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"Moderates" are the problem

Oh sure, just because republicans and democrats have both become extremists and can't make anything work, blame the moderates and the independents. Blame anyone but the bozos in your own parties. :rolleyes-41:

Who could possibly agree with some of the extreme platforms of either party? :dunno: I honestly hope to see more and more people realize this and move away from both parties. These bozos have messed up our country enough!
Extreme platforms? Like to know what you consider extreme.
More importantly though what happened to "principles"?
Principles over shadow party affiliation.
Most politicians don't follow principles but what will get the votes.
And obviously "principles" are NEVER thought of first.
I want a politician that has "principles" close to my principles.
I also think that most Americans would agree with my principles as these are principles that provide the basic necessities that government is responsible for.
MY government SHOULD NOT be telling my children what to eat. That's my job.
My government should NOT be telling my children a revised history.
These are just a couple of principles and there are more that I believe most politicians don't understand much less believe and I also KNOW that according to the Gruber's of the world i.e. intellectual elites...they are the ones to tell us how to live vis-à-vis government penchant for directing lives from womb to tomb!
Moderates need to stand tall and take control of the government
Absolutely... then they can accelerate the implosion of our economy so that hell, obama can take credit for that too before he leaves office. Might as well, he's already caused the first down grade in our nations credit rating.

Two years is more than enough time for our economy to collapse... THANK YOU MODERATES, and OBAMA!
Moderate Republicans and Democrats need to band together and actually pass legislation. They have more in common with each other than they have with the extremes of their party
yes they do.....were the fuck are they?.....
They are cowards afraid to stand up to the far right and far left media
Oh sure, just because republicans and democrats have both become extremists and can't make anything work, blame the moderates and the independents. Blame anyone but the bozos in your own parties. :rolleyes-41:

Who could possibly agree with some of the extreme platforms of either party? :dunno: I honestly hope to see more and more people realize this and move away from both parties. These bozos have messed up our country enough!
Extreme platforms? Like to know what you consider extreme.
More importantly though what happened to "principles"?
Principles over shadow party affiliation.
Most politicians don't follow principles but what will get the votes.
And obviously "principles" are NEVER thought of first.
I want a politician that has "principles" close to my principles.
I also think that most Americans would agree with my principles as these are principles that provide the basic necessities that government is responsible for.
MY government SHOULD NOT be telling my children what to eat. That's my job.
My government should NOT be telling my children a revised history.
These are just a couple of principles and there are more that I believe most politicians don't understand much less believe and I also KNOW that according to the Gruber's of the world i.e. intellectual elites...they are the ones to tell us how to live vis-à-vis government penchant for directing lives from womb to tomb!

There are tons of extremes on both sides, such as the conservatives wanting to outright ban abortions. Some republican "candidates" have spoken of even forcing women to carry a child that is the product of rape. Let's face it, the religious have hijacked the republican party. People who do not march lock and step with the extreme views of the Republicans are not welcome and are called "liberals," "commies," you name it.

As far as the dems are concerned, they are just completely out of control with their allegations of racism, their hatred of wealth and capitalism. They are more akin to socialists, IMO.

I can't stand either party. They both suck big time. Both are filled with assholes too.
I think of myself as more of a moderate, but I am probably actually very close to being a libertarian. I am definitely not a conservative and I am definitely not a liberal. I know that much, even though I get accused from both sides of being both of those things. :lol: This is what I mean, God FORBID you disagree with either side about an issue. They are nuts!
The thought that the country would reward those that fail to contribute to their own well being was never a thought. Unfortunately the political correct moderates from both leading political parties failed to understand that eventually money borrowed would one day need to be repaid. Now what we have are two groups, tax those that work vs entitle and reward those that don't. So how is it that these so called moderates are held in such high esteem, is it that they cant read a balance sheet, live for the moment, or that their too feeble to cut the size of government spending and make the tough choices and decisions required to insure our children s future. This country was not founded, nor grew, to become the worlds most prestigious and prosperous nation ever to exist by those with their hands on another's wallet, it was built by those that subscribed to the fundamental concept that they would be rewarded for working hard and taking care of themselves. The growth in extremism resulted from polarization of political ideology due to frustration with one another's actions and conduct in addressing the needs of the country.
This is actually going to be the new political doublespeak ploy since the whole "bash the Tea Party" thing went the way of the dinosaur. Every Statist from every stripe will be making calls to garner "moderates" and have them step forward.

There was a time when I supported the TEA party . . . until they went off the deep end with their "religious" stances on social issues, such as opposing gay marriage and abortion.

