Mohammed bin Salman interview with Bret Baier. Is MBS evil?, a visionary?, duplicitous? or a dependable ally (Poll)

Do you trust MBS to be a dependable US ally or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • No clue

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
They are not our ally, they look at us the same way China does: They hate us. They were complicit in 9/11, FFS.
That was then, this is now.
Sure someone in the Saudi Royal Family may have supported 9/11,
but whoever that was is a lot poorer today.
No one ever pointed a finger at MBS for helping 9/11.
My impression is that he plays all sides against all sides, but he does like/admire Putin's brutal style.
We still rely on middle eastern oil,
and that's why we have to kiss generation to the next....
one war or warring over there after another....
We need to change that.....
One scary thought is that if Iran gets nukes, Saudi Arabia will get nukes, GUARANTEED, one way or another.
Who should SA get their nukes from?
The ME is calm at the moment, but their Sunni v Shia hatred isn't buried too deeply in their psyches.
Bin Salman told Baier that "anyone involved" in Khashoggi’s killing is serving time in prison and must "face the law."

"We take all the legal measurements that any country took … We did that in Saudi Arabia and the case being closed," he said. "Also, we try to reform the security system to be sure that these kind of mistakes doesn't happen again, and we can see in the past five years nothing of those things happened. It's not part of what Saudi Arabia do."

Khashoggi was not walking in a bad area late at night. He walked into a Saudi Embassy in neutral Turkey. His safety was assured

He was met by a team of assassins from Saudi Arabia who were there for the sole purpose of killing him and disposing the body

The assassins escaped punishment
Those who ordered the hit were not charged. Those who did the killing were not executed like a common murderer would be. They were given short sentences in a prison with luxury accommodations.
Its good to be king.
A few "bad actors" took the brunt of the brutal punishment.
Saudi supplies us with energy so we ignore it's shortcomings and hope that the country doesn't get pissed at us. That's about it.
True. I don't know if you are old enough to remember the "oil embargo" of the 1970s?
There were gas lines miles long, if you could find a station that had gas.
Biden's war on energy is giving MBS a sharp knife at our jugular.

I saw the Bret Baier interview with MBS. MBS is no dummy, he is very smart bordering on brilliant. He answered every question with ease.
Bret Baer was amazed at what is happening in Saudi Arabia. Construction everywhere, all directed by MBS.

The old king of Saudi Arabia used to take goats on 747s when he traveled. He had no future vision for SA. MBS does, and he has metrics and a timeline to get there.
SA now allows women to drive and to hold positions of power. A MAJOR positive. However, all of this progress comes after MBS apparently had Khashoggi murdered and chopped up, a major negative. So who knows if MBS has any moral compass to speak of? His warm handshake with Putin gave me chills.

MBS is one scary guy. He has so much power and such wealth who knows what his intentions really are? He seems to know everyone, even Putin and Xi. Yet he is the biggest buyer of US military equipment, which is the best in the world, so no real surprise, as I said MBS is very smart, but scary.

So what does the forum think of MBS, a dependable ME ally or an evil duplicitous adversary? When the king dies, MBS will be the new king of SA.
Like everyone else, he is out for himself. Not enough information, criteria, etc to vote. I believe the answer is some of all of the above.
Oh, he's definitely playing us for fools. But, that doesn't mean he wouldn't help us out if it was in his own best interest.
You'd bet your life and everyone in your families' life on that "assumption"?
He seems like the kind of guy who would build Elysium for himself and a few trillionaires, then who cares what happens?
You'd bet your life and everyone in your families' life on that "assumption"?
He seems like the kind of guy who would build Elysium for himself and a few trillionaires, then who cares what happens?
Yes, he is the kind of great guy who would offer Prigozhin a plane ride if he needed one.
Bin Salman told Baier that "anyone involved" in Khashoggi’s killing is serving time in prison and must "face the law."

"We take all the legal measurements that any country took … We did that in Saudi Arabia and the case being closed," he said. "Also, we try to reform the security system to be sure that these kind of mistakes doesn't happen again, and we can see in the past five years nothing of those things happened. It's not part of what Saudi Arabia do."

Khashoggi was not walking in a bad area late at night. He walked into a Saudi Embassy in neutral Turkey. His safety was assured

He was met by a team of assassins from Saudi Arabia who were there for the sole purpose of killing him and disposing the body

The assassins escaped punishment
Those who ordered the hit were not charged. Those who did the killing were not executed like a common murderer would be. They were given short sentences in a prison with luxury accommodations.

