Mohammed most popular boys name in London.......yeah, that's not a problem....

"Mohammed most popular boys name in London.......yeah, that's not a problem...."

It's only a 'problem' for you and other ignorant, hateful bigots.
Tell me libtwat why is it "bigoted" to want to keep England English? Any answers there sparky?

Oh, you haven't met Saul Goodman. (C_Clayton.)

Saul spews shit, but NEVER, and I mean NEVER supports his stupid claims.

He is literally the most worthless poster on the board. The reason he won't defend his crap is that he's stupid, and can't engage in debate. He can post shit from the hate sites, but has no ability to think and respond to living people.
Are you guys jumping up and down again? I know it's a quaint jungle bunny thing, but what good does it do you?

I mean it doesn't make you wealthier, more industrious or any less dumber, and I imagine there are better ways to burn calories.

I guess you can take the bunny out of the jungle, but not the jungle out of the bunny.
What amazing acrobats from the resident foreigner!!!!...two feet AND his head up his ass; what more can you expect from the gypsies...
Yup, no great surprise, given the influence of Islam growing in the UK, a variation on Mohammad is no shocker.Another name to become popular in the UK is the Asian Name "Phuc Dat". It will become more popular in the US as the immigration crisis gets worse.
Of course I'm serious. What kind of dumb person thinks "Muhammad" is a problem? Dont answer that. Its clear youre an idiot. Dont open your mouth and prove it beyond all doubt.

You're a fucking troll seeking to derail legitimate discussions.

Nothing more.
Dont let me raise your blood pressure monkey. If you cant participate in a thread without commenting on my supposed troll posts then you are showing the mental weakness I have already observed in you.

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