I personally don't "support" abortion and wish more women would consider adoption, but you cannot FORCE a woman to carry on a pregnancy and have a child that she does not want. Some women could even be mentally or emotionally incapable of such a task. I am for freedom and believe that, as long as both parties are consenting and of the legal age, they should be able to marry whoever the heck they want. Who is somebody else to tell you that you can or cannot. Remember free will? These are some of the reasons why the TEA party failed to garner support, as well as some of the absolute freaks for candidates they put forth, like Christine whats her name, the witch lady, and Santorum, etc.
The thought that the country would reward those that fail to contribute to their own well being was never a thought. Unfortunately the political correct moderates from both leading political parties failed to understand that eventually money borrowed would one day need to be repaid. Now what we have are two groups, tax those that work vs entitle and reward those that don't. So how is it that these so called moderates are held in such high esteem, is it that they cant read a balance sheet, live for the moment, or that their too feeble to cut the size of government spending and make the tough choices and decisions required to insure our children s future. This country was not founded, nor grew, to become the worlds most prestigious and prosperous nation ever to exist by those with their hands on another's wallet, it was built by those that subscribed to the fundamental concept that they would be rewarded for working hard and taking care of themselves. The growth in extremism resulted from polarization of political ideology due to frustration with one another's actions and conduct in addressing the needs of the country.

Who is a moderate in our government? I know we have plenty who CLAIM to be moderates, but they are not. Which politicians do you consider moderate because I can't think of any offhand. The extreme republicans and extreme democrats are mainly in control of things. It's been that way for years now. I would like to see more viable third party candidates, but with the amount of funding that the extremists from the major parties receive, there's a snowball's chance in hell of that happening.
I think I've noticed a trend, that more and more of the younger generations are turning away from both major ridiculous parties and turning towards libertarian ideals. I think it's going to become very popular in the upcoming years. :)
Extremism is the refuge of the under-informed. The more you learn about ALL the factors that contribute to the issues we face, the more you realize how absurd the most extreme positions are.

But rather than do the work of LEARNING about the issues and factors, it is so much easier to just stick your fingers in your ears and scream the talking point you were fed by your favorite pundit. Unfortunately it is also easier for elected officials to cater to their ill-informed base by doing the same.

THAT is the problem.
Oh sure, just because republicans and democrats have both become extremists and can't make anything work, blame the moderates and the independents. Blame anyone but the bozos in your own parties. :rolleyes-41:

Who could possibly agree with some of the extreme platforms of either party? :dunno: I honestly hope to see more and more people realize this and move away from both parties. These bozos have messed up our country enough!
Extreme platforms? Like to know what you consider extreme.
More importantly though what happened to "principles"?
Principles over shadow party affiliation.
Most politicians don't follow principles but what will get the votes.
And obviously "principles" are NEVER thought of first.
I want a politician that has "principles" close to my principles.
I also think that most Americans would agree with my principles as these are principles that provide the basic necessities that government is responsible for.
MY government SHOULD NOT be telling my children what to eat. That's my job.
My government should NOT be telling my children a revised history.
These are just a couple of principles and there are more that I believe most politicians don't understand much less believe and I also KNOW that according to the Gruber's of the world i.e. intellectual elites...they are the ones to tell us how to live vis-à-vis government penchant for directing lives from womb to tomb!

There are tons of extremes on both sides, such as the conservatives wanting to outright ban abortions. Some republican "candidates" have spoken of even forcing women to carry a child that is the product of rape. Let's face it, the religious have hijacked the republican party. People who do not march lock and step with the extreme views of the Republicans are not welcome and are called "liberals," "commies," you name it.

As far as the dems are concerned, they are just completely out of control with their allegations of racism, their hatred of wealth and capitalism. They are more akin to socialists, IMO.

I can't stand either party. They both suck big time. Both are filled with assholes too.
I can't stand either party. They both suck big time. Both are filled with assholes too.

Myself, I'm proud to be a moderate who is a problem for idiots on either extreme who want to push their agendas across no matter what anyone thinks or even what is right.
Cromnibus a winter festival of unrestrained spending Human Events

The new spending bill just passed by Congress is an example that moderates appear to be the problem. Here we have a bill with unrestrained spending, thus upsetting conservatives, and a bill that favors the corporate banking industry, thus inciting the left.

Really it is the best of both worlds. It is a continued path to insolvency, as well as easing corporate restrictions that caused the credit crisis to occur only a few years ago.

I'm tired of these so called "moderates'. Just the mere term makes me nauseated. They should just be renamed the "rapists" of society and maybe send Bill Cosby to the Oval Office in 2016.

For me, moderates have become the most radical extremists of all, since they appear to be sowing the seeds for our ultimate destruction.

