congress wants a large percentage of these new officers to be used to speed processing of people and vehicles at legal points of entry into America. The majority of Americans that support comprehensive immigration reform do so under the condition that they want this legislation to essentially stop illegal immigration into America. Us Americans and the many representatives that hold these views in Congress know that the only leverage we have to bring about the changes needed to permanently solve this problem is the status of the current illegal immigrants. S 744 gives these illegal immigrants paths to permanent legal status before the system is in place to seal the border and stop the problem of foreign nationals overstaying their visas; it does not reliably solve the nation's illegal immigration problem. This bill's theoretical framework is okay but its implementation is a joke; it first gives these illegals an avenue to get registered provisional immigration status then theoretically once the nation's borders are secure there is an avenue for them to get lawful permanent resident status. The joke is that the determinative factor for deciding the borders are secure is that the Secretary of Homeland Security need only certify it is now this person is a political appointee and if his boss the President is accommodative to illegal immigrants with an attitude of to hell with the cost like the current President the American people cannot rely on this protection. Further another way for lawful permanent resident status certification to be issued by the federal government is if litigation is brought challenging the constitutionally of the bill's conditions on the Federal government being able to issue these lawful permanent resident status certificates and the Supreme Court takes the case on "certiorari" now what are the odds the Supreme court is not going to take such a case which holds the legal status in this country of millions of human beings.

This whole Executive Order issue is a glaring example of the core problem with the Barack Obama presidency. You ask yourself why can't he do the most basic of "giving in" during his Presidency why can't he agree to the Keystone pipeline, the Canadian oil will be produced anyway it will just be piplened to the west coast of Canada and shipped to Asia if not shipped by rail to refineries throughout America it is really ticking off the Canadians, why can't he reach some compromise on the medical device tax like make it a tax only on devices sold in the U.S. not made in the U.S. the majority of Senators voted against the tax. The reason is very simple he wants to have a legacy as a good black President and a good black President is a President that faithfully adheres to liberal ideology it doesn't matter that he is ineffective because liberal politicians are typically ineffective because liberal ideology is unworkable states and the federal government cannot afford to pay for the policies in liberal ideology. Now strong liberal presidents, like Bill Clinton, triangulate or compromise because they know that the compromises help the working people and needy they represent so that their legacy as a good liberal is not in jeopardy; but Barack Obama does not compromise because he does not have the confidence in his compromise judgments that deviate from liberal ideology won't hurt his legacy as a liberal. I don't know how the rest of the 316 million people in America feel but I personally think it really sucks that America is stuck from moving forward because the occupant of the Oval Office is scared to lose his legacy as a good black President!
Jim, the sentiments are fine but the prioritazation is wrong. One, we have no legal obligation to people who are not American citizens. Second, the rule of law is the govt first responsibility. Assuring the separation of powers is part of the constitution and therefore part of the presidents oath of office. Any President who violates his oath of office is of much greater import than illegal immigration. If the rule of law is not obeyed and enforced we edge ever closer to chaos, and that is happening now.

It is so simple what repubs need to do, what the right thing to do is. CLOSE the border first. Second, have a year long sign up for work permits with no punishment during the sign up period. Just make it simple to get a work permit. A work permit would include obeying all the laws of this country but would not include having any benefits of citizenship. That's it. Anyone who wants to become a citizen has to get in line with all the other people applying for citizenship. It is just that simple.
Jim, the sentiments are fine but the prioritazation is wrong. One, we have no legal obligation to people who are not American citizens. Second, the rule of law is the govt first responsibility. Assuring the separation of powers is part of the constitution and therefore part of the presidents oath of office. Any President who violates his oath of office is of much greater import than illegal immigration. If the rule of law is not obeyed and enforced we edge ever closer to chaos, and that is happening now.

It is so simple what repubs need to do, what the right thing to do is. CLOSE the border first. Second, have a year long sign up for work permits with no punishment during the sign up period. Just make it simple to get a work permit. A work permit would include obeying all the laws of this country but would not include having any benefits of citizenship. That's it. Anyone who wants to become a citizen has to get in line with all the other people applying for citizenship. It is just that simple.

Very good post about the prioritization, Shrimp box.
Your thoughts on what needs to be done for Immigration and a path to Citizenship is interesting.
Another paid troll, longwinded too
Republicans won you all get to the back of the bus
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The next few decades will just be partisan political switching, and little will be accomplished. Eventually Democrats will win back Congress and the Senate, and there will be a Republican President.
"Moderate Republicans It Is Time To See If Your Stand-Up People!"

It's time to see if you even exist anymore.

And if you do exist do you have the courage and conviction to take your party back from the reckless, irresponsible, and errant extreme right.

"Moderate Republicans It Is Time To See If Your Stand-Up People!"

It's time to see if you even exist anymore.

And if you do exist do you have the courage and conviction to take your party back from the reckless, irresponsible, and errant extreme right.

Like you've ever been a moderate on anything. You should worry over your own "ignorant" Radicals in your Democrat party. Like hiring Gruber to work on OscamCare and then he goes around calling the American people, Stupid. that's the Democrat party to a tee
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Obama is desperately searching for his legacy. It makes him a very dangerous President.
Obama is desperately searching for his legacy. It makes him a very dangerous President.

I don't think his legacy will be something to remember, even being the First black/white skinned man elected. He's the worst I've live under in 60 years. Jimmy Carter was over his head. But Obama has been downright vicious and has been a real danger to us in my book
The leadership has kicked the far right in the teeth: there will no government shutdown over this issue.

I would like to see Mitch and John try to work something out with the President.
the outcome of this is libs will from now on not be able to count on the black vote. WATCH.
I wonder how legalizing millions of low paid workers will sit with his inner city black base.
Maybe it is too late with President Obama's executive order on immigration scheduled to be issued this friday for moderate Republicans reaching a compromise with the President on this order thus stopping the legislative well from being poisoned and the American people seeing no meaningful legislation enacted into law over the next two years but let us hope there is still time! The country needs moderate Republicans...
That was way too long but what exactly is a moderate Republican to you? First off, obama had no opposition for the first two years and didn't do shit about it. How is that any Republican's fault?

A moderate bends over fully instead of half way? Reagan and Bush H went through congress to provide amnesty for a much smaller amount due to ambiguous wording or the word family. That's how our system was set up. How about instead of focusing on "moderate" Republicans , the president, like Clinton, becomes moderate and listens to the people? Is that too novel an approach for you?
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If they did that they would be aiding the breaking of the law. Not a smart thing for their careers.
If they did that they would be aiding the breaking of the law. Not a smart thing for their careers.
They must carry on the Reagan legacy of ignorance and throwing off blame when your masters tell you to allow the cheap laborers to flow through the open borders.....
My dear Moonglow, maybe you need to research for yourself than rely on others for your info. You might find the truth, then.
If they did that they would be aiding the breaking of the law. Not a smart thing for their careers.
They must carry on the Reagan legacy of ignorance and throwing off blame when your masters tell you to allow the cheap laborers to flow through the open borders.....

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