Modern Scrubbing Technology - Why fossil fuels are not extinct..

Exactly. He has no intention of trying to understand what you write. His only intention is to discredit you and he doesn't care how under handed his methods are. He's a real dirt bag.

Discredit him, by pointing out his errors.

That never happens. DURR.
Exactly. He has no intention of trying to understand what you write. His only intention is to discredit you and he doesn't care how under handed his methods are. He's a real dirt bag.
This is the debate quality of an alarmist. Sadly, this is what they think will win the day.
It gets ten microns into the water? Then what does it do?
Come on Todd... what happens in the first ten microns of the water? The skin of the water in our oceans. ITs called the evaporation layer for a reason Todd. This is where the chemical reaction takes place, which cools the layer just below it, and releasees the energy in water vapor, into our atmosphere.

Your aware how an evaporative cooler works, are you not?

This is basic science...
Please, all knowing toad, share with the class how energy emitted at 12um to 16um warms the ocean when it cannot get past the first ten microns of the ocean's surface due to the evaporation layer and the colder thermal barrier just below it. I'll wait.. Please show you work.
I think I know the response that someone would make if they were interested in actually debating, but I'm not going to let Todd hear it.
I'm pointing out his errors.

Why do I need any case beyond that?
Because not only must one explain what someone else got wrong but then they must state the case in the correct fashion which you have been unable to do.

But you aren't pointing out his errors. You are playing word games to muddy the water.
But you aren't pointing out his errors. You are playing word games to muddy the water.
And that is his intent. I am trying to convey very complex terms and processes into terms laymen can understand. He wants only his approved terms used. This is drive by posting that is meant to disrupt the debate. I do not have a problem if someone wants clarification on points, but stifling debate seems to be his only goal.
And that is his intent. I am trying to convey very complex terms and processes into terms laymen can understand. He wants only his approved terms used. This is drive by posting that is meant to disrupt the debate. I do not have a problem if someone wants clarification on points, but stifling debate seems to be his only goal.
Yep, Crick has tried the same thing with me.
Come on Todd... what happens in the first ten microns of the water? The skin of the water in our oceans. ITs called the evaporation layer for a reason Todd. This is where the chemical reaction takes place, which cools the layer just below it, and releasees the energy in water vapor, into our atmosphere.

Your aware how an evaporative cooler works, are you not?

This is basic science...

Come on Todd... what happens in the first ten microns of the water? The skin of the water in our oceans. ITs called the evaporation layer for a reason Todd.

If back radiation causes water to evaporate, you've just disproven your claim that "71-72% of our surface will not respond to "back radiation""

This is where the chemical reaction takes place, which cools the layer just below it, and releasees the energy in water vapor, into our atmosphere.

Evaporation is a chemical reaction? Link?
Because not only must one explain what someone else got wrong but then they must state the case in the correct fashion which you have been unable to do.

But you aren't pointing out his errors. You are playing word games to muddy the water.

Is evaporation a chemical reaction?
And that is his intent. I am trying to convey very complex terms and processes into terms laymen can understand. He wants only his approved terms used. This is drive by posting that is meant to disrupt the debate. I do not have a problem if someone wants clarification on points, but stifling debate seems to be his only goal.

I am trying to convey very complex terms and processes into terms laymen can understand.

You're failing. Try to explain them in more technical terms. With fewer errors.
Here is a paper on this very subject;
It is, however, not clear how the greenhouse effect directly affects the ocean's heat uptake in the upper 700 m of the ocean. This is because the penetration depth of IR radiation in water is within submillimeter scales (Figure 1) thereby implying that the incident longwave radiation does not directly heat the layers beyond the top submillimeter of the ocean surface. The objective of this study is therefore to understand and provide an explanation of how increasing levels of anthropogenic GHGs in the atmosphere, which raises the amounts of incident longwave radiation on the ocean surface, causes the upper OHC to rise.



You can nitpick all you want Toad... you are a failure in all things scientific.

It is well established that LWIR cannot warm the layers immediately below the skin layer. Tell me Toad, is changing the state of water a chemical reaction?
Is evaporation a chemical reaction?
It is a change of state. I credit him for trying to state his case. I credit you with being a dirt bag playing games for your own amusement. The point still remains though. Not that you know what the point is because the point holds no interest for you because again... dirt bag.
This one should sting Toad...

7 Conclusions​

In summary, we analyzed measurements from two cruises in the tropics held during the summer months and through the analysis of nighttime data with winds less than 10 m s−1, confirmed that the turbulent fluxes (LH and SH) are independent of LWin@zenith and no significant dependence was found between cloud IR radiative effects and the turbulent fluxes on the spatial and temporal scales of our spectral measurements. Neither was a significant dependence found between LWout and LWin@zenith. Establishing these independences is important because it allows us to focus our analysis on the radiative fluxes and supports our hypothesis of the properties of the TSL influencing the heat flow at the interface as it indicates the heat from the absorbed additional IR radiation is not immediately returned to the atmosphere through the upward fluxes of LH, SH, and LWout. Our results also provide initial evidence of the mechanism for increased heat storage in the upper ocean resulting, indirectly, from the absorption of increased IR radiation in the EM skin layer. Since there is no immediate, observable increase in surface heat loss associated with increased absorption of incoming IR radiation from the atmosphere, there is therefore an increase of heat available within the TSL to supply energy for the surface heat losses. It is also not possible for the additional energy in the TSL to be conducted into the bulk of the ocean (i.e., beneath the viscous skin layer) as that would require conduction up a mean temperature gradient in the TSL.

{Bolding mine}


So, with CO2 and "backradiation" excluded in the oceans, the potential warming by CO2 alone drops by 72%.
This one should sting Toad...

{Bolding mine}


So, with CO2 and "backradiation" excluded in the oceans, the potential warming by CO2 alone drops by 72%.
Won't phase him at all. He's not arguing against that. He's making this personal about you.
Won't phase him at all. He's not arguing against that. He's making this personal about you.
I know... But others who read this will see him for what he is.. a Troll. I am here for those who will learn and see the CAGW lie for what it is, not for idiots like him.
I know... But others who read this will see him for what he is.. a Troll. I am here for those who will learn and see the CAGW lie for what it is, not for idiots like him.
In a perfect world maybe. He's gotten away with it for a long time. I don't think he's worried about that happening.

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