Moderates are merely Leftists without the courage to commit.
Extremism is the refuge of the under-informed. The more you learn about ALL the factors that contribute to the issues we face, the more you realize how absurd the most extreme positions are. ... .

I read with bated breath hoping to find an example to sustain that drivel and as I usually am in the wake of a Leftist assertion, I came away disappointed that you were unable to provide even ONE example which could on SOME level show where what you feel is an extreme position is demonstrably ill-informed.

So... I am here to ask you to please provide an example which demonstrates that what you feel is an extreme position, is demonstrably ill-informed.

When you fail to do so, which is a 100% certainty, that will be you conceding to me, an extremist... that your 'feelings' are the vacuous nonsense typical of the ill-informed, which is to say that you're an idiot.
Extremism is the refuge of the under-informed. The more you learn about ALL the factors that contribute to the issues we face, the more you realize how absurd the most extreme positions are. ... .

I read with bated breath hoping to find an example to sustain that drivel and as I usually am in the wake of a Leftist assertion, I came away disappointed that you were unable to provide even ONE example which could on SOME level show where what you feel is an extreme position is demonstrably ill-informed.

So... I am here to ask you to please provide an example which demonstrates that what you feel is an extreme position, is demonstrably ill-informed.

When you fail to do so, which is a 100% certainty, that will be you conceding to me, an extremist... that your 'feelings' are the vacuous nonsense typical of the ill-informed, which is to say that you're an idiot.

So, what about the conservative stance on gay marriage? That is an extremist stance. It is against the liberty of a portion of our citizens based on religious views. Extremism.
For 3 years the people have said they are sick of gridlock and wanted compromise.
Now they have compromised the left are still screaming.
Extremism is the refuge of the under-informed. The more you learn about ALL the factors that contribute to the issues we face, the more you realize how absurd the most extreme positions are. ... .

I read with bated breath hoping to find an example to sustain that drivel and as I usually am in the wake of a Leftist assertion, I came away disappointed that you were unable to provide even ONE example which could on SOME level show where what you feel is an extreme position is demonstrably ill-informed.

So... I am here to ask you to please provide an example which demonstrates that what you feel is an extreme position, is demonstrably ill-informed.

When you fail to do so, which is a 100% certainty, that will be you conceding to me, an extremist... that your 'feelings' are the vacuous nonsense typical of the ill-informed, which is to say that you're an idiot.

So, what about the conservative stance on gay marriage?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. As a result, there is no such thing as 'gay-marriage'.

Now that is not to say that the asexually abnormal can't marry... as such happens all the time. But for the sexually abnormal to marry, they must find a person of the distinct gender, with which to institutionalize themselves.

That 'stance' is in keeping with the natural design of the human species. So unless you can show how the design of the species represents 'extreme', your 'stance' is the one which is demonstrably LUDICROUS... therefore given the definition of such, its you that are holding down the position OKA: EXTREME!
Extremism is the refuge of the under-informed. The more you learn about ALL the factors that contribute to the issues we face, the more you realize how absurd the most extreme positions are. ... .

I read with bated breath hoping to find an example to sustain that drivel and as I usually am in the wake of a Leftist assertion, I came away disappointed that you were unable to provide even ONE example which could on SOME level show where what you feel is an extreme position is demonstrably ill-informed.

So... I am here to ask you to please provide an example which demonstrates that what you feel is an extreme position, is demonstrably ill-informed.

When you fail to do so, which is a 100% certainty, that will be you conceding to me, an extremist... that your 'feelings' are the vacuous nonsense typical of the ill-informed, which is to say that you're an idiot.

So, what about the conservative stance on gay marriage?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. As a result, there is no such thing as 'gay-marriage'.

Now that is not to say that the asexually abnormal can't marry... as such happens all the time. But for the sexually abnormal to marry, they must find a person of the distinct gender, with which to institutionalize themselves.

That 'stance' is in keeping with the natural design of the human species. So unless you can show how the design of the species represents 'extreme', your 'stance' is the one which is demonstrably LUDICROUS... therefore given the definition of such, its you that are holding down the position OKA: EXTREME!

Great now Mr Conservative small government, show me where the government is empowered to define marriage

I'll wait.
For 3 years the people have said they are sick of gridlock and wanted compromise.
Now they have compromised the left are still screaming.

Who in the hell has sad THAT?

For 6 years Americans have called for their representative to do everything that is possible to SHUTDOWN the obama cult. To stop them from passing socialist policy... and since 2010, that is pretty much what they've done.

Could they have done better? Of course... but those who sought to compromise with obama and who were up for re-election... north fo 90% of those, are GONE!

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