Mr. Khashoggi is a Saudi subject and ventured into Saudi territory. If he committed a crime according to Saudi law, like advocating for insurrection against the royal family, he was going to be punished.
The US is pumping as much oil today as it was before covid, and drilling collapsed while Dump was still dumping.
Dumbass. Your link shows how many rigs are pumping oil, not how many are drilling.

Drilling is found using the Baker-Hughes rig count link. Drilling is slowing down from 800 to ~640, not good for future production.

Dumbass. Your link shows how many rigs are pumping oil, not how many are drilling.

Drilling is found using the Baker-Hughes rig count link. Drilling is slowing down from 800 to ~640, not good for future production.

View attachment 832269
Biden does not control rigs, and again THE US IS PUMPING AS MUCH DOMESTIC OIL NOW AS IN DUMP'S TERM.
President Biden and the libs attacked Moe Salman viciously, why should Mr. Salman give them any respect?

The USA got along fine with the KSA when Trump was around.

Salman, of course, can't be 100% "trusted", just like any other foreign leader. Salman is interesting in making Saudi Arabia great again, not to shore up the Biden Regime.

In the KSA, Salman has really done a lot to modernize their nation, legalizing the ladies' wrestling as well as agreeing to give dames drivers' licenses.

I expect to see further progress in the future over there.

Our own fucking people can't be trusted anywhere near 100%.
I feel complicit in Maga's hijacking the thread. But first I think the US overreacted to Kashoggi's murder. It didn't happen on US soil. (see Canada and the sikh). If Iraq taught the idiots in this country that still think we can tell other countries what form of govt they MUST have, it should have been that.

Trump admires countries that abuse women, cut off body parts, including heads, and practice a religion that is incompatable with a democratic-republic.

Most of us, blessedly (-:, do not join him in that weird obsession, but still, if he'd just focused on intl relations rather than enriching himself and family, I'd honestly give him a thurmbs up. The gop created Isis by invading Iraq. And Trump did continue killing them, which is one thing Obama got right.

MbS's main concern is his own country and "subjects." He wants a price of oil that the US doesn't like paying. Jimmy Carter, of all people, got us to be energy independent ... and we have not been so ever since. But we can achieve it again with much less cost by simply going to EV's (and for me a hybrid) and using NG ... and wind/solar where it actually makes sense to do so from an efficiency standpoint.
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I saw the Bret Baier interview with MBS. MBS is no dummy, he is very smart bordering on brilliant. He answered every question with ease.
Bret Baer was amazed at what is happening in Saudi Arabia. Construction everywhere, all directed by MBS.

The old king of Saudi Arabia used to take goats on 747s when he traveled. He had no future vision for SA. MBS does, and he has metrics and a timeline to get there.
SA now allows women to drive and to hold positions of power. A MAJOR positive. However, all of this progress comes after MBS apparently had Khashoggi murdered and chopped up, a major negative. So who knows if MBS has any moral compass to speak of? His warm handshake with Putin gave me chills.

MBS is one scary guy. He has so much power and such wealth who knows what his intentions really are? He seems to know everyone, even Putin and Xi. Yet he is the biggest buyer of US military equipment, which is the best in the world, so no real surprise, as I said MBS is very smart, but scary.

So what does the forum think of MBS, a dependable ME ally or an evil duplicitous adversary? When the king dies, MBS will be the new king of SA.
The old king died in 1953. The 747 came out in 1968. You're a moron.
I feel complicit in Maga's hijacking the thread. But first I think the US overreacted to Kashoggi's murder. It didn't happen on US soil. (see Canada and the sikh). If Iraq taught the idiots in this country that still think we can tell other countries what form of govt they MUST have, it should have been that.

Trump admires countries that abuse women, cut off body parts, including heads, and practice a religion that is incompatable with a democratic-republic.

Most of us, blessedly (-:, do not join him in that weird obsession, but still, if he'd just focused on intl relations rather than enriching himself and family, I'd honestly give him a thurmbs up. The gop created Isis by invading Iraq. And Trump did continue killing them, which is one thing Obama got right.

MbS's main concern is his

own country and "subjects." He wants a price of oil that the US doesn't like paying. Jimmy Carter, of all people, got us to be energy independent ... and we have not been so ever since. But we can achieve it again with much less cost by simply going to EV's (and for me a hybrid) and using NG ... and wind/solar where it actually makes sense to do so from an efficiency standpoint.
Saudi Arabia has always been courteous to every US president. They think Trump is crazy.

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